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File: 94 KB, 800x489, mre-contents-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8533643 No.8533643 [Reply] [Original]

MRE thread?

>> No.8533660

Chicken tomato feta is my favorite

>> No.8533664


>> No.8533675

I used to eat MREs when I was a Boy Scout. I thought the tiny Tabasco was the coolest thing in the world.

>> No.8533677

Fuck you.

>> No.8533683

You can actually buy 6 packs of tiny Tabasco at some stores if you know where to look

>> No.8533693

Cheese Tortellini has Reese's Pieces 90% of the time. It also has a 75% chance of having hot sauce.

Cheese Tortellini best MRE.

>> No.8533748

Nice, lets put that on a tray

>> No.8533783

MREs are god tier but really expensive

>> No.8534383


I'm getting an mre this sunday from a friend who's in the military. I know its going to be bad but its for the experience.

>> No.8534430

Take pictures of it, and post it

>> No.8534507

If I get these from Amazon, is it essentially the same as the military version, or am I buying some kind of watered down, useless version?

>> No.8534646

Civilian rations are pretty nice and have a lot of the same stuff, but they're just not the same as the military ones, they dont have the same kind appeal.

This Video has some good info on how to get rations, both civilian and military.

>> No.8534656
File: 241 KB, 480x360, 1440905284887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate these things, try eating these 3 times a day for a month. Favorite is probably the meatball one. I get out in 2 months lads, and i couldnt be happier. fuck the army

>> No.8534669

>try eating these 3 times a day for a month
when was the last time you took a crap?

>> No.8534680

they never plugged me up that bad honestly.
why in the hell would you want to buy these

>> No.8534695

Not that anon, but i think they are very interesting. the food science behind these things is really cool, and I want to eat one.

>> No.8534743

For me, it's the chicken pesto pasta, the best US MRE.

Absolutely nice.

>> No.8534817

Where can i get some rations that have a Nice Hiss?

>> No.8535146

Definitely gonna give that a try.

>> No.8535148


Why don't we get that out on the tray?

>> No.8535329

Civilians are fascinated by MRE's. The idea of them is cooler than the reality of having to eat them on a long-term basis.

>> No.8535335
File: 1.14 MB, 3195x2330, IMG_1197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can open this if anyone's interested?

>> No.8535554


>> No.8535951

yes please

>> No.8535961

Please do

>> No.8535968

Also my favorite, along with chicken pesto, and chicken and dumplings before they gor rid of it.

>> No.8536506
File: 124 KB, 700x700, angry-cat-photography-15-586f6e56f1eb8__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these shits so expensive?
It's just garbage with long shelf life, just like all the cheap crap in the store. It's not nutritionally balanced, it doesn't require insane machinery to produce (freeze-dried sure but it's a one-time expense). Why can't they sell them at a reasonable price for people who's into trekking and autist fags who like single serving shit.

>> No.8536523

Chili Mac is the best. Get some of the Jalapeno Cheese and cook it with the Chili Mac.

Or i put that cheese with the spaghetti fucking god tier.

>> No.8536615

-small target audience
-target audience is willing to pay premium
-shit has to be proven to be edible for multiple years
-loads of expensive packaging, no cheap plastic
-they still add a shitload of stuff like vitamins

>> No.8537109

People buy mountain house if they want freeze dried.

>> No.8537117

I have three boxes of MREs from a past hurricane

>> No.8537463

send me some

>> No.8537541


Realistically a better pack than the MRE, although not as fancy. See also the German packs.

>> No.8537715 [DELETED] 

I've got 4 MREs actually. Never tried one but they are still all in date I believe.

Got the following...

2 US ones
One is "Pork Sausage in Cream Gravy"
The other is is "Chicken Pesto Pasta"

1 Lithuanian one
Not sure what the fuck it is. It says "Sausasis Maisto Davinys"

1 Korean one
Also not sure what the fuck it says it's in Korean. It has a pack of "Korean Ginseng Granule Tea" attached to the front. It's significantly smaller and lighter I'm guessing it's rice and some other stuff.

I'll eat one tomorrow and do a live post. Which one should I try?

>> No.8538366


>> No.8538612


I would be very hesitant to eat the meat in MRE's honestly. I imagine it having an odd texture, probably dry and just a weird taste which is probably mitigated due to all the sauce/spice/salt

>> No.8538614

Lemon-lime drink packet is the best.

>> No.8538931

Is this a monthly thread now I mean fuck how many varieties of MREs and rough shit stories can there be?