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8537128 No.8537128 [Reply] [Original]


I can't get enough of it myself.

>> No.8537148

Each variety of blue cheese tastes like a whole different kind of cheese to me. gorgonzola is Numero uno though

>> No.8537160

Also, what do you guys find pairs well with this kind of cheese?

>> No.8537169


also salads with apples and walnuts

>> No.8537188

Buffalo tendies.

or port wine.

>> No.8537190

dry bread

>> No.8537407

I like it a lot but how do you guys get over the thought of eating literal fucking festering mold? The taste is great but the process behind it is disgusting.

>> No.8537422

I bought a nice wedge of gorgonzola dulce today, about a half pound. Tomorrow I'm gonna make this sauce:

>Cook a pound of sweet or hot Italian sausage, crumble it up in the pan
>Add a bit of flour, couple TBSP, cook the raw taste out of it after adding (2 min)
>Add 1 C milk, 1/3 C heavy cream, stir and let thicken a little bit (5 min)
>Add 1/4 lb gorgonzola (more if you like it, but be careful because it's a strong flavor), stir into the sauce til it melts
>Taste and correct for salt and pepper
>Serve over favorite pasta

>> No.8537442

blue cheese + figs + prosciutto

>> No.8537492

god damn that sounds good.

>> No.8537497


>> No.8537499

Had it in a dip for chicken wings for an entree on a cruise recently.

Was fucking amazing. We ordered another 3 servings each.

>> No.8537507

Arugula. Works as a pizza topping

>> No.8537512

Sounds perfect, im gonna try this.

>> No.8537538

it is just wonderful. This may sound pleb-tier but the best blue cheese i've had was at a movie theater concession stand on a burger. I was expecting the worst but it was wonderful, and this is coming from someone who dabbles in fine cheese.

>> No.8537579
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>I ate a whole crock of potted Stilton in the past two days.

>> No.8537605

Bleu cheese, or blue fromage, is excellent when paired with crispy prosciutto, walnuts, or apples.

>> No.8537607

Goes great with peperoncini.

>> No.8537622

Gorgonzola a best

>> No.8537651

I think next time you should go fromage blue just to hammer it home.

>> No.8537834

People around me hate it because "hurr durr cheese is either colored yellow or white" and "hurr durr it smellz" and "herp derp it tastes baaaad".

Nigga, it's a flavor explosion and it tastes wonderful.
I love to pair it with a good beer.

>> No.8537854
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>love all food
>absolutely disgusted by the flavour of any cheese that has mold, even brie which only has white mold

>> No.8537906

Sorry pal, people have different tastes. Just gotta go with the flow and eat what you like. Don't try to force it.

>> No.8537969

I guess so. It's just a pain to be fussy about this one thing.

>> No.8538017

are you disgusted by the thought of mold or by the taste of the cheeses themselves?

>> No.8538072

the ikea blue cheese is the worse ive ever had

>> No.8538133

It's just the taste. I get that mold is edible, harmless, nutritious, etc. but there's just something about the flavour mold brings to a cheese that I find it tough to get used to. It might be from eating no cheese other than cheddar and similar cheeses for the first 12-13 years of my life.

>> No.8539268

For most strong blue cheese like gorgonzola, you generally don't eat a big chunk by itself. Have it alongside fruit, crackers, nuts, or melt it into a sauce or crumble it on a salad. It's one of those things where a little goes a long way, so use sparingly.

>> No.8539303


reap what you sew

>> No.8539307

I'm personally fond of gorgonzola(especially with mascarpone) and walnuts, I often make myself some pizza or calzone with those. And even when I'm too tired to make it myself I'm lucky enough to have a bakery near me that makes pizza like that so I can grab a few ones to munch on the way to work.

>> No.8539623

It's ok in small amounts.
I hate prepping with it.

>> No.8539641

I will eat a whole wedge in a sitting if I have nothing better to do with it. Fucking love the stuff, especially the hard ones with thick dark blue veins

>> No.8539642

good on salads and bacon cheeseburgers.

>> No.8539643

before bed? i love the fucked up dreams that induces

>> No.8539702

spicy salamis

also it's amazing on pizza, especially with buffalo sauce, ranch, chicken and onions

>> No.8539889

Port wine and blue cheese is considered a classic. I love it, particularly with Roquefort.