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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 485 KB, 2168x1451, stock options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8523963 No.8523963 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't boil his pasta in chicken or vegetable stock
it's like you don't even enjoy flavor

>> No.8523967

whatever you say, marco

>> No.8523969


I'm boiling how much stock to cook pasta?! I don't think so.

>> No.8523980
File: 452 KB, 679x670, 1484188276562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not boiling your pasta in piss

>> No.8524013
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Pic related is not chicken stock you mouth breather

>> No.8524020
File: 525 KB, 1000x420, liquid stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard of liquid stock?

>> No.8524024


No one is stupid enough to waste that much stock boiling pasta. If they are, they would actually be stupid enough to unironically tell people about it. Huh...

>> No.8524028

You can just salt your water with about 1% solution of salt (varies on the specific salt you use) and it should have similar saltiness to a broth and it will make your noodles super tasty. General rule of thumb is to taste the water you're thinking of boiling your noodles in and understand your noodles will end up tasting like the water, so salt to taste. Usually I go with about 5 grams per liter of water.

No need to waste stock, especially if it's proper homemade stock.

>> No.8524035

>boil pasta in stock to give it slight flavor
>use fraction of that stock to make sauce and give the dish actual flavor

Gee, I don't know.

>> No.8524036

These things are about as tasty as the juice that pools at the bottom of trash bags.

>> No.8524080

I reuse the stock and boil several batches of pasta until it is disposed of

>> No.8524083

Distracts from the flavor of the actual dish you're preparing.

>> No.8524092

Is that suppose to make it sound better? Old starchy sludge water? What the fuck are you even doing with your life?

>> No.8524107

making delicious pasta that everyone I serve it to highly enjoys that is what I am doing.

>> No.8524108
File: 93 KB, 1300x866, 45896949-Portrait-of-a-laughing-male-chef-cook-holding-spoon-and-pan-isolated-on-a-white-background-Stock-Photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey why does this lasagna look and taste like shit?
>Oh, some guy on 4chan told me to always boil my pasta in vegetable stock

>> No.8524109

i boil pasta in remouillage

using stock is a waste

>> No.8524114

Sure you are. Telling lies on the internet won't change the fact you are a fat lonely virgin who has a printed pic of your waifu taped to a couch cushion you found in a back alley. Kill yourself.

>> No.8524539

Not him but I make pasta in a saucepan so I use less stock
And I use the starchy stock as the base for a sauce

>> No.8524776

boil pasta in vegetable oil. the essence of the vegetable is in the oil

>> No.8524784

>he doesn't braise mushrooms, lettuce and peas in chicken stock, lemon juice and butter to eat with like every meal

what the FUCK are you even for

>> No.8524793

>not boiling your spaghetti in the prego to save yourself time

>> No.8524821

>not bathing in your stock after cooking pasta to conserve water

Way to kill the earth op

>> No.8524840

>not spearing tomatoes with raw spaghetti

waste not, want not

>> No.8526193

t. poorfag

>> No.8526204

What a coincidence.

The juice that pools at the bottom of trash bags is exactly what I use to boil my pasta in.

>> No.8526206
File: 18 KB, 399x400, 1479536262113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not boilin' ya 'ghetti in the pasta sauce itself

Shiggy, 'non

>> No.8526213


>> No.8526223

When I boil my pasta I always use knorr stock pots. You should try it.

>> No.8526226

Silly meat eaters think that everything has to taste like meat. Just add salt to bring out the natural flavors of the pasta.

>> No.8526229

>not making your own human-flavored stock

>> No.8526238
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, 2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute madman, you'll doom us all!

>> No.8526258


Does this work?

I've also always wondered what would happen if you dripped milk through coffee instead of water, since people put milk in coffee.

>> No.8526310

I just boil my pasta in butter and then add the keptchup, saves ma a lot of time

>> No.8526331

>I've also always wondered what would happen if you dripped milk through coffee instead of water, since people put milk in coffee

the milk would probably clog the machine and filter since you would have to get it hot enough that it would develop a skin.

>> No.8526556

Yeah, it does work.

Thickens the sauce too.

>> No.8527123


Are you a fucking idiot? Clearly I said my pic was not stock. Kill yourself faggot vegan. No one gives a shit about you or your opinions on cooking.

>> No.8527150

I saw a cooking show where a guy cooked his spaghetti in two bottles of red wine so the pasta was red. It worked, but all I could think was what a waste of wine.

>> No.8527174

Did he just poor it down the drain when he strained it? I think there are various recipes that call for boiled wine if he recycles it.

>> No.8527208

I mean couldn't you just add a bit of stock to the water you boil the pasta in and it would still flavor it a little?

>> No.8527216


Why do you even need to? Do you plan on eating pasta with no sauce? I cook my pasta al dente and then bake it with sauce so it soaks up a bit of sauce and helps it all stick together. I see no reason to put anything in the water except salt.

>> No.8527222

It's gonna have shitloads of starch in it. Maybe it could be used in a sauce or something.

>> No.8527226


Why would you want to add chicken flavor to it in the first place though? Surely it would clash with the flavor of whatever sauce you're making to serve with it.

Maybe if you had nothing else in the house but pasta (no sauce, nothing else) then I could see doing that to add flavor, but in general circumstances it makes no sense to me.

>> No.8527231

Throw in some cinnamon, nutmeg and clove and you've got mulled wine to get sloshed on with the meal.

>> No.8527242


Do you really want your mulled wine to be starchy?

>> No.8527252

Also non-alcoholic as almost all of the alcohol would have boiled away by the time the pasta is ready.

>> No.8527255

You're right, better drink some gin first so I can't taste it.

>> No.8527263

that's what sauce is for.

If you are thickening a stock based sauce with pasta starch, then I have no problems with this whatsoever.

>> No.8527264

Actually no, it takes a very long time for alcohol to boil off from food. 10 minutes is nowhere near enough time and would only boil off a very small amount.

>> No.8527274


That's not necessarily true. If you are slow simmering a sauce, yes. If you are rapidly boiling pasta, you will cook off a shit load of alcohol.

>> No.8527278


It takes a very long time for ALL the alcohol to boil off. You'd lose a lot of it in 10 min.

>> No.8527306

You hit a point of diminishing returns though. If you are boiling pasta in a harder wine (13% or so) at about 100C, your starchbooze would still be about as alcoholic as beer in 10 mins.

Also, what kind of pasta are you making? 10 mins is excessive.

>> No.8527435


I eat whole wheat pasta, and it takes longer to cook, even al dente. Good job coming up with "but If you use stronger wine" to try and make yourself right, but you're still just an idiot. It's fucking stupid. Did you factor in the time it takes to bring the wine to boil? Did you factor in the time it takes to mull the wine after you cook the pasta? Or will you make mulled wine at the same time you cook your pasta? No one wants to drink mulled wine full of pasta starch regardless of alcohol content anyway. Your ideas are stupid and you are stupid.

>> No.8528067

Fucking moron, the wheat is supposed to be the flavor of the dish

Git gud

>> No.8528428

Fuck off Marco Pierre White

>> No.8528572

you could save the stock after for soup, the pasta will give it added flavour