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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8571740 No.8571740 [Reply] [Original]

Food that people pretend to like:
Red wine
Hot sauce

What else?

>> No.8571749

Shit is fucking gross

>> No.8571750

i like lettuce because it's there to give texture to eating salad dressing

why do you hate hot sauce though

proper hot sauce isn't just a burning sensation, it's supposed to have flavour. or did you think tabasco and Frank's are the height of cuisine?

>> No.8571753


>> No.8571754

try to go somewhere that isn't the grocery store or made by white people

>> No.8571762

Are you literally retarded, or just underage?

>> No.8571764

I actually enjoy the taste of beer, as long as its a stout or maybe a saison. Macros and Adjuncts are trash though.

Agree, the texture is just too off-putting for me.

People actually state that they enjoy lettuce? I don't mind it in a salad or as a topping, but I wouldn't state that I enjoy it by itself.

>Red wine
A nice bottle of cabernet or merlot is great, stop drinking boxed wine.

>Hot sauce
You're just shitposting aren't you?

For me, the one that I feel people pretend to like is sweet potatoes.

>> No.8571765

For me it's ketchup and mayonnaise. Everyone keeps eating it just because they don't want to be the weird guy who doesn't like it, but obviously no one actually likes that garbage...

>> No.8571769

4chan is a website for people eighteen years of age or older.

>> No.8571770

cooked oysters aren't so bad

but shucking oysters is a meme and covering it in hot sauce or lemon juice is just masking the horrid flavour of it on its own

>> No.8571781
File: 92 KB, 1126x1300, french-fries-served-mayo-ketchup-crisp-golden-fried-potato-chips-individual-containers-creamy-mayonnaise-tomato-34593760[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but obviously no one actually likes that garbage...
i have a surprise for you
(they're the two most common toppings for Fries, North Americans preferring Ketchup and Europeans preferring Mayo. Moules-Frites, aka, Mussels and Fries, are served with Mayo basically anywhere urban in any French-speaking countries)

>> No.8571783
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>> No.8571792

actual gay here, don't send that retard there please
we don't need to deal with plebs like him

>> No.8571802

Ethiopian food

>> No.8571804

I enjoy the taste of beer, but I don't like alcohol, so I don't drink it. Most I ever had was part of a half pint once at CatBar.

Lettuce is great. I eat plain romaine with no one there to see it. Also a good low cal option for eating with oil-free hummus instead of bread.

>> No.8571815

>Red wine
>Hot sauce
But I love all of these. I like lettuce, but oddly enough only on its own.

>> No.8571823


ha ha your gay

>> No.8571853


Are you gay? Or a faggot? It's ok to be gay, just don't be a faggot...

>> No.8571859

>French speaking countries

All the more reason not to eat it.

>> No.8571874


your comment is an oxy-clean

>> No.8571876

nah just gay

>> No.8571878
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>> No.8571910


>Swedish fish oreos
>vegemite (if non-Aussie)

I'm probably forgetting some

>> No.8571920

Trannies already ruined that board, let's be honest

>> No.8571930

he probably gets load more than you which is comical

>> No.8571931


>> No.8571932

i actually do considering i'm happily engaged

>> No.8571938

enjoy your happiness while it lasts

>> No.8571946


nobody tells me what to do

>> No.8571958

I like all of those but I'm indifferent to lettuce.

>> No.8572324

First, red wine is awesome.
Second, try Boston butter lettuce, it's a game changer.

>> No.8572358
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Literally one of the worst opinions I've seen expressed on this board or the internet in general

>> No.8572360

I go out of my way to add lettuce to my meals

shits good to me

>> No.8572424


>> No.8572434

>Red wine

What the fuck is this ruse?

>> No.8573008

>Red wine
nigga i'll cut you

>> No.8573059
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>> No.8573075



People think that a big price next to something that taste horrible means it's sophisticated.

It all taste like rancid grapes. It has so many tannin's it leaves you feeling like trash. You don't even have to buy expensive crap to get the same effect.

Just mix some grape juice with the cheapest vodka you can find and you have wine.

>> No.8573087

>It all taste like rancid grapes.
Cheese tastes like rancid milk.

Beer and bread tastes like rancid grains.


Also, American detected. Anything other than Bud Light probably fries your atrophied taste buds.

>> No.8573134

Beer is great and better than soda, and not because it gets you drunk.

Oysters are what I imagine swallowing jizz is like, so I'm not a fan.

Lettuce adds dynamic to hamburgers but no one has ever said lettuce is their favorite food.

>Red wine
I know this b8 because red wine is better than white.

>Hot sauce
Not only adds heat but can add many different regional flavors

>> No.8573138

Nigga shut the fuck up about sweet potatoes you is a damn bitch

>> No.8573174

Vegemite/Marmite/Bovril and anything else that tastes like you're licking a salt crystal.

Broccoli. The devil's food right there, tastes like shit and the texture is beyond awful.

Mexican food. Just all of it, ever. It's like a nuclear war on your guts because "beans & spices lmao" makes for such a wonderful combination.

>> No.8573178

Dirt and termites?

>> No.8573185

>Agree, the texture is just too off-putting for me.

You don't like it so you think its fair to assume people who do like it are merely pretending? I don't think people pretend to like anything, aside from perhaps certain individuals pretending to like their food a few notches spicier than they actually do.

>> No.8573211

>Mexican food. Just all of it, ever. It's like a nuclear war on your guts because "beans & spices lmao" makes for such a wonderful combination.

You're acting like Tex-Mex is all of Mexican food.

>> No.8573228

I've never had that experience with Mexican food. Do you actively avoid fiber?

>> No.8573380

>>Swedish fish oreos


>> No.8574090
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>> No.8574104

Literally manchildren: the thread

>> No.8574125

Lettuce is perfect for adding crunchy texture to sandwiches and salads without really changing the taste, hot sauce adds some flavor especially if you dont go for the hipster meme tier reaper sauce bullshit, red wine is good if it's something really sweet like pink moscato (but enjoy the hangover the next day), and beer is nice if you find a kind you like, personally I love belgian wheat ales

Fuck oysters though, can't stand seafood in general

>> No.8574148

I've never tried it

>> No.8574619
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>white people

>> No.8574778

Olive oil on bread

>> No.8574890

Delet yourself

>> No.8574904

It's not like that, white people are great, I am one, but I've never seen good sushi made by a white person

>> No.8574909

hahaha gay

>> No.8574914

I only drink Natty actually

>> No.8574916

>actual gay here
lol gay

>> No.8574917

I've never seen anyone other than a japanese person do it either.

>> No.8574943


>> No.8574960

Sushi is pretty easy to make, just buy some frozen tuna from your local asian food store, thaw it and put it on short grain rice. If you want to be american, add cream cheese and bacon avacado or whatever the hell. If you like authentic just eat the fish by itself with soy sauce. The bamboo roller thing is like 2 bucks and really easy to use, it's like rolling up a tent on a camp out.

>> No.8575537

when chicken wing places give you celery and carrots with dip, i always go for the celery first

>> No.8575540

You have autism

>> No.8575561 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 540x607, get the fuck out of flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any cooking streams out there? Or just Youtubes?

>> No.8575762
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>frozen tuna

>> No.8575774

You know that nearly all Tuna is flash frozen then airshipped worldwide from either Japan or Australia right?

>> No.8575948

>Oysters are what I imagine swallowing jizz is like, so I'm not a fan

I remember eating oysters for the first time with my family when I was about 13 and my mother said they taste like cum.

Put me off them forever.

>> No.8576078

gay here, oysters do not taste like cum
cum actually tastes better than oysters because it doesn't taste like a huge gulp of dirty seawater (and is also protein based but let's not get into that)

>> No.8576081
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>brags about making sushi
>uses fucking tuna
at least use snapper or something

>> No.8576082

you're on a cooking board, women already think you're gay

>> No.8576084

>wow is he seriously implying a group of people whose members rarely ever go through the years of training to actually make sushi as opposed to their asian counterparts who do?! HOLY SHIT SJW

>> No.8576671
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>autism general
thanks for getting these faggots out of our threads op.

>> No.8576673

What the fuck? The best sushi restaurants in the world use tuna. Fuck off m8

>> No.8576759

most people who've never had a decent beer pretend to like beer at social gatherings
low quality oysters taste like shit. best way to enjoy them is fresh out of the water at a bay-side restaurant
iceberg is shit, the rest has good nutritional value and adds crunch without compromising flavor in sandwiches/salads
>red wine
same as beer
>hot sauce

>> No.8577102

>doesn't know displaying the ability to cook makes the pussy (girl) wet
>gain ability to cook chicken breasts that won't kill a person
>pussy wetness intensifies
>learn how to use seasoning
>pussy wetness intensifies x2

>> No.8577108

I love all these foods, this must be a scheisspost

>> No.8577411
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Neither have the Ethiopians

>> No.8577570

>spicy vinegar
he said he doesnt like "hot sauce" anon

>> No.8577574

you couldnt be more right
mfw looking at a sandwich from somewhere ive never been, it looks delicious.
>Now it our signature house made super hot TM hot chinese asian hot mayo.
>half mayo
>half garbage siracha

>> No.8577616

>muh tannin

AHHHHAHAHA the loser wannabe sommelier started with some Cabernet Franc and it BLEW HIM THE FUCK OUT


>> No.8577709
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>> No.8577833

I love beer. I wish it didn't have alcohol in it.
I fucking love oysters with vinegar.
By itself? No, but it has a nice crisp texture that goes well on all sorts of things. A sandwich with lettuce is better. Also, butter leaf lettuce actually does taste good. Iceberg is crispy water.
>Red wine
Fuck you, I love merlot.
>Hot sauce
Goes great on oysters, you twit.

>> No.8577855
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I don't get how people can unironically eat tomatoes?
Like, what's the appeal?

>> No.8577860

Sweetness, acidity, moisture, great compliment to savory flavors after cooking down a bit

>> No.8578040

Sweet potatoes are literally the fucken worse. Like period.

>> No.8578097

i enjoy tomatoes both as an ingredient and as a fruit on it's own

>> No.8578145

>sweet potatos are the worst

I completely agree. I know they're really healthy, but even without added sugar, they're just a sickeningly sweet mush. Even roasted. Just disgusting. But, I really dislike sugar in any food or drink, so that may be why.

>> No.8578201


Good tomatoes are unironically enjoyable. Bad tomatoes are somewhat ironically enjoyable but still seriously enjoyable to an extent. If you roast or sautee a lower quality tomato it becomes unironically enjoyable though.

>> No.8578257


Using the term ironic ironically.

>> No.8578280

What's wrong with oysters and lettuce?