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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8559410 No.8559410 [Reply] [Original]

My SO is allergic to garlic and onions, and I'm allergic to citrus. What the hell can I cook for a delicious date night meal that won't end in either of us vomitting in the bathroom?

>> No.8559415


>> No.8559419

Potato-leek soup.

>> No.8559433

Holy heck dude, that's the wimpiest list of food intolerances ever. Like you can literally make anything, and just leave out the garlic, onion, and citrus. Or add something in place of those ingredients (ginger for garlic, a little chili pepper for onion, a bit of vinegar for citrus).

>> No.8559441

Idk why I've never thought of vinegar for citrus before I am a literal idiot.

>> No.8559454

to be fair it wouldn't go down too well in a key lime pie or a homemade lemonade.

>> No.8559463

Vinegar in place of lemons for lemonade is just switchel.

>> No.8559492

Break up with your SO, your kids would be mutants and hate you

>> No.8560026

Yeah. Better mix those genes together. What could go wrong?

>> No.8560039

The weak should be sterilized

>> No.8560050

Two bullets.

>> No.8560071

I don't think I could be with someone allergic to garlic and onions. I could work around citrus, but garlic and onions is a deal breaker...

>> No.8560078

My gf is allergic to bananas, avocados, pineapple, strawberries, and semen. I'm 100% serious. She will eat all of the above but only in small quantities, except bananas, which make her throat swell up.

>> No.8560112

Tits or GTFO

>> No.8560216
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>> No.8560220
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>Allergic to semen

Damn son

>> No.8560221


This is an important question. Did she know she was allergic to semen before you started dating her?

>> No.8560224

>Babby's first middle school eugenics thinking food allergy is genetic and culling anyone with food allergies would do fuck all to the human genome

>> No.8560227
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>> No.8560237
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this anon is asking the real questions.

>> No.8560246

No, she didn't. I was her first, so there was no way to know. She said it causes mild itchiness on the inside of her mouth but it took a long time to notice (no I don't have an STD). She is allergic to even more foods than I listed so it wasn't too surprising

>> No.8560251

My 3 loves- cats, onion and garlic- and I almost gave all 3 up for someone I was dying to be with. Horrible.

>> No.8560253


I'm happy for you. I mean, it sucks she's allergic to sperm, but not as much as if she knew before you got together...

>> No.8560254

Try making hassenpfeffer if your girl isn't afraid of rabbit

>> No.8560262

kill yourself reddit

>> No.8560267

Vinegar pie is a thing. It was memed into mock lemon pie during the depression.
I prefer lemon or lime pie over a simple vinegar pie, but it's still pretty good, and easy to get creative with infused vinegar. Can get all fancy and infuse some vinegar with lavender or do a balsamic pie with vanilla ice cream.

>> No.8560278


>allergic to garlic and onions

Might as well kill yourself.

>> No.8560307
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