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8516948 No.8516948 [Reply] [Original]

Chocolate milk from the store or home-made from powder?

>> No.8516979

I knew someone that worked at the dairy and his description of chocolate milk being made was a enough to make me puke

>> No.8516981

I like to drink chocolate milk made with powder while I listen to my stepdad have sex with my mom

>> No.8517019

Yeah just stop there its not like anyone wants to hear what he said

>> No.8517052

Ovaltine for LIFE, dude. It's the only chocolate milk worth actually drinking.

>> No.8517084

Yeah, man, I know, right?
Totally, man... totally.

>> No.8517090

I really like it, but it's more than twice as expensive as other chocolate powders here (Germany)

>> No.8517094

Well, that's good to know in case I ever move to Germany (I have family there, so it could be a possibility in the future). Ovaltine is the only chocolate milk powder I'll drink as an adult. Can you get both flavors there, the Malted Chocolate Ovaltine and the regular Chocolate Ovaltine? Because I always buy the Malted, it's so tasty.

>> No.8517142
File: 39 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ovaltine tastes like really good dirt. When I make cocoa for myself if I don't have UDF Seriously Chocolate Milk to froth with my espresso machine I use pic related but it's been at least a decade since I've made myself cold chocolate milk from bullshit powder. By the time you beat it enough to dissolve it warms up too much and often gets too bubbly (inb4 frothy is the same as bubbly - fucking plebs)

>> No.8517192
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I've always used chocolate flavored high fructose corn syrup. It's better than powder, not quite as good as store-made.

>> No.8517201

Neither, unless you're a toddler

>> No.8517214

This, but I use Nestle. I didn't even know there was powder (besides hot chocolate powder).

>> No.8517379


yeah great anecdote there pal, lots of detail.

>> No.8517384

Neither. Grow up and stop drinking milk period you manchild.

>> No.8517511

I didn't actually puke and I don't remember all the details but something about before it gets its brown color it's like mucus and bloody, that's all I needed to hear, made sense why its so fucking thick

>> No.8517526

I simmer the milk on the stove, then add in Ghirardelli powdered dark chocolate, and combine. Then I put it in the fridge to cool. Elder God tier.

>> No.8517584

All milk is like that before it's homogenized and pasteurized you idiot.

>> No.8517628

I heard through the grape vine, that most milk has puss, but flavored milk is made with potentially more puss. Best milk plain, slightly inferior pussier milk gets flavoured.

>> No.8517638

>This is the machine that detects how pusey this cow's milk is and if it's above a certain level, redirects it to the completely separate "flavored milk line"

>> No.8517645

What do they do, feed the cows chocolate and then milk it out and not pasteurize it, to keep all it's essential chocolateness?

>> No.8517693
File: 132 KB, 345x345, to-milk-a-cow-before-and-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an urban legend, it is done by how fast the drips of blood come off a teat milked with industrial equipment. I mean theyre used to calf bites so it's not cruel, but the calf can taste blood and not continue sucking at maximum profit speed. PS this image is from a milk shill blog who would say I am lying. Also I buy pleb milk these days and grass fed organic rarely.

>> No.8518004


ratio 4 cups milk to 1 cup of chocolate chips.

1. double boiler, melt chocolate.
2. stir in a little bit of milk to thin it out some
3. put it in a blender with remaining milk

to make it extra thick, i add some xanthan gum. if it is really dark chocolate, some sugar is helpful.

it's the best chocolate milk.

>> No.8518271

>facetious strawman instantly becomes urban legend
>film at 11

>> No.8518313

Holy shit I am sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no machine measuring the drip rate of blood from teats to check for pus. You just turned that film into a Sasha Baron Cohen piece.

>> No.8518345
File: 69 KB, 270x270, 58568e07-e16a-4090-a2ff-6cd56a670067[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it would be cost effective to just add chocolate to the regular milk
>how do I into greentext