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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8503292 No.8503292 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate my salmon rare because I was hungry and couldn't wait for it to be fully cooked. How badly did I fuck up?

>> No.8503304

Yeah I ate sushi too.

You're fine you fucking faggot

>> No.8503328

you just have worms now

it's not so bad. i have a variety and they mostly don't crawl out of my anus at night. and no pork tapeworm or raccoon roundworm so my brain cyst situation is OK. the blood flukes kinda suck

>> No.8503357

haven't you read the news about how there is a huge epidemic of sea lice in salmon now?

>> No.8503454

Your use of punctuation and capitalization indicates you may want to have another brain scan in the near future.

>> No.8503526

Farmed salmon is lethally high in metals and chemical residue from pollution, only cooking right through makes the meat pure again and safe to eat. Try to get grass fed farmed salmon next time.

>> No.8503554

I'd read an article a while back about some Japanese tapeworm spreading all the way over to our coasts.

I think that just affects salmon that's not frozen and I don't think they cause serious symptoms in most cases. So maybe not fucked.

>> No.8503717

>grass-fed farmed salmon
What episode of the Twilight Zone did I just enter?

>> No.8503815

Why dont you spergs just catch your own fish

>> No.8504104

>Spending 6 hours in the wind and cold in the hope of catching at least one fish big enough for a meal.
>30 minutes at fish market at the cracks of dawn.
It's a tough one.

>> No.8504210

This thread again?

>> No.8504219

>Spending 6 hours in the wind and cold in the hope of catching at least one fish big enough for a meal.
Just how bad at fishing are you?

>> No.8504231

I made salmon last week and it was a little under done, but I wasn't concerned
as I was eating I found a worm though

not sure if I've ingested eggs or anything, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. I could stand to lose about 15 pounds anyway so as long as I don't get sick and this guy does some work he can stick around

in other news, isn't it weird how worms infest the muscle tissue of the fist? it seems like such a weird place to live

>> No.8504450

Was it fresh or frozen fish? I understand it's a bit gross finding a worm in your fish but if it's been frozen at least you'll be safe from infection.

>> No.8504462

I ate raw salmon the other day. Smoked and with tons of lemon juice though. Also, it was river-caught.

>> No.8504476
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>raw salmon

>> No.8504478

Never fished before detected

>> No.8504479
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>> No.8504573
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I ate farmed salmon and I died..

>> No.8504958

package didn't say
in the past from this store I had found two worms alive in my fish still wriggling around

but that was on monk fish

>> No.8505213

And you bought another fish from them? Why?

>> No.8505218

Salmon isn't vegan!

>> No.8505280

Enjoy your salmonella friendo

>> No.8505329

How hot do I have to cook it to vapourise the heavy metals?

>> No.8505607

>grass fed farmed salmon
top jej

>> No.8505609

>tfw you don't have a boat and your near shore areas are overfished

Feels bad man

>> No.8505686

Just use nets.

>> No.8505688


Anyone have that gif of the sushi cook pulling the worms out of the fillet he was working on?

I saw that and I got hard as diamond...

>> No.8505816


>> No.8505866

I think its up to 650 F.
But you don't have to cooking it in that temp, less then a second will vaporize all metals and you can cook it at normal temps to your done-ness aftwards.