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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8517644 No.8517644 [Reply] [Original]

Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?

How do you prepare your rice?

Do you have a favorite brand of rice?

>> No.8517647


>> No.8517663

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
I always wash my rice, it doesnt take particularly long.
>How do you prepare your rice?
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
No real favorite, there is a Korean grocery store about 2 miles away and they have some nicer rice brands for $15-25 for 15-20lbs of good quality short, medium, long, brown, etc rice.
I have been getting Sekka Extra Fancy medium grain for awhile since it's cheap and good after a rinse.

>> No.8517664

I eat a lot of basmati rice. Can't even remember the brand but it's the stuff that comes in a big canvas sack with a picture of Mt. Everest on it or something.

I use a 1:1 or 2:3 ratio of rice to water, depending on how much I'm making. Rinse the rice quickly before making it, then dump it into vigorously boiling water, stir for a few seconds, then lower to a simmer and cover. Let it simmer for 15-18 minutes (again, depending on how much you're making). Remove from heat and leave covered for 5 minutes. Remove cover, flake with a fork.

It's fuckin delicious, easily the best type of rice to use when you're eating just plain rice as a side or whatever. It's also really good to add a tablespoon of white sugar and a tablespoon of rice vinegar to make a sticky almost "Japanese" style rice.

>> No.8517882


i buy a 25 lb bag of cal-rose from costco. i think i'm going to switch when i'm done with this bag, though.

i wash it some times. if i wash it, i do 1:1 by volume. if i don't then it's 1:1 plus a half cup or so of water. i usually add a little salt or soy sauce to water.

i cook 4 cups (dry) at a time in a big dutch oven. then portion it out. it makes a week's worth of food.

>> No.8517884


>> No.8518253

A Korean lady told me to wash the rice three times and only three times and it will always come out good, so I did it and never looked back

>> No.8518260

I have washed my rice more than 3 times, but after that it's really not doing much of anything.

>> No.8519173

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
Yes, because my rice is so cheap that I don't trust it and the packaging also tells me to do so.

>How do you prepare your rice?
I've learned how to boil and eyeball it. The only issue I have is that crispy rice always sticks to the bottom of the pan, I've got no idea how to fix this. Any help /ck/?

>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
Cheap, white.

>> No.8520546

>>How do you prepare your rice?
>I've learned how to boil and eyeball it.
I should've said 1.5:1 ratio of water:rice. Usually no extra salt or seasoning.

>> No.8521138

Do you wash the rice for cleanliness or flavor? I've always washed my rice, but just because that's what I was taught to do and never really thought about it

>> No.8521147

It will tend to cause crusty bits in the rice especially in a rice cooker.

>> No.8521224

hello, me

>> No.8521252

I don't wash it, I like it starchy. But not too much, so I pan-fry it just a bit before pouring in the water. 2:1 water:rice, low heat, until all water is gone. No favorite brand or type, I can't really tell them apart.

>> No.8521267

>sticky bottoms
Turn heat down once you can't see any water, and stir it occasionally.

>> No.8521480

What? This ain't a risotto.

He just needs to turn down his heat is all. You don't need to stir plain rice at all and it comes out better when you don't.

>> No.8522182

>shit's sticking to the bottom
>better not stir it to prevent the things in contact with the bottom from touching it too long and thus sticking to it

>> No.8522186


>> No.8522195

Got a rice cooked last week. It's pretty damn good. I wash my rice before cooking it until the water coming off is clearish

>> No.8522207

>gently scraping a wooden or silicone utensil along the bottom of the pot once or twicr
>taking a fork to it for 20 min and turning it into a fine paste
You're allowed to only pick one anon

>> No.8522464

I've got one issue with my rice - when I season it, store some of it in the fridge, and reheat it later, I can no longer taste the seasoning. Why is this? How can I fix it?

>> No.8522705
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What are the main types of rice consumed per country/culture? I mean japanese use short grain rice mainly (AFAIK) but what about koreans chinese, cantonese etc

>> No.8522941

Turn heat down try using butter or margarine

>> No.8522947

I cook a giant pot at the start of every week. I get hungry around 10 pm so I will often eat a bowl of rice with an egg or two on it before bed

Huge fan of omelettes. Cold cuts are great but even just cheese is good to go.

>> No.8522961

Japanese and Korean use short grain, sea I think use long, Chinese idk

>> No.8522967


>> No.8522971


Short grain is starting to be trendy in China mainly because "muh Koreans eat it" but many still eat long grain.

>> No.8522978

I wash the rice sometimes, usually just to see that all the rice is wet and the water is a little less cloudy. I recently tried using a much bigger rice cooker, and I noticed it was spluttering and making a mess as the rice was boiling.

>> No.8522984

Ive got a cheap Black and Decker rice cooker, and it always ends up with a crusty layer of rice at the bottom. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.8522987

Yes, partially because that's how I was taught, partially because I just want to.

After washing, let it soak in water for a while until the grains are all white. Dump it all into nipponese rice cooker, although sometimes I just let it soak in there as well. Bring water level up to about half an inch above the rice and start cooking.

No favourite brand, just whatever nip or gook stuff is cheap but still looks trustworthy at the grocer. I think the stuff around here is all grown in California anyway.

>> No.8522989

Not washing your rice

>> No.8522991

I always wash it out 3 times.

>> No.8522993

Wash it until it's no longer cloudy, cruncyness is almost always too much starch in your water.

>> No.8522994


I give it one rinse just to eliminate the floaters.

>> No.8522999

Try using more water

>> No.8523001

>wash rice
>put rice in cooking pan
>salt, pepper, some bay leafs
>add water and cook till rice absorbed it all
>rest for 15 min
>take bay leafs out
>fluff it
>walk the dinosaur

>> No.8523249

Washing more might help slightly, but I think that is generally unavoidable with a cheaper rice cooker. Just cook slightly more rice than you actually want to eat or get a better rice cooker.

>> No.8523274

I hope you're freezing the rice for day 2-7. Even though I've had 2-3 day old rice without any problems, it doesn't taste fresh after a certain point and is apparently dangerous.

>> No.8523378

>Turn heat down try using butter or margarine

When do you add the butter and how much?

I usually rinse the rice several times, bring it to the boil, once it reaches boil drain the rice and re-fill with fresh water again and bring that to a simmer, then let it stand until it absorbs all the water.

>> No.8523538

>I hope you're freezing the rice for day 2-7.
>freezing rice
You can do that?

Holy shit, like is their a guide for what food you can freeze and when? I'd save so much time if I could cook for the week and microwave my entire meal in a single container rather than having to microwave so much shit separately.

>> No.8523835

Ive put butter in the water and eyed it

>> No.8523903

Are you me? Are we rice soulmates?

>> No.8523951

>wash your rice before your prepare it
I've never done that what does it change ?

>> No.8523999

Removes the starchyness.

Washing rice has always been fairly important, but I find it even more important if you're buying super cheap generic rice as it's got tons of starch on it.

>> No.8524059

Yes rinse ~3 times to make the rice more chewy and less starchy. Unless you want to make a risotto or something.


I like premium Thai long grain. Basmati occasionally is nice and short grain for cooking rice porridge, Japanese style.

>> No.8524370

Basmati or Long Grain?

>> No.8524467

Anything is better than long grain at least in my opinion

>> No.8524470

Fuck you.

>> No.8524474

Basmati is a long grain rice.

>> No.8524475

No Fuck you
You know what I mean

>> No.8524614

I place cooked white rice in sandwich bags and reheat them in a microwave in a bowl for like 2 minutes for fresh steamed rice.

>> No.8524747
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I don't wash it since I make sticky rice dishes for white rice and want vitamin retention for whole rices & white rice. If I'm doing a fried rice, I wash it until the water is clear.

>How do you prepare your rice?

I bring the water to a boil with the rice in it. As soon as it is roiling, I put it into a thermal cooker I made and set the timer for about 40 minutes. No need for a rice cooker, no need to stand around, and it never ever sticks. For sticky rice I use 3:1 ratio of cups of water to cup of white rice.

For reheating, I use my bamboo steamer.

>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?

Lundberg for everything that isn't white rice. For white rice, I just get whatever brand there is at the store that is in the 20lbs bag and that is almost always a short rice.

>pic related, still in the thermal cooker.

>> No.8524804


For Jasmin or Bismati rice.

1. Weigh rice by grams ( 400g for me, which gives me multiple servings)
2. Wash rice in strainer under sink with cold water and toss in pot.
3. Add 1.5 times the weight of rice in ml of water to pot and cover. (400g x 1.5 = 600 ML of cold water)
4. Bring to a boil.
5. Once at a boil, turn heat to low and cook for 10 minutes.
6. Turn off heat and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
7. Uncover, fluff, and serve. Works like a charm.

>> No.8525172

How is "wash the rice 3 times" distinct from "wash it for a long time"?

>> No.8526344

The idea is to remove all the starch that clings to rice after it has been polished to being white rice. Washing in 3 changes of water helps ensure no recontamination. If you are using a fine sieve and hosing it down using a sprayer then wash it until the water is relatively clear.

>> No.8526583

so i just put my rice in cold water for 2 minutes and then it's good or is there anything special i should do ?

>> No.8526597

Reading this thread made me realize most of you are so incompetent you can't even cook RICE.

This is a cooking board, what is wrong with all of you?

t. functioning adult

>> No.8526658
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This is how I do it with the large thermal cooker.

When I wash rice I use the sprayer attachment on the sink and hose the hell out of it until the water is clear. This takes 2-4 changes of water in the pot. This help prevent it from being a sticky mess. It makes it fluffier.

You should offer how you prepare rice. Offering negative criticism without offering proper information about why or without an alternative is merely trolling and ego stroking.

>> No.8527121

What herbs are your favorite for risotto

>> No.8527359

>you can't even cook RICE.

>This is a cooking board, what is wrong with all of you?

Reading this thread should make you realise that rice can be prepared in many ways as there are many types of rice. Even if there is a basic way of doing it, there are many subtle variations that can be payed attention to and for the purpose of that rice. Basmati rice for a curry would be prepared differently to sushi rice for instance. Long grain vs brown rice. Whether you want to make risotto or not. Whether the rice you want is stickier or not.

You claim you're a 'functioning adult' but really you come across as a irate dweeb who wants to assert some kind of superiority if only for your own sake of self.

>> No.8527365


>> No.8527391


I hope you're covering the pot while the rice is cooking because the texture is shit otherwise (your photo related)

>> No.8527482

i only use arborio and carnaroli

>> No.8527485

Isnt that for Risotto?

>> No.8527497

>letting out steam

>> No.8527526
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i only make risotto

>> No.8527534

No judgement was just curious.

I'm a fan of short grain sushi rice myself.

>> No.8529120

My thoughts exactly. Is there some sort of middle ground?

>> No.8529178

I've spotted a problem, if you stir the rice the water gets redistributed weirdly and therefore you can no longer eyeball it (too much of the rice is on top of the water). Any solutions /ck/?

>> No.8529215

Don't stir

>> No.8529435

Pressure cook it in spicy chicken broth. 6 minutes under pressure and done!

>> No.8529441









>> No.8529447


Just re-learn how much water to eyeball. Here's what I do:

-rinse rice
-place rice in the cooking pot, add water.
-shake pot so that the rice is in an even layer.
-add more water as needed by eye

perfect every time.

>>too much of the rice is on top of the water)

What? the rice shouldn't float.

>> No.8529476

We do that out of superstition, though. I bet she also told you to pat down the bowl as you fill it with water to your wrist. It's completely unnecessary. Just soak it for half an hour before cooking and, run through strainer. That's all it needs.

>> No.8529480

No, I don't wash my rice. I've never even thought about it, I guess I assumed you weren't supposed to for the same reason you're not supposed to rinse cooked pasta.

2:1 water:rice, just like oatmeal. I use a rice cooker and it comes out perfect and sticky every single time. I like to add butter and salt, or soy sauce, or garlic salt and cheddar cheese. In that order.

I don't have a favorite brand but I like the flavor and appeal of long-grain jasmine.

>> No.8529538

Are you retarded? What sort of way is that to make rice?

>> No.8529541

Yeah, if you want like a kilo of rice

>> No.8529548
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you're going to get cancer. Stop microwaving things in plastic bags you dolt

>> No.8529551


I've noticed that midwestern americans add butter to their rice. I don't know why they do this, but it's certainly a thing.

>> No.8529555

Adding butter isn't unusual, it's adding butter during the cooking process i'm confused about.

>> No.8529732

So you're too stupid to do simple math in order to reduce a recipe.

Got it.

>> No.8529802
File: 1.34 MB, 2576x1932, 20170201_122956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take pot
add oil film to bottom
turn on heat to high
put in rice
add salt
stir until rice is salt and oil glazed
add 2:1 ratio of water
close pot
wait until water is no longer visible
put on low heat
wait 6 mins


just made rice

>> No.8530479

>Long grain vs brown rice

>> No.8530508

>it's adding butter during the cooking process i'm confused about.

Well, some people add oil to pasta water. And as we agree it is a thing for some people to add butter to rice. So surely some people would add butter during the cooking process.

I don't. I don't see the point. But it seems reasonable that some people might do that given what other kinds of crazy shit we see people do.

>> No.8530518


>> No.8530580

jasmine rice master race

>> No.8530793

He says he microwaves them in a bowl, ya big dumb dummy.

>> No.8530839


I wanna stop teaching when I get here, but y'all can't ratio correctly.

>> No.8530843

Jasmine rice is usually my go to, but I eat like 3 or 4 full pots a week, since I some days eat literally nothing but rice, so it's more habit since i've been eating it since I was a kid living in thailand.

I was thinking of trying some shorter grain rices too, my local asian market got a whole shipment of new kinds of rice and is offering a deal if you buy one of each bag. They're only 4 lbs each so it's not like they'd go to waste or anything if I didn't like them.

As for rinsing, always. Till water runs clear. My mom never rinsed rice, but that always bothered me because, living in thailand, you'd still occasionally get husks when you made it, so I always rinse my rice out of habit more than out of desire to remove starches.

>> No.8530850

Yeah, so it doesn't taste like shit or go all mushy

Boil it in a pan then eat it

I buy the biggest bag of brown rice I can

>> No.8530853

After cooking rice on my own I only make basmati now.
Wash once, then cook.

>> No.8530890


HAHAH 10/10

or you can just get japanese rice

>> No.8532171


>> No.8532233

I only eat jasmine rice. Washing it is pointless.

>> No.8533076

I'm ashamed. I appear to have overcooked my rice and it is now nearly mush. I was watching it the whole time. It looks like I've lost my eyeballing skill. It's still ok to eat though right? I don't think I've ever heard of the dangers of overcooked rice.

>> No.8533080

you were watching it the whole time?
as in you kept lifting up the lid?

>> No.8533094

>you were watching it the whole time?
>as in you kept lifting up the lid?
I lifted the lid whenever it was going to boil over.


>> No.8533445

see pic

>> No.8533557

any white basmati really. 8 mins in the microwave

>> No.8535217


>> No.8535352

I do but mostly as habit after working at a stir fry joint for years. Might be doing something as my rice is always significantly better than my wifes. Though she's not the best cook so it could easily be any of a number of things.

Stovetop pot.

Though, again, because of years cooking stirfry I am hopelessly in the mindframe that Kikkoman is the best soya.

>> No.8535361

Please start doing your daily threads again.

>> No.8535364
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>> No.8535367

If you wash the rice it doesn't float.

>> No.8535391

I don't wash it and it doesn't float either

>> No.8535397
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>> No.8535990
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nostalgic kek

>> No.8535994

Floating rice = insects/fungi

The grain has been hollowed out by either insects or fungi. Scoop out and toss floating rice.

>> No.8536033

Awesome chocolate cake senpai.

>> No.8536189

That was the actual PHS-Guy, posting how he cooks rice, there. He still posts frequently but it's only when he posts his china that you can be certain. That's him alright though.

>> No.8536685
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This is the gayest fucking shit way to cook rice as I have ever fucking seen.

>insulation cooker
>no heat for 40 minutes


>> No.8536889

>what is microwave

>> No.8537053

My family always buys Kokuho california white rice or whatever its called from Costco.

One thing you could try if you have the time is wash the rice, drain it then let it sit in fresh water over night, the rice is extra bouncy when it's done.You can also do a little olive oil with the water in the rice cooker or throw some chopped up yams to cook with the rice. Some people add honey but white rice by itself is already sweet enough in my opinion.

We always do 1:1 ratio but add an extra half a cup of water, might be too wet for some but that's how we like our rice back in Taiwan.

>> No.8537095

>1:1 ratio
That's fucking insanity. Anything less than 1.3:1 water:rice and the rice will come out like a blade of frozen cum.

>> No.8537162

microwaves use friction heat to cook food

>> No.8537210

What kind of rice are you using?

Just to clarify, I do an extra half cup at the end.

>> No.8537239


>> No.8537258

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
Yes, always
>How do you prepare your rice?
2:3 ratio Rice:Water
Bring everything to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cover and simmer for 10-12, take off heat and let sit covered for 5-10
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?

>> No.8538528

>What kind of rice are you using?
Cheap long grain white.

>> No.8538535

I've been washing till the waters really clear lately. I prefer the texture of it compared to before when I did only a quick wash

>> No.8540080

What's the best rice you can make with only cheap white shit, heat, and water?

>> No.8540461

Buy good rice vinegar, white pepper, black pepper, red pepper, and soy sauce.

>> No.8541461

That means you just had too much water. Rice is burnt when overly cooked.

>> No.8542028

Microwaves cause water molecules to rotate/vibrate. The friction from that is what heats the food up.


>> No.8542031
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like dis?

>> No.8543447

>friction a concept only meaningful in Newtowian mechanics
>applied at the atomic level

>> No.8543784

I agree that Basmati is pretty dope.

The easiest way to cook rice for me is with an Instant Pot(pressure cooker/slow cooker/rice cooker, etc etc) but the Basmati rice ALWAYS sticks to the bottom. I have cooked brown and white rice and I don't have the same problem. I've added a little bit of oil to the water and rice, stirred it and I still get shit stuck to the bottom. I washed the rice and same thing.

I have not tried heating up the pot, then putting in oil, then once fully coated add the water and rice.

Any thoughts?

>> No.8544070

you fry your uncooked rice first? what does that add in comparison to just cooking it straight away?

>> No.8544754

Seconding this. That's a weird thing to do.

>> No.8544908

Adds a nice nutty flavor.

>> No.8544979

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it?
Yes until the water flows clear
Why or why not?
Because I eat bulk brown rice and it both helps texture and rinse away the arsenic that tends to accumulate on the bran of the grain.
>How do you prepare your rice?
I use the boil, strain, and steam covered method and it works very well:
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?

>> No.8545104

After cooking take the rice off the heat but leave the lid on for a few minutes. The bottom of the pot will cool down but the steam inside will work to unstick your rice

>> No.8545594

>rinse away the arsenic
That strikes me as an extremely good reason to do something.

>> No.8546199


Better gb2/highschool/ kid

>> No.8546203

arsenic isn't a problem though

>> No.8546209

>3 cups rice,
>3.5 cups water
>Heat water until it's boiling
>turn flame to low and let cook for 22 minutes.


>> No.8546365

Rice making isn't some mystic art you fucking retard, it's a fucking rehydration of a dried grain, get your head checked before you decide to argue about 'subtle variations'.

Adding a plum to your rice doesn't make you the Mozart of cooking, either.

>> No.8546687

>it's a fucking rehydration of a dried grain

It isn't. If it was then all you'd need to do is soak it in cold water. But, that doesn't work. You must actually cook it with heat and water.

>> No.8547746

Take it off the heat and lower the flame/element. Can't be letting that steam out, man

>> No.8547920

It's not like he sucks all of the heat out of the pot. He means that he does not heat the pot as it sits in the cooler.

He is using this as an insulator so he loses heat more slowly.

>> No.8548723

Hey, I have a problem when I cook my washed-medium-grain rice in my ricecooker. It makes bubbles and it spits thick white shit through the steam hole of the cover. I have to clean afterward and makes an unpleasant noise. How do I correct this problem?

>> No.8548724 [DELETED] 

are you rinsing until the water runs clear?
some amount of starch is still inevitable and cleaning is something we all have to do. you do bathe on a daily basis and wash your hands after using the toilet, do you not?

>> No.8550190

>medium-grain rice
Literally why

>> No.8550237

Yes, I rinse it until water appears clear. Sometimes 3 long minutes of cleaning.
Because I personnaly prefer it to long-grain. But all rices are good.

>> No.8551020

koreans use medium grain

>> No.8551066

Let me teach you how to make great rice

1: Start with the fat that you plan on using if you do (you should). For the purpose of this list we will use 1 tablespoon of oil per batch
2: Put the rice in and quickly mix in the oil until it in completely absorbed and none runs on the bottom. I use 2/3 cup of Basmatti rice per batch. You do not have to use Basmatti because it is a bit pricey, but always, always ALWAYS at least use some kind of long grian. Anything else is shit.

3: Stir in your flavoring (lime, roja for mexican rice, etc). In case I use 2 tablespoons of lime juice per batch. Like the oil, make sure its nice and absorbed.
4: Finn ally, put in the water. I use one cup per 2/3 cup of rice. Put salt in at the same time. I use 1/2 teaspoon per batch.
5: Bring it to the first sign of rolling boil, the cover and bring down to a simmer. Insure the cover fits.
7: You should see some "holes" in the rice, when no liquid is bubbling through these holes, take it off the heat and let set.
8: Finnally, fluff stir in any vegetables, herbs, or seasoning you like. I like chopped cilantro.

There, perfect rice.

t. michelin star chef

>> No.8552632

>There, perfect rice.
...that's what they all say.

>> No.8553016

>Not cooking the rice first.
>coating it in oil

I assume your rice is already cooked? Otherwise it will be pretty crunchy.

>> No.8553060
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What did you have for breakfast, anon?

I had honey-drizzled bacon (home raised honey and nitrate-free bacon) with stir fry veggies (home grown purple potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic cloves, cremini mushrooms [Agaricus bisporus], green bell pepper ), fried in bacon grease, seasoned with PHS, black pepper, homegrown Hungarian wax pepper powder, and cumin. Served with homemade ketchup (homegrown/made Italian pear tomato paste, salt, honey, oregano, garlic powder, homemade apple cider vinegar, and things I'm forgetting I'm sure.)

It was delicious.

A thermal cooker retains heat. Bring the food to a boil then insulate it immediately without additional heat. The food will continue to cook for a very long time, depending on how well the cooking vessel is insulated. It is amazing for things like soups, stews, pasta, and rice. I use my homemade thermal cookers at least 5 times a week.

>> No.8553091

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
no, i dont really have a reason i just never do it
>How do you prepare your rice?
with a rice cooker
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
the 3 dollar bag on the bottom shelf at the store, you know the one

>> No.8553187

>always ALWAYS at least use some kind of long grian. Anything else is shit.
Short grain brown rice is the best rice.

>> No.8553272
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>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
No. They prewash it or don't use whatever needed to be washed out anymore.
>How do you prepare your rice?
In a Tatung Rice Cooker.
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
Pic related.

>> No.8554024


>> No.8555016
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>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?
Yes, 3 times. Idk, an asian lady in a youtube video said it and I trust her.
>How do you prepare your rice?
1:1.5 rice to water ratio if cooking covered, 1:2 if uncovered but it can depend on the type of rice
put in cold water and cook on high uncovered
turn down to low and cover(optional) when it starts to boil
cook for 13-15 minutes, less if cooking covered
If cooking covered, I let it rest for couple minutes covered off the heat.
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
I really like short grain rice. Basmati would be second favorite and I don't like jasmine rice. But no actual brand, I just buy what they have in the nearest supermarket.

My mom prepares it in very different way, she puts the rice in pot, then coveres it with oil and fries it until it turnes white and startes having this awesome smell. Then pours in boiling water in 1:2 rice to water ratio, covers and cooks but can't remember how long. It's different but good different. My grandma also adds chopped onion when adding the water it adds great flavor.

>> No.8555033
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Add pepper, salt, staranese and cardamom pods when cooking. I saw it in a gordon ramsey video, it's pretty good and really changes the flavor.

Or try making it the way my mom and grandma make it >>8555016

Adding some curry spice mix and butter when cooking is pretty good too.

>> No.8555142

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it?
Sometimes. If I'm preparing rice and I want it to be kinda loose and crumbly, I'll wash it.
>How do you prepare your rice?
Bunch of different ways. I rarely cook rice plain.
Sometimes I'll fry it golden before cooking it and sometimes I'll just add it straight to the liquid.
Normally I cook it in stock.
Sometimes I'll puree a bunch of vegetables and use that as the liquid.
after the rice is cooked I like to top it with meat or fish.
>Do you have a favorite brand of rice?
I prefer long-grained rice.
I've been working my way through a bag of Costco basmati for the last six months.

>> No.8555554

White rice is pleb shit.

>> No.8556387

Actually, the type of rice you posted an image of is one that is traditionally rinsed. Still edible either way.

>> No.8557212

That actually seems legit.

>> No.8558467

This argument will never end. Is there like, maroon rice or something so I can go inbetween?

>> No.8558619

It all depends on what you're cooking, and why you're cooking. If you're looking for nutrients, cook brown rice or wild rice. If you're cooking for some other purpose, white rices can go well with many other flavors.

>> No.8558636

Brown and wild rices have interesting flavours though. Basmati is probably the most interesting white variety and it's still rather bland.

>> No.8559762

They do have nice flavors, I agree.

>> No.8559787

can you guys recommend a good rice cooker?

>> No.8559797

Zojirushi in your budget.

>> No.8559807

trying to keep it under like 50 bucks

>> No.8559812

is this any good?


>> No.8559826

Lol, well then get the Hamilton beach one. It's solid for the price point.


>> No.8560106

i do the same

>> No.8560650

>wild rice
Where do I start with this?

>> No.8560729
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Here's how I'm doing it "turkish style" (which means the way it was taught to me by me turkish dad)

>put some butter into a pot and heat it
>pour in the rice and stir until its kinda yellowish
>add water at a rate of 1.5 to the rice
>get the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to low
>put on the lid and wait until the water is evaporated

You can also add pic related (found at any turkish store, don't know where else) at the start with the rice for the OG turkish rice experience.
Broken up spaghetti can be used as a substitute as well

>> No.8560738
File: 35 KB, 384x288, filizinmutfagi_SEHRIYEPLAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how it should look when it is finished.

For a simple and delicious meal I recommend adding chickpeas (boiled obviously), simple roasted chicken, salt, pepper and some good turkish/greek fatty yogurt.

>> No.8560908

A pot and a stove. It's not hard to cook rice.
Go to a trader joes or whole foods, buy a bag of wild rice, which should look black or purple, and follow the bag's instructions.

>> No.8560926
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I usualy eat french rice from camargue it's pretty good and got nice colors

>> No.8560936

NEVER wash regular rice (or risotto rice) for western cooking

but for east asian cooking they usually do it, for chopstick reasons.

indian/middle east cooking i'm not sure if they do it or not

>> No.8560942

Who /washes their rice in water with a splash of vinegar/ here?

>> No.8560985

I wash it enough to get the starch off. 2 times is usually good enough for general consumption, but will wash more if I feel like having nice shiny rice like Gohan.jpg

Wash. Soak for 5 mins. For my rice cooker I use 3.5 ice water to 3 rice.

I grew up eating long grain rice, but I pretty just eat medium now. I like Hinode or Homai whichever is on sale. Calrose is OK.

>> No.8560997

That's poison, not starch dude.
Read the ingredients.

>> No.8561056

What's a good way to prepare freshly boiled rice for frying almost immediately? I can't be bothered to leave it over night to dehydrate a bit but the rice usually ends up steaming rather than frying.

>> No.8561063

How would that work? Don't you wash the rice by putting it under a running faucet?

>> No.8561070

Paper towels?
Toss it in a bowl to air it out and set it mid stove or back on the slightly cooled burner to keep it heating/evaporating?
This is not my area and I have not done this but it doesn't sound hard to fix.
Maybe set it on a pan in a low heat oven for a couple minutes.

>> No.8561856

>NEVER wash regular rice (or risotto rice) for western cooking
Disagree completely, some rice is so cheap and crappy that it needs to be done.

>> No.8563172


The short grain, white polished rice you get for like $10 for 20lbs absolutely needs washed. Most of it is actually broken rice grains.

>> No.8564405

How poisoned is it?

>> No.8564871

It has the normal enriched ingredients. I'd much rather eat Lundberg since it is made in the USA not China.

>> No.8566166

How so?

>> No.8566186

I just found a cajun-creole cookbook and am surprised they could make rice so unappetizing.

>> No.8566189

Vitamins and minerals are added to white rice sometimes, including iron and thiamine.

>> No.8566248

>add a tablespoon of white sugar
what the fuck amerifats

>> No.8566422

What goes well with rice? I like rice, but it by itself really lacks flavor.

>> No.8566425


I'll be making a batch of rice in about 2 hours for my dinner.

Sauteed chicken breast with some fried rice.

>> No.8566540

Polished rice is required by law to have 5 vitamins and minerals added to them because those essentials are stripped away during the polishing process.

>> No.8566545

Koreans think you die if you sleep with the fan on, and that Occultism is real

Best to ignore the morons. There's a reason they've been cucked throughout their entire history.

>> No.8566607

cooking basmati for curry
wash thoroughly until water is clear
use 1:1 rice and water
put rice and cold water in pan
heat until small bubbles appear
put in cardammon, bay, star anise, and a few cumin seeds
put on lid, reduce heat to low as possible
cook for ten minutes
wa la! no sticking to the bottom, nice and fluffy, lightly flavoured, can even be eaten by itself

super secret meme rice
soak long grain rice in water for 30 mins +
cook using same method for 4 minutes
drain rice with a sieve
dry fry in a pan until the hard rice grains turn golden brown and puff up
grind in a pestle
use instead of breadcrumbs in recipes

>> No.8566669

Is this for rice cooked in pots only? Rice cookers are a no go?

>> No.8566722
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>koreans have been cucked because of their ideas

Yeah, it has nothing to do with geography. Moron.

>> No.8566795

The key is to not cook rice plain. One lazy option is to cook it plain and then add hot sauce or something, but you can do so much more. I'm gonna try coconut rice next week. It's usually done in one pot which is great for cleanup.

>> No.8566806

>Do you wash your rice before your prepare it? Why or why not?

there's literally no reason to not wash rice or even give it a quick rinse.

are you fags all white or something?

even my lazy ass family rinses the rice like 2 times. i personally do it until i can swish the rice in water and it wont become cloudy.

>> No.8566813
File: 52 KB, 576x418, 1414575582969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those fucking weird ass hipster ingredients
Fuck that, just use Pam cooking spray, onion powder, and Mrs. Dash.

This kind of elitist cooking is why the coasties have lost touch with the real America.

>> No.8566814

i bet you think "american" cheese is good cheese.

>> No.8566823

I'll bet you think processed American flavored slices is actual American cheese

>> No.8566830

you probably use margarine instead of butter to you dumb faggot.

>> No.8566856


>> No.8566859

Fix this common rice issue by throwing away your rice when you're finished cooking it.

>> No.8566864

I'm american moron

>> No.8566870

Looks like I caught the stupid faggot

>> No.8566871

You have to go back

>> No.8566875

I do that every time I want something really savory out of my rice. I like to toast whole coriander and peppercorns in sesame oil, then add my rice and fry it for a full minute before adding water or chicken stock.

>> No.8566884

Why do they have to go back to Europe, Asia, etc. and you don't? For not liking shitty faux cheese? How about you go back. To /b/.

>> No.8566888

to...? The UK?

>> No.8566893

>faux cheese
I already corrected you there, smoothbrain.

>> No.8566895

It's fine to eat. there's not harm in eating overcooked rice.

You can even add more water and some sweet or savory items to make into a porridge.

>> No.8566914

lol you didn't prove or correct anything, you literally just said
>I'll bet you think processed American flavored slices is actual American cheese

That isn't proof, it's you typing words and expecting us to take it as fact.

>> No.8566919

re-read BEFORE posting

>> No.8566920

Lol too scared to realize legal definitions for these foods exist
What a dumb bitch

>> No.8566925

Me? That post you just replied to was my first in this thread, so you haven't previously conversed with me at all.

>> No.8566926

A tablespoon is a bit much, but I find half a teaspoon of salt + half teaspoon of sugar per two cups makes it taste good.

>> No.8566928

I know there is an actual legal definition, and Kraft plastic singles are it.

>> No.8566931

They literally aren't

>> No.8566938

Sounds like you yourself need to leave and take your low quality /pol/ memes with you. The idea that if someone else holds an opinion which differs from yours means they're from elsewhere doesn't make any sense at all. What about people who come from elsewhere but hold the same opinions as you? Then what?

>> No.8566942

Today’s American cheese is, by law, required to be manufactured from at least two types of cheese. Because its manufacturing process differs from "unprocessed"/raw/natural cheeses,[1][not in citation given] American cheese can not be legally sold under the name (authentic) "cheese" in the US. Instead, federal (and even some state) laws mandate that it be labeled as "processed cheese" if simply made from combining more than one cheese,[2] or "cheese food" if dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese whey, or albumin from cheese whey are added.[3] As a result, sometimes even the word "cheese" is absent altogether from the product's labeling in favor of, e.g., "American slices" or "American singles".

>> No.8566953

Uhhh yeah they are O_o

That's why europoors laugh at us, Kraft cheese slices are legally "American cheese" by every letter of the law, and it's sad many americans believe that is what cheese is supposed to be like.

This is coming from an american.

>> No.8566962

Oh, you're right. I had a misunderstanding of the law. Sorry, I overreacted. If I had to look you in the eye, it wouldn't have gone down like this

>> No.8566978

Second that. The attempt to associate shit foods with a nationalistic pride does nothing more than keep our nation content with garbage. That's moving to a great 'murrica? No, it's acceptance of garbage as the standard of 'murrica. Pitiful, really. Simply corporate brainwashing.

>> No.8567324

I wash basmati, I don't wash brown or wild rice.

No particular brand loyalty.

Cooked on stovetop in a covered pot, i add cardamom for basmati but otherwise just salt and water. Ratio varies by volume and type of rice.

>> No.8567812

>1:1 rice and water

>> No.8568488

>I don't wash wild rice
Are you stupid?

>> No.8568588

try it.
Start with cold water, heat it up as fast as possible to a low boil, and then immediately reduce to the lowest heat you can.
No sticking, not overcooked. You have to use a perfectly fitting lid though, none of those ones with a steam hole in them.

>> No.8568603

Brown rice. I usually don't wash it. Steamed in elevated pan inside pressure cooker. I've been getting Kokuho Rose brand because it's grown in California instead of the arsenic-rich South.

>> No.8569233

You don't need to wash any rice.

>> No.8569404

>You don't need to wash any rice.
I've bought rice were the instructions on the packaging specifically say that you need to wash it. That just seems to be the case with ultra-cheap rice.