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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8509727 No.8509727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Working the checkout at Whole Foods
>realize that some mousy-looking girl with glasses has purposely mislabeled key limes as regular limes in a hare-brained attempt to save money
>"oh, looks like you accidentally mislabeled theses limes, let me ring them up properly for you"

Who /Devlish/ here?

>> No.8509744

This shitpost has a lot of levels, I'm impressed.

>> No.8509803
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>mfw engineering seedless avocados

>> No.8509804

You mean pears?

>> No.8509811
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you've either never had an avocado or are just straight up retarded

>> No.8509817

Good for you, OP. If someone really wanted to save money, they wouldn't be shopping at Whole Foods. At my local grocery store, there are a couple of cashiers that generally don't check the tags and ring up my organic produce at the regular price.

>> No.8509823

This is probably the funniest thing I've read on this board in years

>> No.8510224

checkout is the worst... do you have a beer/wine department?

>> No.8510230

R u a gril? I work at whole foods and all the qt grilse are cashiers

>> No.8510304

>do you have a beer/wine department?

Yeah but I don't drink very often because often I can't control myself when I start.

>R u a gril? I work at whole foods and all the qt grilse are cashiers
Yeah, I'm a woman.

Let me contribute with another example of devilish behavior since nobody else seems to be participating.

>go into CVS pastry aisle
>smoosh all the hostess fruit pies so that they'll be ruined, even though they appear fine superficially
>move on to the Utz potato chips and begin to stealthily smash the chips so that they'll just be crumbs when some poor unsuspecting sucker opens them
>make dents in the clondyke bars

>> No.8510324

I got a free chicken at whole foods because the checkout girl forgot to ring it up while wrapping it in the special whole chicken bag

then again it was $79 for two bags of groceries so it's not like anyone won

>> No.8510339


>fucking with fat peoples food
>they are fat so they will eat it anyway

I applaud you for your efforts tho

>> No.8510377

>I don't drink very often because often I can't control myself when I start.
The secret is to never buy more than you can drink in one night.

>> No.8510726
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>waitress asks me if I have any allergies
>mfw I actually have a deadly allergy to glutin and if even a single glutin atom touches me I will asphyxiate

>> No.8510779

Will u b my gf

asking for a friend

>> No.8510790
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>Working at the bulk foods area.
>Filling the activated almonds.
>I put in the unactivated ones.

>> No.8510822
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>accidentally label the expensive tomatoes as cheap tomatoes
>the cashier notices and fixes it
>know that she thinks i did it on purpose even though i didn't
>feel bad for the whole day

>> No.8510826
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You are scrumptiously devilish, anon. I like it.

>> No.8510887

>working the checkout at Whole Foods
>lady asks me to manually enter item codes
>says she doesn't want "lasers touching her food"

>> No.8511014

>store gives you a $0.05 discount at checkout for every reusable bag you bring
>take a new bag from the rack
>remove the tag while i make my way through the store
>get to the checkout
>"did you bring this bag in with you?"
>$11.67 total is now $11.62

>> No.8511077

You monster.

>> No.8511107

Self checkout reigns supreme in the covert theft of high value bulk grocery. I typically buy a trail mix with hazelnuts and dried cranberries which goes for 15/lb and mark it up as a 5/lb standard trail mix

>> No.8511115

>not bringing 220 reusable bags so you can deduct 11 dollars and make it $0.67