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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8577613 No.8577613 [Reply] [Original]

How much money goes into corn subsidies and the farm food industry?

>> No.8577630

far too much

>> No.8577636

genetically modified corn trash

>> No.8577639

Space negro fucked up when he tried to use math as to back up his argument.

>> No.8577642
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Goddamn that nigga got a way with words

>> No.8577649


Trash Ethanol fuel industry is what's causing the problem

>> No.8577663

How so?

>> No.8577667

>Ethanol fuel industry

you what you nigger

>> No.8577670

From farm.ewg.org:

Corn subsidies totaled $94.3 billion from 1995-2014.

They have it further broken down by year and type of subsidy. Contrast that to SNAP expenditures, and you see quickly which is the biggest drain.

>> No.8577689

I would gladly see all subsidies trashed. Even Iowa has basically come around to see that corn subsidies are a bigger detriment than help.

>> No.8579300

Except your dumb ass doesn't into macroeconomics. As a percentage of income the USA has one of the lowest food costs for it's citizens in the entire world. Those subsidies have a positive effect on literally every person in the nation and every level of the economy.

>> No.8579306

Then why cry, nigger science man? OP, I'm more worried about aborted fetus stuffs in our food and vaccines.

>> No.8579327

pretty much this.
the government is actually paying for ad space and advertising products they don't even make. Its time to stop subsidizing food, hell its like 75+ years late already

>> No.8579341

Redpill me on fetus foods.

>> No.8579387



There's more, but there's a start.

>> No.8579397

Don't know what you preferred source is, of if you reject ceratain ones, but yeah, there's artciles everywhere.


This helps to push abortion- so the money isn't so much in the abortions themselves, but in the selling of the tissues. Tos of money made off abortion anyway,

>> No.8579513

It's too late for you.

>> No.8579717

t. One of the only one million americans who become wealthy through these vast agricultural welfare payments funded by the 340 million US taxpayers.

Get a real job, leech.

>> No.8580368
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>anti-vaxxer advocacy group

>> No.8580372


looooooool retard

>> No.8580373

We grow so much of that yellow bullshit we tried to run our fucking cars on it

>> No.8580383

reminder that if corn isn't subsidized the cost cost of meat goes up exponentially

>> No.8580387
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>Tos of money made off abortion anyway,

This anon speaks the truth

>> No.8580683

good. people eat far too much of that anyways.

shit should be a treat for these fat fucks not a staple of every. single. meal...

>> No.8580845

Underrated post.

>> No.8580846

>How much money goes into corn subsidies and the farm food industry?

About $70 billion a year on SNAP, $7 billion a year on agricultural subsidies, and $0.5 billion a year on the corporation for public broadcasting (2/3 TV, 1/3 radio). There are many other farm-related federal expenditures besides crop subsidies, but it can get pretty arbitrary what you include or exclude, so the numbers are rather skewed to support or oppose various political positions.

>> No.8580850


>> No.8580872

HFCS will also go up which will be another great benefit. Maybe you fatfucks can wean yourselves off the shit processed beetus "food style products." We might see a corresponding drop in the pharma-medico prices since we won't have you fatfucks requiring continuous treatment beginning in your 30's.

>> No.8580887

According to the Wall Street Journal, agricultural food subsidies are $20 billion per year, not $7 billion.

>> No.8580943

>if corn subsidies go away the communists win
No thanks. I don't think anyone wants the United States of California.

>> No.8580955

Yeah, you can really say any number you want, up to about $100 billion a year (food stamps & nutrition is about 80% of that), it just depends on what you include or exclude. The $7 billion I listed was intended to mean commodity crop price protection subsidies. $20 billion would include things like insurance against crop failure, soil and water conservation, and other expensive programs which could all be considered different forms of subsidies.

>> No.8581051

>Positive effect

>> No.8581135


>> No.8581164

>waaah stop enjoying cheap and delicious things you should all be as miserable as I am waaah

>> No.8581200

Yeah, a progressive country that isn't stuck in the backwoods sounds really awful, Cletus.

>> No.8581246

>I'm ok with the government telling me when to eat, when to sleep, where to shit, and what to think about.
I feel that you'll be one of the first to kill themselves when they mandate suicide for nu-males.

>> No.8581414

>I prefer international megacorporations monopolizing my food supply and telling me what, when and where to eat, where I can shit, and when I can play with muh gun.

Your out house sprang a leak Cletus, and your mouth is overflowing.

>> No.8581754

>everything is about money
what about genetic diversity, diversity of diet, quality of produce in general, and environmental sustainability?

>> No.8581783

Not a Burger but I've lived in California for work. Anyone who thinks that having a country that is like one big Cali is insane. It's a state that's essentially a hot blonde who's 45 with stretch makes and a gunt but still thinks she's the prom queen with perky tits.

>> No.8581882
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Should have gone somewhere other than Hollywood and Rodeo Drive. That's on you, not California.

>> No.8581918

>that car free pedestrian road
ehh not bad tbhq
there may be some hope for california after all

>> No.8581935

>0.012% of 15 trilliom
>180000000 dollars

Nigga thats some decent money. But I agree, they should cut wellfare first.

>> No.8581964

What about
>Muh diversity

Fuck off back to sucking dick in your college bathroom

>> No.8581975 [DELETED] 

>going to college is bad
>minorities are the problem

>> No.8582000
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>Affirmative action is a good thing

>> No.8582004

>corn white knights actually want people to subsist on HFCS

You're right, why change something just because our current system is bad, I mean it might get worse!

>> No.8582005
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Good thinking, famalam. Let's give a shitload of our tax money to 1 million or so wealthy landowners, and not feed 60 million hungry people in the worlds richest country. Makes sense.

>> No.8582020 [DELETED] 

>white people getting butthurt over affirmative action
you literally invented it to keep us from flooding the best universities, and now it's bad?

can't have it both ways, roundeye. now go mop the floor, remember you wanted paco's jerrrb that he "stole" from you? lazy fuck.

>> No.8582244

>affirmative action was invented to keep non whites out

Actually it was created out of some retarded sense of worth that they "deserve" to get in even though they dont get up to the same standards as whites.

>> No.8582364

why not just cut off both?

>> No.8582373

>why change something just because our current system is bad
It's not about that you literal cuckold, it's about whether or not the government should dictate what people can and cannot do or buy or eat.
If you don't want HFCS then don't buy products with it. There are entire companies employing thousands of people just to cater to your incredibly autistic tastes

>> No.8582437
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>t. Monsanto corporate white knight.

Good goy.

>> No.8582456

/pol/ has even made its way to /ck/

nothing can stop us now

>> No.8582644


>> No.8582844

>Affirmative action was to hurt the majority

Damn do Asians and every minority group have a victim complex? I'm happy I live an a state with a brain that banned affirmative action. It puts race as a criteria and often there are diversity quotas to meet. I know super dumbass native Americans that got into very good colleges just because of their ethnicity

>> No.8583170

Does it really if we no longer have to pay taxes to subsidize food?

>> No.8583174

If food is a perfectly viable market as it is, why do we have to subsidize it? It's just a way to protect our farmers at the expense of lower food prices for everyone else. Taxes go towards subsidies, and those may be invisible, but they're definitely there.

>> No.8583175

What an intelligent, well-founded conclusion you have there.

>> No.8583216

>They are chemicals that contain no flavor of their own, rather they activate or block taste receptors in your mouth
And that's how you know the article is likely full of shit.
Flavour isn't some property intrinsic to molecules - it's a sensation, and as such exists solely in your head.
The interaction between receptors and molecules is exactly what gives rise to such sensations.

>Must they really use human fetal cells just to make tastier junk foods?
Does it matter that the assay used to screen for useful compounds somehow relies on human fetal cells?

That poorly tested compounds are sneaked into foodstuffs with little information available to the consumer is a perfectly valid concern.
However, the aforementioned issues are more in the line of "science = bad", and seriously detract from any points the article may bring.

>> No.8584299


>> No.8584348

It's only "cheap"because of subsidies! L2economics

>> No.8584358

don't leave china, slant

>> No.8584468

No, it was put in to create a level playing field

You people benefit from it because for every black kid with a 2.5 GPA there are fifty Asian kids with a 4.0 GPA. Black kids are not pushing you into second-tier schools, Asian kids are

And by "you" I mean whites. I use the "you" loosely because we both know you're not UCB material. You're "complaining about Paco the janitor took err jerrrbs" material. But since you brought up affirmative action, I am explaining how it actually would work to your advantage, if you were one of those hard working whites I keep hearing about

>> No.8584478

Yes? And? Agricultural subsidies are the reason we have cheap food. That's a good thing.

>> No.8584484
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>Black kids are not pushing you into second-tier schools, Asian kids are
But Asians are admitted into colleges with similar-if-not-stricter criteria to white kids?

>> No.8584489


It's a horrible thing. We should have good food, not cheap food.

Modern industrialized farming has sucked all the flavor out of our produce, poultry, and meat.

>> No.8584511

>We should have good food, not cheap food.
Are you one of those dipshits that thinks all-organic farming is the future, and dismisses the fact GMO crops are the reason a salad doesnt cost you $35?

>> No.8584531


Nope. I think organic is a meaingless buzzword.

I don't have a problem with GMO technology either. I just object to how it is being used. Why not focus on making food that tastes better rather than just cheap cheap cheap.

And actually, if supermarket costs were higher I wouldn't have a problem with that. It would be more motivation for people to learn about their food and perhaps grow their own produce.

>> No.8584543

>Why not focus on making food that tastes better rather than just cheap cheap cheap.
Because one is inherently better for everybody involved. It's more profitable and fills more bellies.
They've been working on reintroducing "flavor" back into oversized GMO crops for a long while now, most notably the tomato. It's not like this isn't something they're unaware of, making extra tasty giant food would sell even more of it.
tl;dr That shit is literally in the works

>It would be more motivation for people to learn about their food and perhaps grow their own produce.
By that logic people on SNAP should be cooking their own meals, growing their own herbs, and so forth, instead of using loopholes to buy giant sacks of frozen tv dinners

>> No.8584727

But they should.

>> No.8584754


If we don't subsidize farming, then people will stop farming.

If people stop farming, we will be dependent on foreigners for food.

If we become dependent on foreigners for food, then foreigners can stop sending us food.

If foreigners stop sending us food, people will riot and starve to death.

This is why we continue to subsidize farming.

>> No.8584761

Since you can't read graphs, let me help you out a bit

Asian applicants with a given score get accepted at lower rates than all other races, i.e., higher qualified Asian applicants are discriminated against to make room for lower qualified whites

>> No.8584763

Well yeah, but that doesn't mean they will.
Which is kinda the point. Jacking up the price of food isn't gunna make people smarter about buying food, it's just gunna starve them and lead them to worse choices.

>> No.8584770

>But Asians are admitted into colleges with similar-if-not-stricter criteria to white kids?
Since you can't read English, let me help you a bit.

The original post stated that Asian kids were pushing White kids out of schools, not Black kids pushing White kids out.
I refuted that with the aforementioned data, showing that if anything Asian candidates were admitted under SIMILAR IF NOT STRICTER criteria.

>> No.8584833

The second isn't even a scientific article. There isn't even a fucking sources cited.

Yeah, we're basically eating ourselves to death because of meat, beef especially.

To >>8584531
This is accurate. Making crops (including cotton and linen) pest and disease resistant and yield heavy are the primary focuses for what I feel should be intuitively obvious reasons. Flavour in foodstuffs is a tertiary concern and can be complicated to implement because taste is somewhat subjective. Manipulating carbohydrate content is daunting enough in it's own, so the fact that biotechnology hasn't given you your fucking tasties from your childhood is but a minor concern. It's being worked on, but that shit takes a lot of time/resources to accomplish.

>> No.8584843

Stricter because of crybabies like you. Hence my point way back here >>8582020
But nice job repeating what I said and pretending you were the one who said it and trying to conclude the opposite of what it means

>> No.8584846

>If we don't subsidize farming, then people will stop farming


>> No.8584850

Natural selection at its best, then. If these retards can't learn how to shop and cook effectively, they deserve to starve. Adapt and survive. This isn't the Stone age where you need to learn to fight back against tigers and shit. We have the internet. Ignorance is a choice.

>> No.8584854

Cutting hfcs subsidies isn't jacking up the price of food, it's letting the market set the price

A smarter subsidy would be to subsidize the price of healthy stuff

>> No.8584874
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What the fuck are you on about?

>le darwinism meme

It is jacking up the price of food because so much of our foods rely on either
Corn byproducts
Ethanol fuel
Or being used as feed for animals, which produce a shitload of the other food we eat

HFCS is terrible for you but that doesnt mean every other enormous benefit of corn subsidizes should be thrown out because of it.

>> No.8584899
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The goal of the subsidization program is to maintain enough farmers capable of producing food for the entire nation so we don't end up like Zimbabwe.

>> No.8584924

All gas in the usa has a set amount of ethanol in it dumbass

>> No.8584937

>Leveling the playing field
Blacks are 12% of the pop so they should only be 12% university population country wide if you are to stupid to make it with the asians you should be treated as such

>> No.8585055

Thank you for agreeing with me. Whiny whites think the world should be handed to them on a silver platter

>> No.8585061

*leans into mic*


>> No.8585070

>not subsidizing an industry is the same as kicking out all of the workers in an industry from the country

What are you smoking and where can I get a gram of it? Please take remedial economics.

>> No.8585100

>the enormous benefit of having nutrient-poor hot dogs and funyuns instead of fresh vegetables and legumes and a moderate amount of animal foods
Keep telling yourself billions of people would starve without microwave tendies

>> No.8585133

Where is this belief that healthy food will somehow skyrocket in popularity and consumption if corn isn't subsidized?

>> No.8585137
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Getting rid of affirmative action would mean less Asians would be turned away due to the fact they are Asian with high GPAs and test scores

It's almost like you fundamentally don't understand what affirmative actions is

>> No.8585229

I love the frustration in your posts as you explain my argument back to me and slowly process what it means for you

You need a leg up just as much as the blacks you so despise. You aren't so different from Trayvon after all

How does it feel to be a low achieving roundeye?

>> No.8585231

don't project, fag

>> No.8585234
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>asian supremacist
yeah man your tiny dick is super bragworthy

>> No.8585240

>Kicking out the workers of an industry doesn't have the same impact as allowing an industry to be outsourced to foreign workers

>> No.8585242

>b-but my genitals
Another thing you have in common with the lesser races

>> No.8585250

don't care, i'm happily engaged to the man i love and have wild gay sex every night while you masturbate alone and cry on your waifu pillow

>> No.8585256

>man coming from the outsourcing race calls other races 'lesser'
mmmm no that isn't right, labourer

>> No.8585258

Ok Milo

>> No.8585265
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>alt right accusations because i disagree with you
my fucking sides

>> No.8585267

>Pepsi literally puts ground up dead babies into soda
I can't believe it

>> No.8585277

The fucking GDP of the US and the budget of the federal government aren't the same thing

>> No.8585345

It's not so much because you "disagree" (whatever that means) but rather the fact that you started ranting about minorities and college and affirmative action in a food thread. And then got btfo by reality. And instead of accepting defeat you pulled the homo card, like that makes it ok to be a raging faggot.

But sure, milo. I must have called you milo because "we disagree" :^)

>> No.8585380

If you think that asians are so much better than whites then why do so many want to emigrate to the West? Why is it that almost all imporant discoveries/inventions were made in the West and nor in the East? You can say that NE-asians have higher IQs but that's like not seeing the forest for the trees.

>> No.8585519

Stop being a homophobe you fucking loser.

>> No.8585553 [DELETED] 

>if you think
I like how when hard data show that whites are in some measurable way better than blacks, it's "science", but when the same data show that asians are in a measurable way better than whites, it's "you think" "he thinks" "in my opinion"

I have no bone to pick with any race, but don't get pissy when your betters call you out on your abhorrent behavior towards minorities and the same arguments you use against them end up making you look bad

>> No.8585563

>why do so many want to emigrate to the West?

Because they seek out better education and employment opportunities.

>>Why is it that almost all imporant discoveries/inventions were made in the West and nor in the East?

That's factually incorrect.

>> No.8585603

i wasn't even the guy you were originally arguing with, i jumped in because you were acting like a cunt

>> No.8585613 [DELETED] 

You mean I wasn't being a meek obedient inscrutable silent china doll/sidekick meme

I forgot only whites are allowed to explain to other whites when they're being wrong

>> No.8585643

this is the funniest thing oh my god
please go back to tumblr, you can actually get away with thinly veiled homophobia there

>> No.8585651

Well, I guess I hate Asians now.

>> No.8585654

I'll tell you this - I was a lobbyist for the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition- the people that got ethanol added to gas as a mandatory thing. We got the government to subsidize 60% of the cost of producing a fallen and 60% of the cost to sell a gallon. It doesn't take a math whiz to realize we took the taxpayers for a ride on behalf of big corn and big auto.

>> No.8585661 [DELETED] 

>contradicting someone after they announced their sexual orientation is homophobia
The irony of you telling me to go back to tumblr is delicious

>> No.8585674

truly written like someone totally out of touch with poverty

>> No.8585693

The number of people in true poverty in America is vanishingly small. The fact that obesity is the great problem they face rather than starvation attests to that.

>> No.8585699

what is ""true poverty""?

>> No.8585700

The kind of life-threatening destitution used to justify the creation of social welfare programs. The homeless are a good example.

>> No.8585701

there are also other socioeconomic reasons that the impoverished tend to be obese e.g. food deserts in urban locales, caloric density of cheap shitty food

>> No.8585707 [DELETED] 

He can't define it, or he'll use something stupid like the FPL which supposedly says that the cost of living is the same in bumfuck Missouri as it is in Oakland or the Bronx

>> No.8585708

my point is that economic vulnerability isn't a binary between destitute and alright, there are people above the poverty line that are still stuck in shitty economic cycles that could benefit from systemic change. just my two cents.

>> No.8585709

Food deserts exist because there's no demand for better options. Grocery stores have tried, and fail out for exactly that reason.

Plus, losing weight is literally just a matter of eating less. Even if we want to assume that healthy food is expensive, which it isn't, all you have to do is eat a smaller portion of the shitty food. Save money and calories. But they don't.

>> No.8585712

no offense but I'm tentative to take that as fact unless you have a source for it

>> No.8585717

>Even if we want to assume that healthy food is expensive, which it isn't, all you have to do is eat a smaller portion of the shitty food. Save money and calories.
the malnutrition from doing that would kill people faster and more painfully than being obese is.

>> No.8585718



>> No.8585719
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>he don't know about rainbow tables

>> No.8585720

Please explain to me the nutritional expertise that led you to write this trainwreck of a response

>> No.8585726 [DELETED] 

>Food deserts exist because there's no demand for better options. Grocery stores have tried, and fail out for exactly that reason.

I live in partially gentrified area, the local poor people store still sells the same fucked up meat and expired milk and rotten vegetables it did 15 years ago when I first moved here. There is huge demand for good fresh food, but the store owner doesn't give a shit, he'd rather just triple the price on "rich people food" like organic pasta. So yeah, now you can get your gluten-free frozen dinners, and your kombucha, and your nasty raw cacao bars that taste like ass and burned tires for $9, and expensive 4-pack microbrews, but non-Chinese garlic? Fuck no. Meat that doesn't smell weird? Nope. Onions that aren't rotten on the inside? Nope. Milk that isn't bad the second you open it? Not really. Could they sell it? Hell yeah they could. Will they? No, for some reason they won't. I can't explain it.

So the gentrifiers just leave the neighborhood to buy vegetables and meat, or join CSAs, or more likely, just eat at the numerous nice restaurants that are now all over the place.

>> No.8585727

Thanks for the anecdote, I'll add it to the pile

>> No.8585728

>we're the government and we'll pay you to do a service that is to the mutual benefit of everyone in the country
>we're the government and we're going to give you money for food because you don't have the ambition to get a better job
Wowowoweee that was a tough one boss.

>> No.8585730


>> No.8585781

>deserts in urban locales

Ironically, the largest food deserts exist in the "country," 30 or more miles from a metropolitan area in flyover land. Extremely odd.

>> No.8585812

Quit being a faggot, you degenerate.

>> No.8585838

>what is ""true poverty""?

Go to the middle east, south of the border, or Africa, nigger.

"True poverty".
1. NO home
2. NO electricity
3. NO indoor plumbing.
4. NO education system
5. NO healthcare.
6. NO stable diet or dietary supplements.

Western "poverty" living in a housing project/trailer with public schools, food stamps and medicaid/medicare is living like a king compared to REAL poverty that exists in the rest of the world. Our "poor" people have fucking cell phones and shit....

>> No.8585851

The nearest decent sized supermarket is 13 miles away...but we're used to having shit far away outside the metro areas.

>> No.8585854 [DELETED] 
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> Our "poor" people have fucking cell phones and shit....

Were you home schooled by evangelicals, cleetus?

>> No.8586058

You seem upset about something, sunshine.

>> No.8586066



to have my dick covered in shit

>> No.8586072

you had a nice argument with that other faggot or at least started one, but all that kind of shit would take more money not less

>> No.8586076

>Niggers have no food but have phones to complain about having no food
Cant make this shit up>>8586058

>> No.8586100
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When you don't have land line infrastucture, and there isn't a bank for 50 miles. Cell phones become amazingly useful for commerce.

We basically don't even have text banking in the US, but banking over SMS is done by near 100% of bank account holders in African countries.

Only stupid rednecks don't understand the idea of leap frogging technology. Also, only stupid rednecks would think that all Africans are poor and starving.

Get a clue, Cletus.

>> No.8586146

they wouldn't have enough food without GMOs though

>> No.8586166

Well, taxes don't really go toward subsidies. At least not current taxes, because the U.S. runs GIGANTIC budget deficits, financing everything by borrowing money.

It's future taxes that will take the hit. Fortunately the interest rate on treasury bonds is practically nonexistant.

>> No.8586181


Yeah. It's too bad some people have to choose between cancer and starving because of the corporatocracy in america turning 80% of all grain production into tasteless trash.

You have to spend 4 bucks a pound on grits these days to buy non-GMO corn that doesn't taste like cardboard. It must suck to be poor and not be able to afford it.

When Trump builds the wall and fucks with border taxes, the Mexicans are all going to start buying their corn from Argentina and Brazil instead and America is going to have billions worth of cardboard tasting corn to turn into ethanol.

Things are going to get interesting.

>> No.8586191

We have subsidies for our farmers in Europe, and we have actual food. And low obesity.
How does this work?

And meat is more expensive than vegetables. That's pretty much how it works actually.
And cooking is cheaper than microwaved food. That one is really fucked up.

Yeah, they are talking about flavour enhancers. They talk like retards, but are correct in your quotes.

Search Garden-Gem-Tomatoes, can't link for some reason
Supermarket and producers still aren't interested in tasty tomatoes, even if produced at similar prices.
Because apparently Americans don't know that a tomato is supposed to taste of tomato. It's been one too many generation now they eat trash.

>> No.8586203

This, it's a huge hollow industry and it has terrible health effects. It exists as government funded, government bought and government forced to to keep the myth of Ol' McDonald alive.

>> No.8586223

(((MIDWESTENERS)))) with tons of corn smelt it down for a biofuel

>> No.8586241
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>vegans are forced to finance the meat industry by subsidizing the stock's food

>> No.8586262

You would be on a factory floor in a less-advanced part of the world without it ricechaff.

>> No.8586274

You're so fucking stupid. Kill yourself, weeb.

>> No.8586365

>They want to come to the west because it's a better society
>Now you can't just say western society is better that's factually untrue

Do you even read your posts? Did you mean to post this in two parts and pretend to be two different posters?

>> No.8586383

did you even read your own post? or the post you're replying to?

>> No.8586470

this will never happen until the people who run the food industry stop having political influence you fucking tool.

>> No.8586475

>durr think of the flavor
not only are you fucking wrong scientifically, but that is the least of anyones concern when it comes to reasons to scale back industrialized farming.

>> No.8586490

>what the fuck are you on about
the first anon made a bitchy retarded comment about black people getting a leg up, and a person with a brain in their skull pointed out that whites do the same shit to asians. guy pretended he refuted the other guy because of a technicality in the wording as the topic shifted. the moron gets called on it and any observer can tell pretty easily. white people, like all people, only hate this black leg up program because it's not helping them, they don't have anything to say about how they don't deserve a leg up against asians when the topic comes up.

>> No.8586500

>durr muh dick
actually its because asians value schooling more than you, while you're apperantly too busy being a chad and bragging about your dick size to chicks, tests are for nerds after all.

it still boggles my mind that these storm front niggers think black people are some how intellectually inferior yet they have nothing to say but "muh white technological superiority" when asian IQs get brought into the picture.

>> No.8586507

here we are. the last refuge for the stormfront niggers. "muh technology" It's like these morons don't understand how technology even works or is invented.

>> No.8586525
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Recess is over, back to /pol/ boys

>> No.8586561
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>yellow peril

>> No.8586582

Youre so mind blowingly retarded, please re-read your posts and pick up an economics text book.

>> No.8586702

>Highlight logical fallacy
>Directed with ad hominem

Boy are the trolls lazy, at least come at me with a shitty argument

>> No.8587135

There's a shit ton of money to be made in biomaterials made from human tissue. A dentist from my school got caught buying corpses from funeral homes, and illegally grinding up their bones to make bone grafting material. Normally, this stuff comes from people who consented to this, and were properly vetted to not have diseases and shit that could be spread to the recipient. A lot of people got sick and died from this implant material and he got rich, before he was caught and died of bone cancer (lol), which probably came from inhaling that nasty shit in the airborne particles that were made when he was grinding up bone in his shed.


>> No.8587147 [DELETED] 

>Mr. Mastromarino’s case broke more than two years ago with accusations that he and others were cutting up bodies at a funeral home in Brooklyn and selling the parts to medical science operations. Among the bodies plundered was that of Alistair Cooke, the British journalist and former host of “Masterpiece Theater.”

Sounds like a bad episode of Law and Order

>> No.8587207
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>while you're apperantly too busy being a chad and bragging about your dick size to chicks
did you miss the multiple times it was pointed out i'm gay

>> No.8587603

>implying you even know what an adhominem is
why would anyone do that when you are too stupid to tell an argument for a request for clarification based on some retarded cryptic shit you just said?

>> No.8587677

It's protectionism. We can't produce sugar cheaper than other countries we have trade agreements with so we subsidize corn which is more efficient.

>> No.8587804

>literal faggot can't go a single thread without loudly proclaiming his sexuality
Why won't people treat us regularly guys???

>> No.8588996
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>so butthurt they're breaking out the high school debate club terms now

>> No.8589095

They are high schoolers, doofus.

>> No.8589216

>t. angry feminazi who wants to have more rights to abort 9 month old bby

>> No.8589233

Thy're not killing the dead to make a profit, derp, and there's consent.

There's still the issue of consuming anything human, but you can't tell me this is on par with pushing more for abortion to get sweet dough.

>> No.8589376

It's only more efficient because of subsidies. Every other country use sugar to sweeten, corn syrup is hardly used.
Heck, to sweeten is "to sugar" in my language for a fucking reason.

>> No.8589740

>t. a dumbfuck redneck with an iq of 3 who is too stupid to understand the long term ramifications of abstinence only education is the direct cause to excessive abortion

>> No.8589750

Gee I didn't know Vietnam, Romania, Cuba, and Russia were all about abstinence-only education.

I also didn't know that promoting abstinence and the dangers of unprotected sex caused men to ejaculate in women.

>> No.8590026

Except that that stat only counts direct cash handouts as a "subsidy". They don't count the ethanol fuel mandate as a subsidy, even though it forces everyone who drives a car in the United States to fork over cash to the ethanol industry, which in turn jacks up the price of corn.

> In 2015, about 13.7 billion gallons of fuel ethanol were added to motor gasoline produced in the United States, and fuel ethanol accounted for about 10% of the total volume of finished motor gasoline consumed in the United States. Fuel ethanol contains a denaturant that is added to ethanol to make the ethanol unfit for human consumption. Federal law requires that fuel ethanol contain at least 2% denaturant by volume, but the actual content in fuel ethanol may be higher.

A gallon of ethanol at wholesale supplier prices costs about $3, whereas gasoline at wholesale was running about $2.15. That means that in 2015 alone, U.S. consumers were forced to spend $11.65 billion dollars more than they otherwise would have had to on fuel alone. That's not even counting the increased prices of food -- since those growers could have grown corn for the grocery store, or for cattle feed, or for export to impoverished nations, or grown something else, or just killed themselves as a waste of oxygen. Nor does it count the increased air pollution and CO2 emissions due to the production of ethanol and the substitution of ethanol for long-chain hydrocarbons (which have double the energy density of ethanol, and therefore are more efficient).

So your "94 billion over the last twenty years!" is total bullshit.

>> No.8590052

Huh, odd, I don't remember mentioning abstinence. In fact, that shit doesn't work, idiot. Of course people are going to fuck, o well. But who the fuck thinks killing offspring is the best possible form of contraceptive? Apparently you do, ms feminazi. And selling of said 'viable product' is vile, god, virginity, morals or not.

>> No.8590062

I don't know anyone that is for late term abortions and the less babies that dumb nigs and white trash have is less welfare tax for you, right?

>> No.8590063

Sugar is more expensive in the US because of the US's relation with Cuba.

HFCS is cheaper than sugar in the US only because sugar is cheaper to import from Cuba than to use to HFCS but its more expensive than to import it from anywhere else. Subsidies added to that to lower the price even further but thats the original reason we switched

>> No.8590094

Maybe I'm going over board o late term, but my point still stands on using baby parts for anything, making the business of abortion more lucrative than it already is. Plus why do certain politicians and fringe groups push for late term abortions? Why dhave their been some docs caught doing lte term?

>> No.8590385

You assume subsidies match what is needed, and that they are still economically necessary.

>> No.8590514
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It's just politics. Americans can't bear to put those POOR FAMILY FARMS out of business, despite the fact that such things have gone basically extinct, bought out by huge and highly profitable agribusinesses.So the farm bill gets re-approved every time without much fuss. The thing is, for a long time the farm bill has been tied with approval of food stamp benefits, so you know, poor kids can eat. Somehow, conservative americans have a big issue with that part of the bill.

>> No.8590533 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is there are some of those "poor family farms" but they don't get SHIT from the government. Those giant monoculture farms growing the garbage that goes into a McDonalds meal or a bag of Fritos are run by huge agribusinesses and getting subsidized.

The guy selling acorn squash and beets and swiss chard and no-homo milk at your local farmstand meanwhile gets nothing at all. Which is why you need Gwynyth Paltrow money to eat fresh vegetables and no-homo milk, whereas Laytisha Henderson from E. St. Louis can only afford the HFCS garbage on her 2 minimum wage part time jobs. The tiny bag of nuts you got at the hippie store for $8.50 didn't get shit for subsidies either. But the $0.99 pack of cancer you got at the gas station sure did.

>> No.8590560

it was mentioned like twice
not your fault you can't pay attention

>> No.8590583

I could save tons of diskspace by cutting the best scenes out of my porn and deleting the rest, but everytime i start something else comes up.

>> No.8590605


>> No.8590622

Like deleting old useless shit then?

>> No.8591274

yeah, one kilobyte at a time
might as well be emptying a bathtub with an eyedropper

>> No.8591390
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>High school debate terms

Disrespect logical and critical thinking ONE (1) more time and you will see the power a sharp mind can do

>> No.8591431


If we don't subsidize farming, farmers will stop voting republican.

>> No.8591434


strong supporter of a free market right there

>> No.8593103

>waaaah everyone should be forced to subsidise muh tendies and mountain dew or I'll throw a tantrum!

>> No.8593112

You tell 'em.

>> No.8594046

They don't use aborted material. They use donated unfertilized embryos. It has nothing to do with abortions.
>I can't believe it
That's because it's not true. The embryonic cells are used to make taste testing apparatus for the purposes of development and QC. None if it ever makes it into something somebody would consume.

Aborted fetuses are unsuitable for scientific research and you should be EXTREMELY SKEPTICAL of someone who claims it's happening.

The only thing aborted fetuses are good for is studying aborted fetuses.

>> No.8594518

even if we stopped subsidies and the number of farmers decreased, do you think the US would really be hamstrung by foreign food imports to the extent that it would undermine national defense interests?

we could always just...start farming again if war with a supplier broke out

i think that might start happening if mexican food imports get a tariff slapped on them

>> No.8594529

SNAP is basically corn subsidy, except the money is not given directly to the syrup producers.

>> No.8594538


you should know that agriculture is a living, organic system- not a switch that can be turned on and off

>> No.8594573

Yeah budy it doesn't work like that. You can't just turn workers on and off like you do in your video games

>> No.8594606

You should know that agriculture isn't some special magic art that will be lost if we scale it back by 90%. It's quite easy to increase capacity in very short time.

>> No.8594634

stop conflating "farm subsidies" with "big corn subsidies"

nobody is suggesting that the government should stay completely out of agro markets, just stop distorting them so badly

corn represents about 0.0001% of the available crops cultivated by humans, but gets nearly all of the subsidies. as a result markets are flooded with shitfood and eating a healthy diet is considered a privilege for the privileged elite

>> No.8594652

Kek, is this what Americans mean by "alternative facts"? Anti-intellectualism will be the death of us all.

>> No.8594659


>what are emergency wartime mobilization acts

>> No.8594660

It is retardedly cheap in the USA though, should not have to be consumed thrice a day.

>> No.8594663
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>meat is bad
>it should be expensive
take your b12, PETA

>> No.8594697

What a lot of people in this thread don't get is

1) That subsidies are meant to make sure we never get into the situation where foreign food imports could hamstring us. It's not about the question of "if", it's far better to never have to ask that question in the first place.

2) America is a net food exporter. For China, Europe, India, and Africa we ARE the "foreign food imports that could undermine national defense interests". Part of the Liberal/Neo-Con/NGO tactic for controlling Africa (And the Middle East) has been selectively giving food aid to whichever dictator of the month supports their agenda.

Obviously the system as a whole is rotten, but neither side gets to the crux of the matter. >>8594634 touches on it: Agriculture has stopped being about the individuals and has been corporatized into what is most profitable for a nebulous entity far removed from both the field and the dinner table (so to speak).

It's like CNN said, we live in a Post-Truth world. It doesn't need to make sense as long as the right pockets get greased.

>> No.8594704

Ausfag who's travelled half the world, I can confirm this. The US is hands down one of the cheapest developed countries to live in.

Still wouldn't live there though with all your racism and weird gun obsession, just wish you guys would hurry up and legalise weed so the rest of the world will do it too.

>> No.8596287

white 3.6gpa 30mcat here. second year applying. 60 applications, $7000 spent, 48 rejections, 5 interviews, still waiting on 7, 0 acceptances so far. Not fun.

>> No.8596702

It's actually really ineffecient and a waste of time and money.

>> No.8596709

Is shilling synthetic chemicals with hazards to humans the new /ck/ thing?

>> No.8596972

Except why do you think corn is the end all of this? Isn't there a more efficient crop that could be subsidized to reduce costs?

>> No.8597156

Say that to IMDB.

>> No.8598023

>unfertiilized embryos
That's like a married bachelor....?

How can they get kidney cells frm an egg?