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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8538303 No.8538303 [Reply] [Original]

What are your go-to meals when you're feeling too lazy to put much effort into prep/cooking but don't want to get takeaway or freezer garbage?

>> No.8538305

Rice. Just a big fucking bowl of rice with whatever seasoning thrown into the rice cooker.

>> No.8538309

Absolutely pathetic.
I bake some bread and whip up some hummus OP, or make toast with a poached egg and whatever else is handy.

>> No.8538313
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Pic related made while I was drunk. Medium rare beef tenderloin, roast potatoes, all dumped on a plate. Took me I don't know, 20 minutes? It's just searing the steak in a pan for 2 minutes on each side and then putting it into a 400F oven for 5 or 6 minutes and letting it rest. Sometimes when I am really fucking drunk I'll just do that slice it up into relatively thick strips and put it in a baguette with a bit of Bearnaise sauce or something. Only did that twice but it is fucking good as fuck.

>> No.8539500

I like both a simple potatoe salad or a tuna baguette with onions, parsley,lemon juice and balsamic vinegar

>> No.8539527

Peanut butter sandwiches.

>> No.8539548

Whip up some fast salad, like a Caprese salad or something, otherwise some salad with beans, tuna and red onions.

Pasta Aglio&Olio is fine too.

>> No.8539573

yea you made roast potatoes in 20 minut lmao stop trying to show off

>> No.8540138

Literally just shredded cheese in a tortilla microwaved or browned in a pan if I'm feeling up to it. Sometimes eat them by themselves or with salsa and sour cream.

>> No.8540139


>> No.8540168

Beat up some eggs, with a little cream, parmegianno, flour, baking soda. Some fried bacon bits on top, bread on the side.
15 mins. tops.

>> No.8540428

Pesto is about the simplest thing I regularly make. It takes longer for the pasta to cook than to make the pesto, and only uses one put plus my pestle & mortar. If I any even be bothered with that and I have no leftovers to microwave then I get take away. I don't know why but I just hate cooking shit food.

>> No.8540481


Dude it's easy as fuck. Par boil them then which takes maybe 7 minutes? Then put them in the same pan you are cooking your steak in with a little oil. After 5 minutes take out the steak but leave the potatoes in for another 10-15 depending on how big they are. Remember. The smaller the potato, the quicker the cooking time, and you also have it in a 400F oven. It's not difficult at all it is basic as fuck.

>> No.8540497

pot roast and some form of potato

usually baked or french fried

>> No.8540907

I try to always have some seasoned, breaded chicken breast strips in the freezer ready to go so I can just throw them in a fry pan or the oven if I'm extra lazy. Then I can put them in a sandwich or rice or whatever else.

It's like, barely a step above just buying a box of frozen chicken tenders but at least I know what's in it.

>> No.8541028

caramelized onions, rice, cheap canned tuna/sardines/mackerel, eggs and enough soysauce to make it edible.

>> No.8541249

Papa chevos for Thier carne asada fries with extra sour cream.
Lazy days count as my cheat days so it's worth more than gold to me

>> No.8541290

I make my own version of chipotle's burrito bowls.

If I can be fucked to cook some chicken breast, then add chicken, if not, just use black beans.

Just add brown rice, frozen fajita mix from Trader Joe's, chicken/bean, avocado, spoonful of salsa, and hot sauce.

>> No.8541358

Chorizo scrambled eggs
The whole process of fridge to plate is ~10 minutes

>> No.8541490

>it takes 7 minutes to get water up to temp AND parboil them

tip top kek

>> No.8541695


Gas stove master race.

>> No.8541719


You fucking attention whore. Read the OP, who the fuck is going to make all that when they're lazy/hungover?

>> No.8542013

>feeling too lazy
You mean all the time, you fat cunt.

>> No.8542032

frozen peas, carrots and corn

>> No.8542035


can of coca cola, some chocolate and pringles

>> No.8542039

Are you retarded? Baking the most basic of breads takes at least 30 minutes, and thats for shitty soda breads. Yeast bread can take 4 to 8 hours, unless you got loads of loafs in your freezer.

>> No.8542076

>brown some bite size chicken in a pan and reserve
>Saute diced onion until I feel like it, add mushrooms, season however you want (I usually just do salt and pepper)
>Mix chicken back in
>Eat it over rice and stir in sour cream
My mom used to make it for me growing up. I know it's shit food, but it always makes me feel comfy and nostalgic.

I also used to make "lazy pasta" before I got too poor, which was just onions and bell pepper, spicy sausage, tomatoes and shrimp. I would add other things too like squash or zucchini if I felt like it. I moved a few months ago so I don't really have the money to make shrimp pasta unfortunately.

>> No.8542113

you guys all make food that takes half an hour when you are lazy?

when im lazy i eat spagetti and swedish meatballs, pretty much always have some in the fridge or freezer so it takes about 10-15 minutes and little to no effort spent

either with some nice tomatosauce or just ketchup if im super lazy

>> No.8542134


I toss a can of soup in the rice cooker with a 1/4 cup rice and water with a bit of extra salt and whatever seasoning would compliment the soup. It doesn't happen often, and I'm not proud when it does happen, but sometimes it happens anyway. Usually when I don't have any cans of beans. I will eat the fuck out of a cold can of beans...

>> No.8542136

bag of pasta
jar of pesto

bone app the teeth

>> No.8542153

Those people are talking shit. Anybody who doesn't have something they can simply throw together in a pan/pot in under 20 minutes is probably a shit cook. Even a baked potato, which takes an hour cooking time, can be put in the oven and left, a total of 2 minutes active prep time.

>> No.8542208

a baked potato isn't a meal

>> No.8542213

A baked potato with toppings is definitely a meal.

>> No.8542225

>with toppings
Oh come on are you going to now argue that your flyover "baked potato" which is actually a potato salad with sliced marinated steak, mushroom sauce, and fried onions is what you meant by "2 minutes active prep time"

>> No.8542255

>can't eat a simple baked potato

Nice reading comprehension

>> No.8542266

Are you the guy that posted the steak dinner, and you're angry that nobody believes it's the simplest food you make? Now you're trying to backtrack by redefining "meal".

>> No.8542277

I'm not Irish, a potato is not a meal
>steak dinner
No, I'm not every person you've ever had an argument with in the history of 4chan.

>> No.8542305

baked potato
some sour cream

wa la

>> No.8542308
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>bacon takes 2 minutes

>> No.8542321

I don't think he was replying to you, but regardless, you could replace bacon with some chopped vegetables, or skip that part entirely and just eat with butter and cheese. Not the most elegant option, but you're talking shit by saying a baked potato isn't a meal.

>> No.8542328

That'll be $6.99 plus tax and tip, thanks!

>> No.8542340
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>the only options are potatoes and denny's

>> No.8542346

egg whites, raw oats with milk, a granny smith, and a banana. 700 cals, lots of fiber, complex carbs, 40g protein. cant go wrong if you're trying to get /fit/ and want a filling meal.

>> No.8542375

Toss a fish fillet in the steamer with sliced ginger. Microwave rice. Fish sauce, lime and chilli for a quick dressing.

>> No.8542662


"Oven food" like roasted veggies, 430F for 20 minutes. Also have some brown basmati rice that takes the same amount of time so just cook those at the same time.

>> No.8542733


>Your go to meals

You should read the OP. And then you should stop being a lazy fuck and take 10 minutes out of your daily butter eating sessions to cook up a fucking steak and throw it on a plate

>> No.8544220

I wonder if the shitty steamer basket in a rice cooker would handle this alright? Would make the whole process pretty damn easy.

>> No.8544608

Baked potato and caesar salad.

>> No.8544822

Burgerville because fuck cooking

>> No.8545037

Baked chicken breast and brown rice, seasoned however I feel like. Easiest shit ever, tastes okay, and is healthy enough.

>> No.8545042

Salmon on toast
Butter spaghetti
Fried eggs hollandaise

>> No.8545045

Those potatoes look shit. You have to rough up the outsides after parboiling.