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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 345 KB, 1200x800, mcdonalds-drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8578211 No.8578211 [Reply] [Original]

>lunch time
>drive to mcdonalds drive thru
>order 2 cheeseburgers
>takes 10 minutes for food


>> No.8578241

How long does it take your mom to microwave your tendies, faggot?

>> No.8578242

It was lunch time

>> No.8578260

I know this is a meme post but one time I was on my way to work, needed to be there in 10 minutes and hadn't eaten most of the day (was at work in the morning, got off at 5 and had to be back at 10 so I elected to nap instead of eat) so I decided to go to mcdonalds because it's fast food and it's supposed to be fast (hadn't eaten there in years desu). They took 15 fucking minutes to get me my 2 mcdoubles at 10 fucking pm. What in the fuck is that shit? I'd have been sent home if my boss didn't know I was a punctual hard worker already. McDonald's. Never again.

>> No.8578396

Stfu fucking neet.. when you have a job they give you something called a lunch break.. only 30 minstrel to get food and eat.. once your fat neet assume moves out of your mom's basement and getsee a job you'll learn that

>> No.8578409

30 minutes eh? Don't wanna keep Mr. Shekelberg waiting!

>> No.8578439

Then how about you get a Tupperware container and bring leftovers, you shitbucket? You don't even have to go to McDonalds, shit, if it's something you can eat cold or room temp then you even save the 3 minutes it takes you to stick it in the microwave. It's infinitely better for you and unless you're a terrifically awful cook it should also taste much better,and cheaper.

Or are you one of those literal man-children that if food goes cold you would rather go hungry than eat something reheated?

Good lord, I'm fucking sick and tired of people like you at my university. Whine about having to spend 10 dollars on a shitty personal pizza or a hunk of breaded fried meat on a piece of baguette at the cafeteria, and how they're slow and should be faster. Nigger, you eat the same 4 or 5 shit-for-you things from the menu. Yet when you do this while we're chatting over lunch you always comment how my food (yesterday's leftovers) looks so much better than whatever they're eating. Jesus fucking Christ, making enough for another portion when you're preparing dinner takes quite literally zero additional time, there's no God-damn excuse. Or if you're a subhuman living on delivery then just order extra and put a lid on it; we both know in this case you don't care about eating quality food so eating it cold or reheating it should be a non-problem.

>> No.8578453

>only 30 minstrel to get food and eat
Get actual skills and you'll get a job that isn't just slave labor.
My job MANDTES a one hour lunch break. That shit drove me fucking insane so I just started abusing the free mimosas they served in the company cafeteria at the buffet. I managed to cause enough HR complaints that they modified policy, stating lunches had to be a minimum of 30 minutes instead of an hour.
I'm hoping to get it down to "optional" by the end of the year.

>> No.8578470

Do you understand what having a job means? I have no time to make spaghetti and meme balls... I have a real job, one that requires social skills and being a people person, something you autists will never have..

>> No.8578491

Your a temp.

>> No.8578494

>only 30 minstrel to get food

Oh, sorry I don't work an absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel tier job, I actually applied myself and one of the perks of that is a reasonably long lunch break at my place of work. Nice try suddenly lashing out and wailing NEET at some guy, though; if I had to guess I'd say that you yourself were recently in an equally precarious situation and are now bitter about your not-much-better current situation and projecting your past.

Say, how does it feel knowing that even a convicted murderer serving a lifetime of punishment in a federal prison is still dignified with a one hour lunch break?

>> No.8578504

Tfw 30 minutes paid > 1 hour no pay

>> No.8578508

Been there 3 years as of a week ago
Contrary to what TV tells you, it's basically impossible to get fired over minor shit. You're not hiding from your 3rd grade teacher.

>> No.8578519

>not having a union job

LMAO all you hardworking wageslaves . I go to work sleep for 2 hours wake up walk around maby grab some coffee, then it's off to a 30 minute paid lunch, not that it matters as I have put in only 15 minutes of work at this point, come back sleep for another 2 hours wake up do my rounds then it's punch out time.. how's that 4 year degree going faggots?

>> No.8578528

7.5/10 bait, I'm fucking triggered.
Noone can be such a man child that they think making spaghetti and meatballs actually requires much time.

>> No.8578532

>union job
If I wanted somebody to take my paycheck I'd take fewer deductibles on my W4.
You're scum for supporting those greedy fucks.

>> No.8578541

>I have a real job

No, if you have a 30 minute lunch break, you have a shit job. Please, tell us exactly what it is that you do for a living. The fact that you apparently don't even have time to cook a simple dinner suggests that you're working overtime to make ends meet. Only other explanation is, you've got the time but don't want to cook.

>one that requires social skills and being a people person, something you autists will never have

Again, what is it with these random jumps? You cry to one guy saying he's a NEET from less than a dozen words, and now you just called out everyone in the thread saying we've got no social skills. What is this random ad-hominem? We can all logically deduce from the fact that you're trying to stuff two cheeseburgers from McD's into your face in a span of less than 20 minutes that you make south of $20 an hour, regardless of however highly you hold that achievement. Can't really see how you're arriving at NEET or socially inept, however.

>> No.8578544

>greedy fucks

Next time you drive over a bridge remember it was union workers who built it. While you drive safely to work at Goldstein inc.

>> No.8578551
File: 97 KB, 687x900, 1480557130019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not realizing the Union is the ultimate Jew

Sorry, union boy. I don't want to pay you $100/hr for snail-paced work.

>> No.8578580

They were still killing the cow m8

>> No.8578589

>lunch time
>drive to mcdonalds drive thru
>order 2 cheeseburgers
>takes less than a minute for food


>> No.8578630
File: 60 KB, 170x215, 170px-Bakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slitting his own throat as a member of the labor class by supporting "open shop" legislation eliminating the only means for labor to get a fair deal through collective bargaining.

Good goy.

>> No.8578664

>not getting a paid lunch
Why even live

>> No.8578665

It is paid.
I just happen to prefer actually working, instead of slacking off as much as humanly possible in a job.
I will never understand you lazy fucks.

>> No.8578669

Those workers had no choice in being a part of the union. They could either agree to have their pay cut even more than it is normally, or not have a job.
I repeat: You are scum for supporting those greedy fucks.

>> No.8578678

Understand that I work for 2-5 hours a day and get paid for atleast 8. How're those union dues treating you?

>> No.8578691
File: 1.83 MB, 619x619, 1486895965684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Union is NOTHING like what it was in the past. Now all they do is bully non-members and it is a self-interest mob group more than anything else.

The Unions are huge, corrupt and inefficient institutions where its members just ask for more and see how far they can go until somebody says no.

And then union circlejerks will get all **REEEEE TRIGGERED* and hold their breaths until they get what they want.

There should be a balance between bully unions and bully employers. The current Union is only another far end of the spectrum; they are not helping.

>> No.8578705

>How're those union dues treating you
They're not, because I'm not a cuck who pays them

> I work for 2-5 hours a day and get paid for atleast
I understand you think this is something to be proud of, but really all you're doing is bragging about being a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.8578706
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 1486610397574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Person who has never worked a fast food job in their life

>> No.8578719

It can get done fast and efficient, it's just that people at these joints have poor work ethics

>> No.8578748

I have and I can tell you that it doesn't take 10 minutes to assemble a burger let alone a fucking mcdonalds cheeseburger.

>> No.8579012

I get paid to do things I like to do. If that's wrong I don't want to be right.

>> No.8579019

>I'm not a cuck who pays them
I worked for a company that had a labor agreement with a union, but employees in some markets weren't required to join the union and pay dues. However, the union negotiated on behalf of all employees. It was a win/win since I didn't have to pay dues but I got a much higher wage and bonuses from the union.

>> No.8579025

But it could take up to 10 minutes for the burger artists to get to a certain order, especially when it's busy during lunch.

>> No.8579032



>> No.8579034

Skills like learning how to spell 'MANDATES'?

>> No.8579037

>didn't support the union
>union benefited him

Fuck off. You're worse than a scab.

>> No.8579038

I took a job without knowing anything about the union. Once I had been onboarded we were told that the union represented us, but we weren't required to pay. In the first two years we never met with any reps and didn't even have a shop steward. Not my fucking fault they didn't make contact and ask me to join, and no way would I sign up without meeting someone first.

>> No.8579068

Usually that's not how it works but it seems you got lucky. You're a free loader.

>> No.8579075

Yeah, I'm not sure why it was like that. I think at one time the company I work for was absorbed by the parent company and was grandfathered into the contracts with the union. I wound up paying dues when I needed their help on a matter, but the vast majority of the employees didn't because the union never reached out to anyone in our area.

>> No.8579096

>Bragging about regressing your rights in the work place

So this is what a modern day uncle tom looks like.

>> No.8579099

Sounds like a half ass union. Honestly go for as long as you can without paying though for your sake.

>> No.8579154

who'd you kill anon

>> No.8579659

Your mom with my dick

>> No.8579692
File: 14 KB, 358x337, 1390222059366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw window in car are broken and I cant get it down
>tfw I don't want to look like retard and scream to speaker with opened door and then pick up my food by exitinc car
>tfw too sperg to go inside.

I just wanted my mcchiken...

>> No.8581625

Got any advice on coming my meme balls? I've tried frying and baking but neither turned out great.

>> No.8581626
