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File: 689 KB, 1440x1080, Fry-Eggs-Beauty-01_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8547812 No.8547812 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook fried eggs? I always end up with rubber, even if I cook on low heat...I have to wait for it and it still ends up being overcooked in the end, it's like there is a one second period where it goes from snotty to total rubber

>> No.8547830


use a nonstick pan and lower the heat, pour about 3 tablespoons of water in and cover, this steams the egg from the top while it cooks from the bottom as well, and also helps moderate the pan temperature.

cook for about 3 minutes - don't forget to salt and pepper, plebe.


People will come in talking about cast iron and other pans... tell them to fuck right off.

>> No.8547832
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turn down the heat friend. if water sizzles on the pan, its good to go. try a cheap non stick pan. experiment. make a lot of eggs.

>> No.8547836

It's the one time I use a teflon pan. I fry mine in olive oil on medium heat. Right when I flip it, I turn the heat off and leave it on the element. By the time I get my toast from the toaster and plate ready it's good to go.

>> No.8547873


You people don't know what the fuck a fried egg is, do you?

>> No.8547876


Based Kenji will lead you...

>> No.8547886

>Based Kenji will lead you...
Oh the guy whose chili recipe has anchovies, marmite, soy sauce, etc.?

>> No.8547899
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Burnt to FUCK.

EDITING CUT in video at 1:15 and 1:22 to ignore the fact that the eggs stick like shit in a carbon steel pan. Obviously different eggs used during different clips. If you don't use nonstick you are doing it wrong.

>> No.8547923

med-high heat
learn how to flip it with the pan
less cooking the better, just make sure the egg white is cooked

>> No.8547939

Listen, and listen carefully.
Pan gettin hot, some butter/oil.
Beat up your eggs, season thise eggies,
Let them fry.

>> No.8548035

From the book modernist cuisine - art and science of cooking

low heat non-stick pan with greased egg rings, gently cook the egg whites for 3 mins on stove top then throw that oven-proof pan in the oven at 100 degrees C. After 5 mins add the yolk to the almost cooked eggwhites and remove after 5 mins. walla perfect "fried" eggs

I do this while the oven has bacon cooking in it since I throw my bacon in without preheating and it takes 20 mins and at the start is low enough for the eggs.

>> No.8548085
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>needing two cooking methods for fried eggs

>> No.8548096

why dont you people just flip your eggs
pour em in, wait, flip em right when the bottoms arent translucent, cook for another 10-15 seconds
I make these every morning and they come out perfect. Whites are solid but not rubbery and the yolks are liquidy to dip your bread in

>> No.8548105
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Fully agree that 2 cooking methods for cooking an egg are retarded.

If you are going to go through that much of a pain you might as well poach, which is not really much of a hassle and is, objectively, the best way to eat an egg.

>> No.8548281


The oven is already on at the exact temp you need it if you have started cooking bacon. You could just put it in the oven but pan fried start means no leakage from uneven egg rings.

>> No.8549093

Wow what is oil and heat you faggot. Do you realize this is how street vendors in bangkok fry eggs? I'm sure you know more than the shop owner whose family served street food for 1000 years. Fucking inbred

>> No.8549101

>food looks the same in the pan as when it's plated

>> No.8549109

t. egg salesman

>> No.8549112

Do you have a glass top stove? They will rape fried eggs unless your frying pan has a very thick bottom

>> No.8549117

>mfw I see recipes say "Medium-high heat" but if I turn my stove to 3 out of 5 it fucking incinerates whatever I'm trying to make by heating my frying pan up to the temperature of the sun

>> No.8549144


It's because glass tops don't have any kind of analog heat output, they alternate between 100% and 0% heat to try and keep the burner at a certain temperature which burns food really well if the bottom of your pot is really thin and transfers the heat straight to the food.

I figured this out while caramelizing onions, if I use any pot other than my big heavy dutch oven pot they just fry as soon as they begin to soften, even on "1" heat with lots of oil I have to take them off after 20-30 minutes because they're burning

>> No.8549155

The most recent (and first desu) time I tried to caramelize onions in my pan they just burnt to a fucking blackened crisp, it was kinda sad.
What I get for using a normal frying pan instead of something cast iron or THICK.

>> No.8549168
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Get a nonstick pan and put about a quarter inch of oil in it. Put the flame on medium high. Next crack the egg into a bowl of flower. dredge the egg in flower, then egg wash and then back in the flower. Now put it in the pan for 2 minutes. Pick up the pan, give the egg a flip and cook for another minute.

Perfect egg.

>> No.8549169
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>flip it

>> No.8549195
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>disliking eggs over easy

>> No.8549255

Pan on a low heat, add butter, when melted and bubbly crack the egg in, add salt to the cooking white. When the white is fully cooked, turn off the heat and let the heat from the pan cook the yolk. Test whether its cooked by very gently putting your thumb on it.

>> No.8549259
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>> No.8549267
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over easy is good but sunny side up is goat

>> No.8549413

every anon here forgets... that you need to put salt on the egg already in the pan. Solidifies the protein way sooner.

>> No.8551028

this one got me

>> No.8551049

baste them
using a lid to steam them works, too, but basting allows you to put more heat on the thicker part of the whites without cooking through the yolk at the same time

>> No.8551076
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>> No.8551101

Cast iron is fine for eggs if you have an antique, thin pan with perfect seasoning. Otherwise yeah it's pretty garbage for eggs.

>> No.8551110

a fried egg is really an egg poached in butter in a skillet.

>> No.8552489
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Desu I browned some onion and maybe something else then made a ring of onion bits.

I don't rmember if I did middle first or outer scramble around first, but it was nice.

Two table spoons of water? That seems like a lot, sometimes i throw in a teaspoon maybe with a cover. I believe I finished these with my marijuana torch.

>> No.8552496
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Some anon said they'd try it when I posted these the first time.

>> No.8552503
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ant sized version for bandwidth monitored north korean spies

>> No.8553983

Use iron wok or iron skillet witih cover.

High heat or low heat, just make sure the pan is hot before you add oil, when oil sizzle, crack egg into pan, immediately turn off heat and put cover down..

It helps to take the egg out of the fridge some time before frying.

Sunflower oil is the best if you are eating it with soy sauce and rice. Butter or bacon fat for toast.

>> No.8554150

Carry over heat is your downfall. When you pull eggs off the burner the eggs still continue to cook from their internal heat.

If the egg is done in the pan then the egg will be overdone on the plate. This mostly applies to scrambled eggs but is still a consideration with fried eggs.

Also a way to check a fried egg for doneness is to just poke the yoke with your finger after you flip it. This lets you check the consistency of the yolk while its cooking.

>> No.8554267
File: 533 KB, 1554x1554, kitchenfrodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pan nice n hot
>drizzle of olive oil
>quail eggs, a hand full
>add some olive oil
>fry until nice and soft, firm grip
>take eggs out and add a pint of olive oil
>fry some crostini
>prepare a tomato salad with balsamico
>assemble everything into a tower
>serve it to the plumber that unclogged your toilet while you where cooking

recipe trademark of jamie oliveoil ltd.

>> No.8554306

You gotta flip it.

>> No.8554330

Fucking disgusting. Just plain bad taste.