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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8574105 No.8574105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whether you were working or dining in share em!

>Be me
>Dishwasher at shitty restaurant in Aventura Florida.
>Owner somehow convinces the city to have their annual party there
>Literally 300 people show up, we are extremely short staffed and have the retard busboys working.
>Long story short, a bus by was on Xanax and was carrying the bus pan
>His dumbass is walking between 2 tables and decides to lift the bus pan over his head to not risk bumping into the seated guest with the bus pan
>This nigga drops the bus pan and concussed a city clerk with that shit.
>Restaurant closes a few days later

>> No.8574374

Did you find a new job?

>> No.8574433

>Go to a restaurant at 7pm with family
>Restaurant is completely empty
>Consider leaving because empty restaurant is a bad sign
>Get told they are full and we can't dine there
>Decision made up for us anyway

Was extremely strange

>> No.8574444


>Aventura Florida

I also work in this city, what a fucking shit hole

>> No.8574532

Nice digits senpai
Yea, the traffic alone is on some other shit. Some of the worst in DADE and that's saying something.

>> No.8574884 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1920x1200, Safeshutdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, anon, I don't mean to 'yuck' your 'yum,' but the ADL has declared Pepe a hate symbol. Please don't continue to spread anti-semitic toxicity by posting "rare Pepes" or any other form of Pepe.

He's basically a green swastika at this point, so let's keep it off the SFW boards, mmkay?

>> No.8575040
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/ck/ is more nazi than /pol/

>> No.8575058
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>> No.8575079

You probably showed up to OPs restaurant right before before the city people did

>> No.8575288
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My family are the people who applaud and cheer sarcastically when a waiter drops something. It's super embarrassing.

>> No.8575322

>Not cheering sarcastically when a waiter drops something

Christ you must be a massive beta faggot. Your family more than likely hates you. Pathetic

>> No.8575334
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I am usually overcome with empathy for someone going through what must be a very embarrassing moment in public.

>> No.8575335

>at greasy spoon
>go into washroom stall that didn't realize how was occupied
>dude getting a blowie from done slag
>in same greasy spoon two days later
>same slag is waiting my table, she recognizes me
>gives me free slice of red velvet cake
not bad

>> No.8575342

Get over it fagboy the waiter aint gonna let you suck his dick for feeling sorry for him

>> No.8575447

t. never been to a summer camp
I feel sorry for you son. No wonder social situations scare you, you're underdeveloped.

>> No.8575457

Xanax munchies are some of the best munchies in the goddamn world. They even beat out weed munchies by a long shot.

Not weed and Xanax munchies. Oh, ho, ho, you're in for some good eating.

>> No.8576102

>Long story short, a bus by was on Xanax and was carrying the bus pan
i've worked a dishwashing shift on xanax and it was suddenly 3pm and there was a mountain of dishes
never again

>> No.8576103

ironic falseflagging is still shitposting and a bannable offence

>> No.8576106

>he acts like he's still in summer camp despite being a grown adult
how embarrassing

there's this thing called 'being nice to other people' you might want to give a try. you're likely to end up with less spit in your food if you don't treat service people like they're garbage

>> No.8576112

Speaking of which does anyone else love the sound of glass breaking?

>> No.8576117

I think you're misunderstanding the social context
Cheering and clapping over someone breaking a glass isn't like a 'fuck you retard way to go', it's like laughing at a bad situation, people are making light of the situation because we all -know- how embarrassing that must be. like I don't get how you don't understand that

>> No.8576119

>free slice of red velvet cake

Is this a euphemism for vagina?

>> No.8576121

what i don't understand is why you think drawing even more attention to someone who's already humiliated is helpful

>> No.8576124

k dipshit
if you did something really loud and stupid and 30+ people suddenly snapped around to stare at you would you rather they just awkwardly stare at you while you sheepishly clean up the mess or would you rather people laugh it off to try to make you feel better and move on

>> No.8576125

so you stare at them like a deer in headlights? the fuck is wrong with you?

have you ever even worked in a kitchen before? you realize that the staff thinks you're a fucking asshole, right?

>> No.8576130

You know who gets to laugh? Them. Not you. You're a fucking autistic retard and you embarrass everyone around you.

>> No.8576131

I'd probably start crying and run out if I was the waiter/busboy.

>> No.8576135

you're unbelievably socially inept holy shit

>> No.8576137

nah seems like it's you actually
everyone else might be an asshole who claps but you don't have to be, but choose to do so anyway
just ignore the poor waiter/busboy and leave them to clean up their mess, they feel shitty enough without your 'help'

>> No.8576139

>acting like dropping a dish is the end of the fucking world
>joking about embarrassing situation is devastating to poor busboy
k den

>> No.8576141

>forcing ad hominem when failing to understand basic human concepts
Are you a fucking child? Because we DID clap at the cafet when some one dropped something back when I was in elementary/middle school.
If you're a fully grown up human being still doing this, then you are the one who has trouble adapting to society and other around you.

>> No.8576145

hey man, you're the one who said everyone stops what they're doing and turns around to stare at the poor guy. it's pretty frightening, especially when you're worried about losing your job

no shit it's not the end of the world, but that doesn't mean you should have some fucking respect for other people. jesus christ, just be nice. it's not even hard

>> No.8576149

Dropping a plate isn't a big deal
Everyone gasps
Old guys claps
Everyone gives nervous smile or 'oops' look
Clean it up and go about shift

Went to a super fancy restaurant once and spent a ton of money on truffle fries, super excited to try them and be a fancy fuck, they straight up tastes like cheetos

>> No.8576152



>> No.8576187

>order a reserved table for 12 people weeks in advance
>wine, champagne, 3 course meal prepared for everyone, the whole deal
>or so we thought
>we arrive
>hello how can i help you? your reserved desk is over here
>we had ordered weeks in advance?
>huh I don't know anything about that
Seriously, everytime the owner is not in-house, everything goes to fucking shit. fuck that place.
The food is good, though, it's just organized like shit.

>> No.8576214

I guess Trump must have been the chef.

>> No.8576335
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Amen to this. Took like 5mg phenazepam and some dabs, ended up eating a solid 300 quid of groceries in a day. Gud shet.

Worst horror story was owner losing a finger whilst prepping carrots, doing a shitton of morphine, and deciding to continue with service. Or maybe when a local criminal hid in our fridge when police came chasing him.

>> No.8576405

the tripfag is a fucking degenerate junkie, who could have foresee that one

>> No.8576408

Especially when I'm lonely.

>> No.8576429

As a manager in a restaurant, this shit makes my blood boil.

>So, you took this booking last week, right? The one for 12?
>Did you tell them that it's best if we get a pre-order and can make sure that everything is in stock for them and get all their dishes out in a reasonable time?
>Yes, I told them.
>Good. So have they sent in the pre-order?
>Oh, no, I haven't sent them the menus.
>What? They're booked for tomorrow, why haven't you sent them?
>I forgot to take down their email
>So you didn't ring them?
>You didn't take down their fucking number?

This is the shit I get from other managers, I can't comprehend how stupid some of these fucks can be sometimes.

>> No.8576458
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Some people are just incompetent, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to fuck up such a large order, that was (no joke) ordered like 2 months in advance. We told them, day one, what exactly we wanted, we told the owner (we know him personally), he told his staff, like literally everyone, and apparently no one knew about it the day we got there. it was fucking bullshit.
I have no idea how these people don't forget to breathe.

Stay strong man, people are stupid. Of course, that's not only your staff who might be stupid, but the customers as well
(if you have any customer stories, share)
One last story
>be on island resort type thing
>go to italian restaurant
>8 people, not reserved or anything, but they looked pretty empty
>we get there
>staff takes 10 minutes to get to our table
>we order
>1 hour later we complain about where our food is (literally just pizzas and drinks)
>get told "it's almost done"
>wait half an hour
>wait another half hour
>food doesn't arrive
>other guests leave before us even though they came after us
>we wait ANOTHER half hour
>at this point we would have left, if not for us being hungry as fuck (should have left t b h)
>we get our food

like, holy shit, how bad of a cook can you be, in that time i would have rolled out like 20 pizzas, no joke they had 2 big ovens enough for like 8 pizzas....

>> No.8576464

Sounds like a cover restaurant.

>> No.8576496

Went back passed like an hour and a half later after finding somewhere to eat and the place was close (8.30pm) which is odd in a city a weekend

Maybe, they weren't a small family restaurant though it is a somewhat well known chain

>> No.8577002
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>manage a fast food restaurant
>slower hours
>customer comes to counter to order some food
>as we attempt to begin making the food, co-worker, me, and the customer all look at the same spot on the cutting board at once
>some big disgusting bug that is known to come from the distributors inside the lettuce had made its away onto the table and had been hiding under the cutting boards all day
>have seen these things before but never one this fuCKIN HUGE
>impulsively gasp out a "WHAt THE FUCK IS THAT"
>they're both staring silent while i sweep the thing into a trash bag
>customer walks off disgusted
>all i can think to say to him is "sorry"
>no fucking idea how this scary thing made its way past so many points of inspection and/or destruction and onto a makeline
>had break down all the table parts and swap out the lettuce with new bins
>pic is me all fucking night thinking about why i even fucking work as a manager at this store defending this cheapass company's product anymore

>> No.8577085
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>work in popular pizza/sandwich faux-dive bar and grill downtown in my city
>make everything from scratch and charge for it
>"arty/rich" customers
>all prep work is done downstairs in unfinished basement
>basement is infested with cockroaches
>holes in cement brick walls with huge swarms of roaches doing a crazy whirlpool scatter in and out when you turn on the lights
>be upstairs one day rolling out pizza dough in open kitchen/bar with stupid fucking wine bottle(because owner thinks it makes us look "more authentic")
>get dough just perfect and flip it over to prepare to start tossing it
>entire bottom of dough is covered in squashed roach body parts that have been rolled out to all corners
>quickly toss dough in trash before anyone sees
>toss more flour onto dough table to cover any leftover bug guts and grab another wad of dough

>> No.8577226

>>all prep work is done downstairs in unfinished basement
>>basement is infested with cockroaches
do you not have food inspectors in your area?

>> No.8577354

The owners were friends with them.

>> No.8577500


>> No.8577519


Are you implying that city officials can't be corrupt?
What planet do you live on?

>> No.8577622

Mine's similar
>make reservations a week ahead
>show up at specified date and time
>restaurant closed

>> No.8577635

God fearing nonuser of opiates. Have a good day son.
This shit would be a one off in most of the places I've worked. I dunno how you would deal with this sort of bollox.
Goddamn this. Inspectors are the most corrupt bunch of cunts.

>> No.8577664

If you guys didn't get that shit comped you're a gaggle of bitches.

>> No.8577676

>work at a pizzeria
>Late night
>Just come back from a delivery
>Go outside since there's nothing to do and smoke a roach clip on the side of the building
>Co worker pulls up from a delivery
>Immediately after getting out of the car 2 dudes appear out of no where and try to rob my co-worker
>My co-worker ends up shooting both of them and killing 1
>The guy he killed was a regular.

I quit the next day.

>> No.8577700

>waiting 2.5 hours instead of leaving and going somewhere else

I would have been gone once 30 minutes passed.

>> No.8577703

Something similar happened when I was in Germany. Unless they had a large coming in later it's either that or they just hate tourists.

>> No.8577708

you waited 2 1/2 hours for food. what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8577725

Guess not!

>> No.8577751

>Working at a wing stop in the hood
>one day a homeless guy walks in and bought a lemonade
>He's a really cool dude and starts coming in on a regular basis
>One day he comes in and is visibly wasted
>Manager kicks him out
>He spazzes but the huge black cook comes out and he walks out very quickly
>A few minutes later a customer comes in and says theres a dude taking a shit outside
>Look outside
>Homeless dude is taking a shit outside on the sidewalk 2 feet away from the store at an angle that anyone inside the restaurant couldn't see.

>> No.8577792

What the shit, do people normally do that?
If you're not making shit up your family sounds fucked.

>> No.8577798

Jesus fuck. They sound super incompetent. I mean, that's rich coming from me, but still.

>> No.8577800


Normally? Of course not. Except maybe in an elementary school cafeteria. That's why he's embarrassed by it.

>> No.8577807

I wouldn't have waited as long as you, like, after an hour, I'd be pestering the waitstaff every 10 minutes until I got something, but I am also a petulant child, so.

>> No.8577810

Oh, okay, good. I, obviously, don't go out much.

>> No.8577814

Well, that was nice of her.

>> No.8577825

If someone did that to me at work, I definitely would have interpreted it as "nice job fuckwad".

I would rather people look, then just go back to what they're doing instead of making my fuckup a big deal.

>> No.8577845

>New hired to work at my local Chipotle
>Never liked the food but was a starving college student and they offered free meals to employees
>First day working, I ask the manager on duty what food handler's license I need get/when I need to show the proof by
>"Oh, you don't need to be certified to work here"
>I have worked a few restaurant/food services jobs, license was always mandatory
>I ask my co-workers, none were certified
If I desperately needed the food, I would prepare everything myself because I couldn't trust any of my co-workers
I seriously needed the money

>About a week passes
>I'm learning how to cook the chicken and steak
>I notice that the chicken and steak are not always a consistent size/thickness but get cooked for the same amount of time
>Point this out to manager
>"That's just how we do things here"
Safe to say, I never ate the chicken or steak. Steak was probably a little safer but I could not risk the undercooked chicken
If you eat at Chipotle, eat the sofritas, barbacoa (bbq beef) or the carnitas (bbq pork)
Those were pre-cooked and frozen so they're definitely safer to eat

I was fired about a month later for "causing trouble with management"
Not too long after, the whole salmonella fiasco was all over the news
Don't eat at Chipotle

>> No.8577853

This. Literally the adult thing to do is to go back to eating, ignore the situation and let the poor guy clean up the mess so he can get back to his job. How are there actual neanderthals who can't comprehend this?

>> No.8577854

>decide to stop into casual dining restaurant in small suburb
>sloppy dude with patchy beard stubble stumbles out of the back room, shocked to see another human being
>aggressively tries to take my order and act friendly
>tells me he has fresh seafood stew he made last night
>menu is an absolute mess, horribly designed with bad pictures and like ten different cuisines all clashing
>Pepsi guy shows up with his soda syrup order
>the owner guy doesn't have enough cash on hand to pay him
>leave quickly while the owner goes into the back to get his checkbook
>restaurant closes a few months later so another doomed restaurant can open there

Fuck that was depressing. The dude looked drunk and it was like 2 PM

>> No.8577861

I'm from rural canada, so I've never been there, but they did sound good if I ever went south for a vacation. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.8577868

I don't know if the chorizo (sausage) is pre-cooked (I worked there before it was a thing) so I wouldn't suggest it
Make sure the people on the line are wearing gloves

>> No.8577870

underage b&

>> No.8577875

Oh, I sure hope so! I used to work for a place that gave out free food, and we never wore gloves (since we had an environmental mandate, I guess?) They were really strict about hand washing, but still.

>> No.8577883

My co-workers and I were super overworked so I can't entirely blame them
We were timed to make food and such so sometimes people would forget to switch out their gloves after some time, or in worse cases, forget to grab a pair in the first place
I washed my hands as often as I physically could
I never left the bathroom without washing my hands but there were still e coli outbreaks in my area. I live in Texas

>> No.8577887

>no fun allowed
if someone drops a glass right next to you it's ok to react in a joking way instead of going full WASP and acting like a robot

>> No.8577896

Okay man, you go ahead and keep being an autistic retard then.

>> No.8577898

Dude, that sucks. I almost ended up working for mcdicks once, it was the only place that was hiring out my way. Dodged a bullet there, I guess.

>> No.8577901

Whoops I fucked up spoilering

I've never worked at McDonalds but I don't think I've ever seen a happy employee there
I hope it isn't as bad as I think it is but.. I have my doubts

>> No.8577917

At the cafe I worked at we had printed sheets for reservations that were like a flowchart of how to take a booking. The owner made them up after the second time your story happened.

>> No.8577964

t. Dunning and Kruger

>> No.8577985

>big, disgusting bug

Gonna have to be more specific than that. Cockroach? Caterpillar? Spider? Stinkbug?

>> No.8578007

>be at Burger King
>order food with gf
>get soda and turn around to drink machine
>food is already at the counter
>"Sorry about the long wait!"
>it literally hasn't been 10 seconds since we order
>feel like I fell the fuck out of time trying to fill my cup

>> No.8578013

Were you stoned or something?

>> No.8578017
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Bravo, OP. You've somehow succeeded in putting me off dinner AND sleep.

>> No.8578058

Not him, but I assume its a caterpillar since he mentiones it came from the lettuce.

>> No.8578060

No. Even gf thought it was weird as fuck.

>> No.8578064

My golden rule for waiting is 30 minutes.

I make my order and I will wait 30 minutes to the second without a sound. After that I ask. Every ten minutes.

Once I get to 1 hour I get up to leave and the restaurant better serve me soon or give me a damn good excuse to why its so damn late.

>> No.8578071
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I am usually overcome with joy for someone going through what must be a very embarrassing moment in public.

>> No.8578076

>she remembered you while blowing some chad
The fuck I don't believe this shit. You must be some kind of megachad. Or so ugly and omega that she felt sorry that you were eating at the place by yourself.

>> No.8578080
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>deli dishwasher
>do other positions in the back but mostly dishwashing
>it's day zero with our new fry cook leo
>trained/shadowed by the other fry cooks for a few days
>"by the way, in case you forget anything, anon over there can help you"
>leo interprets this as he doesn't have to get gud as long as i'm here

Week 1
>complains the kitchen is hot
>turns off the sink's pump/temp regulator whenever i step away because he doesn't like the noise it makes
>forgets how to skewer whole chickens
>forgets how to operate the fryer
>i notice we're taking a lot longer to close the kitchen
>randomly disappears for up to an hour each shift
>eventually caught by a boss
>"but they said anon can cover me whenever"

Week 2
>bosses tell leo i'm too busy for him to fuck off to who knows where, plus it doesn't count as part of his break
>as a result, he comes up with a few ingenious hacks so he can maintain his 'personal time'
>good news: leo has mastered the fryer's controls
>bad news: leo now knows how to override the presets
>start getting complaints about fried chicken that looks done but is raw on the inside
>no longer uses cleaners (just water) to break down his station if he thinks no one is looking
>starts trying to break down his station right before the dinner rush hits us
>me: leo, you know the front is gonna need more product really soon, right?
>"yeah, but i can deal with it, plus i'm trying to help us close quicker"
>front runs out of product
>more raw fried chicken complaints
>there's a dirty fryer filter in a sink full of fresh soapy water i just drew up
>the pump/temp regulator is off
>we don't close quicker

Week 3
>leo is scheduled to work with me but never shows up
>turns out he was deported for using fake documents
>we close a couple hours sooner than before

>> No.8578087
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You need a license to work at a fast food joint? What does that entail?

>> No.8578096

Why did you quit you little bitch? l2carry
With all of the blacks and other nonwhites around there are a lot of dangerous service jobs now like that taxi guy who almost got strangled to death by a random nog. If you don't live in a predominately white town you're not safe anywhere.

>> No.8578120

Just had a health inspector come in to our kitchen before we served lunch ( work for a school district) the guy bonded over the kitchen leads old ass country music and the fact that they both lost their fathers recently. Dude basically just looked around a bit, didn't stick around to make sure we are cooking / servings things properly and gave us 100%

>> No.8578130

It's a food handlers license. Most places let you do it online. It costs money but a good restaurant will pay

>> No.8578132
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Similar story

>be in BK drive through
>gf and i order
>pull up to window
>oh sorry we messed up your order, so you dont have to pay
>mfw their "mess up" was giving us the large sized meals instead of the medium.

>> No.8578142

I carry, it's just not worth the risk for $20 an hour.
I do not live in a predominantly white area trust me. But there's being a little bitch, and making the same amount of money in a delivery job in a safer part of town.

>> No.8578146

Basic sense shit. Cook chicken to 165, dont cut your veggies on the board you just used to cut your raw meat, ect.

>> No.8578193
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I have in same vein but different restaurant
>Stop by Chick-Fil-A on my way home from work
>Place my order
>drive to window to pay
>"That'll be $19 dollars"
>I'm confused
>Ask if that's my order
>She reads my order, but doubled
>Tell her I just wanted a single order
>Corrects it and I pay
>Hands me the bag with all this food in it
>"You can have it all. We can't take it out the bag."
>tfw had breakfast for the next day

>> No.8578202

Hol' up. You make 20 bucks an hour driving around town listening to music? What the fuck am I getting a degree for?

>> No.8578229

Basic shit but something isn't right if a place serving food doesn't require the employees to get any training

>> No.8578251

It's called a guy with MONEY renting out the entire place. Hard for you to comprehend, I'm sure.

>> No.8578256

That only happens in spongebob. That shit don't happen in real life.

>> No.8578267

>be me
>sit down with tin of biscuits and fresh hot tea
>bloke sits down at table in front of me
>he actually reaches out and takes a biscuit from my tin!
>doesn't even flinch
>English nature prevents me from saying anything
>sweating, I reach out for a biscuit
>eat it without pleasure
>guy keeps eating
>what sort of person just goes and starts eating another person's biscuits?
>we eat all 8 biscuits never speaking
>man leaves
>I pick my newspaper up and there is my actual tin
>mfw I'm Arthur Dent

>> No.8578269

Are you black? Was this in the south? That happened to a lady I know. I was shocked, she was completely blase about it.
>roleplaying as a rich guy

>> No.8578274

You were eating HIS biscuits?

>> No.8578295

The way he wrote it was so fucking good

>> No.8578311


>> No.8578312

Worked at Chili's in the 90's. My friend sent out his bandaid in someone's fries.

This is before the mandatory gloves era.

>> No.8578316

isn't it near hollywood?

>> No.8578330


>> No.8578336

>are you black and they refused service to you

My guess is it was one of the southern states that have recently passed "religious freedom" laws, ostensibly targeting gays and permitting proprietors to refuse service in restaurants, medical facilities, housing, and retail based on their beliefs. Could have been racial though. After all, the argument for segregation was supposedly based on biblical principals.

>> No.8578337

what place?

>> No.8578342

doing it to peers as a kid in summer camp is a very different proposition from doing it to a waiter (someone cast as your social inferior in exchange for shitty pay) as a grown adult.

>> No.8578346

what chain?

>> No.8578351

you sound like a bitch

>> No.8578393

Worked at KFC in high school. It was walking distance, and it was staffed by 85% kids from the same high school. Only adult that gave a shut worked mornings. NOBODY gave a shit on the night shift. Police food was spit in (think cops are dicks now, try 1995ish), I once dropped an entire tray of extra tasty crispy and just put it back on the tray and threw it in the warmer this was routine. We all dropped shit and put it in the warmer to serve . A coworker battered his thumb and deep fried it and then ate the butter off his thumb like a lollipop, we threw food on the roof, took pints of gravy Home and bombed them out of our car windows while driving, and all sorts of horrible shit that teenagers who could care less would do.

>> No.8578424

>Hire an ilegal
>Surprised when this happens

>> No.8578427

it looked more like a silverfish, or something of a related species

>> No.8578436

I work at a pizza place,and we have a bit of a homelessness problem in the area. One day a dude in a wheelchair that looked like Randy Savage if he did meth for 20 years came in and the bartender bought him a pizza and a soda. The dude is back like, three days later to charge his phone. Hes sitting in the dining room talking super loudly about how "He will be at the compound shortly" and other mumbled shit. Later the bartender tried talking to him and he said he was born in 1939 and had a biomechanical heart that let him live forever.

Also he smelled like shit