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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 615x346, chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8517938 No.8517938 [Reply] [Original]

Those poor chickadees man. What are some good vegetarian dishes without eggs in them?

>> No.8517956

I can't think of any.

>> No.8518077
File: 62 KB, 500x450, 1485598489135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggplant Parmesan
Non-meat Minestrone
Rice/Pasta dishes.
Veggie curry over rice
Fruit Salad
Mushroom and Lentil stew
Mushroom Burger.
Black Beak Burger

It's really not that hard mate.
Also eggs aren't bad, its not like you are eating fertilized eggs. (If you were in the wild eating eggs then yes that would be the case) but in modern day egg laying 99% of edible chicken eggs are unfertilized, meaning that its simply an animal byproduct. Kind of like pure cow milk from the udder.

The sick fucks who eat fertilized chicken eggs are literal fetus eaters.

Then again, I don't think you started this thread in the interest of discussing the ethics of using animal byproducts and consumption of living animals in the first place.

>> No.8518095


>be op
>decide eating animal products is cruel
>stop eating animal products
>convince the world that eating animal products is cruel
>entire world stops eating animal products
>tens of billions of animals are released into the wild
>animals were bread as livestock for thousands of years
>they cannot escape predators
>they cannot forage for food properly
>they have no survival instincts
>quickly they begin to die off
>predators feast on the abundance of former livestock
>they become obese and lethargic
>soon livestock species are completely extinct
>predators are no longer efficient hunters
>predatory species die off in mass numbers
>herbivore populations explode
>soon they eat all the available food
>they begin to die off from starvation
>predator population explodes again due to abundance of food from herbavores starving to death and becoming easy prey
>soon predators begin to starve to death while herbavore populations remain dangerously small
>entire natural ecosystem is completely destroyed because op thought eating eggs was cruel

Way to go op...

>> No.8518149

do chickens make good pets? they look cute so...

>> No.8518153

Ducks are better pets, but neither can be trained to shit where you want them to shit. Even pajeets will go to their designated shitting street...

>> No.8518166

So when you see someone drinking milk do you feel bad for milk?

>> No.8518167

Females can be really friendly, just hand raise one if you want, won't cost shit really. You will probably want an outdoor enclosure though.

They love being petted strangely enough. I would happily do this once in my life, it would be nice to have a litter or cat door trained chicken.

>> No.8518170

Eggs Benedict

>> No.8518173

yes but they make a big mess.

>> No.8518185
File: 153 KB, 800x900, futo holding cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tofu and vegetable stir fry

Not really a dish, but I just had oatmeal with peanut butter and banana in it and it was good.

Any stories you have to tell regarding raising chickens?

>> No.8518189

We have twenty two. Different breeds have different personalities. My boys love them, and they are the most spoiled chickens you will ever see.
Pro Tip: Tie a bagel from a tree a little bit above head high for the chickens. It's almost as fun as casting a bagel across the yard and reeling it in. Boys call that chicken fishing.

>> No.8518761

No egg, egg salad.

>> No.8518771

i heard chicken babies don't contain eggs

>> No.8518788

Mate, I don't think you understand how ecosystems work.

>> No.8518801

Eggs you eat are unfertilized you stupid asshole