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8576556 No.8576556 [Reply] [Original]

whats your beef jerky recespie?
ive got 4kg of flank stake that im am gonna turn to jerky

>> No.8576563
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I use a south African chilli biltong dry rub and it is nice but I'm monitoring this thread as I am in need of a good wet recipe

>> No.8576566

this is what i ussually do
>woschershire sauce
>liquid smoke
>black pepper (ground)
>chili flakes to taste

>> No.8576574

how thin you usually slice it before dehydrating?

>> No.8576582


>> No.8576597

plz no bully

>> No.8576855


Give your meat a good ol rub

>> No.8576904

This is a good recipe. It's similar to what I use, as well. I do equal parts soy and worcestershire. I also add minced garlic. Be careful with the salt, it's easy to overdue it.

>> No.8576930

Eurofag here. I don't get the point of beef jerky.
I guess it's like chewing leather. Somebody want to enlighten me?

>> No.8576942


The original purpose was to preserve meat back in the days before refrigeration.

Now it's just a popular tasty snack. Some of the cheap stuff is indeed tough, but that's the sign of shitty jerky. When made properly it's not at all like chewing leather.

>> No.8576958

it delic

>> No.8576959

What nationality are you?
Meanwhile in Europa, the magical meat land:
>All types of pre modern Salami
What made Beef Jerky into what it is, is that it goes back to how cured meat was traditionally sold and used. And actually made a place in modern foodstores.
Meanwhile everyone and their mother has been selling uncut gigantic pieces of dry meat, but everyone sorta forgets they exist and is mostly the same.

>> No.8576971

German. I guess I gotta try it at least once. It's been popping up in stores more and more recently, but it's pretty expensive since it's something """exotic""".

>> No.8576983


It's expensive because it takes a lot of meat to make just a little bit of jerky. Meat is mostly water, so when you dehydrate it you lose most of the weight you started with.

It takes several pounds of meat to make just one pound of jerky. So even if cheap meat was used to start with it gets expensive quick for that reason.

>> No.8577110

Been doing lots of different jerky recipes recently for the purpose of selling it, and so far everybody's favorite is my sweet chili.

1 part soy sauce
1 part ginger ale
2 parts Sriracha chili garlic sauce
3 parts brown sugar
And a splash of liquid smoke

Mix and marinate for a few hrs, dehydrate at 140 for 12 hours.
Hope this helps

>> No.8577159
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Picture of the finished product

>> No.8577491

...just say "lea and perrins sauce" and be done with the stupid argument once and for all. It is( the other) proper name for it after all

guys, anyone tried bak kwa? it seems like there's way too much sugar in all the recipes I can find, second guessing myself.

>> No.8578377

looks amazing if not just acceptable.
i bet it tastes lovely and has a nice chew.
good job.

>> No.8578402

the good manufactured stuff in the states is expensive (to my mind) as well, anon.
it does tend to last a while for me, and is actually fairly healthy compared to other snacks.

>> No.8578413

How do yoy make Jerky at home?

>> No.8578602
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I came here to make a thread about this.

I recently bought this food dehydrator in pic related. Its great, and can be had for under $200. A few issues: Its riveted together poorly, so it shakes and vibrates. Fan is unbalanced. If you have a welder, go over those rivets to reduce vibrations, and get some rubber isolaters for the fan motor. This thing vibrated a glass off the counter, and it broke :(

Anyway, what I do for my recipe is use 50/50 low sodium soy sauce and Worcester. To that I add ground chipotle, or chili, or paprika, or any other ground spiced pepper. I buy my spices from a spice house. None of that store bought shit. I recently bought a small box of ground chili from a Mexican grocery store that usually has great produce, but the spice was no where near as potent as the stuff I get from my spice house. Had no heat to it at all.
This place ships, I highly recommend Vulcan Fire Salt.

I add a descent heap of spices. The same store sells different mixes of spices, so I vary. Sometimes I will add a few dried naga jolokia for that extra spice.
I dont do smoke
I dont do prepared sauces
I avoid garlic, but will use garlic powder.
Blend all the ingredient in a blender, and add it to the sliced beef, refrigerate overnight.

Comes out hella good, and very, very spicy. Just how I like it.

Now what I am looking for is a sweet recipe. I recently did a batch where I had nothing but honey, some water, fresh ginger, and garlic. The sauce tasted good, but unfortunately the meat came out very bland, and not sweet at all. Almost like it had no flavor added.
What did I do wrong?
In the past I added honey to my existing 50/50 soy/wor mix, but it came out tasting weird. The sweetness almost tasted like rancid milk. It wasnt bad, but just weird.
I did not like results using brown sugar either, but open to suggestions.

>> No.8578610
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Some of my earlier work. Tried using fatty sirloin steak cause it was $2.50 a pound.

So far I found that round eye beef works the best, its lean, and usually the cheapest.

>> No.8578695

My guess is, even with a sweeter version that was bland, you should have added more salt.

>> No.8578741

Recipe called for no salt, and I didnt add any, but I suspected that salt should be used to tenderize the meat so it absorbs the flavor more.
Is that the issue?
Should I first brine the meat, and then add the main honey mix?

>> No.8578791

If it were me, I'd add it in at the beginning. At least 25g kosher or sea salt per kilogram. Think about it. The salt is a big part of the preservation process.

>> No.8578931

has anyone ever tried using Adobo seasoning as the main spice?

>> No.8578934

So brine it first, then what? Remove it, wash it? just add the honey mix?
Or should I mix it all together?

>> No.8578978

I would blend it with your honey, ginger and garlic. But I would also nix the water. I can't see how that's helping anything. I also feel like there should be some chili heat in there to compliment the sweetness.

>> No.8579079

water was to thin out the honey a bit

>> No.8579209

Can you cook jerky in an oven?

>> No.8579242

Did anyone try Alton Brown's method of dehydrating that he showed in Good Eats? Just strips of marinated meat laid out on air-filters and placed in a stack over a large fan.

He made it sound like it was better for jerky because it just dehydrates and doesn't cook.

>> No.8579444

you gotta do what you gotta do y'know?

>> No.8579454


>> No.8579458

Yes but it is not cooking. It is dehydrating. Very low heat very long time. Barely on at all.

>> No.8579474

So minimum temperature for 4-5 hours or so? And just put the meat on foil on top of the tray or something?

>> No.8579475

I do the tooth pick method where you hand it in the oven racks but pretty much, yeah. Time is always different depending on thickness and fat content but around 140F is what mine does for minimum and it's all I have to use. 4-6 hours normally.

>> No.8579477


>> No.8580244

So do you set the oven at 50C or 75C then?
Because there generally isn't a 140F setting.

>> No.8580282

>ginger ale

Dat HFCS tho.

>> No.8580341

The last time I tried making jerky was probably 4 years ago and I used 70-30 hamburger. Please help me

>> No.8580348
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Daily reminder that beef jerky is inferior to South African biltong

>> No.8580359


>> No.8580364

Nobody cares about Africans.

>> No.8580374
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Soy sauce base, throw in whatever spices I feel like putting in for that batch.
I don't really have a recipe.

>> No.8580422
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>decide to try and make beef jerky
>don't have a dehydrator

>> No.8580570

Mine is crappy and the lowest actual temperature it shows on the dial is 200F but before that, it says "WM" on the dial, which I assume means warm. I just leave a thermometer in there and it stays roughly around 140F. If you can set yours to 75C that should work just fine since it's like around 165F or something.

>> No.8580582


Do you not have an oven either? You only need a dehydrator if you're making literally tens of pounds of the stuff at a time

>> No.8580587

I do, but it's minimum temperature is too high for it.

>> No.8580593


So it's permanently at 80 degrees or higher? Must save you a lot on the heating bill.

>> No.8580597
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>> No.8580612


Sarcasm aside, you realise you can turn your oven off while it's still heating up right?

>> No.8580635

>Exactly the same
>Except more types of meat used
>Less sweet coating
Bless the Dutch

>> No.8580690

The sweet thing really puts me off jerky. Why the fuck would you put a Demerara glaze on beef?

>> No.8580702


Very little jerky has a "sweet" glaze on it.

>> No.8580706

Normal for US is brown sugar (normal sugar with molasses added to make it brown) based for sweet jerky and meats, not demerara based.

>> No.8580724

When you dehydrate with the oven, put it on its lowest setting, and open the door halfway.

You may need to rotate the beef jerky tray around.

>> No.8580956

ideally you'll get the butcher wherever you get your meat from to slice it for you so you can get it pretty thin, and a consistent slice

>> No.8580996

forgot to mention that I like mine pretty thin, like a quarter inch or so, I don't like for the end product to be thick and therefore chewy and soft. I like beef jerky you could shank a man with

>> No.8581022

aight. Imma go to my local market, and buy like 8lb of beef for beef jerky. will post here as I go along. brb in 20ish

>> No.8581040

my go to rub is just eyeball together some salt, brown sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, and ground mustard

>> No.8581098
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Imma do a rub that worked in the past.

50/50 soy sauce and Worcestershire, and add a shittone of spices.

I'll see if these peppers have any heat to them

>> No.8581103

woo, they have decent heat. time to blend

>> No.8581122
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Time to blend

>> No.8581130
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>> No.8581148
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>> No.8581160
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About 2/3 done

>> No.8581165
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>> No.8581166

>adding sugar to make beef brown

No wonder Americans are obese

>> No.8581176

How do you get beef anything out of that? I said how they make brown sugar. Not brown beef. Are you some kind of fucking obsessed retard?

>> No.8581177


If you don't mind my asking, what's the purpose of blending the meat for making jerky?

I know it's a thing, but I also know it's entirely possible to make jerky from whole pieces of meat, or thin strips. The best jerky I ever had was from a local meat market who smoked it out back. It was in large continuous pieces.

What is the purpose behind the blending?

>> No.8581183

He blended the peppers and sauces, not the meat. He sliced the meat up and put the blended mixture of peppers and sauces onto it to absorb it.

>> No.8581186
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All chopped up

>> No.8581194

>He blended the peppers and sauces, not the meat.

Thanks, I only looked at the thumbnails.

But that said, I know that some people do run their jerky meat through a fine grinder (or blender, or food processor...) and I'm curious as to what the purpose of that is.

>> No.8581199
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A little finer blend. Fucked up on the first. Too many seeds left

>> No.8581210
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Now in th bridge overnight, will update tomorrow afternoon

>> No.8581247

USB receiver(width)?
How thick?
Give us a comparison.

Knife work is fun after all

>> No.8581258

bout a quarter inch thick.
brotip: it's easier to slice thin if you freeze the meat first

>> No.8581277

see >>8581098
I bought "special" meat, aka shit that needs to be sold at the end of the day. Its 40% cheaper.

Its little less than a quarter inch thick, which is great for my dehydrator. I can get it all done in 3.5 hours.
I like thicker slices, they are easier to peel off when done, less slices to work with, more tender on the inside.

Also, always cut against the grain.

>> No.8581295

Why are you putting sugar on your beef nigger?

>> No.8581300

not that guy but it gives it a bbq flavor

>> No.8581363

It gives it a sugar flavour lad

>> No.8581369

Molasses is the bbq sauce flavor. Because bbq sauce is molasses based

>> No.8581550

It helps mitigate the salty flavor, famalam.

>> No.8581914

Friendly reminder that the only ingredients in your base beef jerky recipe should be beef, salt and sunlight. If it's not cracker-crisp when you're done then it's not worth eating.

>> No.8582090

jack links teriyaki

>> No.8582149

/ck/ hates Alton Brown for some gay reason so don't expect much responses from here except for ">le reddit cook" or some gay, contrarian shit like that.

I'm actually going to try that method exactly because I love AB and I'm gonna do that method in the next day or so. If this thread is still up I'll let you know how it turns out.

>> No.8582222

Replace liquid smoke with a Chipotle pepper.

>> No.8582342


Fewer slices.

>> No.8582827

Dont call me that

>> No.8582888

>1 part lea
>1 part nandos ultra hot
>2 tablespoons honey
>1 part apple cider
>Enough peri peri seasoning to crust it over after marinading

Been playing with it for a year, that's generally what I use for a 1kg batch.

>> No.8583176

I used 744g of beef and ended with 400g of beef jerky the other day.

>> No.8583180

I use a dehydrator, 3,5-4 hours at 70C does it

>> No.8583187
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Indeed. It is suppose to make it easier to eat. You use the ground meat and it's all seasoned, put it into a jerky gun which is sort of like a caulk gun or similar, then squeeze it out in strips and dehydrate. I know there are some national brands in the US that do it this way also. You can make it with super lean meats since you grind it up and it's still softer and easy to bite and chew once it's done.

>> No.8583385
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dude this dehydrator is about 40 dollars and is easy to use (pic related)

>> No.8584334

Are you being serious?

That is the biggest piece of shit dehydrator out there. Half the reviews on it talk about either how it works like shit, fragile plastic that breaks, or how it gets hot spots, and plastic melts.

People on Craigslist cant sell it for $15 right now.

It doesnt have a fan, and it takes about 20+ hours to dehydrate meat.

Its literally the worst product.

>> No.8584347
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Aight, it's been about 18 hours. Time to dehydrate. Fist I'm gonna transfere it all into one big pot, and give it a quick mix

>> No.8584372
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First rack done

>> No.8584410

See ya in about 4 hours

>> No.8584418
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Forgot pic

>> No.8584431

Biltong is amazing. Probably the best food to come out of SA.

>> No.8584794

Don't have an oven/dehydrator so I'm using an electric fan. I'm just starting with jerky-making so beginner-tier.

>worch sauce
>soy sauce
>chili flakes

>> No.8585086
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3.5 hours later it's nearing completion. I turned the heat down a bit, so probably another 90 min or so

>> No.8585176

Tiny spicy turds

>> No.8585724
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Damn jerky is flame. Got me some over to go

>> No.8585736

Soy Sauce
Apple Cider Vinegar
Onion Powder
Chilli Powder (home grown bride eye chilli powder ground to powder)
Chilli Flake (More birds eyes less ground to a flake)
Liquid Smoke

>> No.8585740

Forgot to add, waiting for my steak to defrost on the counter as we speak so I can do a lot of jerky tomorrow.

>> No.8585795

Is it really worth going through the whole process/spending the money when you can just buy it? I absolutely love jerky and want to make some my own someday, but I don't know if I'd do it regularly

>> No.8585826

It's pays for itself quickly. You can make like 10lb of jerky in one sitting for $40.
Store bought stuff is about $20 a pound, and not always good.

>> No.8586287

>nigger food
no thanks.

>> No.8586891

Oh man this shit so fucking spicy as fuck. I've already took like 4 shits, each burned more than the last. But goddamn the jerky is good.

I think imm gonna put it in a colander and give it a shake to get rid the seeds, they are quite spicy.

>> No.8587161

Ok, got a question
I want to make beef jerky in bulk as a snack food, however without the preservatives that are in store bought, or even just ability to remove the fat as well as i likely should, I hear shit can go south relatively fast.

How long can beef jerky stay for?
Also, can I freeze a portion, just keep 5 or so portions unfrozen and at the ready at a time or would that fuck the jerkie up?

>> No.8587170

It's pronounced wuss-ter-sheer you uneducated yank

>> No.8587690

Ramsey pronounces it WOOSTER faggot. And so do I because I'm British

>> No.8587950

I never had homemade jerky last more than 5 days.

Freezing it would work, just make sure it doesnt get soggy.
refrigerating it, or vacuum sealing might be better.

>> No.8588746
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Had to shake off some extra peppers and seeds, jerky was wayyy too hot.

>> No.8589470

Just tried Alton Brown's box fan recipe. Marinaded the flank steak strips for 6 hours and then I just laid them out over the air filters. Just strapped them to the box fan and cranked it up. We'll see how it turns out 12 hours from now.

>> No.8589860

Please make sure to supply photos and any tips/insights you have.

>> No.8589876
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>>liquid smoke

>> No.8590106

It has a fan and the fan generates warm air and keeps things circulated. I make some awesome jerky with one of those.

>> No.8590236

go shove black garlic up your ass

>> No.8590246

>ive got 4kg of flank stake
Then you're basically done. Cut along the grain, salt and pepper. That's it.

>> No.8590288

wochshire, soy, spices, little lemon juice, dice garlic and onions. let marinade for 2-3 days in fridge, then dehydrate. maybe add hot sauce if your into that or crushed red pepper.

>> No.8590369

I posted that after I did all the prep work and everything BUT I will post pics of the end result later on today. Here are some of the things I've noticed so far.

1. You really want to freeze that flank steak for 2 hours...mine was just kind of frozen around the edges so once I really got to work on it it was like cutting a regular, thawed piece of meat and made it more work

2. Make sure your worcestershire sauce is a kind with anchovies in the ingredients. Publix version was shit so I threw out the first marinade and went to buy a better kind.

3. The recipe calls for 4 air filters. Alton claims they're only $1 each at a hardware store, but they were about $4.50 each at Home Depot where I got them. Whatever.

My whole basement smells amazing right now but I'm going to wait the full 12 hours. Should be around 11:30am EST when they're finished and I'll post pics.

Great thread, OP. Beef jerky is the shit!

>> No.8590375

What's wrong with liquid smoke? And make an attempt at an actual answer not just some greentexted shitpost.

>> No.8590379


>> No.8590387

American detected. It's wuss-tuh-shuh.

>> No.8590389

worse tur sure

>> No.8590395

Why are so many people in this thread cutting across the grain of the meat? You should be shot into the sea by catapult.

>> No.8590467

I'm in Spain and I've been looking for jerky for ages. Where do Americans get theirs? :V
(Not to prepare it myself)

>> No.8590499

>where do Americans

>> No.8590527

they literally sell it at gas stations, convenience stores, and grocery stores. almost everywhere

at least you guys have enormous sections of your grocery stores dedicated to every variety of ham, I would rather have that

>> No.8590539

>Where do Americans get theirs?
We grab our rifles, go out into the woods, and shoot a deer.
If you want beef, it's in every gas station and grocery store. Also gun shows are well known for their variety of jerky. Ask /k/.

>> No.8590541

>buying jerky from some random gun nut
Enjoy your lead poisoning

>> No.8590657

>jerky from wacko gun nut gives lead poisoning

I'd be more worried about the fact that they were drooling onto the meat as they sliced it and hadn't washed their hands once in the last year.

>> No.8590666

Nu-males outside of their safe spaces detected.

>> No.8590672

Average gun nut

>> No.8590692
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>> No.8590697
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>> No.8590708

biltong is better than any beef jerky

my dad is south african and we've been making it since i was little. it's easy and takes less than a week. there's lots of recipes online.

>> No.8590722

I'd love to try it some day. For now though, I'll stick with my homemade venison jerky.

>> No.8590827

what dehydrator is that? also how does it taste besides being a bit 2 spicy?

>> No.8591188

Thanks anon, I'll try this out

>> No.8592364
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>> No.8592413
