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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8518023 No.8518023 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up in the morning and don't feel like cooking
>go out for breakfast nearby
>coffee is $4
>every dish is some sort of special snowflake rendition to justify the price point
>mfw spending $25 on breakfast

honestly /ck/ how am I supposed to enjoy a nice day out on the town without getting ripped off or falling for the meme

>> No.8518034

I read one line and now I'm extremely angry.

I'm curious but this is too much.
Ask them if they only accept Ethiopian money or something.

>> No.8518041

I would accept this bullshit in NYC, London, and mayyyybe SF.

>> No.8518052
File: 69 KB, 800x400, 1479278790376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toast with jam and butter
Holy shit this place is ridiculous. I realize breakfast places like Denny's and IHOP aren't high quality places but a whole breakfast meal from costs about the same as that toast.

>> No.8518053


This has to be Australian...prices are too fucking retarded for anywhere else...$7.50 for fucking toast?

Also...all day breakfast...served until 3pm...

Ya...fuckin Aussies...

>> No.8518060

OK, here's an idea. Ask to see the menu before sitting down. If you don't like it, leave.

Also there were probably dozens of context cues between you seeing the place and walking in, sitting down, and looking at the menu that could have tipped you off that it was a fancy hipster pricy place. Granted in some areas it's not always easy to differentiate 20-a-plate hipster places from 10-a-plate greasy spoons, but still.

Also if I was loaded, I'd have the white bean and egg baguette with chorizo

>> No.8518065

sorry to burst your bubble but every establishment or cafe is now like this

it's the price you pay for living in a cosmopolitan city

>> No.8518072

>ORGANIC butter
>ocean trout costs less than toast and jam

What the fuck?

Isn't all butter organic? it's literally just cream and salt.

>> No.8518183
File: 228 KB, 600x908, Mels-RealDealBreakfast-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try not going to some pretentious place like in the pic? Just go to Perkins/Dennys/IHOP/Wafflehouse or a local diner. It's breakfast man, it's not something special that requires a pretentious place like that. Don't be fooled by that MUH SUPPORTING LOCAL SUPPLIERS thing in the bottom right either, that wouldn't make it cost an arm and a leg. Mel's Diner near where I am for breakfast has all these local places that supply them with bacon, eggs, orange juice, milk, vegetables, etc and they charge normal non bullshit prices for it. Pic related, the menu

>> No.8518190

Ahh The Highlanderrrrraaaaa!

Not sure how long you been living in Adelaide but everytime I heard that ad on the radio I would rage.

This is standard breakfast prices in Australia. The closer to the coast you go, the more expensive it gets

>> No.8518194
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and the local supplier statement

>> No.8518201

I might be organic but is it o r g a n i c ?

>> No.8518243

shit man, i live in the NYC area, which is both expensive, full of food trends, both stupid and awesome and 100% full of hipsters, but there's nothing at all like this. even tho this place is in melbourne and aussie dollars are wacko, that's fucking absurd

>> No.8518262

>no sharing
The fuck?

>> No.8518273

>gluten free toast: 8.50
>gluten free bread: 1.00
Kek how do they think they can get away with this?

>> No.8518306

If this shit annoys you you're living in a neighborhood you can no longer afford. That happens sometimes. You find a nice place to live and then a bunch of people much richer than you decide they want to live there as well. It's happened to me three times in my adult life, because I've lived in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. Hopefully you've bought your place so you can sell it for more than enough to move somewhere more in line with your sensibilities and bank the rest. If not buy a place that looks like these people will be there in five years or so, then profit. And go out to eat in less upscale neighborhoods, preferably immigrant ones.

>> No.8518351

So Gluten Free bread on the left is $8.50 but to add gluten free bread on the right is $1.00... You should of asked do you get 8 and a half slices of bread.

Brisbane here, can confirm Cafes here use similar (maybe just slightly less) pricing and people actually pay it.

>> No.8518542

Yeah lets not support local farmers , instead I'll send my money overseas so the rich can get richer. Idiot

>> No.8518589

>And go out to eat in less upscale neighborhoods, preferably immigrant ones.

I hate immigrants.

>> No.8518596

What country do you live in?

>> No.8518610

Not OP but is in Australia

>> No.8518626

You should then get a better job so you can afford white places.

>> No.8518647

>Yeah lets not support local farmers

They get subsidises anyway.

Also, if they exist in a business model which is incompatible with the way the modern world of capitalism works then they will and should die off. Change the economic model first before whining about supporting muh local produce. There a big reason why globalism took off and why countries import/export food stuffs.

>> No.8518649
File: 72 KB, 381x424, 1455176502092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top Paddock
>Church Street, Richmond, Melbourne

You're surprised that a gourmet cafe located in an area well known to be gentrified, in a city reknowned for its gourmet cafes and yuppie customer focus, in a country with an established high min wage/cost of living charges around $25AUD for breakfast w/ coffee.

There are no words for your faggotry, anon.

>> No.8518650

You could have just gone to fucking Denny's.

>> No.8518655

a lot of cheaper breakfast places do this because they serve huge portions
without charging for or banning sharing people would just split a $6-7 breakfast like jews

>> No.8518938

Read what I said again retard. Just because the place supports local farmers doesn't mean they would charge you 7.50 for fucking toast you dumb nigger. What I posted is a diner that DOES support local farmers, and has normal fucking prices.

>> No.8518946

You think that's bad? This place down the street called Prohibition Kitchen charges $33 for a fucking grilled salad

No grilled chicken, no no. Don't let that fool you. Grilled lettuce.

>> No.8518967

im going out in a bit for a crab cake eggs benedict

this is a good day.

>> No.8518975

> "what can I get you, fine sir?"

> "two slices of your finest gluten free bread"

> "and for you, m'lady?"

> "waiter, ones for her"

> "I see. "sir" "

$2 date bitches

>> No.8518978

I had to check OP's image after this...HE'S RIGHT!


>> No.8518985

You're supposed to go to a diner, not a place from brooklynbarmenus.com

>> No.8518995

>living in Melbourne

You brought this upon yourself m8

>> No.8519034

What the fuck? Who cares? If overseas shit is cheaper buy overseas shit to force local prices down.

>> No.8519055

Learn to read comprehend dude man. It said it is local supporting and prices are good not stupid pricing. Go fag off in your closet else where monkey splooge.

>> No.8519152

Why? They usually have the best food, and often for cheap. Immigrant restaurants are the antidote to overpriced upscale hipster shit. If you hate both I have no idea where the fuck you're supposed to eat. Maybe Chili's or Applebee's?

>> No.8519160

>Maybe Chili's or Applebee's?

That is about the only answer. Chili's, Applebee's, TGI Fridays, those places if you hate both other options. Cracker barrel for home style. I prefer trying all the cheaper immigrant places and it's almost always good food except one here or there that just fails awful and they disappear quickly.

>> No.8519179

not the guy you're arguing with and I have no interest in reading this entire thread, but "immigrant restaurants" is a pretty broad bucket. on the one hand you have your pretty nice korean places in say fort lee NJ where the ingredients are all high quality and the place is spotless and everything is kept new and shiny looking and there's a variety of stuff to drink. then you have your west african joints where the food is still high quality but the tables are cracked and worn down, and it's harsh flourescent lighting and there's only soda and bottled water. then you have your mexican joints in corona or whatever, where the only patrons are extremely poor so the owners cut corners and buy substandard ingredients in order to keep costs low enough for their customer base.

so yeah, I'd rather eat at chili's than at some sad taqueria in a run down part of queens where the meat smells off and the only patrons look like the owner's immediate family and if you walk in and you don't look like an olmec they look scared that you're probably going to serve them the eviction notice they've been expecting.

but what do I know, I've only been to mexico where the traditional recipes are actually successful because the ingredients aren't rummaged from the dumpster behind c-town

>> No.8519206

After I typed that I thought Cracker Barrel, Denny's or Waffle House would have been better suggestions. But my general point stands. If you're put off by upscale places and don't like immigrant run places the rest of your options are going to be mostly chains. And that's pretty grim.

>> No.8519225

Yeah. I would not like to be "chained to chains" so to speak. There's so much good food out there if you're willing to try and it doesn't have to be expensive in any way. Granted some places have more variety and better choices, but almost any where you can find at least some where that isn't a chain place and suits your needs and fits the bill and is pretty good compared to the chains microwaved, pre-prepped bland dishes.

>> No.8519236

>taqueria in a run down part of queens where the meat smells off and the only patrons look like the owner's immediate family
Really? Some of the best meals I've had in recent memory were at places that loosely fit that description, if you swap Brooklyn for Queens and play down the emphasis on the smell. Truth is for over a century most of the best inexpensive restaurants have been run by immigrants, whether they were Italian, Greek, Chinese, Lebanese, Indian or Mexican. A restaurant is a business an ambitious immigrant family can make a go of, and American diners have been so much the better for that for a long time.

>> No.8519237
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This is due to Aussies having to pay repartitions for their war crimes. Everything is taxed to fuck. You lose Aussie cucks. Accept your defeat


>> No.8519248

>All day breakfast until 3 PM
>pancakes with berries $20.00
>oatmeal with fruit 15.00
>No changes to the menu thank you

i am a seething white-hot ball of rage

>> No.8519253

Its an "add," as in if you want gluten free bread instead of normal bread you add an extra dollar to the price of whatever meal you ordered.

>> No.8519256

>I would not like to be "chained to chains"
To me that would be an understatement. The only time I would choose to eat at a chain would be when I'm traveling and can't find any other option. I can't think of any situation where I'd favor a chain over a local mom and pop restaurant. Because in my experience even the worst mom and pop places are still no worse than most chains. Sure chains may be consistent, but consistently awful to mediocre doesn't score any points in my book.

>> No.8519260

> Some of the best meals I've had in recent memory were at places that loosely fit that description
You're probably just getting distracted by the fact that it's "different".
>play down the emphasis on the smell
Dude, no. I hope you're joking.
>Truth is for over a century most of the best inexpensive restaurants have been run by immigrants,
Yes, and? You realize "immigrants" is not a monolithic group? Even within any one of those groups you can see greater or lesser degrees of success. Take Chicago for instance, where you can go to an "authentic" Mexican joint on the south side and not wonder if it's going to send you to the hospital with food poisoning, because they're doing well enough to not cut corners on everything
>A restaurant is a business an ambitious immigrant family can make a go of
I'm not really sure how this justifies eating food where you have to tell yourself "if you can get past the smell of the expired meat it's really not too bad"

>> No.8519295

Very true. Especially the last part.

>Sure chains may be consistent, but consistently awful to mediocre doesn't score any points in my book.

The best breakfast I've had was a tiny hole in the wall that made toast, eggs, bacon and sausage. All fresh. All cooked to order. With Toast (three pieces), Coffee, Two eggs how you want them and the meat you want...$4.50 and free coffee refills. All real actual ingredients, cooked how I want them and made fresh and they even would supply you with a newspaper for free while you wait and eat. They've been open over 50 years and haven't changed a thing except the price which still is a pretty good price for that these days. In the late 80s it was around $2.50 for the same.

>> No.8519310
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>toast with jam and organic butter $7.50

Jesus fuck hipsters are stupid. Where do you live where people actually pay that much for this shit?

>> No.8519320

I don't know what kind of shithole you live in but even living in spitting distance of the southern border and eating from taco stands in the poor part of town, I've never seen or smelled anything that made me think the food was expired or off in any way.

>> No.8519321

It was the oatmeal one that got me.

Porridge is probably the cheapest meal I can make, way cheaper than pasta and rice.

>> No.8519326


>> No.8519327

>no changes to the menu thank you
what did they mean by this

>> No.8519342

New York at the moment. Our Mexicans are poor. I don't mean like, they're not driving around in brand new Volvos. I mean they're living 10 to a basement unit and sending their meager earnings back home. They don't have money to blow on a nice lunch out on their day off, because (a) no money and (b) no day off. So the few Mexican joints that try to have a go at catering to other Mexicans tend not to be doing so great.

What I'm saying is that you can't just make sweeping statements like "immigrant restaurants are automagically better than a chain because like, the American dream and stuff". It depends on the group, the locality, and the era.

If you're near the Mexican border it means you're in an area where Mexicans are an established part of the community. Likewise with the Chicago example I gave.

Try to wrap your head around the fact that "America" is not a monolithic place and "immigrants" have different situations in each of those places.

>> No.8519347

>You're probably just getting distracted by the fact that it's "different".
I think it's more that the food is recognizable, not that it's different. In a little mom and pop joint cooking the food of some other land they usually start with ingredients that I can recognize the look and flavor of.
>You realize "immigrants" is not a monolithic group?
Of course. But who runs the non chain restaurants that aren't high end places? Usually immigrants. And let's face it: American chain restaurants are usually so awful that even a so-so take on the food of some other land is likely to be better.
>send you to the hospital with food poisoning
I never understood this fear. I've eaten pretty fearlessly in North and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe and parts of Asia and the worst that even happened to me has been getting the shits for an hour or two. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I generally don't give a fuck about food poisoning. I just pick places that are packed with the logic that a place where business is booming obviously isn't sending people to the hospital on a regular basis.
>What I'm saying is that you can't just make sweeping statements like "immigrant restaurants are automagically better than a chain because like, the American dream and stuff".
I would make that statement, but not because the American dream and stuff. Simply because chains are so awful that any family run place stands a chance of having much better food. And most family run places are run by immigrants.

>> No.8519351

But anon, it's so much easier to make sweeping generalized statements. I mean, fuck thinking.

>> No.8519353
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>eggs on toast

>> No.8519364

>I think it's more that the food is recognizable, not that it's different.
Really, so you're used to eating food that smells like expired meat?
>In a little mom and pop joint cooking the food of some other land they usually start with ingredients that I can recognize the look and flavor of.
I guess that makes sense. I buy fresh meat to cook at home, so while I recognize the smell of meat that's starting to go bad, I don't recognize it as something I want to eat.
>Of course. But who runs the non chain restaurants that aren't high end places? Usually immigrants
You're making the same logical error over and over again, which is to assume that because nice places have immigrants working there, that therefore if a place has immigrants working for it, it's a nice place
>even a so-so take on the food of some other land is likely to be better.
While I wouldn't disagree with this in a broad sense, when you start pretending expired food is a sign of "authenticity from the authentic homeland" I'm really not able to sympathize
>I never understood this fear
It's a natural human instinct. We're hard wired to recognize the taste of the chemical compounds created by dangerous bacterial colonies forming in food.
> I've eaten pretty fearlessly in North and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe and parts of Asia
Ok, not sure what that has to do with anything.
>the worst that even happened to me has been getting the shits for an hour or two
Generally speaking, those kinds of infections are from cross contamination, which you can't smell or taste
>I generally don't give a fuck about food poisoning
You've never had actual food poisoning
> that a place where business is booming
A place that has to be sustained by the sympathy of immediate family =\= "business is booming"

>> No.8519365

I wouldn't have minded too much so long as the portion sizes reflected the price. That better be one big ass plate of toast.

>> No.8519374

I can buy a loaf of bread, a POUND OF BUTTER, and a jar of jam and make it all into toast for less than $7.50.

>> No.8519391

even with all the "fancy" shit they are putting on there, anyone not retarded can make that at home for like 2$ and 30 minutes

>> No.8519416

The sweeping generalization does stand. Here's the thinking behind it. At a chain all the food is created by committee. It's optimized not just to be inoffensive to even the pickiest eater (making it boring), but also for maximum profit (therefore made from the absolute cheapest possible ingredients). At a mom and pop place that happens to a much lesser degree. Usually you have is one person's take on some kind of traditional cuisine that generations before them have worked out. That stands a much greater chance of being tasty than whatever corporate decided will play well in Peoria.
>I'm really scared of immigrants poisoning my food through their filthy habits
You probably shouldn't eat out at anyplace interesting. You're the person McDonald's was invented for.

>> No.8519428

Sorry if my opinions upset you, but my family is from an authentic brown third world country where I lived for a year as child, and I've lived for about 2 years in two other authentic brown third world countries. I am pretty sure you'd be jealous of how "exotic" and "real" my life has been, so try to wrap your mind around the concept that just because someone is browner than you, they don't necessarily have to love rotting meat and wilted vegetables.

I hate to throw around the R word gratuitously so I'll just say your tendency to exotify immigrants is blinding you to the fact that some of them are struggling in some places and this is reflected in the substandard food they eat in those places.

>> No.8519449

>some of them are struggling in some places and this is reflected in the substandard food they eat in those places.
My point is that even the "substandard" food being served in the cheapest immigrant run joints in Brooklyn or Queens is still a step up from what you'd get for the same price at a chain. The burgers at McDonald's and BK are also substandard. Experience has taught me that dollar for dollar I enjoy the taste of 4 x $1 fried pork dumplings at the Chinese place or tacos from a truck much more than anything I could buy at a chain restaurant. And I feel better after eating it. But really it's about flavor for me. If I'm not going out to an upscale place I'm looking for the most flavor for my dollar. And I live in NYC, so that almost always means an immigrant run place.

>> No.8519462

>My point is that even the "substandard" food being served in the cheapest immigrant run joints in Brooklyn or Queens is still a step up from what you'd get for the same price at a chain
And my point is that you shouldn't make excuses for expired meat just because the guy serving it to you is brown and they're playing Tigres del Norte on the boom box next to the cash register.
>The burgers at McDonald's and BK are also substandard.
I'm not suggesting that anybody go to either of those places
>Experience has taught me that dollar for dollar I enjoy the taste of 4 x $1 fried pork dumplings at the Chinese place or tacos from a truck much more than anything I could buy at a chain restaurant.
Ok, and? The Chinese are a well-established community here and they don't have much issue clearing out inventory before it goes bad.
>And I feel better after eating it.
I can see that
>But really it's about flavor for me
Seems to me it's more about showing off how "open minded" you are even if it's kind of insulting in an inadvertent kind of way.
>I'm looking for the most flavor for my dollar
You can let meat go bad at home, just stick it in the fridge and wait.
>And I live in NYC
Clearly you're not very good at picking up on cues here, so let me break it down for you: so do I. And that means since I have a choice, I choose not to go to the sad dumpy taco joint in Queens that's about to get evicted by the landlord because they can't make their rent payments

>> No.8519483

Yeah well the profits from your purchases aren't going towards marginalised transgender coloured women

>> No.8519496

>Seems to me it's more about showing off how "open minded" you are even if it's kind of insulting in an inadvertent kind of way.
I get that's what you're trying to cast me as doing. Sorry I don't fit with your preconceptions. Truth is I like going out to eat, but I'm not always in the mood to spend more than whatever cash is in my pockets. And dining out in NYC for over 20 years has taught me that when I want something delicious for cheap heading to immigrant neighborhoods is the way to go. And that's been the case in this town for over a century.
>I choose not to go to the sad dumpy taco joint in Queens that's about to get evicted by the landlord because they can't make their rent payments
Agreed. But you don't have to eat there because there are many thriving cheap Mexican joints in Queens where the food is great. No need to characterize NYC Mexican joints negatively when we finally have so many good ones.

>> No.8519520

>cast me as doing
Not really sure how else to interpret "play down the emphasis on the smell", as if you can't (or intentionally won't) recognize a distinction between "weird foreign food smell" and expired food. Or, worse, that you think that they're inextricably tied somehow.
>we finally have so many good ones
We have a few that aren't completely scary now, in contrast to say 10-15 years ago where it was 100% depressing dumpy and nasty, but it's still towards the bottom of food nationalities around these parts.

>> No.8519534

I have no idea where you're coming up with the Mexican joint = expired meat thing. Around here the turnover is so high the meat doesn't have time to go off. I have no idea where you're eating Mexican in NYC, but it's obviously not at the right places. I suggest a trip to Sunset Park, Brooklyn, but you can even do well enough in the EV these days.

>> No.8519544

As I mentioned earlier up in the thread, Corona, also Elmhurst.

I'm well aware that I can ride the subway for 2 hours and get decent Mexican in Morrisania or Sunset Park or New Dorp or some such place, the point being that immigrant owned joints are in no way immune to serving mediocre to horrible food. If anything they may be more prone to doing it because the food isn't all pre-cooked at some regional distribution center and shipped to the place in a microwave-ready bag.

>> No.8519560

I'm lucky that I live near not one, buhstt two supermarkets that sells hot food. Plus fastfood that is actually fast.

I always keep at least one tv dinner in my freezer. I also buy chicken tenders in bulk at Popeye's, and then freeze them two pieces to each container, and I eat them with thawed broccoli (with butter) and canned corn.

>> No.8519584

>the point being that immigrant owned joints are in no way immune to serving mediocre to horrible food
I agree completely. My point is that when you're looking to dine out on the cheap your options are mostly immigrant run places and chains. And my experience has been immigrant places (even the sucky ones) beat the offerings at most chains hands down.
>pre-cooked at some regional distribution center and shipped to the place in a microwave-ready bag.
Just like chains.

Also I've noticed how much people enjoy living in this town has a lot to do with whether the like their neighborhood. Might want to move someplace you like better.

>> No.8519595

>even the sucky ones) beat the offerings at most chains hands down.
Except that isn't true. The whole point of a chain is managed mediocrity. Whereas with an independent restaurant you might get amazing, you might get horrible. If your experience is mostly on the amazing side, I suspect your eating habits are less adventuresome than you would like to pretend, and maybe you wait until Sietsema or some such person has put it on your radar before trying it and patting yourself on the back for being an urban pioneer.
>Might want to move someplace you like better.
I like it here just fine. As I mentioned earlier, I've lived in many parts of the world and one thing I've learned is you can't have everything. Not even in NYC. When I hear someone arguing otherwise I feel it's my duty to remind them of their error.

>> No.8519602

>thread suddenly derailed by two stupid faggots arguing about Mexicans in their cesspool of a city

>> No.8519610

Umm. No?

>> No.8519619

>managed mediocrity.
To me that's worse than horrible. I'll remember an awful meal as well as a great one. But if I'm going out to eat the last thing I want is a forgettable meal. I'm not that afraid of food being unsafe.

>> No.8519626

>all day menu
>only served till 3pm

>> No.8519645

I think you're mixing up two unrelated questions here:

1. Given a choice of an uncertain experience (could be great could be terrible), and a guaranteed mediocre experience, which would you choose


2. Given a choice between a guaranteed terrible experience and a guaranteed mediocre experience, which would you choose

Surely you would not choose a guaranteed terrible experience over a guaranteed mediocre experience just to seem "cool" and "open minded"

Or is that actually what you're saying?

>> No.8519702

>sodium chloride

>> No.8519704

>eggs and bacon on toast
>kids breakfast

this upsets me the most

>> No.8520395
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>paying meme prices to some pretentious young chef
>not going to the mom and pop diner that's been doing it for decades

>> No.8520420

I'm on the shake for breakfast bandwagon. I blend a protein shake, a handful of spinach, and some frozen berries and down it.

If I was planning on going out for breakfast I'd just head to my local Waffle House.

>> No.8520480

Breakfast is a meme

>> No.8520499

What I do is go to the cooperatively owned vegan cafe, where everything is big and cheap.

>> No.8520527
File: 146 KB, 660x1320, dk-menu-concept-2-pg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite place locally.

I love the Mess

>> No.8520542

>going to Troy

>> No.8520621

least you got a good menu there, for like 4 bucks less you get nothing but shit italian and diner food where im located. it sucks, but at least there is one good italian place near me that has a good red sauce. that and the owner is authentic and a really nice guy. he always comes up to my table and asks how we are doing, tells a little joke too.

>> No.8520629

I would take a meal that comically bad over a mediocre one. At least an awful meal has some character. But I rarely get awful meals, nor do I settle for mediocre ones. II'm pretty good at assessing places. Like you pointed out I've managed to avoid ever being seriously food poisoned in over two decades of pretty adventurous eating.

Then there's the principle: if I know the goal of the place is turning out consistently mediocre I don't want to give them a cent of my money, because I see that as loathsome.

>> No.8521624

sure, if all i want is
>choices of food, starches and meat
>seasonings used: salt and pepper

the prices on OP's menu would be outrageous in burger bucks but in australia people make like $20 dollarydoos an hour so it makes sense

>> No.8522726
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>> No.8522729
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>> No.8522736
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>> No.8522744
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>> No.8522773


you could just not eat there. that would be more productive than complaining about it on the internet.

>> No.8522796

Style ain't cheap. If you don't like paying for it don't go to a stylish place.

>> No.8522859

Definitely an instagram place , but the food is crazy bland to most reviews . So is it really worth 20 dollars for a picture? Maybe Idk I'm not some selfie faggot or some piece of Shit foodie sounds like you might be both a cock sucker and a cock guzzler

>> No.8522906

I've got nothing against stylish food, but I kind of expect that putting that much care into the appearance of the food goes hand in hand with equal care put into the flavor. When that's the case I don't mind paying a premium for it. But I'm not willing to pay a premium for food that looks better than it tastes. To me that's style over substance. It's just too easy to throw some micro-greens on top of something and charge an extra $5 for it, and that shit doesn't impress me.

>> No.8522976

did anyone chek the prices in sd....google exsists

coffe is 3 dollars and the toast with fancy jam and butter is 5

its not that bad

>> No.8522997
File: 21 KB, 338x450, avocat-facon-eouf-dur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it's served at a vegan place in Paris.

>> No.8523577

>Toast with jam and organic butter: 7.50

Yea, fuck you, and your "restaurant".

That shit's just insulting.

>> No.8523582

Chloride is half carbon and therefore organic desu

>> No.8523587

>No changes to the menu thank you
What did they mean by this?
Can I not hold the butter on toast worth three gallons of gas?

>> No.8523598

>he's "redpilled"

>> No.8523613

>Eggs Benedict
>Free range pork jowl, poached eggs, yuzu compressed apple, pork crackling & bearnaise on baguette


>> No.8523623

>coffee is $4
That's not unusual at all, and only a little over 10 minutes work at minimum wage.
>honestly /ck/ how am I supposed to enjoy a nice day out on the town without getting ripped off or falling for the meme
By not being a shut-in in the dole.

>> No.8523631

on the dole*

>> No.8523632

Yeah I wish all restaurants were the same and only served things like

Hamburger with fries
Chicken Sandwich
Steak with fries
Vanilla milkshake

I hate diversity

>> No.8523642

Sounds fucking delicious you flyover faggot. Afraid of anything you cant get at your local McDonalds?

>> No.8523646

In what country is the minimum wage $24? Africa?

I'm from a first world country, so my currency isn't retardedly inflated.

>> No.8523650

no doubt it's delicious but it's not eggs bene m8

>> No.8523664

Adult minimum wages for most awards hover around $20 or just higher in Aus.

>> No.8523670

its their take on it I guess - nothing to get your panties in a bunch over

>> No.8523671

Sucks to be you guys, I've heard most consumer products over there are over priced for what they are as well.

Truly, living in desertland must be suffering.

>> No.8523675

>go to local diner
>delicious and filling breakfast for <$10
stop eating pretentious bullshit and you won't have this problem

>> No.8523680

Thanks for your concern, but we're fine.

>> No.8523716

my panties are fucking bunched up. it's ridiculous, trendy hipster cafes obsessed with their own cleverness, all over Melbourne. I don't even care that they don't have a proper benedict on the menu, but they could have the respect for the dish to call theirs something else

>> No.8523725

yeah australia is expensive. Housing in melbourne and sydney is insane

>> No.8523729

fair point

>> No.8523732

I giggled at the scare quotes.

>> No.8523743

>how am I supposed to enjoy a nice day out on the town without getting ripped off?

explore your neighborhood and find out where the actual good places to eat are.

>> No.8523751

>Eggs your way with toast: $10.50

Jesus christ what a hipster shithole, should've just gone to a little coney island diner and gotten a breakfast special with coffee for $5 including tip

>> No.8523759

In Richmond? that's cheap for richmond

>> No.8523761

Immigrant restaurants are the biggest fucking meme.
it really doesn't matter as long as they are mom and pop stores and aren't posh as fuck.
Immigrant restaurants are where hipsters go for "authentic" meals. This is the life of a typical immigrant restaurant.
>cheap authentico food
>hipster flock to your store to be enriched
>Store raises prices because they can and start making the menu fancier
>Hipsters still eat their because they can but its on the brink of being too popular
>hipster flock to new immigrant restaurant where the chef doesn't wash his hands
the cycle continues.

>> No.8523763

>If you hate both I have no idea where the fuck you're supposed to eat
How the fuck do you not know of any cheap non immigrant restaurants? They're on every street other street corner.

>> No.8523783

It's more like you go to one restaurant and the menu says

>Hamburger with fries: $5

And you go to another restaurant and theirs says

>Grass-fed free range angus beef hamburger on gluten-free fresh bread with organic salted french fries: 19.50

But both dishes look and taste exactly the same

>> No.8523832

it's in australia, minimum wage is like 18$ an hour

>> No.8523897

>I would take a meal that comically bad over a mediocre one
Or you could... I dunno, maybe eat somewhere else? Seems like you're just being contrarian to make a point.
>Store raises prices because they can and start making the menu fancier
What's the problem with that? If a Korean joint can get $35 a head why not a Mexican joint or an Indian joint? It's a crime that these ethnicities get consigned to the ghetto of "cheap eats" when they have some highly labor intensive, amazing dishes in their culture that don't usually appear on "immigrant restaurant" menus because Americans are too racist to expect quality out of le authentic brown simpletons.

>> No.8523950

It's amazing to me that the right bitches about immigrants that are following the doctrine of 'murica's god Mammon and refuse to patronise them because they're a slight shade darker. Strange, really.

>> No.8523973
File: 109 KB, 886x664, 1453849747142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because racism is stupid dude

>> No.8524015

I feel like a place like this is gonna be thoroughly post-gender

>> No.8524023


I hate menus like this... The guy making it decided he wanted to make 6 bucks profit per head, so he added up the total cost to make each dish and added 6 bucks to each.

Nevermind that you could make your customer's happier by letting them buy two or three items for 2 dollars profit a piece..

toast for 7...

at places like this i order water and ask for extra napkins and then leave without tipping.

>> No.8524052

>tips fedora
Its amazing how narrow minded leftists can be, boiling everything down to "muh skin color" when there are many more factors at play

>> No.8524068


Like what? Religion, sexual orientation, and nationality?

Fuck off hillbilly. The left has given up on your kind and we aren't interesting in hearing it anymore.

>> No.8524072

True, skin color, price, and quality. Stuff that would never fly at a white folks joint (spoiled food, shortcuts taken in preparation or storage, filthy environment, ear splitting music, unprofessional service) gets written up as authentic immigrant charm at an authentic brown people joint. But don't let those uppity brown folks DARE try to present any evidence of sophistication, that's completely unacceptable. They need to learn their place so that I can feel White God Syndrome as I walk in and eat fearlessly, later granting them legitimacy by writing them up on my "adventures in food" blog.

>> No.8524087

>Look up the place
>Everything is in kangaroo dollars
>Still fucking over 5 dollars for toast

>> No.8524089

Looks pretty good.

>> No.8524094

>authentic brown people
>don't let those uppity brown folks
They come in other colors too you racist fuck. I don't need you to whitesplain to me about why immigrant places ""taste better"". Its not skin color that makes food taste great, its skill and creativity.

Read a fucking book, nigger

>> No.8524116

>They come in other colors too you racist fuck.
Sure, yellow too, black, even some white. But I fail to see how I'm the racist one for holding a Mexican joint to the same standard in Queens as I would in Mexico.
Sorry I don't smoke /pol/, what is that in normal English?
>Its not skin color that makes food taste great, its skill and creativity.
Or, if they deliver a sufficiently "exotic" experience, then that gets written up as the skill and creativity. See the problem here? Or are you just going to call me racist again?

>> No.8524119
File: 205 KB, 620x412, dylann_roof7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a fucking book, nigger

Yeah.. its about more than racism for sure. Thanks for clearing that us, shit for brains.

You wanna tell what book I should read cletus? Perhaps one of your bedtime favorites... maybe "Hop on Pop?"

>> No.8524139

>Seems like you're just being contrarian to make a point.
No, I just hate mediocrity that much. Brian Eno said, "Really awful music is more interesting to listen to than pretty good." I feel that way about lots of things. Dining out happens to be one of them. A terrible meal will at least leave me with a funny story about just how bad it was. The mediocre meal leaves me with nothing.

>> No.8524162

Excellent point, senpai. Where are the Enos of yesteryear? We need them more now, than ever.

>> No.8524222

It appears that my joke post was not funny at all. There is nothing wrong with a restaurant raising its prices when popularity sky rockets. Its only wrong when they increase prices and then start slacking on food/service.

But of course, we're likely to have different experiences.

Not an argument.

>> No.8524241


Your type of shit gets dismissed without a second thought.

Sorry... Bring a better starting argument next time.

>> No.8524264

And yet you keep replying

>> No.8524284
File: 31 KB, 700x359, IMG_0756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to McDonalds for breakfast

>> No.8524297

why the fuck are you even there? I would have walked out as soon as I saw those prices. Nothing on there looks that great either. You're better off finding a better breakfast place with cheaper, and probably better food.

>> No.8524308

you could get a 4 course choose your own grand slam for under 10 bucks at dennys. Why even bother with shitty places like this?

>> No.8524309


It's fun to poke at the angry, failed at life, racist who will never amount to anything.

How's it feel to know you'll never even make it to middle management?

>> No.8524462

No, it's more like OP is a stupid NEET and goes to fairly standard priced inner urban restaurant and spergs at the cost because he is a shut-in on benefits. Then Americans reply and because they can't fucking read the menu or the thread they assume it's in the US, and they can get all that for way less at chain diner with rehydrated spaceeggs because fuck hipsters.

>> No.8524490

is management a real job?

>> No.8524529

>go to local institution, diner that buys produce from farmers market
>costs marginally more than Village Inn
>eat delicious breakfast
>drive a few miles out of town, go skeet shooting, go fishing
>roast trout with fresh dill from the garden and lemon
>kick my feet up in the back yard with my woman, eat under stars
>coasties livid as fuck
Now if only I had a smug anime picture.

>> No.8524573

coasties would be livid if they thought anything existed outside that spot where the buildings stop

>> No.8524651

I've experienced all that many times. I'd still rather live in an old world city where I needn't touch a car in my daily life.

>> No.8524727

>Go to overpriced hipster joint
>Surprised when overpriced

Dont act like you dont have cheap breakfast options like Waffle House or IHOP

>> No.8524732

Do these people not realize that when you make a menu you typically give a name or number to a dish, and then a description? Its got to be a pain in the ass for waiters to listen to people cite the entire paragraph of a dish like this.

>> No.8524817

>be an ordinary person without autism
>simply ask for the bacon and egg roll or spanner crab or whatever
Problem solved!

>> No.8524829

I have debilitating diagnosed autism and I'd know to do that.

>> No.8524856

I think it means gluten free bread is $1 more than regular bread, not $1 on its own

>> No.8524982

This thread is making me fucking crave my local breakfast place.

Anyone else have a couple breakfast places depending on what you're going for? I have my standard cheap American diner and my fancy place for when I want to treat myself. Holy shit breakfast is amazing.

>> No.8525012

Well, you start by not going to the terribly trendy restaurants.

Go to a regular fucking diner, enjoy your $5 breakfast.

>> No.8525034

Not in Australia.

>> No.8525114

Isn't there a place in SF, that "specializes" in toast. I think they charged like $4 or $5 for just a slice of bread and jam.

>> No.8525307

>just go to Denny's or Applebee's or some cheap diner

These types of places

---Do not exist---

In Australia. That's the point. We don't have them. I've been all up and down the east coast, everywhere between Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. While OP's pic is an extreme example it is very difficult to find a place that will serve you bacon, eggs, toast and coffee for under $25.

>> No.8525330
File: 480 KB, 900x891, 1484933331400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got it backwards, pinko, we're tired of your shit and are moving on.

Not the dude you're responding to, but get fucked commie.

>> No.8525334

these don't exist in australia

even the fast food is 10-12 bucks

you are quite literally fucked

>> No.8525342
File: 38 KB, 620x349, 1447391392572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonald's in australia

>> No.8525350
File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, 1485662703273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

echks dee

>> No.8525351

>4.40 for a sandwich
>6.00 for fries and drink
what the actual fuck?

>> No.8525586

>no changes to the menu thank you
While I respect this idea, I'm wondering if there's a less cunty way to write that.

>> No.8525588

Fuck you and your dead mother in the ass.


>> No.8525593

Yes but keep in mind the Australian minimum wage is essentially double that of America, plus we have government funded healthcare so when you get fat and sick from eating too much McDonald's all your medical expenses are covered.

>> No.8525650
File: 74 KB, 500x379, yx8u5scf5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to pic related near my work in the morning at 7am
>can I get a bacon and egg roll please
>That will be nine (9) dollarydoos please

Melbourne was a mistake.

>> No.8525655

Bit rough, but what do you expect from a chain joint?

>> No.8525663
File: 31 KB, 540x378, 1468087649603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>avocado with fancy salt
>6 dollars

>> No.8525695

Toast eatery the toast has all this shit on it jam and Nutella is $2.50 and is the size of 2 or 3 slices of bread

>> No.8525697
File: 252 KB, 1024x680, disgusted-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trout should be free
>crab should be free
>jamon serrano should be free
>someone should do something about this! the cucks who have more stuff than me should be punished for going to school instead of smoking weed and hanging out by the gas station all day! globalism is bad! give me free stuff!

If you can't afford to eat out, eat at home, you lazy fuck

God I hate poor people

>> No.8527404 [DELETED] 


>> No.8527417


But Australian dollars are a joke

>> No.8527430

Yeaaaah....this is bad bait.

However, I'd eat there, sounds delicious. I'd have the gin and lime cured trout OR the spanner crab, both sound tasty.

>> No.8527457

Yeah, these seem about average here. $4 for a coffee is actually pretty decent though...

>> No.8527693

>various forms of salad on toast

This place had better be on the 200th floor of the goddamn burj khalifa or something.

>> No.8527752

>Toast with jam & organic butter


>relish / bearnaise


>> No.8527762

What the fuck?

>> No.8527771

the whole dumb fucking seppos that can't read the thread or the bloody menu thing is getting real fucking old

>> No.8527826

>No corned beef hash with fried eggs, and biscuits and gravy
Why bother?

>> No.8527865


Austrailan Money has a different value than USA money, you dick.

A cleaner gets like $25 an hour in Australia.

>> No.8527876
File: 87 KB, 406x272, 1485295629797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Eggs Benedict

Holy hell lmao
How can you take something as simple as an English muffin, meat, poached egg and Hollandaise and make it so pretentious?

>> No.8527954

We just need a war that wipes out ~30% of the country. Yuppie weaklings who pay for this upcharged snowflake food will be gone.

>> No.8527968

That's not how war works.

>> No.8527977

Relative to Australia's minimum wage, that's not any more than you'd pay most places in middle america.

>> No.8527983

When was the last time you ate out? I spend a fair bit of time in the country and there's maybe a $4 markup above standard at most on the big breakfast assuming like-for-like, not greasy spoon rubbish. Not bad for a cafe in the inner east of Melbourne, I wouldn't want to be paying their rent.

>> No.8528419


The Mill became notorious for this. But it's not like it's wonderbread

>> No.8528588

>can't afford to eat at a restaurant
>bawwww who needs it anyways? others can only afford it 'cause they're weak! not strong like me! violence will fix this!
Alt-right "logic"

>> No.8528595

Didn't work with the draft dodging, middle class hippies now did it?

>> No.8528611

The middle class draft dodge, the rich pay physicians to get them out of service. It is mostly the poor lower class that suffers the most during a conscription.

>> No.8528660

I will rip you apart