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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8558649 No.8558649 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ has become clogged with fatasses' fast food threads. It's time for a containment board. What do you guys think?

>> No.8558655


What the fuck do you think would happen if they made a new board? Are you really so fucking stupid that you think a new board would fix all the problems of /ck/?

>> No.8558660

Yes. One for the generic term "food", which would include all general food discussions (fast food, "chip ranking general", etc. etc.) and one for cooking that would include ONLY discussions about recipes, cook alongs, recipe advice, etc. I would totally go for that.

>> No.8558663

NOTHING is going to fix our problems since they started talking about 4chan on the mainstream news. Now all the assholes in the country know about it.

>> No.8558675
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Le special place meme again

>> No.8558677

I'm for this too, I think it would be beneficial for everyone. There's precedent, just look at /v/ and /vg/

>> No.8558680


You answered yes when I asked if you were really stupid enough to think a new board would fix our problems, and your reply tells me you really are that stupid. It still wouldn't change anything, and you would still be stupid.

>> No.8558684

found the newfag

>> No.8558690

I'm not the OP, dumbass. Lrn reading comprehension. Are you drunk?

>> No.8558725

this is /ck/ who isn't drunk

>> No.8558733

I'm not... yet

>> No.8558738

This belongs in /qa/. Meta is against the rules. You guys and the /pol/ invasion are ruining this board.

>> No.8558743

>With the posting base smaller than /diy/

Can't see any issues.

>> No.8558750

Fuck you man I've been here since the fappening

>> No.8558754

>implying a slower-moving board specifically for cook alongs and recipes is a bad thing

>> No.8558755

/vg/ is as awful as /v/

>> No.8558767

Slow and 7Chan are two different things.

>> No.8558768

Not anymore. Hiro allows one meta thread for discussing board issues up at all times

>> No.8558775

what /pol/ invasion?

>> No.8558783

mods should sticky this desu

>> No.8558788

No, you stupid fuck.

This is like /tv/ asking for /celeb/ boards... how about you be a part of solving the problem instead of ignoring it completely?

Stupid fucking millenials.

>> No.8558793

>Hurr everyone who has an opinion I disagree with is a millennial
Neck yourself, gramps.

>> No.8558796

Is that supposed to be an oldfag marker these days?

>> No.8558797

>not being here since puddi puddi

You deserve a torturous death.

>> No.8558799

How about /ffd/ for fast food and /sfd/ for regular food?
Or how about fuck off to reddit?

>> No.8558803

God what good times

That was IMO the best event in this sites history.
Is that an oldfags marker? If so, I need to kill myself.

Also usaka

>> No.8558807
File: 13 KB, 283x352, clarkson wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board is far too slow for this. You would have two dead boards (and probably the same shitposting issues, since that's a moderation issue more than a board issue) over one passably fast board with memes and shitposting you refuse to hide/report/ignore

>> No.8558808

>no argument or reasoning to the logical part of my post

I sincerely hope an 18 wheeler t-bones you next time you leave the house.

>> No.8558810

I've been here since the days when it was just /a/ and /b/ and the place was full of shitposting goons.

How about you fuck off to reddit.

>> No.8558815

it's not in any way equivalent to /tv/ getting a /celeb/ board.

>> No.8558830


I asked a question, you answered it. My reply was valid, and you are stupid.

>> No.8558831

Good idea in theory

>one for cooking that would include ONLY discussions about recipes, cook alongs, recipe advice, etc.

but this will be the most dead board on 4chan

>> No.8558835

A separate board isn't ignoring the problem, it IS solving it.

What other ways to solve it did you have in mind? Nobody is breaking any rules.

>> No.8558840

>not here since imma firing my laser

>> No.8558855

we need regular cooking threads. A thread about us anons and what we're cooking. basically we need and actual general thread for our home cooking in the same fashion /fit/ has their steroid generals, or we have al/ck/ general. I also believe a sticky is in order, which should improve board quality, if only slightly, as well as give the idea that this board CAN be serious about cooking

>> No.8558861
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Yeeeeeasss YESSSSSS!!!
This was my idea!!!
But it should be called /ck/ & /stf/(shit tier food)

>> No.8558883

While I get the complaints as I also have the same ones, the board if slow enough.

>> No.8558886


>> No.8558897

I don't understand the slow board concerns. I'd rather have a slow board full of quality posts than a fast board full of taco bell crunchwrap supreme reviews. If the slow board really bothers you /fd/ will still be there for the same low-effort shitposts you know and love.


>> No.8558905

how many people are really keeping this thread going 1? 2?

>> No.8558911

Not gonna happen, faggot. Get over it.

>> No.8558917

>full of quality posts
You're on the wrong website

>> No.8558938

Only if we can have /alc/ for all the booze and beer threads too.

>> No.8558953
File: 60 KB, 600x400, IMG_6269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe all we need is just a new term to perfectly encapsulate the pleb, super tasting, ultra picky, autists who gets triggered at the sight of anything that isnt deepfried in salt oil by a machine instead of human hands.
I would like to suggest "carl"

For example:
"Eeeew mushrooms!?!? Disgusting!!
Mushrooms are vomit!"
"Shut the fuck up, you fucking stupid carl!"

>> No.8558960

Finally, a board slower than /po/!

>> No.8558972

How about you just contribute quality content instead of being a whiny bitch.

>> No.8558994

>haha it's so bad here everyone is terrible am I rightt?


>> No.8559106

I leave a good majority of threads annoyed or just put out by what I've read, its not just a meme, pick something else to be contrarian about.

This is what bothers me most about all this newfaggotry, people not knowing what sage is, bumping some shitty thread just to say some variant of "fuck you". ie>>8558911 >>8558972

>> No.8559144

no, that's the fucking joke

>> No.8559168


Agreed. I am fucking tired of these stupid manchildren who complain about vegetables, post fast food threads and think putting a frozen pizza into the oven is cooking. Really fucking tired of it. It's just stupidity. Shit food for dumb shit fat fucking /r9k/ manchildren, NEETS, /pol/ faggots and autists.

>> No.8559179

/ck/ needs Moot again.

>> No.8559181


>durrr millennials

They at least have an excuse to be here. Young and growing up in a shit world with little opportunity because the boomers ruined it. If you're 30+ and still posting here you are the stupid fuck.

>> No.8559213

Fuck off

>> No.8559221

>leave a good majority of threads annoyed
>think it's stupid to contain the food shitposting to its own board

>> No.8559234

Youre probably expecting a participation trophy for that remark. Huh, fag?

>> No.8559239

ebin xD you sure got that millennial cuck

>> No.8559264

is it time for a /Jack/ board?
where lazy men can gather and get moist?

because that would be beautiful, I'd love to come in close to that idea.

>> No.8559269


WHOA you sure showed me! You stupid fucking socially maladjusted cunt. I bet you're like 40 and go to bars alone hoping someone strikes up a conversation with you but they don't so you order a long Island iced tea like a fag and ask the bar tender to get you an order of fries and ketchup from the kitchen because that is all your autistic taste buds can handle.

>> No.8559278

easy friendo, this is a blue board, no need to get so edgy. I honestly did not mean to trigger you

>> No.8559294

I mean on the website as a whole.
This is a shitty idea by whiny faggots that refuse to hide fast food threads because "it doesn't belong on my slow as balls, sophisticated cooking board" fuck off.

>> No.8559304

>WHOA you sure showed me!
Thanks for noticing. Hope you learned something for once in your pointless existence.

>> No.8559314

Every time some newfag fucking plebbitor comes to this site and gets annoyed with shitposting they always suggest WHAT IF WE JUST MADE A NEW BOARD FOR THAT LMAO

It never fucking works
The only time it has EVER worked was for /v/, and that's because there were 10 pages of "DAILY GENERAL" threads to actually mandate making it happen.

This is not reddit you stupid shithead. You don't divide every board into 10,000 sub-boards because you don't like a few threads.

>> No.8559334


You guys are getting triggered like some 18 year old first year university SJW cuckfag who recently came out of the closet. Grow a pair ya manchildren

>> No.8559361

Are you serious?
Are you the WHOA guy?
Are you calling them triggered?
That entire WHOA post is the most hilariously triggered post I've read in recent memory.
"YOURE 40 AND AN AUTIST" fucking kek

>> No.8559362

How did all the other boards get started?

>> No.8559368


>I'm old and I like tendies reeeee /ck/ should not be split up!


>> No.8559371
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if you pretend to be trolling then any criticism against you becomes invalid

this is the beta cuck's last refuge

>> No.8559372


>> No.8559376


You can't expect manchildren and socially inept assholes to grasp logic, anon.

>> No.8559397

thanks I have ausism

>> No.8559404

You realize that Cunt Boomer parents are the ones that created participation trophies right? Kids could give a fuck, they had fun (or hated) playing, they don't care about trophies. Boomer parents (mostly women, admittedly) schreeched when their pathetic child didn't get the same trophy the good kids did. Thus participation trophies were born.

>> No.8559416

I saw that, it went from "YOURE A SOCIALLY MALADJUSTED CUNT" to attempting to be smug >>8559376

Least I got to see the little guy rage out, any opinions on the board being split are invalid, it'll never happen /qa/ is full of faggots demanding retarded board splits.

>> No.8559432



>being this mad and condescending

How insecure are you about your dick size you poor bitter old man?

>> No.8559442

>my dicks sooo small.
> maybe the caps lock button will help.
>sad face.

>> No.8559455

Look man you'd probably have a better time on reddit, they have a system where you're tied to what you post and are held accountable for it so it might help stop you from sperging out like in >>8559269 or like you're doing right now, save you some embarrassment.

But if you do insist on staying then try to remember in future, if you put "you stupid fucking" before anything you say like you did in the WHOA post then people are already laughing at you before they're halfway through your post and you look like a raging tard.

Is it possible to be mad and condescending at the same time? am I old or am I just taking easy shots at a raging spastic? How can you possibly embarrass yourself further?

>> No.8559464

This. Fuck, why not have a board for each fucking chain? Why not for each individual food item? Why not split 4chan into everyone's own fucking safe space?!

Instead of bitching for >le moar boards xDDDDDDDD, why not contribute on topic shit? Or you can just fuck off back to where ever the fuck you came from.

>> No.8559518
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Because when you try to contribute even mediocre looking food you get torn to pieces by tendy, autist, super tasting , thread derailing, faggots faster than this baby chicks gif
& i like shotposting, but the tendy faggots have diminished IQ from years of mal nourishment so the shit posting lacks relevance & substance & its not even entertaining shit posting.

>> No.8559552
File: 72 KB, 250x272, 1446863437060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like shotposting
>complains about board quality
Opinions invalidated.

>> No.8559558

Every board has lowest common denominator shitposters that will always be there. You're not going to reduce shitposting, by splitting the board or any other means, they're just fucking there and they always will be.

>> No.8559562

So you reas 3/4 of a post untill you come accross one typo then quit... you must have a lot of problems with your life.

>> No.8559582

I get the feeling he wasn't referring to your typo.

>> No.8559585

Yeah but i feel like sepearting the pleb manchildren from the people who cook would actually raise the quality of the shitposting. Which would be a good thing.
Having a bunch of overgrown crack babies posting "your food looks like vomit" is getting really stale.

>> No.8559588

>he thinks splitting the boards is going to get rid of the cancer

Dude that's like cutting a cancerous tumor in half and saying one half of the tumor is cured.

Then again, you could cure cancer before you could fix any board on this website.

>> No.8559596

By this logic the site never should have expanded beyond /b/ and /a/ because why split the boards they're all cancer.

>> No.8559605

Ladies and gentleman, the difference between reading comprehension:
and full retard:

>> No.8559606

There is no miracle cure for cancer!
Most people just live shorter lives with it.
Might as well try to improve your quality of living when you have cancer.

>> No.8559608

Why do you think pleb manchildren will go where they're told?

Why do you think the mods would agree to the added effort of enforcing the split and keeping them off here?

Its not the way to go man just let it go.

>> No.8559615

Why does a moth head towards a light!??
The same reason tendy fags will mostly flock to /stf/
Its not a perfect system of course.

>> No.8559643

Well that makes no fucking sense.
It'll never happen because most people can see that it'd be a waste of time.
Like if tendies fags are bothering you then you're being successfully trolled.
And if someone telling you your food looks like vomit bothers you then you're being successfully trolled.
Basically you're sick of being trolled and for some reason think that all the trolls will go to a split board if its made.

>> No.8559647

>Basically you're sick of being trolled and for some reason think that all the trolls will go to a split board if its made.
>thinking trolls will stay in their containment board
Do you think he understands that /pol/, /r9k/, /b/, and /s4s/ already leaks everywhere and this idea obviously won't work?

>> No.8559664

No and if I had any friends or self respect I would've been done trying to highlight it for him a long time ago.

>> No.8559670

>contribute pics of food and get torn to pieces

And that's bad? It's one of the reasons I like posting my pics. The sperges reveal more about themselves and their own defeciencies and often enough there are a few constructive criticisms.

>> No.8559675

I have made it perfectly clear that the trolling is entertaining when not executed by a malnourshied defective pleb.
The problem is the world is overpopulated with malnourished defective plebs.
The malnourished plebs are crying out for a place of their own to cock stroke each others nuggets everytime you see one of them post that something is inedible base soley on the fact it wasn't processed by robots for robots.
If you build it they will come.

>> No.8559705

You're completely deluded, those "malnourished, defective plebs" are just kids who have been successfully trolling the shit out of you for longer than you care to remember starting to kek at this.

>> No.8559716

Are they not malnourished?

>> No.8559736

I don't know man, try not to get mad when people post about good boy charts and nuggies its all insincere yknow.

>> No.8559740

haha, no
kill yourself

>> No.8559749

Honestly it just sounds like youre trying to justify your low quality shit posting.
All i want is higher quality shitposting from you failed beta no tryers.
But no ones holding their breath for
you fags to get creative.

>> No.8559767


>> No.8559769

This board is slow enough, separate the two subjects and neither board will warrant enough traffic to actually exist and both get deleted

People who have this logic of splitting boards or creating new boards don't understand how an imageboard works or how it's self sustained by activity, content, and traffic

>> No.8559771

>separate the two subjects and neither board will warrant enough traffic to actually exist and both get deleted
I don't see any problem here desu.

>> No.8559784

What are we waiting for!?!?

>> No.8559802

>projecting because your idea for your special snowflake board isn't being accepted
>these are the people I converse witb on /ck/

Time to move on I guess....

>> No.8559810

Because they were categorically distinct enough to warrant it, or the main board had
A) Enough traffic
B) Enough consistency in the threads
to warrant making a subboard
/ck/ is slow. It's not /an/ slow but it is fucking slow. There's literally no reason to split it apart.

>> No.8559811

It's 2 ACY, "reasons" are a construct of a previous age, we should do it just because.

>> No.8559820

So we need man children strung out on generic walmart soda to speed the board up!?!? who cares if the board is fast or slow other than the strung out a.d.d genaric soda man childs in need of a sperg outlet.

>> No.8559823

Umm.... if anything there should be a board for cooking. This is stupid.

>> No.8559828
File: 37 KB, 753x543, 1485272235761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea: Fuck off to 8ch and make 16 individual boards so you can have all your individual topics separated completely so that none of them may touch
You could even make a board for discussing whether or not a thread belongs on another board!
You could have the McDLT of shitposting!
You unbelievably enormous faggot.

You should just kill yourself.

>> No.8559838

You still didn't explain why having the walmart soda spergs is a boon to this board.

>> No.8559843

There's a reason this is called the food and cooking board, and not the cooking and food board. It is primarily for posting about food, and incidentally for posting about cooking.

>> No.8559847

then why is the board called /ck/ instead of /fd/

>> No.8559861
File: 15 KB, 500x333, 1485055226861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like the community then don't be a part of it.

>> No.8559864

nice non argument

>> No.8559878

Now you're acting condescending while admitting you enjoy and look forward to reading shitposting get it together kek.

>> No.8559884

nice non response

>> No.8559891


So it's more exploitable. Other boards can refer to you as co/ck/suckers.

>> No.8559907

nice non response to my non response to your non argument

>> No.8559913

nice non argument to my non reponse to your non response to my non argument to your non argument

>> No.8559918

Both of those boards have at least 100x more traffic than /ck/. I'd be surprised if there were more than 50 people that visit /ck/ on a daily basis who aren't here for alcoholic anonymous. I'm not talking about the random cross-boarding shitposters we get, I mean the regulars.

>> No.8559935

Nah we can't really split one of the slowest boards on 4chin. This board hasn't had mods in it since Moot was here, it's wasn't really this bad 1-2 years ago. Now it's looking like it's at its deathbed.

>> No.8560014

nice non response implying my non response was a non argument to your non response to my non response to your non argument

>> No.8560887

/ck/ really isn't that bad, it isn't hard to just ignore the shitposting threads. The ones of value generally stay on topic as well as any place on this site.

>> No.8560888

you might have an intolerance to eggs

that's kind of how it starts

try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up

>> No.8560896

Puddi puddi, and riding the train......I miss that.
And yeah, we should probably neck ourselves for being this old here.

>> No.8560898

No, I never answered your question, I answered the OP. Do you think everyone is talking to you all the time? That sounds like some kind of paranoia.

>> No.8560900

And that's bad why?

>> No.8560902

Stop being baited so hard you fucking autists

>> No.8560905

We will never submit to a sticky. It's a known fact here. Cooking has too many variables and techniques, no one would ever agree.

>> No.8560907
File: 44 KB, 500x294, kronkbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop being baited.

>> No.8560919


Both of you are manchildren

>> No.8560977

Not gonna happen. Just like /mu/ won't get a Hip Hop board, /tv/ won't get a celeb and capeshit board etc. We've chosen to spend our lives posting on a board with manchildren for most of our interests. And it's good to be reminded of that.

>> No.8561027

Does getting the last word in mean that much to you that you'd just throw manchild at us 8 hours later and hope we don't see? That and your surly teen way of insulting, again I refer to >>8559269
makes you seem like just a child. You'll be a manchild like me one day, don't worry.

>> No.8561062
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>we need regular cooking threads. A thread about us anons and what we're cooking
So make one. No one is stopping you. I don't know why you fags complain about the "quality" of /ck/. I mean, what are you expecting? You act like every single thread is fast food, but it's not. There are some good threads, there are some retardy threads. That's how it is on every board.

>> No.8561223
File: 1.39 MB, 2576x1932, 20170126_135202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we need to get people cooking. I am compiling recipes from coo/ck/s, if yous have any writeups for techniques, ingredients, or other cooking related infographics do send them here ey

>> No.8561230

/ck/ just needs better moderation

it's honestly the worst on all of 4chan

>> No.8561268


Whatever triggers you:
Some faggot telling someone to stop posting your food without posting any of their own
This is all typical, resident board faggotry that might evolve over time but certainly isnt going away.

This whole something must be done attitude is a retarded waste of time.
Hide, ignore, post food that's our only chemo.

>> No.8561293

No. Our board is already pretty slow and 4chan has too many boards as is. /vp/ /vg/ and /v/ should all have never been split apart either.

>> No.8561297

/vg/ is fine and has some good, frequent threads. /vp/ feels redundant.

>> No.8561319


Jesus, someday people will be saying they were here for pepe.

>> No.8562329


>You'll be a man child like me one day

Lol nope. Already in grad school and eat well rounded meals I cook myself that contain lots of vegetables. Pathetic old man :^)

>> No.8562337

Just shove all fatasses and alcoholics into >>>/soc/, they're looking more to commiserate than anything.

>> No.8562543

Good luck getting Hirosimoot to do anything of merit

>> No.8562571

I'll get the rope

>> No.8562572

/vg/ is much, much worse. Splitting off the awful circlejerk threads made the board as good as a videogame board is ever likely to be. I'm holding out of /tg/ to get the /tgg/ treatment because man that board is a shell of it's former self.

>> No.8563356

You also throw tantrums when someone calls you a millennial and mentions participation rewards.

I'm glad that you feel like a big boy for eating all your veggies but I wouldn't say you're all grown up just yet laddie.

>> No.8564398


>Does the exact same thing when called a manchild

I don't know who is more annoying. You or the millennial grad student. Just stfu

>> No.8565679

This is the only social interaction I get this weekend.
YOU STFU make accomodations for us sad bastards, this is all we have.
I'm staying off r9k and out of the al/ck/ thread and I'm only insulting obvious retards so I'm doing better than 95% of the lonely fags on here
show some appreciation you humongous faggot.