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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, gochiusa cowfee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8578308 No.8578308 [Reply] [Original]

Post coffee and coffee accessories in this ITT!

What coffee-related memes have you bought lately?
Did you regret it?

>> No.8578325

It's literally hot bean juice that you mix with milk to make it not taste like shit.

>> No.8578326

You didn't answer the second question.

>> No.8578329

I cum in my coffee

>> No.8578332

Yes, like everything else.

>> No.8578364

Black coffee is like a really heavy oily black tea that tastes the way it smells, but only when you mask the oils.
Boiling water will make it acidic and using water that's not hot enough will leave a bitter cup.

You add a bit of milk to bring out the flavors masked by the heavy oils, and it allows the flavor profile to fill your whole mouth, if that makes any sense.

>> No.8578747
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this horrendous meme for the aeropress

I have no money for an espresso machine but I'm obsessed with americanos so hopefully this will do.

if I cant get the proper ground/recipe then yes I'm going to deeply regret this

>> No.8578756

is this an actual way to make coffee or just another anime meme

>> No.8578807

bought a 20g ridgeless vst basket. went from being to dose 16g on my stock basket to 22g ground two notches finer. completely fucking worth it.

>> No.8578824


Just get nice beans, grind them med/fine, and then use the inverted brewing method where you assemble the tubes, turn them upside down, dump in your shit and 200f water and let it sit for 3-5 minutes before putting the cap on (with paper filter wetted and stuck in), and pressing into your cup.

>> No.8578827
File: 57 KB, 800x800, coffee siphon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called a vacuum siphon
it's an elaborate french press that exists mostly for the presentation value, you wouldn't use this shit in your house unless you're autistic

>> No.8578842

unfortunately most of the fatty oils of coffee are lost through the paper filter which makes espresso drinks so bitter/citrus, hence the metal filter i bought

you think a moka pot would be any better?

>> No.8579366

Mixing it with milk makes it taste like shit.

>> No.8579379

>Post coffee and coffee accessories
>What coffee-related memes have you bought lately
i remember my first time drinking coffee.

>> No.8579388
File: 28 KB, 280x350, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my coffee black and to taste like dirt.
I legitimately don't taste much of a difference between the shit I buy by the tub and the hipster artisan shit I get handed sometimes.

>"oh anon try a cup of this. i just grounded it, it's called autistic goat fart"
>"huh. tastes like coffee."

the only bad coffee is if its watered down

>> No.8579391

>Boiling water will make it acidic
By that logic freezing water would make it basic

>> No.8579394
File: 37 KB, 535x300, Coffee-All-Blends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink this crap every other day and convinced myself that I "like" it.

But I also hate myself.

>> No.8579398

>instant coffee
>acknowledge that you hate yourself
not much I can do here

>> No.8579473

Do you smoke?

>> No.8579476

Is this the tea thread?

>> No.8579478
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, cowfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is cowfee thread

>> No.8579487

I bought into the cold bottled coffee meme. It cost like 4 bucks for a ten ounce bottle.

It was just fucking yesterday's filter coffee as far as I could tell. I could make my own for a tenth of the price, or just buy a canned coffee from the Korean supermarket for like a dollar. Buyer's remorse I tell you whut.

>> No.8579493


Why? It's about as easy to make it from a pot than to boil water then mix it.

Can you not afford a 40 dollar coffee machine?

>> No.8579501
File: 5 KB, 300x168, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K a girl I know microwaved her cup before putting coffee in it because she said the cold cup can stimulate the hot coffee somehow and give it a slight bitter taste. Is this true or no?

>> No.8579503

>be watching coffee gear review video
>"ok let's just preheat the mug"
>close video

>> No.8579516

cold coffee can be really nice if you make it yourself. Its less acidic but more caffeinated than normal coffee. Its more like an energy drink.
Just leave a cafetiere full of icewater and grounds in the fridge over night. Filter it and drink diluted down 1:1 with water or milk in the morning.

>> No.8579535

yeah, I don't mind a cold brew, especially Vietnamese style with a little condensed milk on ice, but this was pretty standard and kinda gross coffee. would not get again.

>> No.8579551

oh okay. That does sounds pretty dire m8ty. here's hoping you make better product choices in the future.

>> No.8579671

I don't know. Convenience?

>Can you not afford a 40 dollar coffee machine?
I own two perfectly functional coffee makers.

>> No.8580168

I bought a French press and it's arriving today. What to do now? Not a coffee drinker but want to get into it.

>> No.8580216

Find some beans that you like and some fresh whole nutmeg and peppercorns to grate and crack into your grounds.

>> No.8580247

Make coffee with it and realize it's probably not worth the hassle for you. Stick it in the cabinet to only come out on weekends where you decide to have a nice brunch.

>> No.8580250

I prefer a pinch of salt. Maybe a teaspoon of sugar per cup.

>> No.8580260

I preheat my cup with boiling water. Not for that reason, I just want my coffee hot. I'm minimizing heat loss to the cup.

>> No.8580262

What are you going to do with it at a brunch? A large press is like five cups.

>> No.8580264

Make more when you run out? It's easy and quick and you get fresh coffee every time.

>> No.8580270

Experiment with different variables (water temp, grind size, coffee amount, water amount) before you come across a ratio you're happy with.

Personally, I use 1:25, and I don't have a fancy kettle so I guess the water temperature by stopping the boil when the water is 10 seconds into a rolling boil and the steam starts to sting my hands.

>> No.8580314

as pretentious as these methods sound
The goal is always to keep it at the right temperature
By that logic I never fill up to more than half a teacup because that shit hits room temp if i fill it to the brim

>> No.8580344

I bought a bag of ""organic"" beans and they're oily as fuck and also very dark despite being a "medium roast".

I've never seen this before, does this mean they're stale?

>> No.8580378

I'm a third world NEET (technically, I'm a jobless postgrad which is even worse) so I can;t afford fresh beans.

They're expensive as fuck here. I did the math and a cup of coffee made from freshly grounded beans costs the same as my lunch if I eat outside.

Even pre ground coffee beans are kinda expensive compared to pre mixed coffee that everyone drinks here. They're usually mixed with margarine as sugar and taste like shit if you don't add sweetened condensed milk or a heap of sugar in them.

I just bought a cheap plastic pour over cone and paper filters and use them twice a day.

Pretty good even though it could be better. Maybe once I get a job.

>> No.8580401


>a third world NEET (technically, I'm a jobless postgrad which is even worse)

...what the fuck did you get your degree in? Interpretive Feminist Dance Theory?

>> No.8580408

This entire post is terrible

>> No.8580653

I make brunch only for myself usually, so it's more than enough

>> No.8580677

it's true.
>reddit spacing
>parenthesis to clarify you were blogging
>poorfag bitching about getting a job
If you didn't redditspace I wouldn't have noticed.

>> No.8580708
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely delicious.

>> No.8580998



What? Like bulletproof coffee?

>> No.8581028


Nah the beans are shitty so they add stuff while roasting to mask the shitty flavour. Local coffee is usually 50% coffee beans and 50℅ other stuff (sugar, salt, margarine).

>> No.8581034
File: 32 KB, 320x329, lallave_brick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is better

>> No.8581044

I'll keep an eye out for it, thanks for the heads up

>> No.8581886

how the fuck do I get my french press plunger assembly to stop smelling like coffee
the filter especially

I scrub that shit hard and it still smells

same with my contigo mug's lid


>> No.8581896

plunge it up your ass

or wash it with vinegar, whatever tickles your fancy

>> No.8581916

why should it matter if your coffee maker smells like coffee.

>> No.8581945

because french press is garbage way to make coffee

>> No.8581950

thank you

1. I'm scared there still might be oils that will go bad
2. I've been trying out different samples and this ethiopian bean I tried last smells horrible

>> No.8581959
File: 83 KB, 480x640, IMG_2183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better

>> No.8581965

>taking women seriously

>> No.8581970

What's the best cheap coffee you've ever had?

>> No.8581980

Target's archer farms stuff is solid for the price.

>> No.8581982


Just buy high quality stuff less often instead

>> No.8582003

>use 1:15-17 ratio of coffee to water
>have a thermometer so that you don't over extract coffee with water that is too hot (don't go over 205 f)
>grind the beans yourself, coarse not fine.
>4 minute brew time
>add a paper filter to the mesh plunger (keeps the finer grinds from coming through and creating oils)

Start there and then do as >>8580270 says (however, 1 to 25 is waaaay to watered down). Learn to make consistent good cups first. Then play with the variables.

>> No.8582021

better stop drinking coffee
too many health problems associated with it

>> No.8582026

kill yourself

>> No.8582076

the coffee beans they sell at ikea are surprisingly good, all things considered
it's like $8/lb

>> No.8582093

I can see that coffee is already killing your brain cells
yes go ahead and drink more of that poison

>> No.8582109
File: 93 KB, 736x736, IMG_2187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any downsides to getting a smaller press?

>> No.8582114

it makes less coffee

i'm not a fan

>> No.8582122

yes. with smaller press you will be making less shitty coffee

>> No.8582136
File: 308 KB, 880x519, tmp_18505-Beans-1-of-1-feast779214763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where (on the internet) is /ck/ buying their coffee the days? I'm down to just a few days to a week's worth of beans left and i want to try something different than what I'm normally getting.

I've been buying a lot of medium roast single-origin beans, mostly from South America, this past year. I'm hoping someone can recommend some good medium roast blends from any origin.

I recently tried Happy Mug's "Bear Blend" and it was just okay made in my press.

>> No.8582156

Used to do Paradise then they downgraded their shipping to First Class without saying anything

Was doing George Howell for a bit, still the best beans around IMO but the shipping is stupidly expensive and I was getting beans roasted the week before they were shipped

Same goes for Intelligentsia, stale beans shipped

I got my first order from Metropolis today, looking forward to trying it in the morning. Reasonable UPS shipping and the beans were roasted the day they shipped

Lot of people shilling Happy Mug but they seem to favor medium and darker roasts, which isn't my thing

>> No.8582186

You know, if every coffee place is doing things the same way, maybe coffee is more shelf stable than you think.

Or at least, nobody is as autistic as you when it comes to "freshness".

>> No.8582192

>ordering mystery plant matter over the internet
the mark of the druggie

>> No.8582198

Cool, I've recently moved out from my living with a roommate and won't need to make as much coffee anymore. Looking for alternatives to my 8cup press.

>> No.8582200

I got a Bear Blend sample, gonna try it tomorrow. Reviews say it's amazing. I've also tried the Honey Processed Costa Rican which was okay, nothing like everyone says though. It makes me think I did something wrong.

Also tried Sophisticated Ethiopia, which was really not my thing at all. Just didn't like the taste or even aroma for that matter.

>> No.8582358
File: 141 KB, 502x502, nico nico okeeeeei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mexico """organic""" beans from costco and they're very oily.
Also, it says medium roast yet it's really dark, i really doubt it was ever a medium roast.

I got over it though.

>> No.8582419



>> No.8582424

Where do I obtain this item? The espresso I have was a 'hey look at this weird item for about a month' thing my local grocery store was doing.

>> No.8582449

typical bullshit marketing, they just print Medium so people will buy their shitty grade coffee,
if those beans were roasted to true Medium they would taste like shit,typical scam by commercial coffee producers.
drinking coffee is such a bullshit with all those toxic chemicals sprayed on it and toxic molds growing on the beans and roasting levels scams.
fuck coffee in the ass, useless shit

>> No.8582457
File: 45 KB, 100x100, 1483670414893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite K-cup?

>> No.8582459

Ok Mr. Chang I will buy some of your tea, please just don't shit up my coffee thread

>> No.8582460

are you ok?

>> No.8582465
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, my coffee setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my setup~

>> No.8582505

I don't drink fucking tea and I think your coffee scams are despicable act to trick people
so you can make money selling shitty products most of it full of chemicals.
Why don't you give people advice how to avoid drinking coffee that is full of toxic fertilizers and pesticides so they can avoid getting cancer.
And why don't you warn people that dark roast coffee is carcinogenic that is causing cancer big time and that was proven over and over by scientists,
it's a scientific fact that when you burn coffee beans to such dark level you changing chemical structure and the sugars and oils and proteins
inside coffee beans become cancer causing elements because they were heated to such high temperatures.

Why are you hiding this information from people?

>> No.8582506

nice plastic hot water dispenser, faggot.

>> No.8582512

Woah so you are a kombucha salesman???

>> No.8582522

>I get all of my news from clickbait posted on facebook

>> No.8582529

i sell nothing, i just found out that coffee is dirty dishonest business and that majority coffee on the market is very unhealthy
for people to consume and you guys know that but because you are dishonest and greedy,
you are hiding this information from people on purpose.

>> No.8582535

and from solid scientific studies

>> No.8582605

Check the Ethnic aisle in your grocery store. Will be with the latin products.

>> No.8582637

are you niggas joking? that cheap mexican shit is fucking disgusting

>> No.8582651

I like super bitter coffee that tastes like it's been burnt, so I like cheap coffee. Don't really want to pay a lot for coffee since I drink so much of it, tbqh

>> No.8582654

If you have other recommendations I'm all ears

>> No.8582657

I take it black like a real man I'm tough as fuck bitch don't fuck with me OR my wifes son ever again!

>> No.8582658

if i'm going on a road trip, should i buy instant coffee? i think i cant live with less than two cups of coffee a day and i (literally) don't remember how instant coffee was, is it really that bad? I'm DESPERATE

>> No.8582663

lavazza cafe d'oro is the only thing at the grocery store i will touch, but it's pretty shit compared to fresh roasted tbqh senpai

>> No.8582677

it's bad enough that I'd sooner buy a few thermoses and drink old coffee. also: the place you're driving and the place in between will have coffeeshops.

>> No.8582683

alright, so if I were to get fresh coffee beans, what beans are the best for a dark coffee?

>> No.8582685

french roast which is usually a dark or medium dark roast.

>> No.8582713

>the place you're driving and the place in between will have coffeeshops.
i won't be able to buy 2 cups a day, so i think i'm going to buy a vacuum bottle and put the two coffees there, it's going to be hard not to drink all in once but i know i can.

>> No.8582774

your wife is a whore and your son gay,so there.
o and you are a wimp

>> No.8582806

There really is a difference in flavor between 2-3 days after the beans are roasted and 10+ days; it's not super dramatic, but it's noticable. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to buy fresh roasted beans and not buying beans that aren't super fresh.

Honestly, i could strawman your argument into one about how the majority of people in the world drink something like Foldgers or instant, that's how silly what you posted is.

>> No.8582811

We really need to stop letting Californians post.

>> No.8582828

yes because we know how take take care of our health and you plebs are trying to catch up with us.

>> No.8582834

I'm only responding to acknowledge those digits.

>> No.8582856

Angel Number 2828 is a powerful number resonating with your personal spirituality, your inner-strength and your abilities to command authority and attention.
Angel Number 2828 is a number that gets things done.

>> No.8582965
File: 107 KB, 1146x800, bonavita-variable-temp-kettle-thinspout-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have the bonavita variable temp gooseneck kettle?

>> No.8582977
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_SP1_[2E43FFC2].mkv_snapshot_11.22_[2015.05.31_20.24.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar/sweetener babbys need not apply.
>What coffee-related memes have you bought lately?
Dark French roast. Tastes like nigger.
>Did you regret it?

>> No.8582997
File: 131 KB, 497x350, disg_gwg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at shitty coffee shop chain
>My face when people order coffee with entirely too much cream for their own good

Dude, just fucking order an iced cappuccino. You don't want coffee, you want a sweet drink. There's no shame in that.

I've had people order as many as twelve goddamn creams and sugars in their coffee. It's so disgusting, looking down into the cup and seeing it more than halfway full of 17% fat lactose.

These people don't like coffee, they like the IDEA of coffee, the IMAGE of coffee. They like to be seen drinking coffee, they want people to know they drink coffee, but they don't actually want to taste their coffee.

Timmysfag here. Been working at that shithole for nine goddamn years. Ask me questions about it (or don't, I don't care), because I'm a shameless attention whore.

>> No.8583015

Yeah how come the baked shit tastes like garbage now? I do agree with you 100% about too much cream and sugar. Even as a kid under ten I'd never have nearly that much.

>> No.8583041

I don't blame them if I saw your sour face unshaven with that hat I too would be ordering lot'sa sugga and cream to bring some joy into my life.
you look like a scary fuck butcher not friendly barista

>> No.8583046


Everything comes to us freeze-dried from a corporate bake station. We just cook and prepare it with stuff like glaze and fondant and whatnot in the store.

Other than that, I don't know. I don't really follow changes in ingredients. Did some locations actually fry their donuts?

>> No.8583058

Have you guys ever tried a "reverse latte"(pour milk first and then coffee)?
It tastes like utter garbage, just to let you know.

>> No.8583067
File: 91 KB, 808x768, No_Starbucks_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet we are talking this place because I agree and I never again will buy any baking goods from them, shoe letter covered in sweet jam tastes the same.

>> No.8583088

I remember as a kid they did, but that was 20 years ago, and also when the regular blend was still good.

>> No.8583114

I actually made already several conscious decisions and avoided even walking into Starbucks.
Considering long time shitty quality of their coffee shitty baking goods and topping off with their shitty social political attitudes
I'm not giving them my business.
Screw them if they think they are so mighty because they have so many stores, many people consider them as the McDonald's of coffee business now.

>> No.8583317

Three out of the five places I mentioned are not shipping week-old beans. Two are.

I'm not a coffee shop, it takes me at least 10 days to go through a bag of coffee. If you manage to destroy a bag in 3 days flat, then good for you.

Fucking idiot. Maybe you should cut back, it seems to be damaging your brain.

>> No.8583399

starbucks is expensive and average quality.

unless I have to I'll take some shitty old filter coffee from a fucking 711 over starbucks any day of the week.

>> No.8583836
File: 107 KB, 1434x1554, nespresso inissia black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a lot of instant coffee and want to upgrade to something better, it has to be a machine i don't wan't to do it manual.

I currently drink a pretty big 300ml cup of instant but the Nespresso Inissia i want to get only makes a 110ml lungo.
Can i make an Americano with a larger serving with the machine?
Will a 110ml lungo shot plus 200ml of hot water taste good or better than the instant?

>> No.8583853

avoid keurig espresso machine in disguise

>> No.8583879

instant coffee is the way to go, it's the newest technology in instant coffee that it makes to be one of the best coffees
better than french press for sure.

>> No.8584123

10 'o clock original

>> No.8584135

You don't "upgrade"
Take it from an enlightened redpiller, french press = drip = percolators
It's all the same shit, the only difference is your mentality. You can be a sane person and use drip coffee because it's fast and efficent and makes a good cup, or you can be a retard traditionalist hipster and use a french press that takes a fucking ton of coffee, is inefficient and time consuming. Your call.

>> No.8584144

percolators literally burn coffee by boiling brewed coffee and funneling it back through the grounds multiple times.

Percolators are singlehandedly responsible for stifling coffee culture in the US for an entire generation.

>> No.8584158

>french press that takes a fucking ton of coffee, is inefficient and time consuming.
Wow, you're dumber than shit

>> No.8584175

>coffee culture
dude... listen to yourself...

>> No.8584203

They don't sell Keurig where i live, similar only Dolce Gusto that makes a 230ml Americano.
I was asking if the Nespresso machine could do the same thing or if it would be too watered down.

Extracting ground coffee from capsules is much better and tastes better than dissolvable coffee.

>> No.8584261

Isn't that basically a macchiato?

>> No.8584341

How do they determine the "flavor description" when describing coffee beans?

They all use vivid vocabulary like fruity, floral, wine notes, earthy, etc, but they all taste pretty much the same to me. I could bullshit and say it tastes fruity or earthy depending on how I brewed.

I don't even know why they bother describing dark roast beans, all dark roast coffee tastes identical.

Are people lying to themselves or can you really taste a discernible difference between coffee made in different regions?

>> No.8584722

>Are people lying to themselves or can you really taste a discernible difference between coffee made in different regions?
they can even tell type of soil that it was grown in, same as wive freaks can tell.
they can also tell if coffee was grown organically without toxic cancer causing chemical fertilizers and pesticides
but most coffee unfortunately is sprayed like there is no tomorrow with this toxic crap to make sure there is a profit for all to make
so if you are smart buy only organically grown coffee, assuming that every label that says "organic" is indeed organic.

there are charlatans who will package coffee grown using tons of toxic cancer causing chemicals into bags that say "organic" on it.
so buy only from reputable companies.
and if you are stupid enough to buy cheapest coffee then know that is 99% sure loaded with toxic shit sprayed on it during growing period.
add few dollars more and buy healthy coffee not the mass grown commercial poison or stop drinking, but if you that addicted and can not use your brain
to think about it and you have to continue to drink chemically infused coffee later in life if you do get cancer from it don't fucking bitch about it.

>> No.8584931

Yep. Breddy gud. Gets used quite often and I've had no problems.

>> No.8584939

>stainless steel cordless electric kettle
>stainless steel electric kettle with temperature control

why is this allowed

>> No.8584989

actually is illegal

>> No.8585076

Coffee processing and roasting makes a huge difference

The qualities most plebs associate with "regional differences" are mostly due to washing/pulping, drying, and fermentation. Dry process tastes different from washed tastes different from honey process. These are in fact region specific but not because of the coffee per se but because of tradition and water scarcity or lack thereof.

It's a lot like wine where yes, soil makes some difference but the regional differences most people notice first happen after the harvest (presssing, fermentation, and materials used (wood, steel, etc). Those too are "regional" as a matter of common practice and tradition, but get confused in the minds of plebs who think people comparing say French Chablis to Sonoma Chardonnay are talking about the soil

So yeah, same grape clone (or coffee bean) grown on two soils processed exactly the same will still taste different but it's nowhere near as pronounced as the effects of post-harvest activity

>> No.8585135

organic is total meme.

under organic regs plutonium containing PNK fertilisers are used because they don't contain "evil unnatural" kilating agents.
Even though kilates let you pump less salt into the ground and most are completely safe, unlike radioactive organic fertiliser.

In the absence of human safe non-organic pesticides nicotine sprays are used because nicotine is classed as a natural chemical.

Organic is non-sustainable, not healthier for you, and cost inefficient.

>> No.8585178

>not healthier for you
are you telling me that all that toxic chemical crap they spray on coffee (the fertilizers and the pesticide) is totally safe for human consumption.
your points are fucking ridiculous
try your bullshit with some 10 years old but not with me

>Organic is non-sustainable, not healthier for you, and cost inefficient.
biggest bullshit ever written.
>and cost inefficient.
I see that's your main concern.
fuck your profit, OK

>> No.8585198



I'm not concerned about the "Toxic Chemical Crap" as you put it because it won't survive the temperatures of the roasting process.

Besides which, "organic" still uses toxic chemicals, they are simply different ones.

>> No.8585204

>In the absence of human safe non-organic pesticides nicotine sprays are used because nicotine is classed as a natural chemical.
I highly doubt that real organic coffee farm that get's all the authorized organic certifications is using nicotine sprays.
some might but I don't think they get the authorized organic associations certifications, if they print some bullshit on their packaging
I'm sure those are not the real logos of proper Organic Grovers Associations.

>> No.8585213

I want to thank someone, in some coffee thread, for saying that coffee brewed in a moka pot should be done gently; barely boiling. Best coffee I've had so far.

>> No.8585230

yup, the article basically said that organic is bad and that artificial chemicals are no problem,
o and that GMO foods are fantastic.

-got it, got the memo.

>> No.8585233

the optimal brewing temp for coffee is below the boiling point of water -- 94C or 202F

>> No.8585236

Literally read the codes surrounding organic legislature.
Organic farms still use chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, they just have to come from a natural source.
Nicotine is definitely used by certified and above board organic farms because it is an excellent pesticide. Nicotine evolved as the plants natural defence against insects. It also happens to be additive and toxic to humans.

I'm not claiming all commercial agriculture chemicals are perfectly fine for you, but plenty are and plenty of the chemicals used in organic practices are still extremely toxic.

>> No.8585249

>I'm not claiming all commercial agriculture chemicals are perfectly fine for you, but plenty are and plenty of the chemicals used in organic practices are still extremely toxic.
OK, I give you that. Very fair statement. Thanks

>> No.8585251

Well, isn't that kinda hard to achieve in a moka pot when the point is that it has to boil up through the spout?

>> No.8585261

good point, yes it is hard to get the right moment

>> No.8585271

Can you guys help me? I am absolutely new to coffee. I rarely drink the stuff (though I fucking love the smell). Anyways I got a new job that I have to wake up in the morning and I've been drinking energy drink by the case to help me but that's fucking unhealthy so I got me a french press. Anyways, I have a few questions

>What's the best coffee bean I can buy that's under $10 a pound to get me started? I am not really used to the taste of just black coffee so something not that bitter would be best

>what is the best grinder I can get under $20? Should I go for a hand grinder or with a motor at this price point?

>> No.8585289

almost any grinder will do for a cafetiere.
I have two, my smaller one that works well for one to two cups worth is a krups F203.

For a cafetiere you want to use a much coarser grind than for espresso. Course enough for the large grains to not stick to your finger if you touch it.

>> No.8585320

>I've been drinking energy drink by the case to help me but that's fucking unhealthy
just so you know drinking coffee first thing in the morning on a empty stomach is VERY VERY VERY fucking unhealthy
coffee is very acidic, so without any food in your stomach first when you get coffee in your stomach
you will be destroying your stomach lining and as a first symptom you will get ulcers and next stage will be cancer.

So if you think that switching from energy drinks to coffee on a empty stomach that you will be helping yourself think twice.
I would definitely eat something first or at least drink coffee while eating breakfast.

Don't be stupid man.Many people ruined their health but they were not made aware about it before, nobody told them.
Now you know. Do as you please.
If you don't trust me google it, "health issues-drinking coffee on a empty stomach"

just couple of articles, if you care to read.

A Reason NOT To Drink Coffee On An Empty Stomach.

This Is What Happens When You Drink a Coffee on an Empty Stomach.

you can find more if you wish

>> No.8585328

>coffee is very acidic, so without any food in your stomach first when you get coffee in your stomach
>you will be destroying your stomach lining and as a first symptom you will get ulcers and next stage will be cancer.

Coffee is far far far less acidic than stomach acid is bro. If the stomach lining can handle stomach acid it can sure as fuck handle coffee.

Also, google the pH of Coffee and compare it to energy drinks. The latter is more acidic.

In case you're too lazy:
Black coffee: 5
Energy drink: 3
Stomach Acid: between 1.5 and 3.

>> No.8585333

>Coffee is far far far less acidic than stomach acid is bro.

>Black coffee: 5
>Stomach Acid: between 1.5 and 3.


>> No.8585336

I've forgotten; how many layers of irony are we on, exactly?

>> No.8585339


pH is a logarithmic scale, bro. Thus pH 3 Stomach acid is 100 times stronger than pH 5 coffee. If your stomach acid is pH 2 then it would be 1000x times stronger than the coffee.

>> No.8585342

We have a rocket scientist here boyz

>> No.8585383
File: 204 KB, 1024x224, dark roasts coffee beans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullshitting bro, 5 has bigger numerical value than 3 or 1.5
so now you are suggesting that drinking coffee on empty stomach is perfectly fine, and those links are full of shit, yes?

OK what's next in your coffee myth busting theories, I know. Drinking 5 cups coffee a day is perfectly healthy habit.
And that there are absolutely no health problems (no possibility to get nasty form of cancer) from drinking dark roasted coffee
as many scientists documented over and over again that burned charred food like meat or bread or coffee are very carcinogenic, cancer forming in human bodies when consumed.

Go and trash this scientifically proven fact as well, racket scientist.

>> No.8585392

Iced coffees are pretty basic Anon

>> No.8585399

I genuinely don't know anymore.
Are you retarded or just pretending to be retarded?
Someone enlighten me here, I'm stumped

>> No.8585401
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1292259457823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 has bigger numerical value

>> No.8585407

>I genuinely don't know anymore.
what's the confusion here bro

>> No.8585416


the fact that >>8585383
contains what appear to be honest comments yet also has the abosloutely mind-numbingly dumb claim about "5 has bigger numerical value".

I can't tell if >>8585383 is trying to deflect via humor or is honestly retarded and has no concept of how pH works.

>> No.8585426

>mind-numbingly dumb claim about "5 has bigger numerical value".
OK maybe not bigger but definitely higher.

Let's start all over again.
5 has higher numerical value than 3 or 1.5 - fact!

>> No.8585453

I don't even care if you're trolling. pH doesn't work like that. it a negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a liquid. So more acidic solutions have a lower number, and basic solutions have a higher number.

>> No.8585464

>5 has higher numerical value than 3 or 1.5 - fact!

But totally irrelevant because the LOWER the pH value the more acidic the substance is.

pH 0 = extremely strong acid
pH 7 = Neutral
pH 14 = extremely strong base

I can't believe I actually have to explain this.

>> No.8585471

O yes I agree with you completely on that, that's a very well known fact.
I was just pointing that 5 is more than 3, that's all

>> No.8585475

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.8585486

now how this scale applies to coffee beans roasting levels, and is the dark roasted coffee healthy to drink or not?
are the scientist wrong on that as well

>> No.8585497

so are you insisting that 5 has not higher numerical value than 3 or 1.5
I'm confused now

>> No.8585504

question in this post refers to this post

>> No.8585621

Has anyone here ordered coffee from happy mug coffee? How is it? I am interested because how cheap it is.

>> No.8585626

Their flavored coffees and other gimmicks outnumber the "normal" coffees

They sell a lot of very dark roasts

If your main thing is that you want the cheapest possible mail order coffee that's still roast to order, then yeah, go for it

Just don't expect it to be on the same level as a more serious roastery

>> No.8585628

>that you mix with milk
There is your problem.

espresso machines are legit, but you spend a shit tonne of money on coffee, like, a shit ton.

Best way to do it is with a plunger, a bag of coffee you enjoy and your own grinder.

>> No.8585632

you can buy whole bean $5-6/lb in any store

>> No.8585637

>buying store bought coffee

Here's your (you), mate.

>> No.8585644

>1 lb whole bean
>lasts you a whole 5 days
so you end up paying $2.20 per day, which is about as much as getting garbage fast food coffee like starbucks every single day.
and then you complain that your coffee habit is expensive

>> No.8585657

You can also buy roasted coffee at whole foods that was roasted that day, in the store, for as little as $8-9/lb

It's roasted by a timer not by a human being, which means the quality is hit or miss, but I doubt it's much worse than Happy Mug. I've found the worst disasters from Whole Foods tend to be the lighter roasted examples, once or twice it's been great but the majority of the time it's quite terrible. Whereas the medium to dark roasts are at least drinkable

What exactly is your issue with "store bought" coffee? Have you never seen a store that roasts on premise?

>> No.8585679

Not him but what are some good inexpensive store bought coffee?

>> No.8585689

Exact coffee depends where you live and how you define "store". For the most part you should be able to get regional stuff under a week old at any good grocery store. From a nearby roastery you should be able to cut a few days off the freshness chain and get something roasted in the last couple of days or even the day of. You can generally expect the price to be the same because the grocery stores get bulk discounts.

>> No.8585692

By store I mean generic run of the mill grocery store that mostly stocks folgers instant and shit. Don't have anything better close to me.

>> No.8585695

Order online in that case.

>> No.8585715

I used to think like this. Until I was in washington (state). Every cup I had from numerous places was so fucking good. I'm back in norcal and the coffee sucks, and the hipsters here don't understand unless they have also been to washington..

Why does Washington have such good coffee and why won't they share their secret with the rest of the world. I've also tried traditionally made kopi luwak. Not that great in my opinion!

>> No.8585733
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 729060_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why won't they share their secret with the rest of the world

When you take an idea based on local values, and try to bring it to the masses, bad things happen in the long run.

>> No.8585747

I don't like jewcoffees drip coffee. And I don't like sugar in my coffee. Did they really try and corporatize Washington's local brew scene. Dan they really do suck

>> No.8585749

Are you rusing me? You don't realize that Starbucks not only originated in Washington but was a beloved local shop before they became what they are today?

>> No.8585755

update, took the filter and fucked around with the settings of grounds

legit shot of espresso, in taste profile and caffeine content

meme magic worked boys

>> No.8586215
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thanks pal

>> No.8586291
File: 57 KB, 432x480, italian-stove-top-coffee-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everyone's opinion on coffee makers like pic related?

>> No.8586296
File: 1.36 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20170216_232141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy French press
>take plunger out to make coffee
>set plunger on table
>it rolls the fuck off and falls on my fucking toe and literally slices the fuck out of it


>> No.8586300


>> No.8586307
File: 7 KB, 284x177, come-on-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that bad desu. Get a fucking band aid and you'll be all right.

>> No.8586332

I hope you get gangrene and lose you fucking foot.
Fuck Off crybaby

>> No.8586333

pretty good. in between a regular cup of coffee and espresso. just make sure your grind isn't too fine or it'll get in your cup

>> No.8586340

They're very finicky.
And the aluminium model actually requires you to season it much like a cast iron pan.
The coffee oils from repeat usage polymerize on the surface to form a nice protective coating and prevent the aluminium from souring the coffee.
You're also expected to use it daily otherwise the oils turn rancid.

All in all, it's a very backwards way to make coffee and you shouldn't buy one unless you want the alzheimers.

>> No.8586361

>and you shouldn't buy one unless you want the alzheimers.
using aluminum containers to boil water and to make coffee that is acidic therefore reacting with aluminum
should be actually made illegal to sell that garbage.
return that piece of shit to the store, I throw mine in the garbage, it was totally perfectly working moka pot but after reading
about the health hazard from using aluminum pots to cook food or boil coffee I'm not using this crap.

big fucking ripoff.

>> No.8586375

>>8585328 - here you go faggot, dispute this I dare you.

When coffee hits an empty stomach, it’s a big shock to our systems.
While the antioxidant properties, derived primarily from chlorogenic acid, are great for overall health and even treating some diseases like colon cancer,
they aren’t so wonderful on an empty stomach.
When ‘black gold,’ as some call pure black coffee, hits an empty stomach, it stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system.
This causes gastritis in some, and for those who are completely healthy, the coffee is still not without harm.
Hydrochloric acid is used to break down the food, and if you run out during the day, there will be a digestive disturbances during major meals,
causing a particular difficulty for the body to dissolve proteins.

Proteins that get ‘stuck’ in the digestive system, and are unable to be eliminated properly can cause a host of health issues – ranging from a little bloating and irritable bowels,
to a full blown case of colon carcinoma (cancer)
Furthermore, when we drink coffee first thing in the morning, it causes a dump of cortisol (otherwise known as the stress hormone) right into our blood stream.
This stress hormone can cause you to crave sugar, think with less clarity, disturb sleep cycles, and over time, even cause other debilitating diseases.

If you want to enjoy the antioxidants of coffee, without the damage of ‘stuck’ proteins and excess cortisol, simply make sure to eat a healthy breakfast with your cup of Joe,
and never imbibe on an empty stomach.

>> No.8586472

I just drink tea because it's simple to make. Leaves soak in hot water, filter, done.
Coffee scares me because I don't know how to make it and anytime I ask I get a bunch of autistic responses about the """best""" way to make coffee. They're just fucking beans. Why can you make coffee in so many ways.

>> No.8586514

well said anon well said.
also shows you intelligence of coffee drinkers who get exited about paying $500/pound for a coffee that some ugly rat eat in some jungle and ejected from his ass.
they claim it was predigested for them
fucking primitive savages

>> No.8586521
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same faggot

>> No.8586530

same faggot

>> No.8586550

same faggot

>> No.8586551
File: 177 KB, 1024x750, happy-young-people-celebrating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that if I don't drink coffee I feel much better. How come is that.
The only thing I miss is the taste and smell of coffee but my energy level and happiness is actually better without coffee.
Same thing couple of my coworkers said. Strange shit.

>> No.8586563
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>tfw migraines getting worse so have to slow down on caffeine intake

>> No.8586580

Waffle House. Maybe because I'm either really tired or really drunk.

>> No.8586707
File: 68 KB, 347x475, Coffee-Brochure_11180100_Pour-Over-v2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of getting one of these OXO Pourover devices to replace my french press for coffee at home. I'm aiming for the lowest possible preparation time and maintenance. Currently I drink 1 strong cup of coffee a day. Should I do it?

>> No.8586718

instant coffee is your answer
join the coffee revolution

>> No.8586722
File: 28 KB, 604x604, Frogpostin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but srsly

>> No.8586730

>I'm aiming for the lowest possible preparation time and maintenance.
>instant coffee is your answer
what is not clear in my answer

>> No.8586733

Do you think I am a pleb?
Then why do you suggest I put pleb coffee in my mouth and drink it?

>> No.8586738

>why do you suggest I put pleb coffee in my mouth and drink it?
BECAUSE YOU ARE A PLEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8586940
File: 604 KB, 1295x1980, IMG_20170217_100956~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my coffeefriends,

I inherited this machine. I cleaned it with citric acid and replaced the tubes. Can you recommend me a good mill for it?

>> No.8586985

Ordered a bottomless portafilter, IMS 21g basket and a competition shower screen for my Rocket.
Now if that ain't some memes then idk

>> No.8586995

Rancilio Rocky, Eureka Mignon or Baratza Vario.
Lowest price to highest when you can keep in mind that the Eureka and Vario will be a investment and will be fine for higher end machines if you ever plan to upgrade

>> No.8587130

No, it's plastic IIRC

99.99% of instant is swill and the other .01% costs like $6 a cup and still isn't great.

>> No.8587138

brotip: caffeine is a drug, everyone reacts differently to drugs. it's a similar thing with alcohol, some get mildly relaxed and happy, some get angry, some get tired, some get hyper. some like what it does to them, some don't.

there are a few people for whom caffeine does nothing at all, a few more for whom it's just unpleasant even if it "does something"

I feel sorry for these people, it's like being asexual. enjoying coffee is one of the essential parts of what it means to be human.

>> No.8587154

>Semi Automatic Machine
How does it feel to be poor?

>> No.8587215


Honestly, go ask on coffeegeek or someplace like that.

These threads are so overrun with mindless shitposting that you have close to zero hope of getting any advice that isn't deliberately trolling you.

Literally go back and re-read this thread. 210 replies and there has been close to zero actual discussion of coffee brewing methods, tools and techniques.

Instead it's 210 shitposts and ironic shitposts. Run. Run now. Run while you can before you get terrible advice.

>> No.8587232

Thanks, the mignon seems nice. And I guess I can invest a little bit more as the machine was free. I will research a bit more though

>> No.8587278


>> No.8587314

get a VST basket. the stock silvia basket is bunk. a 20g will fit in the stock PF.

>> No.8587350

>love my old little coffee maker
>see super fancy 2k espresso/cappuccino/everything coffee maker

>> No.8587357

drip machine and cup

>> No.8587365

>make coffee at a shitty chain cupcake shop
>indians who order cappucinos with 3 sugars or mochas with any sugar (despite me telling them that the chocolate in it is already sweet)
>old ladies who order coffee with sugar and put more sugar in it at the table before they taste it
>young hipsters getting caramel lattes with sugar in it (again after I tell them that the caramel syrup is very sweet)
>one regular who orders a 6-shot tall long black every time, with two stevias
>how is she alive

I just want to make regular ol' lattes with comfy ferns drawn on em

>> No.8587370

capitalism, ho!

>tfw using temp control kettle at my rich friend's house

>> No.8587375

How much would you say is the line of cream/sugar where people should just be ordering coffee flavored drinks instead of actual coffee?

And how does /ck like their coffee?

>> No.8587383

at home, instant with a little milk and sugar
bought, latte or occasionally long black. No sugar

>> No.8587393

I'm a hario v60 pourover fan. I don't often buy high quality fresh roasted beans (too expensive for my drinking habit). If you're like me and want good coffee without spending too much, try:
>kroger private selection (Kona is my favorite, Yirgacheff is pretty good too)
>Trader Joes Kenya AA

Please let me know if you have more suggestions.

>> No.8587410

Not that fag but enjoying lattes and such doesn't mean you don't appreciate coffee, that's try hard nonsense like saying you can only drink neat scotch and never cocktails

If you don't appreciate multiple incarnations of coffee that's a sign you don't like coffee

>> No.8587411

I know old beans are shit but how do they compare with preground coffee? Is there any difference?
Im thinking of getting a grinder soon.

>> No.8587461


Really grinding is where you lose 80% of the flavor. If it's been in that bag for more than fifteen minutes, it may as well have sat in a warehouse for a year (which it could have.)

Tryharding and home roasting is a little extreme, but grinding at home is basically essential.

>> No.8587470


Home roasting is simple. I did it and flavor was definitely fantastic...but I got tired of roasting every week to keep up with the coffee demand in my house.

Heat pan on stovetop to medium high heat. Dump green coffee beans. Stir continuously until beans turn the color you want. Pour out onto chilled pan sheet to cool fast, toss them around in damp paper towels to remove the skins, then enjoy.

>> No.8587471

Went to a friend's house where he has a metric fuckton of coffee gadgets and all kinds of coffee
He grabbed some super dark beans, ground them himself, used a French press... and the coffee tasted super watered down and very underwhelming
am i missing something here or did he screw up?

>> No.8587492

You didn't miss a thing, you just don't share the same taste. Next time say that you like more body in your coffee

>> No.8587501
File: 28 KB, 392x240, lolcurling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize all superautos make shit to subpar coffee at best? that's the trade off to not having giving up control. you wind up with an INFERIOR product. not only that, but that anons 'lol semi-auto' is more expensive than most superautos. if you're going to call him out for anything, than call him out for not owning a HX machine. you fucking pleb.

>> No.8587506

If I were to use a French press how would I add more body? Let it sit there longer?

>> No.8587529

I bought an aeropress a while ago and have tried all sorts of methods, but I can never manage more than a 'just ok' cup of coffee. Not even as good as Starbucks-tier coffee, and not as consistent as my French press.

Is the notion that the aeropress can make genuinely good coffee just a meme, or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.8587568
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Roast-Super-Dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used a French press
french press is the shittiest way to make coffee
>He grabbed some super dark beans,
super dark beans have no flavor at all, except flavor of burned charred asphalt
look here >>8585383

There is a very good reason why roasting houses roast coffee beans to a dark roast level.
Lowest quality beans are roasted to dark roast level, because they taste like shit if roasted to medium roast level.
So to deal with it and still sell the low quality coffee beans at the same price as the much better quality beans that are roasted to blond or medium roast level,
the "coffee geniuses" come up with this cleaver trick to roast the hell out of the beans (making them poisonous at the same time, giving you cancer)
but that dark roast level gives the "uniformity" in taste, because at that dark roast level all coffee beans taste the same - they all taste like tar.
And the nice complexity of flavors and all the oils and the sugars all that is good in coffee is burned is charred in dark roasts.

Coffee is the only product that you can take lowest quality of it that normally should be sold at much lower price per pound
and by dark roasting process you trick customers to pay the same price per pound as the higher quality product.
And as a bonus you are getting charred coffee beans that were proven by scientist to cause cancer.

So there you go next time when you forking out your money on dark roast coffee beans think about what you just read.
It's a little dirty secret that coffee industry hates to talk about.

>> No.8587577

Oxygen is where you lose the flavor.
So long as the beans or grounds don't smell rancid, it's fine.
You can tell when they're on their way to becoming rancid though.

Coffee is more shelf-stable than you think.

>> No.8587597

So what the hell do I do if I prefer that dark, full bodied taste in coffee?

>> No.8587630

>a meme
Are millennials really starting to believe this word somehow means something is overrated or faddish?

>> No.8587632

That's what it means now.

>> No.8587640
File: 230 KB, 794x600, arabica-robusta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is this, as you know there are two types of coffee beans Robusta and Arabica.
Arabica beans are considered to be of much better higher quality with more complex flavors etc,etc
but of course there are different quality levels amongst Arabica coffee beans, but as a principle they are superior to Robusta beans.
Robust beans are preferred by many coffee grovers because they have some growing and larger yield in crop ratio benefits than Arabica.
There are few differences you can read it here:


The two varieties differ in taste, growing conditions, price.
Arabica beans tend to have a sweeter, softer taste, with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries.
Their acidity is higher, with that winey taste that characterizes coffee with excellent acidity.

Robusta, however, has a stronger, harsher taste, with a grain-like overtone and peanutty aftertaste.
They contain twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans, and they are generally considered to be of inferior quality compared to Arabica.
Some robustas, however, are of high quality and valued especially in espressos for their deep flavor and good crema.
Robustas, however, are easier to grow. They can grow at lower altitutes than Arabicas, and they are less vulnerable to pests and weather conditions.
They produce fruit much more quickly than the Arabicas, which need several years to come to maturity, and they yield more crop per tree.


Arabica vs. Robusta what’s the real deal?

What’s the Difference Between Robusta and Arabica Coffee?

>> No.8587659

Robusta is grown exclusively in the Eastern Hemisphere, primarily in Africa and Indonesia.
Arabica is also grown in Africa and Papua New Guinea, but it's grown dominantly in Latin America.
Colombia only produces Arabica beans. Some countries, like Brazil and India, produce both.

Arabica, then, ends up being pricier, of course.
Most supermarket coffee is exclusively robusta, and instant and cheap ground coffees are certainly robusta.
You can still find Arabica in the grocery store, but just because it's labeled Arabica does not mean it's of high quality.

Ultimately it's a question of personal taste.
Some all-arabica blends are too high and floral for us; some of the rich, dark harshness of robusta can be a good thing in a blend.
Just remember that robusta has twice as much caffeine as arabica, too, when choosing a coffee blend.
If you want to skip most of the caffeine, see our tips for choosing decaf coffee for our suggestions on coffee blends and origins

>> No.8587660
File: 76 KB, 560x568, IMG_2283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the detailed response, thanks!

>> No.8587662

>meme sauce
>mc cafe
Your shitting all over the place relative

>> No.8587727

>use espresso powder in my drip machine
Do other people do this or am I just a faggot?

>> No.8587859

>buying mass produced pre-ground coffee

>> No.8587871

Nespresso is alright, but nothing compares to a proper extracted espresso where you have all control. You can get a solid one for cheaper than a nespresso, like delonghi and get yourself a burr grinder.

>> No.8588212
File: 59 KB, 1500x995, coffee-03-comp-1500-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Which brewing method is the best?

>> No.8588222

I would say brewing instant coffee is superior to all the others.

>> No.8588236

But how should I brew it?

>> No.8588276

>drink 1.5 to 2L of coffee a day daily
>reduce consumption to half a liter one day
>feel like I'm going to die
>do this for another day
>pls kill me
>go back to 1.5L day three
>feel immortal
Doing this 5day-on/2day-off ever since

>> No.8588277

>tfw work in lab with nanopure water
>make coffee every day with it
>use freshly ground beans and cafetiere to brew
>kidneys not shot out my arsehole (yet)

The difference in flavour is amazing. Totally worth it.

>> No.8588291

Update with your impressions of bear blend. It didn't sound appealing to me, but the sophisticated ethiopian is what I wanted to try next.

>> No.8588307

you will never pull out more flavors than with espresso / turkish

that being said, moka is nice, french press is convenient, and most pour over cones are good for control but unnecessary.

>> No.8588315

>not letting instant coffee dissolve in your mouth like pop rocks
take a chug of boiling water while they're in your mouth for an even better experience.

>> No.8588380
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, Nescafe Espresso Freeze Dried Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pour hot water on it and you're done. super easy and super superior coffee.
also no need to buy ridiculously expensive equipment.
brewing instant coffee is the hottest trend in the coffee industry.
in many coffee shops that's what they do, they brew instant coffee and just for display purposes display in fancy expensive drip filter makers.
Starbucks being the coffee seller leader is slowly introducing this method as well to minimize costs (and maximize profits for it's stockholders).
Very exiting times and very exiting changes in the coffee shop near you.

here is the link giving you step by step instant coffee brewing tricks:
wikiHow to Make Instant Coffee.

in the picture is one of the finest freeze dried instant coffee espresso like results every time.
other very important benefit of brewing instant coffee is that usually it comes in glass jars (or plastic jars) that are very easy to recycle.
think of the millions of bags that coffee beans or pre-ground coffee comes packaged in and the are just thrown into the landfills
with no recycling involved and they are no easy to brake down by nature because they have plastic or that metallic aluminum linings inside of them.

Escape all that madhouse madness with cheap or expensive coffee brewing equipment and silly techniques that don't give reliable results and go instant.
If giant like Starbucks is slowly and secretively introducing that to it's shops that means this is the future.
Don't be left behind anon.

>> No.8588407

Instant coffee has been a thing for years, why is everyone acting like it's brand new?

>> No.8588480
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it's Renaissance time for instant coffee industry, and Starbucks is leading the way.
Rejoice coffee junkies rejoice your coffee brewing nightmares are over.

Here is another fantastic idea:
Coffeebrewer Lets You Make Brewed Coffee On-The-Go In Just Two Minutes.

or this:

the only problem is creating lot's of non-recyclable (or not very east to recycle) waste generated.
so again instant coffee wins hands down.

Just as a note, there are two methods of producing instant coffee:
(Warning contains - creepy picture)

First, the obvious: instant coffee is in fact made from real coffee.
Whole beans are roasted, ground and brewed before they start their journey to becoming instant.
What makes coffee instant is when all the water is removed from the brewed product, leaving behind dehydrated crystals of coffee.
To make it coffee again, you just add water.

There are two ways to make instant coffee: spray drying and freeze drying.
Spray drying is achieved by spraying liquid coffee concentrate as a fine mist into very hot, dry air (we’re talking about 480 degrees F).
When the coffee hits the ground, the water has been evaporated and it has dried into small, round crystals.

Freeze drying coffee involves a few steps. First, the coffee is cooked down into an extract.
The coffee extract is chilled at about 20 degrees F into a coffee slushie.
The coffee slushie is then further chilled on a belt, drum or tray to -40 degrees F until it forms slabs of coffee ice. The coffee ice is broken into granules.
They’re then sent to a drying vacuum, where the ice vaporizes and leaves behind instant coffee granules.

>> No.8588489

Is instant supposed to taste like sour runny water?
Because if I try to add more crystals to match the viscosity and color density of actual coffee it tastes absolutely nasty.

>> No.8588499

That's the stuff I get subjected to at the office, it's really not that good.

>> No.8588504

as with all coffees there are different qualities of instant coffees as well.
best is to buy 100%Arabica freeze dried instant coffee. Freeze drying method assures more coffee flavors to be captured in the coffee granules.

>> No.8588510

also you can get used to it and you will like it after few cups.
no need to be so picky

>> No.8588515

he's clearly a very dedicated troll

>> No.8588527

I've been drinking it for a few weeks, though.

>> No.8588538

it must be the water then, shitty water will make best coffee taste shitty.
also maybe time to buy high quality instant coffee not some low priced brand.

>> No.8588540

There's no such thing as "upscale" instant coffee.

>> No.8588550

It's provided for free at the office, though.

>> No.8588552

so why Starbucks is going that direction.

>> No.8588589

buy your own high quality instant coffee as mentioned here >>8588504 and you will never go back to the
mess and complications of various brewing methods that are constantly discussed here and I'm sure created many verbal
and physical fist fights even broken marriages.
how many gullible fools bought several hundred dollars worth of coffee brewing machinery and still claim that they like
Starbucks coffee better.
You people are not getting the real picture what is going on in this industry behind closed doors.

>> No.8588640

From a price perspective,
green beans of Robusta is about half the price of Arabica green beans on the commodity market. (Robusta vs. Arabica)

>> No.8588645

Often Robusta has its taste described as burnt tires or rubbery, which… sounds disgusting
(can you imagine one of our taste swatches on the front page being a burnt tire?). Why the bad taste?
One reason that the taste isn't as good for Robusta is that it has more caffeine compared to Arabica.
Which may sound like a positive thing but caffeine carries a bitter taste which makes it an unpleasant drink.
In fact the Robusta bean has 2.7% caffeine content, almost double the 1.5% of Arabica.

>> No.8588660
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Starbucks’ coffee is actually usually arabica, not robusta! It’s bitter because their coffee is essentially exclusively a dark roast,
which is achieved by roasting (burning) the beans longer.
They do this because they buy the low end arabica from whomever sells it cheaply (possibly with some good stuff in there), mix it all together,
and burning the beans gives it a more consistent flavor (even if that flavor is burnt).

FYI: This is usually why brands will have a dark roast. A dark roast usually isn’t very good and, more often than not, is ruining the coffee.

>> No.8588676

>tfw you spend $5 on a pourover at a local coffee shop
feels good man

>> No.8588694

So as you can see Starbucks not only sells you coffee that tastes like shit but also burned dark roast that gives you cancer.
Go and give them your money buy their coffee on regular basis you naive sheep.

>> No.8588788

I like espresso or woodneck (not pictured)

>> No.8588790

The only even halfway ok instant coffee is sudden coffee, and it's $6 a cup and still really not great

>> No.8588798

I recently bought into the aeropress meme, fairly happy so far it makes for a very smooth cup of coffee and is now my go-to if I want just one cup on the weekend or something.

I still use a drip brew when I want coffee before work though because I can set it and forget it and make enough coffee for my gf and myself

>> No.8588804

>and it's $6 a cup
what coffee shop is that,
do they serve that coffee in golden cups

>> No.8588809

how much do you m8s pay for a good tier roast at your local joint?

My favorite is pretty expensive at $15-18 for a 12oz bag but it's pretty worth it

>> No.8588816

if you're the same anon who's been posting the lengthy coffee descriptions you sure know your stuff
do you own a coffee shop or something?

>> No.8588823

>love coffee
>consistently miserable

i shall do so

>> No.8588828

Bought a krups 8150 for 200 bucks. Also bought illy, lavazza, segafredo coffee. And some illy capuchino espresso cups. And latte art can. So far im happy with the machine. Cheap and pretty good.

>> No.8588830

Not shops. That's for a bag.

>> No.8588833

A bag being one dose of instant coffee.

Basically all instant coffee is utter crap except super expensive stuff that's only somewhat crap.

>> No.8588855

About $13 (usa) for same amount.
They have one blend that I love, and every time I try something different of theirs I regret it.
It was actually the first real coffee I ever tried, before that it was those flavored instant ones. It was just something they put out at random for a limited time at first, but it became so popular they made it one of their regulars.
I'm not really sure what the fuck I'm going to do if they ever stop making it or go out of business. I might just quit coffee altogether.

I once tried to save money by trying the regular brands that normal people drink, I think it was Folgers, shit tasted like it was made from cigarette butts. WTF is wrong with people?

>> No.8588859

yep folgers is disgusting, I don't really know how it is so popular

>> No.8588872

it's cheap and comes in giant tubs, duh

>> No.8588886

Different style but a must have coffeemaker. Planning to buy one also. If you like simpel normal black coffe this is the best choice for you. Look youtube. In italian barrista main component.

>> No.8588902
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>do you own a coffee shop or something?
No I don't .
I'm just a coffee lover and consumer who started researching more into the behind the scenes of coffee business,
considering that coffee is the second largest commodity item after crude oil in the world sure there is plenty of room for shady practices
and dishonesty.
Quality and pricing of the coffee beans is not the big problem for me but the various health hazards associated with growing practices
(heavy use of toxic chemicals), also storage practices (growth of toxic molds on coffee beans) and roasting practices
(dark roasts being very unhealthy for human consumption),
those things were unknown to me before (just few months ago actually)
so I'm vey shocked and disappointed that this exists and is not being addressed on wider scale, but considering the magic of coffee
it's smell taste flavor that people are suspecting anything so bad with their cup of java.

Coffee in the Global Economy.

Some people claim that coffee is no longer the second largest commodity, that is not important, fact is that there is plenty of room for dishonesty
and disinformation in this business and there is plenty of greedy people who will hide the truth just to make profit even selling and serving coffee that causes cancer
(like in case of dark roast coffee beans).

So now knowing all that I'm being smart what type of coffee I buy and how much I drink it.

>> No.8588910

>I think it was Folgers, shit tasted like it was made from cigarette butts. WTF is wrong with people?
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8589274

it's cheap, and people are loyal to brands, folgers also had insanely successful advertisements a few decades ago. a lot of dumb people immediately associate coffee with folgers.

>> No.8589908
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I bought an almost new gaggia evolution for $100

I've never had a straight espresso before.

What am i in for /ck/?

>> No.8589919

a newfound appreciation for coffee. hope you're buying good beans too.

>> No.8589924

nice find. that machine is a dual boiler and goes for almost a grand. better not cheap out on the grinder, go buy a vario preciso at least

>> No.8589930

I've already got an encore. It should do fine for espresso grinds, just not much fine tuning.

>> No.8590047


>> No.8590059

After trying all the shitty "methods" of brewing I went back to a 20$ coffee machine and oh my god does it make a perfect brew.

>> No.8590065

Ha ha good post. Suck dick you snobs fancy baristas.

>> No.8590074


>> No.8590089

Baristas here are the putdowns on those who have cheap coffee making machines calling them plebs and making fun of them.
And this anon just posted his testimony that you don't have to buy super expensive or fancy devices to make good cup of coffee.
Of course not all baristas are snobs but most of them are.

>> No.8590126

yeah no. an encore doesn't even do espresso grind. maybe if you were using a shit low tier machine with a pressurized portafilter, but that isn't real espresso anyway

>> No.8590128

does anyone have that anime video where the girl is pronouncing coffee wrong

>> No.8590151

Yes, i do.

>> No.8590154

Me too.

>> No.8590256

anon are you getting married in this thread?

>> No.8590303
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Third day without coffee and it feels great.
Not missing much, except for the taste and smell, but is easier today then it was first two days.

>> No.8590310

Great, more coffee for us

>> No.8590329
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There is more of us.There is a whole new movement starting, people getting smarter now.
Social media is spreading the news.
Very soon you will be buying coffee for $3/lb, prices will go down because so many people quitting this unnecessary habit.

>> No.8590950
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I got the white one.

>> No.8590969
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please be bait.

>> No.8591022

I quit caffeine for 6 miserable years. I felt great at first too, mainly because I had also joined a gym and was exercising, and was eating healthy, and doing all this shit to better myself. It was all mostly a placebo effect though, and it quickly faded away, even though I kept with it and got healthy and reasonably fit. It was like living without a soul. Even on the day's I "felt good" I still felt empty like a phony only pretending to be a person. I slipped back into eating unhealthy and stopped exercising and started drinking alcohol... but for some reason still refused to touch caffeine.

The day I decided to just start having one cup a day in the mornings, just because I was desperate find something to make me feel normal again besides booze and take-out food, that was the most wonderful fucking day. It was like the light switch was flicked back on and I became myself again. I'm back to exercising, and I'm eating even healthier cooking all my own food from scratch, and already lost most of the weight I had gained.. but this time with a soul.

Coffee in moderation is a gift from God.

>> No.8591042

>Coffee in moderation is a gift from God.

It ain't fucking heroin, enjoy yourself for fuck sake.

>> No.8591060
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That gave me an erection and made me want to go downstairs and make an espresso. Too bad I still love with my parents who buy lavazza beans. Their setup is good at least

>> No.8591078

Have you tried getting specialty coffee beans for them or do they just like their lavazza that much?

>> No.8591086

Yeah there's a local coffee shop where I buy some nice fruity light/medium roasts sometimes when I drive past it. They're not roasters though unfortunately.

>> No.8591091

My father is also used the darker, bitter one-note European style roast. So anything light he just immediately hates.

>> No.8591100

>another anime meme
hey dumb dumb, you do know everything in anime is based off of real life stuff

>> No.8591184

Use less water

>> No.8591534
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>Coffee in moderation is a gift from God.
Good story.
The >>8591022
>It was like living without a soul. Even on the day's I "felt good" I still felt empty like a phony only pretending to be a person.
sounds way too dramatic and to be honest, fake. But I might be wrong on that assumption.

As to the moderation I absolutely agree. Of course coffee has beneficial effects but considering how many people go through life
and don't drink coffee and they still manage to achieve great things in their life tells you that coffee is not essential.
My own mini experiment is to prove to myself that coffee is not crucial in my well being or well feeling.
This is not first time when I go without coffee for days, in the past I went without coffee for weeks or couple of times for 3 months.

Tho I have to admit that sometimes when I needed to work for 10-12 hours non stop cup of coffee was very helpful but what I learned now from doing this
research here that I was noticing that I was getting much "stronger blast" from coffee bough at the coffee shops than from coffee I made at home.
And reading about differences between Arabica beans that I had at home and Robusta beans that were served at coffee shops
and that Robusta have twice as caffeine as Arabica >>8588645

As sometimes getting extra blast of caffeine from stronger Robusta coffee is needed while at work, I noticed that the times
when I was drinking that strong coffee (strong I refer as to having more caffeine in it, not the strong taste) at home at early evening time
like around 5 or 7 pm that I was getting shakings when I went to bed, it was not pleasant experience at all.
It was like an withdraw, I hate it that feeling.
So drinking lighter caffeine content Arabica coffee just for the taste and flavor and bit of caffeine blast was much better.
And my sleeping was normal, no freaking out from shakes and shivers.

But for next few days I'm off coffee just to train my strong will.

>> No.8591939

