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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 600x450, Jacks-Pizza-Great-For-Grilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8508171 No.8508171 [Reply] [Original]

Has /ck/ tried the best frozen pizza on the market yet?
>inb4 >frozen pizza
No one cares if you deny yourself one of life's greatest and most convenient pleasures.

>> No.8508182

Of course.

With black olives, anchovies, and fresh tomato slices.

>> No.8508191

How can it be great for grilling?

>> No.8508196
File: 151 KB, 625x417, Summertime-Grilling-with-Jacks-Pizza-Lady-Behind-The-Curtain-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8508199
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GOAT coming through

>> No.8508211

Is this something commonly done? Has anybody grilled a pizza?

>> No.8508212

>frozen pizza

>> No.8508213
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>muh meme fish
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA he fucking fell for it lads, lads he fucking fell for the anchovy meme
You know how those African villagers tricked Bourdain into eating fucking bugs even though they didn't? That is literally, L I T E R A L L Y you right now. Holy fuck kill yourself like seriously, right now.

>> No.8508219

I wish I had that meme pizza from a year or two ago saved. Alas.

>> No.8508221

Who hurt you when you were young? Who hurt you? :(

>> No.8508229
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You strolled into the wrong neighborhood, newfriendo.

>> No.8508230

Not a weakling brainlet that would fall for such an obvious entry level food bait meme like the anchovy thats for sure. Go pour yourself a nice tall glass of bleach

>> No.8508233

There it is.

>> No.8508238


>> No.8508246
File: 91 KB, 450x450, Totinos-Party-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a party guy

>> No.8508250

Kroger has some good products but their pizza is not one of them...it's gross and always tastes like cinnamon for some fucking reason

>> No.8508258

It always tastes like pizza because they use it in the crust to enhance the rising potential and actuate the cheese so that it is gooier. If you don't like cinnamon in your pizza try their supreme it's the only one without it.

>> No.8508270

these taste like cardboard, but they're like a dollar at winco

I usually throw them in the oven when my poorfag friends come over

>> No.8508274
File: 3.28 MB, 2400x2400, frozen pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wal Mart recently started selling this brand. It's pretty good for a frozen pizza, in my opinion. They also have a pepperoni (uncured) with chicken sausage, bell peppers, crimini mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and basil. They have other varieties too.

Give it a try, /ck/

>> No.8508276

That chicken sausage looks way too thick.

>> No.8508286

The company who makes these send money overseas to china to make their cardboard boxes it's pretty fucked up. Don't support WalMart /ck/, don't be flyover midwest-tier stupid guys

>> No.8508290

The company who makes most of the parts in your computer sends money overseas to China to make them.

>> No.8508293

I made my own computer, dipshit. Nice non-argument and appeal to authority logical fallacy. Dumbass.

>> No.8508297

I bet you're this shitposting faggot: >>8508244

>> No.8508303

I don't even like sriracha, I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. Nice strawman/bogeyman though. Try harder next time, troll. I bet you're the one shitposting on that thread too.

>> No.8508311

Shut up you nitpicking faggot
When I buy a pizza, or really anything at a grocery store one of the LAST things I consider is where the cardboard comes from. >>8508293
You sound autistic.

It's a frozen pizza thread and I posted what I think is a good frozen pizza. Goddamn, /ck/.

>> No.8508318

>When I buy a pizza, or really anything at a grocery store one of the LAST things I consider is where the cardboard comes from
Maybe thats why you're poor and eating garbage frozen pizzas in the first place.

>You sound autistic
I'm not the one eating trash from walmart. Kill yourself you degenerate.

>> No.8508326


Whenever I used to cook the Kroger self-rising crust pizza, it would always make my kitchen smell like beer.

>> No.8508330

>dough having yeast in it is bad!
Literally McFucking kill yourself wageslave.

>> No.8508338
File: 315 KB, 450x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screaming Sicilian is good for frozen pizza. Not too expensive either. $6 and it's much better than a $5 Little Caesar's or a $6 cheese pizza from the mediocre pizza place by my house.

>> No.8508339
File: 73 KB, 247x317, sclafani-crushed-tomatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat Jack's pizza topped with these.

>> No.8508349

>posting your favorite frozen pizza in a frozen pizza thread means all I eat is garbage frozen pizzas
>implying i'm poor
>implying you can't buy pretty good ingredients to cook great meals with from the outer walls of any grocery store including WalMart

Project/assume much, you stupid piece of shit?

>> No.8508365

>I-I'm n-n-not p-poor! W-walmart j-just h-has t-t-t-the b-b-b-b-best p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-produce! I-I s-swear!
I can afford gourmet pizzas custom made to order because I don't live in Flyoverville, USA and there are actual pizzerias around me. Sorry to burst your little argument, sweetie.

>> No.8508393

>I have to put people into boxes so it's easier for me to make fun of them
I have a $250k a year salary plus $30k bonuses every quarter, I fuck a different woman every month, and I drive a Lexus. I also live on the coast, so gourmet pizzerias aren't a rare thing where I live either, sweetie.

>> No.8508399

You also lie on the internet to make yourself feel better about living in buttfuck nowhere and shopping at Walmart ;)

Next you're going to compare McDonalds to Ruth's Chris! LOL!

>> No.8508418

You're such a meme'er, friend. The truth is I don't live in a flyover state, we both can afford gourmet made-to-order pizza, and we're both wasting our time flinging shit in a dead thread about shitty, frozen pizza. I'm grown bored of this "argument". Go ahead and try to claim that you somehow won because I don't care enough to keep doing this back and forth with some random stranger on the internet over fucking frozen pizza. You're in this thread too.

>> No.8508429
File: 114 KB, 420x420, 1477469148987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you use your $2.50/hr* to buy something a little more substantial than frozen pizza, like McDonalds? I think trash fast food suits you quite nicely.

>Fine you won but don't act like you won
LOL! I put you on suicide watch. How pathetic! Try not to get your trailer repossessed while you take out money store loans to buy cardboard pizza at Walmart ;)

>> No.8508448

Exactly the response I expected from you, Cheetos-fingers. Keep pretending to be cultured and refined online while posting in a Cantonese duck calling enthusiast board about frozen pizzas. Suicide watch? You've projected so much in our exchange that I can pretty well picture the pathetic, edgy fool you are in real life - lashing out at anyone who disagrees with you or dares to call you a faggot. You poor, fat bastard.


>> No.8508456

I didn't even read this post I can just imagine how angry you are typing away at your poorfag toaster in a fit of rage.

>I'm not going to reply anymore this is a waste of time!
>Replies again
Who is the true cuck? It seems like it's you.

You might want to calm down, all of that processed Walmart brand trash is bad enough for you. You don't want to have a heart attack at 15.

>> No.8508466

lol okay, bud

>> No.8508468

>tfw a thread celebrating based Jack's pizza turned into two sperglords arguing about unprovable things

>> No.8508469

Autists get $1 per hour for future reference my friend. If that's what you're meaning. Retirees are around $2 an hour.

>> No.8508470
File: 8 KB, 244x206, 1481070237417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related it's you
Too bad you can't afford therapy. You need it lad

>> No.8508576

My oven died so I used my grill to cook pizza for more than a year. I bought a large ceramic tile and wrapped it in foil, put the pizza on it and it's as good as an oven

>> No.8508597

>I made my own computer, dipshit.

You assembled electronic Lego. I taught my 8 year old cousin how to do it. You did not lithograph any silicon yourself, chances are you've never even soldered a new cap on for repairs.

Your motherboard was assembled by literal slaves in China, your hard drive was assembled by slightly less slavey slaves in SEA, your case was most likely the same as your motherboard, same goes for PSU and most of your GPU. If they're lucky slaves they're Taiwanese.

The only parts of your computer not likely to be slave labor is the silicon, but that's mostly because employee costs mean shit when the fab costs upwards of a billion US dollars, and big boys like Intel/AMD have to build a new one every year / every other year.

>> No.8508914
File: 263 KB, 500x369, 1481864005888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ truly is the easiest board to troll

>> No.8508949

>You got le trolled

good meme kid, it's almost like you're fresh out of reddit.

>> No.8508968 [DELETED] 

Don't be mean to the neckbeard, inserting cards into the slots they were designed to hold and spending 18 hours a week changing the font rendering in his loonix is all he's got going for him and distinguishes him from those dumb trust fund kids who buy apple (lol gullible!)

>> No.8508978
File: 86 KB, 630x472, tombstone pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frozen pizza is special in its own way due to that flat, crunchy, cracker-like crust.

freshly made restaurant pizzas just don't have that. at least not the ones i've seen.

>> No.8508992

You still think you didn't get trolled? Very interesting :)

>> No.8509062

Red Baron and Tombstone really corner the market on cracker pizza.

>> No.8509089


Screaming Sicilian is like $11 bro>>8508339

>> No.8509794

> I fuck a different woman every month, and I drive a Lexus

He's just memeing us, right?

>> No.8509924
File: 562 KB, 580x580, IMG_1078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these

>> No.8509946

I like to take a slice of Red Baron and a slice of Tombstone and eat one on the of the other.

>> No.8509997
File: 426 KB, 800x395, ötker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr oetker is obviously the patrician choice

>> No.8510969

Bump for more shitposts pls

>> No.8510980

If you had money for real, you would spend more money, not less, when your "poorfag" friends come over to not only try to privately brag but let them eat things they normally wouldn't. This is how we know you buy them for yourself. You also would not be at winco shopping for your "poorfag" friends coming over. Or any time. Your housekeeper would be or someone else with the list of what you need for the week or day or anything else. Just like you wouldn't go to winco and buy a swiffer sweeper. You'd be trying to fuck your maid or housekeeper thinking you deserve it when your wife isn't around simply because you think money makes you be able to have anything you want, and frozen $1 pizzas would not be it.

>> No.8510981
File: 31 KB, 216x239, 00035300005721_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenos were the best. Back before Totinos (I think it was Totinos) bought them out then reissued them. And the best way was to ignore the directions and cook them in a microwave for two minutes and forty eight seconds until they were a gooey chewy mixture of pizza slop.

>> No.8511041

>citation needed

>> No.8511141

How do you cook a Tombstone pizza so it doesn't feel like I'm eating a fucking piece of slate with sauce and cheese on it? Always comes out way too fucking crunchy.

Please give me advice on how to cook it so it comes out softer.

>> No.8511161


Bury it on a tropical beach overnight and dig it up in the morning after the crabs have had at it.

Then throw it over a nice bonfire while you go fishing.

Then cook your catch over the coals and completely forget about the pizza.

>> No.8511187
File: 31 KB, 315x200, tl-vertical_stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8511303

Funny, it says its party pizza but it's only enough for one. Food for thought :)

>> No.8513228
File: 71 KB, 450x450, 15721950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Annie's makes some good pizza rolls.
Just mentioning it.

>> No.8513277

I used to be all about Red Baron's French bread pizzas

>> No.8513278


>uncured pepperoni

How can people live like this?

>> No.8513435

For me, it is Home Run Inn, the best frozen pizza

>> No.8513443


>> No.8513456


Hello food fans

>> No.8513604
File: 112 KB, 521x568, 1485155805214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually spent their time typing up a scathing dissertation about cardboard frozen pizza

>> No.8514080
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hi newfriend

>> No.8514202
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My favorite as of lately

>> No.8514280


>> No.8514301

>frozen pizza

>> No.8514339
File: 273 KB, 1169x1080, ssddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8515957

these are the fucking best