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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8516972 No.8516972 [Reply] [Original]

How does one make the best tomato sauce from canned tomatoes?

>> No.8516980

Easy mode
Heat tomatoes
Add spices
Wait till it taste good.

>> No.8516990


Toss it in a pan, add salt and olive oil, toss pan in oven at 230 for 4 hours, take out and add whatever you want. if you add garlic, put that in during the last hour of cooking.

>> No.8516996

Is olive oil necessary for taste? Trying to keep the calories down.

>> No.8517054

at least heat the spices in some oliveoil before adding the tomatoes
oregano,red pepper flakes,onion is the very basic combination,then cook it down.
you can add whatever you like, as long as you sauce the pasta properly with some butter+cheese

>> No.8517190

An Italian once told me that their sugo only contains tomatos and salt.

>> No.8517319


you don't need it, a lot of people on /ck/ are pretentious, however pre-cooking the spices in oil in general will improve the flavour.

>> No.8517341

>How does one make the best tomato sauce from canned tomatoes?
I really don't make my own tomato sauce much except when I make lasagna or stuffed shells.
For a large 11x17 dish, I buy 3 cans
large crushed tomatoes in puree
tomato sauce, low sodium, italian seasoned or plain
tomato paste

I combine the three in a pan that has a couple chopped onions and garlic sauteed in olive oil and either browned chopped beef or a combination of italian sausage and beef. I like to simmer just a bit, and I might add more basil or oregano, or parsley. Taste test. The evil with canned tomatoes is that it can get too salty with simmering. My ricotta mixture always has ricotta and fresh parsley so it balances that.

If I am not doing a big batch like that which warrants the opening of 3 cans, then I won't use canned at all. I will chop fresh tomatoes (such as ripe TastiLees), basil, garlic, olive oil and it gets warmed up and wilted with the hot drained pasta. It's a "fresh" sauce.

>> No.8517353


>olive oil in tomato sauce is pretentious

Whatever you say faggot

>> No.8517362


olive oil in general is pretentious

>> No.8517365

i'd say yeah, extra virgin if you can

What i'd recommend is sweat some chopped onion then garlic, then add your canned tomatoes, allow them to break down. If it gets too thick use some of your pasta water to control that. Add some salt to taste and then some basil at the end and you'll have a very good sauce depending on how good your tomatoes are.

>> No.8517380

How much am I supposed to spend on olive oil? My daily store is greek and there is a million different brands and prices are all over the place. I know people out there are spending money on olive oil classes and nonsense and I don't want to get caught up in some bullshit. But I don't mind paying for something like oil if it really matters.

>> No.8517381


Olive oil is a healthy oil used when you aren't doing high heat cooking. Sorry we don't all cook everything in vegetable oil.

>> No.8517389


If you're worried about cost, just get regular or virgin. You only really need cold pressed extra virgin if you're drizzling it directly on food or bread.

>> No.8517479

>make large, pleasantly spiced hamburger
>cut into chunks in pan
>add water, equal amounts sugar and salt plus spices (garlic, oregano, basil) while simmering
>add tomato paste and gently stir in

>> No.8517490

Buy what you can afford that says "extra virgin" k? If you liked it, you'll buy it again, or switch.

>> No.8517536


>> No.8517862

>inb4 marie's homemade italian sauce

>> No.8517901

Can anyone find a reupload of that video? The original is gone.

>> No.8517920
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a dash of sugar to cut down the acidity + 4 that xtra mm
im the same way.., but it seems like more of an excuse 4 u making a shitty meal to other ppl; oil can b a huge boost to flavor imo

>> No.8518048

>mixing spaghetti with a chicago style pizza

>> No.8518552

don't forget to use proper tomatoes.
san marzano.

>> No.8518564

Buy good tomatos, whole canned san marzanos are great.

>If you're using meat, sear/cook it in the pan first and build a nice fond. If needed remove the meat to rest for later.
>add onions, peppers, etc. and saute. throw in a bit of salt to draw out moisture so you can deglaze the pan.
>mash up your tomatoes to desired level of chunkiness, add to pan
>add stock as needed/desired to maintain liquid level, bring to simmer, maintain until tomatoes have cooked down some and the sauce reaches your desired consistency
>season to taste


>> No.8518651


thanks to olive oil being considered a "fancy", and therefore expensive, oil, they will sell it well past it's expiry date; you need to look at when it was bottled and where it was bottled to make sure you don't get a bottle that tastes like slimy putty. You could buy a $100 bottle of fancy olive oil mixed with gold leafed saffron and it will still be rancid if you buy it out of season.

a safe rule is to buy your olive oil from countries that are have recently gone through their harvest seasons; don't go for Californian or Italian olive oils in the middle of winter unless you like playing roulette with your money.


yes yes, olive oil is healthy and has a low burning point. so is sesame oil. There's a reason olive oil comes in really fancy bottles with harvest dates and herbs mixed in and $50 price tags, and it has a bit more to do with

>attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

olive oil is the "fancy" oil, people buy it so they can put it on their kitchen counter and feel like they've achieved something. If people were buying it for flavour, they wouldn't have been getting away with selling rancid bottles of the stuff for decades.

>> No.8518955

> If people were buying it for flavour, they wouldn't have been getting away with selling rancid bottles of the stuff for decades.

I'm a contractor and work in tons of homes, mostly wealthy people who can pay for the work I do, every single one almost has the signature full bottles of fancy oils by the stove top to use for decorative purposes. It always makes me laugh. Then Jaunita, their house keeper, brings in boxed meals from whatever place to feed them their dinner if they're home ever.

>> No.8518956

Microwave butter and ketchup

>> No.8518965
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>buy jar of flavored sauce
>boil water & pasta
>pour jarred sauce into another pan and let boil before pasta finishes

what am I doing wrong. How do I improve

>> No.8519006

Sauce should never boil, just simmer
Also when both are done, pour sauce into pasta pot (after having drained out the water), mix both, and let simmer for a while
Also consider adding fresh herbs/spices to your sauce

>> No.8519018

why does this picture make me so sad

>> No.8519030

What herbs and spices would you recommend? I would like to make my own sauce eventually, could you give me some pointers on that if you know any?

It highlights the monotony and dullness of life

>> No.8519040

Oregano, basil, pepper flakes, garlic

>> No.8519188

Why has no one mentioned mushrooms yet?

Pound o' mushrooms, sliced
Couple o' cans o' Contadina tomato sauce
Can a' chopped tomatoes
Onion, diced, preferably one of the sweet varieties like vidalia or walla walla
Couple cloves of garlic, chopped finely
Basil, Oregano, Rosemary
Ground beast to taste (I use about half a pound)

Brown the ground beast, leaving a little fat in the pan for the shrooms
Sweat the mushrooms until they stop emitting more liquid.
Add the onions and let them cook down with the shrooms
Add the garlic near the end so it gets a little cooked
dump everything else in
simmer until it's thickened pretty well.

>> No.8519191


Because mushrooms are absolutely disgusting and they should be banned.

>> No.8519195

They must not be Jewish. The Jews use only the finest imported Guatemalan housemaids to do their cooking.


>> No.8519199

this person's parents did not beat xer enough when xe was a picky little eater.

>> No.8519228

Looks like yours didn't either, you meme pronoun loving faggot

>> No.8519337

You gotta be a special kind of retard to be paying $50 for olive oil.

>> No.8519571
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nigga wut

>> No.8521029


>> No.8521065

You're retarded

>> No.8521499

My tomatoes are almost ripe.

Someone rec a nice, strong combination of spices to mix into my tomato sauce.

>> No.8521709

Basic tips:
1. Good quality canned tomatoes. If you have to use lower quality ones add sugar + good quality tomato purée to compensate (get the purée in a tube, it'll last you a month or two).
2. Fresh basil. Buy a plant or two and stick them on a windowsill if you're in an apartment, the fuckers are all but impossible to kill if you water them now and then, I've forgotten for over a week and they've bounced back. If they flower just cut/pull the flowers off. Dried basil is inferior but if you've got no other option go for it.
3. Parsley. Again fresh if possible but you can also get it frozen in bulk (just add it to the sauce while frozen). Dried parsley is fine and nowhere near as bad as dried basil. If you're going for Italian style anything you can never add too much parsley.
4. No oregano. This is only for pizza and Mexican food. Sticking it in everything vaguely Italian is American in origin.
5. Garlic is a must, onions are optional but recommended. I'm not even going to bother mentioning salt and pepper but do it to your own preference.
6. Normal olive oil not extra virgin. Don't go overboard with the oil but don't use too little either.
7. Cook this for at least an hour, preferably longer. You can use the oven if you want but it isn't necessary.
8. Do not fuck up the pasta. Salt the water (this is for taste and texture, not any bullshit about faster boiling). Do not overcook the pasta, remember when you test it it'll still cook a little more once it's drained. For the love of god do not break your spaghetti to get it in the pot or rinse your cooked pasta.
9. Spaghetti is overrated anyway, consider using something like penne instead.
10. Do not listen to /ck/, including this post. /ck/ is for alcoholics, filipinos with poor kitchen hygiene (i.e. all of them) and fast food marketing, not actual cooking advice.

>> No.8521718


>> No.8521719

Is olive oil really that expensive in the USA? Here (UK) you can get reasonable quality for a few quid, particularly if you don't buy into the EVOO-for-everything meme. The cheaper shit is of course blended + out of date and ironically the fancy stuff is usually dodgy as fuck (literally Mafia-controlled producers that will sell any old oil) but your average olive oil is nothing special.

>> No.8523061

Opinion on adding red wine to tomato sauce?

>> No.8523066

Spain and Greece import more olive oil into the uk than Italy.
The mafia urban myth is bullshit.

>> No.8523073

Hell, even in Roman times, the Italian peninsula was importing most of its olive oil from Spain.

>> No.8523085

quality >>>>> quantity

Also that's mostly because oil manufacturers simply take different oil from different parts of the world, mix it together, and put it in a bottle. When it comes to oil most italians go local.

>> No.8523092

And the point you're trying to make is?

>> No.8523097

don't buy oil in supermarkets

>> No.8523108

So then where the fuck would you suggest I buy my olive oil?

>> No.8523114

directly from local producers of course

>> No.8523122

My Italian parents still use fresh tomatoes when they make sauce. They make a massive batch once a year. Really good but you need that tomato machine and it takes forever.

I personally despise a chunky sauce so when I'm just making some for myself now that I live alone, I'll either use passata or blend the sauce in the pan with an immersion blender.

If you want a stronger garlic flavor, put some olive oil on very low and add finely minced garlic and just let it gently fry till it just starts becoming brown. After that, add in the passata and cook it for like 20-30 minutes. An hour is overkill I feel. Season to taste with sugar and salt and add fresh basil if you want.

>> No.8523343

1. Fry whole clove of garlic in olive oil
2. Add tomato
3. Crush with spoon
4. Add salt, plus, optionally a tiny bit of sugar and fresh basil. No dried spices
5. Wait 30 to 50 min
6. Remove garlic
7. Cook pasta in sauce for 2 min
8. ???
9. Win

Only way.
Everything else is shit.

>> No.8523553

Not who you're responding to, but except for the west coast, there aren't any local producers of olive oil. It's slightly inconvenient to travel 2000 miles to pick up a couple bottles of cooking oil. Pull your olive tinted head out of your ass.

>> No.8523655

heat olive oil
saute garlic
dump in can of CRUSHED tomato
add some salt, and if you have basil use it

>> No.8525365

Buy extra virgin. Put a little in the fridge, if it gets cloudy it's shit.

>> No.8525402

I swear to fuck if o' becomes a new 'go 'za I'll burn down a Midwest diner.

>> No.8525721

Tomatos tomato paste Italian herbs red wine vinegar Olive oil and water or beef stock.. how fucking hard is that shit also get san marzano tomatoes walmart as them and whole foods

>> No.8525727

Extremely easy
fry onions and garlic
splash of red wine
add tomatoes
add a tiny bit of thyme plus some salt and pepper if you like
let it cook for at least 30-40 min

optional: bay leaf, half a peeled carrot (remove at the end of cooking)

>> No.8526609

-slice the garlic with a razor so it liquefies in the pan
-3 small onions
-3 cans of tomatoes

>> No.8526718

olive oil is the worst for hot dishes.

you should add a decent amount of oil to the canned tomates, it's good for the taste and you can still skimm it