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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8552446 No.8552446 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best foods to make for a man that comes home after a long day of honest labor?

>> No.8552447

muh steak

>> No.8552458

Idk, as a good housewife, managing a budget is important. I think he'd be mad if I bought expensive simply cooked meat like that, at least on average

>> No.8552459


Whatever he tells you he wants when you ask him what he wants for supper before he leaves for work.

>> No.8552462
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>Reinforcing gender roles

>> No.8552463
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>shilling the Jew agenda

>> No.8552469

If I like a certain way of life why should I not live it just because it's traditional?

>> No.8552473


>> No.8552475

>gender roles
Gender is a social construct, anon.

>> No.8552477

What if your spouse doesn't want to live that way? Why would you want a spouse with such a weak constitution? A housewife is basically a pet.

>> No.8552478


Forget about Schlomo. It's a thing they do all over the internet. Your husband goes out and works hard, and he appreciates a home cooked meal when he arrives home. He works hard to provide a place to live, and he appreciates you making it a home.

>> No.8552480


Quick! How many genders are there?

>> No.8552484

>What if your spouse doesn't want to live that way?
that's circumstantial? why not seek out a spouse that wants to live a similar lifestyle to you?
>Why would you want a spouse with such a weak constitution?
idk what you mean by that. Why would that imply a weak constitution?
>a housewife is basically a pet
What a stupid thing to say. try to justify your statements before looking down on others.

>> No.8552485

Only one that matters.

>> No.8552486
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Gender is just an idea put into use through years of societal conditioning and evolution that we just made up, so however many we want and feel comfortable with.

>> No.8552487

Degenerate, stop trying to wreck other peoples families.

>> No.8552490

some form of affection and validation

In the order.
it's not hard

>> No.8552491

>You break your back at a 40+ hour a week job for too little pay
>Wife cooks a little, maybe does the dishes
>Enjoys being pampered in the lap of luxury being a lazy cunt

nigga why would you want to support a vapid cunt's toxic existence? make that bitch get a job ffs

>> No.8552494
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>> No.8552499

jay leno going the liberace route i see

>> No.8552520

I'm not the man/provider in this scenario. And the reason I think this dynamic is valuable is
1. I simply prefer domestic life. I'm not lazy, I'm educated and have worked but it's not my passion
2. children. I don't think public options for raising children and no stay at home parent is nearly as healthy or good an option. obviously if the kids are grown up and we are still a working family I agree that the dynamic is no longer justified, and I'd try to get work. but the husband would still be the provider because he's had decades to build his career.

>> No.8552532
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>Letting women cook

>> No.8552539

Wait a minute I just checked and that's a man

>> No.8552540

how else would she be that cute?

>> No.8552541
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How do I get someone to do that for me?

t. 80 hours a week worker

>> No.8552543

Nicely explained

>> No.8552546


>> No.8552557

Gender is a made up concept made to describe your relationship with your sex not an identity
The reason scientists can't prove someone is born the wrong gender is that gender has no biological basis, it's just a concept

>> No.8552564

There is plenty of work you can do from home if you have free time and the safety net of your husband providing
I know raising kids is not easy but finding a couple hours a day to build something isn't that hard

>> No.8552569
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but literally every time we do research it suggests that we can. don't get me wrong, this isn't enough to call it core science, but it's so fucking consistent.

>> No.8552572


Go away Schlomo. No one cares about your Jewish agenda...

>> No.8552574

Someone still has to do the dishes and cook dinner, tho.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind being the housewife in the relationship. I'm a guy btw.

>> No.8552575

Definitely. And why do you think this is mutually exclusive from being a housewife?

>> No.8552584

its a made up word that describes how comfortable you feel being a man or a woman, its not a choice, you can only be the one you where born as.
You know what safe spaces used to be? safe space is when in group therapy like for drug addicts you are allowed to say anything and you cant be judged for it and somehow liberal college students changed it to the place where people i dont like cant come inside and nobody is allowed to say something i dont like
so yeah bullshitter bullshits

>> No.8552587 [DELETED] 

all your books on that list predate the term gender by 300 years

>> No.8552590

Here's a foolproof guide to gender:

You can't go wrong.

>> No.8552593

If you work from home you arent a housewife though

>> No.8552596

>transgender brain doesnt match the standard layout for their birth sex

that and i was born with a female brain are two completely different things

>> No.8552597

d-do you think the numbers at the end of the paragraphs denote the year?

>> No.8552599

it counts if you wear an apron and you're the submissive one in the relationship

>> No.8552600

i dont?

>> No.8552601

literally fucking reddit in here. this is the first time this board has triggered me

>> No.8552603

I know right. I've been reading in awe. I'm going to bed,this is too much for me.

>> No.8552605
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Arguing with libcucks and Jews is pointless. They want to destroy the traditional household. They know that both parents working causes a divide, and single parent households encourage mental illness. They do not want us to be strong, proud, and happy. It is much easier to control the general population when they are afraid, confused, and delusional. Raising a family is a noble thing to do. You are not sacrificing a career, but rather devoting yourself to the one thing that is most important in this world, which is your family. Your family is the future. Do not let these people destroy the future for their own gain.

>> No.8552606

I'm only here because of that schoolgirl (male) pic.

>> No.8552619

Something made with love
Nah honestly, what I appreciate is somethung hearty involving a combination of meat, carb, veg. Stews and the like are good because you can have them cook through the day, and have them ready in the evening. Beef boeg, bigos, gulash, and jamacian curried goat are all lovely. Also try to vary it up, and be creative, as even the best food every day would get boring.

>> No.8552626

There's a wide variety of opinions in here, you have to be more specific.
Inb4 you think 4chan is a pol safespace

>> No.8552645

I hope whatever mod catches this shit threads ban you all permanently.
If I'm lucky, you'll be obliterated by an oncoming car during your morning commutes also.

>> No.8552673 [DELETED] 


You rearn speaky engrish you come back

>> No.8552691

>bf beats me if i don't make steak and chips once a week

>> No.8552697

In his defence that's really fucking easy to make

>> No.8552699

That's hot.

>> No.8552723

Yeah but sometimes I forget, well I mean I don't forget much these days but I used to.

>> No.8552757

Oh man, I haven't seen someone use that word in a long time. Fun times in Shrekchan.

>> No.8552802

Anything with a blowjob at the end. Swallow.

>> No.8552975

> pic related
> only way he could cook was with a mouse on his head
> laments about women cooking

>> No.8552983

Cook cheap meat in the crockpot. You can start at noon, and it will be hot, fresh, and done when he comes home from work, even if he had to put in extra hours. Stews and chuck roasts, chicken thighs, or whatever meat was on sale.

Pasta bakes and other casseroles are tasty, rice is always a super versatile carb, and roasted vegetables in winter, or grilled ones in the summer will help balance it out.

Or, you can just ask your husband what his favorite meals, meats, and flavors are. Come up with a list of ~30 dishes and cycle them around and always strive to improve them, try and find inspiration to add new dishes or twists to this menu.

>> No.8553061

I work everyday but when I get home I go full domestic mode. My boyfriend is mostly a meat and potatoes guy. If it was up to me I'd eat a sandwich for dinner but he enjoys traditional so that's what he gets. I don't care, it makes me happy to see him enjoy my food.

>> No.8553070

I frequently do burritos with fresh beans and sour cream with few sides
the different meats are his preference though I tend to go based off whats on sale!
Burgers with fresh buns (if you live close enough to the bakery) along with garlic fries are also a hit
Crispy pan fried chicken breast with alfredo pasta

As long as the meal is homey and the rest of the house clean, it's pretty easy to make sure that you're doing your part as the house spouse :)

>> No.8553074

He'd enjoy more you bringing home a girlfriend to share with.

>> No.8553100

Is this a personal or hypothetical question?
Ask him what he likes, dingus.

>> No.8553114

Wish I had a girlfriend who tried to do nice things for me (even if she was a dingus).

>> No.8553186

Looks like the beatings are working.

>> No.8553353

>well I mean I don't forget much these days
beating justified

>> No.8553374

Something good and healthy.
Make sure there is enough fiber.

>> No.8553378

It doesn't have to complicated, if you stick to the formula of one meat, one or two veg and a bread then you can't go wrong.

My main thing is I just want the meal ready around the same time every day. I'd rather eat a pbj and milk at 6 then have to wait around till 8 for a feast

>> No.8554161

tolerance everybody, so why exactly do you hate muslims so much? what does it matter to you if muslim women prefer to live at home

>> No.8554323


Nice try Jew...

>> No.8554328


The title of the image is literally "Everyday life with a not-so-cute girly boy"

>> No.8554467

the idea of a not cute girl trying her hardest is very cute

>> No.8554482

A fair point.

>> No.8554649

Why the fuck do you think anyone cares
Get a life.

>> No.8554683

slow cooked meat of some kind, rice or potatoes depending on the meat and his preference, a simple salad, and some decent wine and/or beer. can't go wrong with that
>tfw will never be a house husband to a qt thicc gril

>> No.8554702



>> No.8554709

a heart stew that includes beans, swede, turnip, potatoes, carrots and any other vegetables at hand
occaisonally meat
and occasionally a dumpling

>tfw you will never have a waifu to make you a stew after a hard day

>> No.8554723


>> No.8554996


>> No.8555083

Reading all these responses is so disappointing. I have a stay at home wife. She goes to school and stays home as a home maker. I make enough money working a physical labor job, foundryman, to support our family. We have a six year old daughter. Seeing their faces when I get home and smelling what's for dinner walking in from outside is one of the highlights of my day. She makes an excellent crock pot meat loaf. I also enjoy when she cooks ribs. She made quinoa burgers yesterday.

>> No.8555105


You're doing good work anon. I'm in the same situation, just a different career and different number of kids. my wife once suggested maybe she should work as well, so I made her price out how much she would make versus how much would be spent on child care. I also made her read stories of things that happened to kids in the care of complete strangers. She thinks there's nothing in the world she could do to better our children's lives than be a stay at home mom now. We can't guarantee our children will grow up happy and functional members of society, but it is our duty as parents to give them the best possible chance we can.

>> No.8555124

Is this the 1960's?

>> No.8555219

Sure sounds like you are giving them the best possible chance. It's rare in this day and age.

Wish it was, senpai.

>> No.8555264

Until the 20th century the wife was always working unless the husband was some noble, and even then she'd have some hobby like music that could bring joy to others.

They'd be working in a business, farming, or creating a product. They would do that while wrangling children.

Housewives today just sit at home eating bonbons and spend maybe a solid 2 hours doing chores, including cooking.

They are modern leeches.

>> No.8555288


Women needed to work. I wouldn't have bothered spending 4 years in college and putting myself $70k in dept to get an education just so I could have my wife work to barely make enough to pay someone to look after our kids while she worked. If she was the one that had the education that offered a high paying career, I would be more than happy to stay home with the kids. I would honestly prefer it that way, since there's nothing in the world I love more than getting to spend time with my children. But I'm the one who can make the cash, and we get by better than most on my income alone. Also, just because your mother was fat and lazy and let the tv raise you doesn't mean all women are like that. You would understand that if you didn't get your relationship advice from /b/...

>> No.8555289

I came here for cooking not to be told it's bad I like to cook for my manfriend
Yummy things are nice and I think he's nice so I make him nice things cause it's nice :/

>> No.8555326

Fuck off homo, don't try to horn in on traditional family feels

>> No.8555373
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>> No.8555423

For the first 5 or so years of a child's life it works out fine to stay home, but once all the kids are in school it's a boring and unproductive life.

Oh, and now your wife has a 5 year+ gap on her resume. Good luck to her on getting a job after that.

There's no reason a housewife can't work part time, work from home, or even volunteer a couple days a week, but the sad truth is that most don't.

>> No.8555440


So what you're saying is you're uneducated and working for barely minimum wage, and you need the money your uneducated wife would make at her minimum wage job. That's your fault, not mine.

>> No.8555450

>tfw you will never be the housewife (male)

>> No.8555462

>wanting to marry a woman who probably couldn't get accepted into a state college if she tried
>not wanting your loved ones to have productive and at least semi-successful lives

>> No.8555474

It's very easy to say "I took time off to be a stay at home parent." Plenty of people take time off for parenting, and while it doesn't look as good on a resume compared to someone without a gap, I hardly think it'd be a main reason why a former stay at home parent would not be hired.

A five year gap working to raise children is not a five year gap on a drug binge. An applicant could even potentially put their gap year(s) in the resume to pre-emptively account for it.

>> No.8555488

>projecting this hard

that anon is clearly happy with his life, anon. Why don't you go be angry somewhere else?

>> No.8555907

Why not?
It's 2017.

>> No.8556090
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is there more to this picture

>> No.8556110

That's not how it works.
More like this.
>Would you like to eat, take a bath or would you like me?

>> No.8556606

Looks like it worked.

>> No.8556617

Glad to see some common sense in here.
My GF wish she could stop working and be a housewife.

>> No.8556655

I enjoy feeding my hardworking submissive fuccboi stews and curries in the winter when it's cold, and pasta and BBQ/grill dishes mostly in the summer.

>> No.8556863

>parents divorced when I was a babby
>move around a ton
>generally mediocre childhood
>dad remarries
>little brother has actual nuclear family life
As much as I want him to succeed in life because family I can't help but feel a bit of jealousy towards the fucker for getting a considerably better childhood and adolescence than me.

>> No.8556902

I hope this isn't true and just shit posting but why stay with a wife beater?
If you get to the stage in a relationship where you think you need to beat your S.O then you best just split up.

>> No.8556915

cute! :3

>not wanting to be beaten within an inch of your life

>> No.8557154

I'll share a few hearty favorites, if you want a specific recipe ask. IMHO its better to avoid acids in this meal if he was gone so avoid marinated/conservated jar food, and be careful with tomatos

Pasta carbonara
Huevos rancheros, with chili instead of just beans.
Shashlik kebabs
Pelmeni or cepelina
Ragout with lentils and carrots
Sweet potato curry
Buckwheat with sauteed mushrooms

There are many budget one pot recipes online that work too
Just remember to work around dishes you can buy things in bulk, grains, flour. Get the big kg bags of potatos, onions, frozen meat and you will be sure you can always have ingredeients on hand to make something tasty and filling.

>> No.8557535

not that guy but in all honesty my gf wants me to hit her.

girls can be hard core masochists.

>> No.8558065
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If I'm honest? A boipucci sandwich

>> No.8558998


I wouldn't do it all the time, but in that case of where it's been a long rough day of honest labor. Not everyday is going to be super stressful, but it's nice to every so often come home and find a nice thick steak cooked just how you'd like it.

>> No.8559024

I do most of my cooking on the weekend for my husband.
Chili, homemade bread, cookies if he wants them, soups, whatever else.
We usually eat leftovers during the week, or fend for ourselves. I work full time as well, and he gets home before I do.

If I could, I would cook for him every day of the week because I love him. Unfortunately, we're both young and don't have a lot of money so I don't get to be a housewife.

>> No.8559036

do what you're comfortable with, just don't let cultural gender roles confine you. that's really the takeaway.

>> No.8559046

this is shit someone's backwater racist uncle would post on facebook. you've gotta be a fucking idiot to believe this shit.

>> No.8559064

abuse is an ugly dynamic, anon.

>> No.8559666
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A nice veal ragu.
What you'll need:
1 x bottle of fairly rich red wine. (check out Australian Syrah)
3 Stems of celery
3 Carrots (normal size)
about 200g of button mushroom or trumpet mushroom
1 Regular onion
Some minced veal (regular beef works as well, medium fat level)
1-2 Salsiccia pork sausages peeled out of their skins.
Two tablespoons of Mango chutney (no raisins in it)
two teaspoons of Sambal Oelek.
1 fresh tomato.
Some veal/beef stock (about a cup)
Some cream, not much. (36 - 41% fatty level)
fresh Sage
fresh Rosemary
Dried thyme
fresh or dried basil
a spouse
some butter
some olive oil
two cloves of garlic
a fairly large frying pan with some depth. (not a wok)
Cube the carrots, chop up the tomato, chop the celery and Finely finely cut the onion.
Cut the mushroom in fairly small slices, you want one piece to take up enough space to
cover some space at the end of your tongue.
Put a large pot of water on the stove and turn that to the max. need that for the pasta.
Don't forget to salt the water (don't be shy).
Fry the mushroom first. (fry in a dry pan initially with some salt to let the fluids out,
then, once the mushroom has let out most of their fluids but before they burn, add some
butter and fry the mushroom a little bit longer.)
put the mushroom aside.
put the celery and the carrots into a pan with a little bit of salt and olive oil.
fry on medium heat for 2 minutes. add the cubed tomato and the onion. fry until onion is
getting soft. Put the finely chopped garlic (or pressed) into the pan and mix a little
bit. after a minute, pour in some of the wine, maybe half a glass - up to you.
Mince up the "peeled" salsiccia and mix it into the veal/beef mince.
put the meat into the pan together with the celery and carrots etc.
add a bit of pepper and salt and maybe a little bit more of olive oil if needed.
Try the wine for yourself.
Once the meat is cooked, add the Veal stock to the pan. give it a good stir.
cntd in pt2

>> No.8559672
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pt 2
let that simmer on medium for about 3 minutes. Add mango chutney, sambal oelek, the herbs. Mix
and test for salt and pepper. Let the sauce reduce a bit. once the sauce has reduced
a bit, turn the heat to low, add about
two tablespoons of cream to the sauce, stir a bit and put a lid on that pan. If you
don't have a lid, maybe you have a plate of a suitable size to put on top instead
(careful not to burn your fingers once you remove it though). let that simmer now for
almost 20 minutes.
Time the pasta so that it will be done by the time the sauce is done.
Serve together with the rest of the wine and eat together with your hubby.
I quite like these shapes of pasta with this sauce:
Enjoy and remember, life is precious.

>> No.8559679


You sound like a Jew

>> No.8559758
File: 108 KB, 960x720, saffron rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ragu man here.
you can also try this one if you guys like saffron and lamb.

saffron, feta and lamb patties.
Serves about 4 people depending on hunger levels.

What you'll need:
1/2 regular sized onion.
1dl of whole fat milk.
400g of minced lamb meat.
2g of saffron
3dl of rice
Dried cranberries
Feta cheese (get a nice one, you need the proper flavor)
Fresh or dried Rosemary
Salt & pepper
Turkish Yoghurt

First, shred half an onion and set aside for now. Then, pour about 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, the minced meat and the milk into a bowl and mix it. Leave it for about 10 minutes.While the meat is resting, cube the feta cheese into cubes just ever so slightly smaller than regular playing dice.
Once the meat has rested with the crumbs and milk, add 1g of saffron, the feta cubes, the rosemary, salt and pepper to the bowl and mix it together (but not for too long).
Make patties about the size of a coaster with the thickness of a finger. Put the patties on a plate, so that they are all ready to be pan fried once you get going.

Now, put your rice in a pot together with water and some salt. Add the rest of the saffron. Cook the rice half way and add about two tablespoons of dried cranberries (maybe slightly more but don't go too crazy).
Once you've put in the cranberries, start panfrying the patties with some butter on medium heat for about two minutes on each side. Serve with the rice and a nice big tablesppon of turkish yoghurt.
To add some kick to this recipe, consider adding some cayenne
pepper to the meat patties.

>> No.8559816

you need about 150g of feta btw

>> No.8560588

lel what? You have to go out of your way to find a wife with such "weak constitution."
I want to go home and fight with my wife XD XD.
yea naw. I'm good m8. Also seriously I'm not cleaning up after my self so I got me a wife after my mom stopped living with me. (She still washes my clothes It's pretty good.)