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8555037 No.8555037 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like how alcohol tastes, what non-alcoholic beverage can I drink at functions to stop people from offering and pushing drinks on me?
I did tonic water with lemon but coworker started calling me Tintin.

>> No.8555068

There is no non alcoholic beverage known to man that will not make you look like any less of a faggot than you obviously already are.
Pro tip: Drink Alcohol or kill yourself. Faggot.

>> No.8555074

Just get some girly drink.
Those are all sweet and have no taste of alcohol
Like a screwdriver or a Amaretto sour
Or a rum and coke

>> No.8555079

Get high and drink water/juice

>> No.8555080

yeah alcohol is nasty
I'm not sure how people enjoy it

>> No.8555085

No one enjoys the taste, its the drunkenness people are after.

>> No.8555089

Then why do they always claim to enjoy the taste?

>> No.8555090


Water, coffee, or tea. Those are the only 3 beverages you should ever drink that don't contain alcohol.

>> No.8555093


You're an idiot. I enjoy the taste of alcohol, especially a good tequila.


Because some of us actually like it. I hate celery beyond belief but you don't hear me calling people liars when they say they like it.

>> No.8555094

>Those are all sweet and have no taste of alcohol
I can taste it.
I tried diluting vodka with OJ on my own and it tasted bad with hardly any vodka.

>> No.8555095

Suck it up, buddy
You're going to have to get used to eventually

>> No.8555098

I'm like that too

>> No.8555100
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>You're going to have to get used to eventually

>> No.8555102

Try cranberry juice instead.

>> No.8555104

A coke with lime looks like a rum and coke (cuba libre actually). Ginger ale looks like something too, just add a swizzle stick. Something frozen is easily made virgin, from pina colada to strawberry daquiri.
People pushing drinks on you should be handled properly, so you don't come across as unwavering in your choice nor someone who judges others. Repeat your words, but don't escalate it or change your tone. Stay joking about your little taste problem (which is bullshit really. If your reason is bad family addiction genes, then hide it nicely, just use one of the following: "oh you go ahead, have fun, but I'm taking nexium for my stomach, just can't do alcohol really" or "I'm the driver" or "I have to get up early and I know myself" or "I just got back from the gym, need to hydrate a bit first" or "this is my choice. I'm having fun. Are you having fun? Well then, let's toast to that" and raise your glass. Just so long as you don't make comments on their drinks, how often they down them, the count, the type, the taste, nothing at all that isn't your business, you should remain a drinking buddy that doesn't drink. Just be a fun dude when you go out. Order the wings, that's why you're REALLY there! Be nice and treat everyone to something like a round, or the appetizer is on me. Don't be a non-alchy repellent and cheap both. Be generous (ie fun), with the experience.

>> No.8555110

Because you can be far more social with a bit of alcohol.
It helps loosen you up and it binds people together in a shared experience

It's also a good release for stress.
There's a reason why alcohol is ubiquitous across cultures.

>> No.8555113

dont listen to the broken alcoholics that infest /ck/ some of them drink 4 litres of hard liquor per day.

Just get soda.

>> No.8555116

>so you don't come across as unwavering in your choice
Why? Showing weakness will only embolden them.

>> No.8555118

I hate alcohol too, OP. The only normal drink I can drink is a rum and coke with extra coke.

>> No.8555120
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>It's also a good release for stress.
t. alcoholic
>tfw to intelligent to need alcohol

>> No.8555121

People who excessively make fun of you for not drinking and push drinks on you too much are cunts and not to be friends with.

That being said, coke with lime looks like a cuba libre and thats what I do when I don't feel like drinking but want to have fun with friends anyway. It works because I also like to drink cuba libre so nobody even bats an eye.

Also maybe try finding an alcohol you like, go to a bar and try various shit, cuba libre is really good and doesn't taste like alcohol imho. Most sweet drinks too. I also dislike most alcohol, the only alcohol I can actually enjoy drinking is rum.

>> No.8555122

Do you really ask for extra coke?
You're getting stiffed, voluntarily

>> No.8555126

Actually, alcoholism correlates with intelligence :^)

>> No.8555127

just ask for a tall glass. nowhere except the cheapest place on earth wont give you a standard glass instead of a hiball glass if you ask for one

>> No.8555128

I feel your pain bro. Just get a coke or juice and tell people you don't drink because you don't like the taste. If you're firm and confident people won't push you.

>> No.8555129

Who gives a shit what your coworker calls you. Make fun of him back and drink what you want.

>> No.8555131

He's some guy asking for advice on 4chan, he's clearly not firm or confident

>> No.8555133

Or, maybe it's addictive.

>> No.8555141

You only have to fake it for like 60 seconds of small talk
If they smell weakness they will try and pressure you to drink OP

>> No.8555143

A rum and coke is usually a shot or two of rum (~50-100 ml) with one can of Coke (355 ml)

A proper rum and coke wouldn't even fit in a Highball glass
You have it in a Collins glass (410 ml)

No room for "extra" Coke
Only less rum

>> No.8555152

ok nerd.

>> No.8555154

Listen, I get it's not your thing, but I do like alcohol and it's taste/sensation. It's not for you, fine, but don't claim nobody likes it, that's the last thing this kid needs to hear. If you're not a fan, try asking for extra ice in your drinks (say you like it cold) or get something heavily flavored to mask it, like a rum and Coke, or a pina colada, or maybe a Gin and juice. Point is, find a mixer you like and the booze you tolerate best and there's likely a drink of it already. Use less mixer as you become more accustomed to the taste and you might actually learn to like it.

>> No.8555173

>learn to like it
why tho

>> No.8555177

>"Hey guys, help me find a thing I like in this subject"
>CK obliges and is happy to help
>"Fuck these guys, just avoid the subject altogether"

I get what you're trying to say, but he didn't ask for permission to not drink, he's an adult with that decision, but he's asking for us to point him in a direction so he doesn't have to avoid it. If you're not going to help, don't waste your time or the time of those on the board.

>> No.8555184


lol just drink a beer you Tintin faggot

>> No.8555186

It makes you happy
It makes you more social
Other people like it when you do it

I mean shit, why do anything social?

Like, getting nearly shitfaced with a bunch of friends is an absolutely great experienced. There's no awkward silences, no awkward. Everyone is having a great time just doing whatever.

I'm not saying become a boozer.
But you're missing out if you don't at least drink socially

>> No.8555187

just get rum and coke or even better, malibu and coke. You may get teased a bit but not much and it tastes just...sweet, there's no hint of alcohol.

>> No.8555191

>but he's asking for us to point him in a direction so he doesn't have to avoid it
He asked for a non-alcoholic beverage not a rum and coke.

>> No.8555197

Just because that's traditional doesn't mean it's commonplace. Different bars use different measures and don't use cans/jiggers to measure. It's almost always by eye and I ALWAYS see them served in highball, the only time I see them in a collins is at restaurants with a small bar. Besides, more coke/less rum will accomplish pretty much the same thing for what OP needs.

>> No.8555203
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>there's no hint of alcohol
I can easily taste it.

>> No.8555204

have another drink psycho

>> No.8555205

Just say you "have to drive home tonight", and drink whatever the fuck you want. If people still force drinks on you, then find better people to hang out with.

>> No.8555207

I legit read that as alcoholic beverages, point taken, but I still think the advise here is solid as pretty much everything can be made virgin if needed. Usually without visiby changing the drink too much.

>> No.8555211

roy rogers and shirley temples are both non-alcoholic drinks that look like they could be alcoholic.

It's okay to not drink though, I wish that there wasn't as much pressure in western society to conform to a drinking culture. You should feel comfortable with not drinking alcohol. But if you don't and fear ridicule or whatever then those beverages might help you.

>> No.8555222

Try pouring the exact same measurements of alcohol and juice, but this time don't be a faggot.

>> No.8555233

a moderate level of alcohol will alleviate your social anxiety/autism, learn to drink vodka cokes and stop being a faggot

>> No.8555238

Have you tried hard apple cider?

>> No.8555257
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>go to bar
>order milk
>bartender laughs and asks what I "really want"

>> No.8555274

Get new friends. People who pressure others about drinking only do so because they need to justify their own drinking habits or feel threatened by you ("You think you're better than me?!").


>> No.8555281

I'm not saying you have to, it's certainly your choice, but if you're having this issue, and your problem really is just with the taste, then it's fixable. If you have other reasons, then it's fine you don't have to by any means. I don't think you need to drink to be accepted, but I find it helps me a ton in social situations and it can be a bonding experience for coworkers. And this is coming from an EX mormon, you might find that being able to handle a drink or two is a skill worth having.

I mean, you don't have to twist my arm. And nice job on continuing to not be worth reading, at least you're a consistent waste, no worries about disappointing people when they don't expect anything worthwhile from you.

>> No.8555284

Case in point >>8555222 and >>8555233.

>> No.8555287

mojito or virgin mojito if you like mint.
You can just ask for half rum if you can still taste it.
I would not recommend any alcohol with fruit juice unless it's control or fruit liqueur. And it must be mixed well a lot of the time it's way to sweet.
I like strong drinks like old fashions and gin with lime and ice but a lot of cocktails are nice when you go out.

>> No.8555294

Here, can't believe I forgot to suggest >>8555238
FUCK I am retarded. Cider is the shit and it is what I always suggest to new drinkers, it's what gently led me into it. It tastes super great, I even know non-drinkers who sip them on occasion. I suggest Horsbys if you're new and like your stuff REALLY sweet, but if not, Angry Orchard is popular for a reason but I prefer Woodchuck.

>> No.8555398

Your choices are this: learn to like it, pretend to like it or just fuck off.

>> No.8555404

Why do people get so triggered about this?

>> No.8556994

There's a ton of non-alcoholic options out there. Some of the more accessible options (read: can get at any bar with little to no issue) are Shirley Temples and Soda Water with a few dashes Angostura Bitters.

One anon mentioned virgin Mojitos, another good option that looks more like a cocktail. One of the more popular options at the bar I work at is a virgin East Side Rickey. Muddled mint and cucumber with lime juice, simple syrup, and top soda water. It's refreshing as hell.

Been experimenting with dairy and have two decent ones, one like an Orange Creamcicle and the other like a Key Lime Pie. But those will look way too girly for any function haha.

>> No.8557001

Tell people you're a recovering alcoholic so you can't drink alcohol. If you keep saying "I don't like the taste" people will keep taking it as a challenge to offer you "tasty" drinks.

>> No.8557017

I'm a drinker but I had some deaths in my family and didn't want to get drunk for a while but didn't want to stop going to parties since socialization helped get my mind off the family thing. I just accepted a drink and carried it around without drinking it. It's that simple. It's not a snake that will bite you.

>> No.8557020

I wish I never started drinking desu

>> No.8557039

just drink beer or wine desu

>> No.8557085

I don't drink because of other issues (not alcoholism) and the biggest thing is don't be a huge bitch and get all defensive about it when they give you a hard time. It's 99% piss taking and the more of a rise they get out of you the more they're going to do it to have a laugh. If you drink pop then just get that, coke or tonic water are the most 'adult', but otherwise drink whatever you want. Lime & water is my go to. But as is you're deviating from the norm so you'll always be the odd man out and someone will notice/make note of it. How you react to that is how they're going to go about treating you.

>> No.8557094

Wow you are a faggot

>> No.8557336

do an ayahuasca ritual in front of them.

>> No.8557351

I feel you man. I drank from the wrong glass when I was a young pepe and ever since I've hated the taste of alcohol itself. I can even feel the small amount of beer in crepes.

I'm not a party guy but whenever I've been in company people were forcing me to drink as if it was a shamanistic ritual

>> No.8557370

Vodka with a lot of berry juice of choice or lemon soda + a lot of mint flavored something. The menthol mask the alcohol taste completely.

>> No.8557383

between you and me, I'm really psyched about the ring dings and the pepsi

>> No.8557440

Just get a virgin fruit punch. It's literally just various fruit juices mixed together. Ask for a bit of grenadine in it as well. Failing that, just get some cranberry juice. People who push alcoholic drinks on you are just faggots.

>> No.8557451

After you're buzzed you'll stop noticing the taste of alcohol. Whiskey sour is my go to

>> No.8557476

Rape is also a ubiquitous endeavour that brings people together so I'd advise that if you can't stomach alcohol, OP.

>> No.8557569

Make Spezi!

>> No.8558268
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Take Orange Juice and combine it with Wine, or some other juice.

It makes the wine tolerable and only cuts its potency by half if you mix it 50%.

Its not going to taste "great" but it will be an interesting combination and youll get the benefits without the strong taste.

I cant vouch for any other kind of alcohol but this, ive heard of screwdrivers being similar (vodka+OJ) but I havent actually had them before.

I saw OJ on the table and remembered that combo, so I used it with wine.

This is the only way ive ever gotten even Tipsy.

Ive downed half a bottle of white russian before, even a few glasses of some nasty ass red colored whiskey. Had no effect.

But mixing wine with juice I probably drank a 2 liter of the mix total and I actually got some buzzing going on.

> high as fuck drug tolerance
> plus being heavy In Addition to that

> its like fatal-underdose of painkillers during surgery sorta territory

>> No.8558283

be less of a little bitch

>> No.8558297

there's a method of drinking hard liquor straight that makes it so you don't taste it at all instead of getting a nasty shiver from it, i guess you could modify it for weaker drinks

now the reason why alcohol really tastes bad is no in the liquid itself, but in the alcohol fumes that are released into your mouth while it passes through

so basically you do this: inhale and hold your breath -> drink and swallow -> exhale slowly

and you avoid it

this makes hard liquor like regular vodka or whiskey completely disgust free, almost like you were drinking simple water

i was also able to drink 80% alcoholic rum this way, even though it still stung almost like i was drinking glue or something

>> No.8559299

Cranberry juice?
You on your period or something?

>> No.8559388


>> No.8559449
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>> No.8559480
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>How to date rape

>> No.8559510


Try some gin in the tonic. That's pretty much the only alcoholic drink I enjoy

>> No.8560350


>> No.8560404

Lambic or Cider are two very strong fruit heavy beverages that make it almost impossible to taste the alcohol in it. You can also try some of the many new "hard" sodas out there, like alcoholic root beer and alcoholic orange soda (that Henry's hard orange soda is my fucking weakness I love it so much and I'm not ashamed of it).

I'd echo getting a coke or club soda with a lime in it. Most places that serve rum and cokes or vodka sodas will serve them with limes so people will automatically assume you're drinking. If you're worried about people pushing you to drink, get to the venue early and order one from your server or bartender and let them know you don't plan on drinking and only give you what you ordered at the beginning. When you're out with people, there's a high chance somebody is going to order you a drink or ask what you're drinking, so letting bartenders or servers know ahead of time that you are not going to drink and to only serve you your non-alcoholic drink is a good way of making sure your coworkers are in the dark on what you're actually drinking.

Other than that, fuck em. If you don't want to get drunk and don't like the taste of alcohol, let your people know. Nobody is going to be the same about drinking and others should fucking respect that. If they can't handle it, that's their problem. If a coworker calls you names because of this and makes your job uncomfortable, report them. You should feel free to order whatever the hell you want and not worry about others. There's too much in this world for you to fret over, what you drink is one of the least important things ever.

>> No.8560571

This seems like a decent place to ask: I hate the taste of alcohol but don't mind those really sweet liquers like Bailey's and Sheridan's from what I've tried, Becherovka didn't really work out though.
So would Amarula work for someone like me?

>> No.8560576

Bullshit, I love the taste of good liquor, wine and beer. Beer and Wine are especially tasty, even some cheap shit tastes good and they taste awesome with food