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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 400x305, dominos-vs-pizza-hut-400x305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8500306 No.8500306 [Reply] [Original]

People who prefer Pizza Hut over Dominos are fucking maniacs. Pizza Hut is so goddamn greasy and their crust is like that yellow foam-in-a-can after it hardens.

>> No.8500315


I've said it before..I'll say it again..Reason I am fat is dominoes pizza. I will go through a large double pepperoni, bacon, double cheese pizza with ranch and a side of cheesy bread like a snack. I'll admit it I'm obese, 339lbs. It's largely the fault of society. I admit that it is partially my fault because I can't stop eating but I would say it is 80% the fault of society. Society made me this way. I was abused heavily as a child and sexually too. My parents were horrible and my brother sadistic. I had difficulty opening up to people all the time and still do. By the time I was 18 I was only 5'6, and 127lbs, balding, and with a dick slightly longer than 4 inches and not much better girth. But I mean I was not fat at the time, people said I had a nice face/funny personality and my hair was only beginning to recede. I managed to meet a girl. We were together for 3 years and it took me 2.5 years to open up to her fully. Then I caught her cheating and she ripped me apart. She used my past against me and made me feel horrible and she would demean me behind my back sexually to her friends. And then whenever I tried to meet other women they wouldn't even give me second thought because all they could see was a disgusting short, bald emotionally broken wreck. So no, I don't fucking care if I am obese you fucking faggots. SOCIETY MADE ME LIKE THIS. And all the fucking ADVERTISING of muscular attractive tall men in movies and commercials reinforces what is fucking almost unattainable for most because they don't have perfect genetics. So now I eat tons of food because it is the only thing that makes me feel ok and I like to drink a lot of gin/vodka and when I can get it I take oxycotin, and vicodin. I hate this world i ate this world i fucking HATE THIS WORLD and I fucking HATE women and I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU JUDGE ME FUCK ALL OF YOU

>> No.8500319

dominos is objectively the best pizza money can buy

>> No.8500340


This. I have eaten pizza everywhere let me list some places.

>New York City (Brooklyn specifically)

All the places I ate at were independently owned non franchise pizza's made with fine ingredients and some were more expensive than others but the entire time I ate ant any in my mind I used dominoes as a "comparison" of sorts and nothing, not even the pizza in brooklyn or Naples (where pizza was invented fyi) matched up. Fuck I love dominoes I think I will pick up a large double pepperoni on my way home.

>> No.8500363


This does not mean that dominoes is good it just means that you're a fucking manchild pleb with obese Americanized tastebuds. If you have legitimately eaten pizza in Naples and at some of the great restaurants in brooklyn yet think dominoes (which is shit by the way) is better you need to just never have children and keep eating dominoes all the time so you get fatter and die quicker. Jesus Christ this fucking board.

>> No.8500366

I legit feel bad for you poor people that have to order from chains. I'm so lucky to have Mom and Pop pizza places near me. I never have to eat that garbage you call pizza.

>> No.8500376

People who complain about Dominos and say New York pizza is so superior are sheep cunts. I lived in Brooklyn for 3 years and aside from the really special places that use really fine ingredients and specialized ovens and shit, no place was better than Dominos. Native New Yorkers would get angry at me for preferring Dominos over disgusting dollar-a-slice street pizza, but New Yorkers are scum anyway.
What's it like being a mentally challenged, irrationally angry shitposter?

>> No.8500379 [DELETED] 

I live in NYC and I got a domino's order yesterday. They're thriving here. Nobody cares. It's not the same as real pizza but it's not supposed to be.

>> No.8500381

Do the major chains even serve you? I can't imagine they like selling their products to someone who literally sucks his own dick 24/7.

>> No.8500387

>real pizza
That's a bullshit culinary meme. I went to Italy for 2 weeks a few years ago and the pizza was wildly different everywhere I went. The only thing most of it had in common was sogginess. Probably 75% of the pizza I had in Italy was way too goddamn moist and soggy.

>> No.8500390

Your post honestly makes no sense.

>> No.8500391

Domino's pizza is overall better than Pizza Hut, but Pizza Hut has two major advantages: stuffed crust and their breadsticks.

>> No.8500393

I'd rather have Dominos than some shitty hole in the wall mom and pop store that bribes local health inspectors and spends all their money on advertising against the chains instead of ingredients.

>> No.8500394


Not a poorfag myself but I am not in the USA. My experience is that at a place like dominoes a large pizza is very similarly priced to other mom and pop restaurants. I could spend the extra $1 or $2 for something decent or get fast food chain shit. I have never understood why anyone would choose crap dominoes or pizza hut over something decent. Chain pizza is not fucking cheap unless you maybe go to like little caesars.

>> No.8500399


Oh so you would rather have the 15 year old with the acne ridden face spit and cum in your pizza, gothcha. I hope you don't order the white sauce.

>> No.8500402 [DELETED] 

I dunno what you're on about, but domino's tastes like fucking chemicals and smells fucking weird. It's not good ingredients and it's very obvious. Whether or not some guy in italy didn't make a pizza to your taste is not the issue here. I order domino's when I'm feeling like being a complete degenerate for the night. It's super easy, cheap as fuck, and fast. It's not something I get when I want real food. Don't get confused about why it's popular.

>> No.8500404

I didn't use the word 'poor' as in not having money. It was used in the sense that I just feel bad they have no other option that a chain restaurant.

>> No.8500406


>Irrationally angry

No I just have taste buds that have not adapted to what obese Americans call "food"

The best chain pizza by far is Papa Johns prove me wrong tho pro tip you can't

>> No.8500413


Sorry I misinterpreted the context I am an alcoholic

>> No.8500416

I prefer Little Caesars. Fight me.

Get help. You have some serious issues.

>> No.8500418


I CAN'T get fucking help I can't open up to people in real life.

>> No.8500425


Serious question and not judging you at all but I am very curious: How much do you weigh and what is your height?

>> No.8500428

It's all good bro. I'm drinking right now anyway.

Yes you can. Got to a Psych. You don't have to spill your life story right away but find one that will actually listen. Personal experience, it helps.

>> No.8500431


sigh..was bound to be asked. 5'8, 319lbs last weighed 2 weeks ago, probably a bit more by now. I'm not proud of it but I can't stop eating dominoes literally almost everyday......

>> No.8500435


I choose papa johns

best pizza and coupon codes online

>> No.8500440

Doesn't really sound like Domino's fault, dude. Don't blame Domino's.

>> No.8500441


Wow, what have you eaten today? Don't you think that maybe most people would disagree with you and say pizza from Naples or Brooklyn is better than dominoes? You're just so accustomed to the taste of dominoes nothing else beats it?

>> No.8500453


For breakfast I ate leftover pizza, 4 scrambled eggs, 5 strips of bacon, a grilled cheese sandwich, hashbrowns and a snickers bar with hot chocolate. For lunch I had 2 bowls of canned spaghetti and meat balls and garlic bread and also some chicken strips with fries/honey mustard sauce. Dinner I am doing the usual and ordering dominoes probs like large pepperoni, wings, cheese bread, dessert will be ice cream.

I know I have an issue with food. I don't blame anyone else but myself and I lack the motivation to lose weight but objectively speaking dominoes is the best pizza in the world.

>> No.8500458
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>This entire post

I don't want to live in this country anymore.

>> No.8500471
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>> No.8500476


It's further than that...I just I don't WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. I like being me and I love food. Whatever is what I say let me keep eating sheesh!

>> No.8500479


You could at least say "thanks for the advice anyway" you entitled fat cunt.

>> No.8500485

Just find a fat, ugly chick. They're out there, and just as lonely as you. But a magic wand type vibrator and hit her clit with it while doggy style. Eat a bunch of dominos, lube your dick up with pepperoni grease and stick it in her butt. Just find the female version of a fat bald dude and go to town. Fuck it, get a part time job delivering for dominos. You win, employee discount, something to do on a Friday night, and you find out who the fat girls are who regularly order pizza alone on Friday. Tell the other drivers you'll take those orders and then during the delivery mention how much you love pizza. After a couple of weeks ask if they'd like to go get pizza. Of course they'll say yes, if only for the food. Most of them haven't been touched sexually in quite some time so they may jump your bones right there. If you play your cards right you could have a whole stable of fat girls waiting for you to share some pizza and a nice fuck. Serious about the magic wand though, your going to need the extra power, and beware fat chicks cant get some nasty shit going on down there, especially if they're depressed and haven't been taking care of themselves, which is a real possibility. Um, not that I have any experience with that kind of stuff.

>> No.8500490


Seriously dude good job. Keep on at it for another year. Lift too to build muscle/tone up. Congrats.

>> No.8500512


I don't fucking want a disgusting bitch for a girlfriend I want someone hot and skinny and sexy but they all REJECTED ME for fucks sake the whores I hate them all they are so shallow and judgemental!!

>> No.8500520

As opposed to the human flesh sausage made by the resentful sons who killed their parents and took over the family restaurant?

>> No.8500522

Papa Johns is bland cardboard with fake cheese and shitty garlic dipping sauce that doesn't even taste of garlic.

>> No.8500532

yeah man where have all the good women gone huh

>> No.8500537


>Human flesh sausage

Ok come on now you're just being ridiculous.

>> No.8500539


>Papa Johns is bland cardboard with fake cheese and shitty garlic dipping sauce that doesn't even taste of garlic.


>> No.8500545

If a guy like you wants to fuck hot chicks you're going to have to pay for it. The upside is working girls are usually really nice, and not judgmental. I mean their job is to make you happy. Just save up if you have to. You should really give the fat girls a try though. Find one with a pretty face. Fat girls try harder in bed, I mean they really go the extra mile. I've found that many like anal, I have a theory about it being related to their love of eating, a subconscious connection to large bowel movements and associated stretching of the anus. Serious about that magic wand though, I mean everyone should get one.

>> No.8500556

You asshole, ill tell you the best dominoes pizza is
thin crust
garlic parmesan sauce
roasted peppers
sliced italian sausage
feta cheese

it doesnt smell weird and everything tastes like chemicals retard

>> No.8500560



>> No.8500561 [DELETED] 

I usually just get thin crust and pepperoni. Just imagining what their "garlic parmesan sauce" might look, smell, or taste like is making me feel mildly ill.

>> No.8500562

>all these dipshits falling for the obvious bait

>> No.8500584

I like both, although I generally prefer Pizza Hut and find Dominos to be cheaper.

>> No.8500590

He said you suck dick 24/7, therefore you can't eat pizza and there would be no point in serving you pizza.

>> No.8500604

You're gonna die of diabetes and/or get your legs chopped off. Please listen to your body, it is most surely telling you you can't keep up that level of consumption. Be healthy, your life is literally at stake!

Thanks, I have been exercising since I started losing weight and seriously lifting for like 8 months.

>> No.8500612

Its a garlic alfredo sauce
Do you hate garlic?

>> No.8500622


I think you meant your life is literally at STEAK!

Couldn't help myself sorry xD

>> No.8500658 [DELETED] 

Do you know what alfredo sauce is, anon? Do you know how to make it? And more importantly, how not to make it? You don't make it with pasteurize process cheese food, chinese garlic powder, modified food starch, natural and artificial colors, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil

>> No.8500662


This. Jesus fucking christ it's logic. Fast food is shit food from these chains.

>> No.8500674

Lurk more. Pasta doesn't merit a response.

>> No.8500684


OP of that post here. I fucking said "I said it before, I'll say it again."

Just because I said it before DOES NOT make it "pasta" you fucking faggot. It's completely true, my life story and if it were pasta I would have ate it. Mind your own fucking business fucking faggot.

>> No.8500698

Read this post and get your life back on track mate >>8500471

>> No.8500702


I read it and I don't care I am too far gone.

>> No.8500708

Then read these two, because that's your options.


>> No.8500715


I want to date a model tho

>> No.8500741

Yeah dude, a Lane Bryant model maybe. Got to be realistic. If you're not willing to work on yourself, and especially that attitude, you're not going to be having sex with attractive women unless you pay them. I mean, in the eternal words of my dearly departed grandfather "it's all pink on the inside and it feels the same when the lights are out" (the second part is only true as long as they're not on top, also, don't plan on being able to pull out if they're on top).

>> No.8500745

I think I remember you posting this and then hitting on you a while ago.

>> No.8500755
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>Yeah dude, a Lane Bryant model maybe.
I don't think so.

>> No.8500763

You're not wrong about Pizza Hut but this is a false dichotomy. There are far more pizza places in the world than Domino's.

>> No.8500769

this is pasta right

>> No.8500774

>Dominosfags will defend this


>> No.8500777
File: 226 KB, 767x576, 1447971085038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you know how to fix this. this one is in your control.
OP i'm 5'5 if it makes you feel better. just accept it, you literally gain nothing from wallowing in misery over something you cant control.
wear a wig. bitches wear make up, padded bras to hide their flaws. why cant you? or look into some hair growth medication
>nice face
i betcha if you lost all your weight you'd get that nice face back and start pullin bitches.
>shitty childhood/family
i just want to reach out and hug you OP i know that pain all too well. these people who wronged you are absolute scum. they have wronged you because they have been wronged themselves or feel inadequate and have to bring others down to make them feel better. Just because they are scum, doesn't mean you have to sink down to their level. the best thing to do is forget about them and surpass them. success is the best revenge

take small steps then big ones. i believe in you

>> No.8500785

lmao replace all the OP's with anons.

>> No.8500792

I would tear that shit to pieces and she wouldn't be able to walk straight for a couple of days. The thought of those thighs jiggling while her legs twitch while she's coming is making my hard.

>> No.8500798

>I would tear that shit to pieces
Not if you're a morbidly obese piece of shit.

>> No.8500804

No you aren't. I was there, I was 343 pounds stuffing my face through the whole day. I was diabetic. Started to get hard to breathe. Couldn't even criouch down without my legs feeling like they would pop. Knew I couldn't keep on doing that, so I turned my life around. Please dude, fix yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT. You deserve a good life, not one shortened by gastatory pleasures and laziness. Please heed my words. Go to /fit/, read the sticky, stay there, begin exercising daily and eat right. You'll thank me and more importantly, you'll thank yourself. Think about what I've said.

>> No.8500816

That's the whole purpose of the magic wand. Man, you need to pay attention here. Besides anon isn't morbidly obese, just regular obese.

>> No.8500842
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>340 lbs
>not morbidly obese

>> No.8500880

>>ordering pizza instead of making it from scratch.
You're a lazy ass heathern.

>> No.8500885


People that don't make their own pizza and bake it in a brick oven with organic ingredients, are pigs eating corporate slop.

>> No.8500940

You still have to steer, faggot.

>> No.8500968
File: 1.94 MB, 300x169, mfw top r8 shitposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme

>> No.8500991

I got food poisoning from Dominos. Spent 3 days shitting and puking my guts out, felt like I was gonna die.

>> No.8501021

>late at night and hungry
>have a coupon in email from Pizza Hut
>decide to order since I haven't had it in a while
>online site isn't working atm
>call up to order
>employee explains they don't have the regular crust, only the thin
>decide to get it anyways

It was slightly better than a $5 hot-n-ready that's been under the heating lamp all day. And why on Earth is the thin crust the same price as the hand tossed?

Also, the last time I went to their buffet (if any still exist) it was entirely full of obese people and the food was cafeteria quality.

>> No.8501022

Sounds like you're a massive pussy. What would you even get food poisoning from? The meat toppings are pre-cooked and then cooked again as the pizza bakes. The dough is always cooked the same way so it couldn't be raw dough. The employees have to wear plastic gloves when making pizzas so it can't be shit-transfer.

>> No.8501025

>why on Earth is the thin crust the same price as the hand tossed?

>> No.8501043

>employees have to wear plastic gloves


>> No.8501047

>And why on Earth is the thin crust the same price as the hand tossed?
If the thin crust, which is their only decent option*, were priced in relation to the amount of dough no one would but the other crusts since thin crust would be so much cheaper.

*their pan pizza is disgusting, their hand tossed is just a bland copy of Dominos, and they're both greasebombs that will leave you with loose stool all night

>> No.8501050

Pizza hut is 7.99 for a medium 4 topping pizza

domino's can only rarely compete

they taste the same to me, i'm in southern california

restaurant pizza is the true king, but it's like $20 for a single large supreme

>> No.8501052

>The employees have to wear plastic gloves when making pizzas
PH driver here. The only time plastic gloves get worn is when someone's handling chicken.

>And why on Earth is the thin crust the same price as the hand tossed?
Thin crust is premade at the factory.

>> No.8501060


Frozen > Dominos

Frozen > Pizza Slut

>> No.8501065

Pizza Hut in Australia is better than Dominos. Neither of them here use frozen bases

Dominos is fucking stingy and you barely get any decent amount of topping on the pizza

Pizza hut is less popular because they don't have as many stores (Dominos has saturated most of the market)

>> No.8501071
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For the money, 3 for $10 where I'm at, Red baron supreme isn't too bad

>> No.8501079


What's the greasiest pizza you've ever had?

>> No.8501088

>Pizza hut is 7.99 for a medium 4 topping pizza
>domino's can only rarely compete
What? You can get 2 medium 2-topping pizzas for $5.99 each at Dominos, and Dominos has 50% off sales for a week straight like every month.

>> No.8501094

>You can get 2 medium 2-topping pizzas for $5.99 each at Dominos, and Dominos has 50% off sales for a week straight like every month.
...except you can get 2 mediums at Pizza Hut for $6.99 each, and those are unlimited toppings. Plus the $10 large carryout deal, and the recent 50% off online deal.

>> No.8501105

refering to the pan pizzas since that's a $1 extra, no reason to get any other crust

only time I saw 50% off on dominos was around new years

>> No.8501127

>refering to the pan pizzas since that's a $1 extra, no reason to get any other crust
You mean aside from not wanting a liter of grease on your pizza? Their pan pazza is fucking terrible. It hasn't been good since the late 90's.
>only time I saw 50% off on dominos was around new years
They do it all the time. Pay better attention.
Maybe yours is different, but my local Pizza Hut isn't doing the unlimited toppings thing any more.

>> No.8501149

Both have a very good double pepperoni (Dominoes is better because of the crust) but for a deluxe pizza with lots of veggies I would prefer Pizza Hut, especially eating it sitting down in the restaurant.

For some reason the quality improves significantly when served in hut.

>> No.8501156

Cheesus Crust man
Please see a therapist

>> No.8501307

Pepperoni is a garbage pizza topping.

>> No.8501314

keeps the muzzies away

>> No.8502200

Local apple martket often sells Red Barons at 3 for $10.
Only thing that beats that price was great value pizza from Walmart at under $4 for a filling pizza.

>> No.8502210

>wear a wig
Guys if you're going bald, never do this. Grow a well trimmed beard and shave your head. Get some stylish glasses and get in shape.

>> No.8502245

You clearly dont live in chicago

>> No.8502297
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>You clearly dont live in chicago
Clearly, because if he did he wouldn't be posting at all.

>> No.8502301

don't confuse 'tasty' with 'healthy' please.

>> No.8502312

Stuffed crust or fuck off.

>> No.8502999


>> No.8503127

dominos is the best national chain at least

>> No.8503267

Domino's Pizza is the best.
I love that they come in an edible box made from the same dough as the bases.

>> No.8503452

>calling crust "bases"
Was it autism?

>> No.8503559
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I just witnessed /ck/ cooking up a delicious pasta. Include me in the screencap.

>> No.8503606

Word. I spent 4 months on Long Island. Made it to Manhattan and Brooklyn several times. Ate a bunch of "great" pizza at these local spots. One day aunt decides to get Dominos... Better than all that other expensive shit by leagues.

>> No.8504591

Domino's has improved greatly since they came out with their pan pizza. It still doesn't come close to PH pan though.

I think it's PH's cheese that's way better.

>> No.8504614

Pizza Hut's pan pizza is fucking awful and has been for almost 20 years.

>> No.8504633

I order both, but I miss when Pizza Hut had some different options like the P'Zone or those pizza rollers that were better for one person.

See, the thing is, I only really eat pizza when I'm drunk, late at night, as my last option. Dominos is good if I want a sandwich or chicken as a side on the cheap. Pizza Hut is fastest.

I prefer the mom & pop places, but for the amount of food, delivery fee, and all of the other hassle, they're rare for me. I'm looking at about $20 per order for a medium at the mom & pop, $14 for delivery and two mediums at Dominos.

>> No.8504728

Incredible pasta

>> No.8504734

yes. I saw this posted a few days ago

>> No.8504808
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Do you like (((new york))) style pizza by chance?

This is a good thicc 'za

>> No.8505060

>I hate this world i ate this world


>> No.8505074

Only time I liked Papa John's was when they had their buffalo chicken pizza. Now that it's gone, I stopped ordering from them again.

>> No.8505078

I used to really like pizza hut, honestly. The one in my tiny town was pretty good, and I miss the fucking pzone.

>> No.8505082


>> No.8505093

>Do you like (((new york))) style pizza by chance?
I think it's overrated but tasty.

>> No.8505104

Their pan pizza is good, but everything else is shitty and bland. My girlfriend always wants Papa John's every weekend and I have to ask for a bunch of those seasoning packets to thoroughly dust my pizza. And where I used to look forward to eating their crust because of the delicious garlic sauce, I now don't eat their bland cardboard crust at all since the garlic is also somehow bland now.

>> No.8505164

Back when Pizza hut use to do any pizza, any size, any toppings for $10 for new online accounts, I got an XL stuffed crust with extra pepperoni, extra chicken, extra bacon, extra sausage, and some veges. Besides the fact I got extra bacon, that shit was covered in grease and I felt like I had a heart attack after I ate a few pieces. For that reason I can't stand fast food pizza anymore except Papa Johns.

>> No.8505375
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this, I only get domino's chicken pineapple white sauce pan pizza. never had pizza hut, only pizza hut I've seen was half a taco bell and closed when I was 8

yes, I am a faggot

>> No.8505512


>Be me
>Little chubby
>Get numbers left and right
>Tons of friends
>Get totally banging hot native gf
>Get a job
>Charismatic. People love me
>It's a shity chain job (papa John's)
>Try my best anyway
>Win an award
>Before I leave to new job manager tells me he'll right me a letter of recommendation for any papa John's Incase I need a job again one day

Lol whenever I read these posts about "other people's fault" I can't help but think of the shity people making these posts. I was raised shity. I got hit. I got kicked out. My parents told me they hated me. Wah wah wah. But I was charismatic and allways tried to make the best of any/every situation. Just because you were born with a life a little harder then others Dosent make it anyone's fault that you stopped trying when a greater person would of carried on

>> No.8505525

both are cheap shit that are awful in different ways.

doesn't stop me from eating either occasionally

>> No.8505608

Domino's is a pizza place

>> No.8505849
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>> No.8505891
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Pizza Hut is the dullest franchise in the history of pizza franchises. Seriously each greasy pie following the 2 liter of Diet Coke and breadsticks has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the greasy cheese, the chain’s only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of toppings, all to make pizza not tasty, to make breadsticks seem stale.
Perhaps the die was cast when Yum! Brands vetoed the idea of using fresh toppings; she made sure the pizza would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody; just ridiculously profitable greasy slop. The Pizza Hut pizza might be anti-Vegan (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Dominos chain in its refusal of taste, freshness, and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the P' zone was good though
The filling is dreadful; the crust was terrible. As I ate, I noticed that every time I took a bite, the grease from the pepperoni squirted out on my face or lap.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that happened. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous.The Pizza Hut menu is so governed by cliches and gimmick items that they has no other style of cooking. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pizza Hut by the same Papa John. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are eating Pizza Hut at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to eat Papa John's." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you eat "Pizza Hut" you are, in fact, trained to eat Papa John's.

>> No.8505899

>white castles
>shit tier

literally best fries

>> No.8505932

Are you litteraly proud of getting a letter of recommendation from a shitty job like that.


Babby's first job?

I've got recommendation letters from all my previous jobs. Jobs that didn't involve minimum wage.

>> No.8505940

>people who prefer 1 brand of childrens food over another brand of childrens food are fucking maniacs

Like there's any fucking difference

>> No.8506315

>yes, I am a faggot
Don't denigrate faggots like that, you animal. Not even faggots are as disgusting as you.

>> No.8506320
File: 42 KB, 541x498, mfw srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right me a letter

>> No.8506332

That ranking is bullshit. Five Guys, Papa John's and Steak & Shake in God Tier? BWW in High Tier? Rally's on in Mid Tier? DQ, Burger King, Dominos, Quiznos and Jack In The Box way down in Low Tier? Arby's in Shit Tier?
This list is full blown autistic.

>> No.8506354

this debate comes up quite a bit in my internet friend circle.

the thing is, there's so many restaurants all over the world, they cant ALWAYS produce the SAME exact tasting stuff, unless it's like McDonalds. theres going to be a bit of variety. one dominos you go to can be shitty and another one you go to can be good. it really depends, so the whole argument is useless.

also different strokes for different folks? I dont like how much garlic powder they smother in my local dominos. the local pizzahut on the otherhand, let's you choose your crust flavoring, and actually listens closely to my order. it may be a bit greasy, but that's what napkins are for!

anyways that's my take. although this board has been fast-food wars for a while now, but arguing over tastes in food can be kind of pointless.

Also i just did the CAPTCHA, and i had to select a storefront. one of the storefronts was a Dominos, i shit you not.

>> No.8506363

Domino's a shit

>> No.8506373

>it may be a bit cummy, but that's what napkins are for!
Stop being a shill.

>> No.8506374

Hey come on. Arby's is at least mid tier you asshole

>> No.8506772

That's a pretty funny post, anon.

>> No.8506994


I hope this is bait.

>> No.8507038

>Pizza Hut Franchisee Files for Bankruptcy

>> No.8508368



>> No.8508416

In my hometown there's an insurance office(can't recall the specific company) that used to a Pizza Hut and it still has the old Pizza Hut roof, all bright red and everything.

>> No.8508451


>> No.8508607

shut the fuck up vsauce man

>> No.8508622

Itt: Everyone responds to stale pasta like new fags.

>> No.8508656

Got food poisoning from dominoes, sweat, saliva and all clothing smelled like dominoes pizza dough for a month while in and out of ICU.

I smell dominoes and I get headaches. Shit sucks, but pizzahut double pepperoni is the shit.

>> No.8508759

>I'll admit it I'm obese, 339lbs. It's largely the fault of society.

Laughed and stopped reading right there.

>> No.8508765

>i ate this world
what did he mean by this

>> No.8509502


Not a half bad rendition, you lose a few points for some of the words used which I feel were somewhat dull

>> No.8509577

The last time I ate Dominos, the grease from the slice I was eating ran down my arm and dripped onto my shirt.

Pizza Hut has never done me wrong, but Papa Johns is my preference.

>> No.8509755

>Got food poisoning from dominoes, sweat, saliva and all clothing smelled like dominoes pizza dough for a month while in and out of ICU.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

>> No.8509759

>dominos is too greasy
>pizza hut is just fine
How does one even get to Opposite World?

>> No.8510041

idk I like dominos crust and will ocassionally get weird cravings for their pizza, however there are usually much better alternatives near by. I live in CT, so it's one of the best places for pizza. I could take a short drive and go to Joey Garlics which serves New Haven style pizza, or I could go down the road to a place called Village Pizza where they have really awesome pizza, granted not new haven style but still amazing.

>> No.8510094

>new haven style pizza

Good god, another regional variation to be ridiculed and trashed. OK, lets hear it: wtf is New Haven style? Or better yet, give us a pic if you don't think it will induce immediate vomitting.

Why can't you flyovers and commiefornians just eat true pizza?

>> No.8510105

>I went to Italy for 2 weeks a few years ago and the pizza was wildly different everywhere I went.
Pizza isn't italian. It's italian american.

This. Dominos is the fast food equivalent of pizza. I like it, but it's not the same as Brooklyn pizza.

>> No.8510108

>The best chain pizza by far is Papa Johns prove me wrong tho pro tip you can't
Papa johns is cancer, it's worse than eating white castle for your colon.

>> No.8510113

Actually their dipping sauce is their only saving grace.

>> No.8510179

Pizza slur is total shite.
Papa night isn't much better.

>> No.8510461

>new haven style pizza
let me just google this dumb shit...
>In a New Haven-style pizzeria, a "plain" pizza is crust, oregano, and tomato sauce with a little bit of grated pecorino romano cheese sprinkled on. Mozzarella (known as "mootz" in the local Italian dialect) is considered to be a topping; a customer who wants it must ask for it.
>What makes New Haven style pizza distinct is its thin, oblong crust, characteristic charring, chewy texture, and limited use of melting cheeses. It tends to be drier and thinner than, but closely related to, traditional New York style pizza. Both styles in turn are close descendants of the original Neapolitan style.
So it's just New York style pizza without cheese. Why the fuck does that get it's own name?

>> No.8510467

It's garbage now. It barely tastes of garlic at all and it's too thick to be properly absorbed by the crust. Their garlic dipping sauce used to be much more flavorful and much thinner so the crust actually soaked it up.

>> No.8510549

no one I know calls it mootz. No one really orders it plain either. You just order it like you would any regular pizza. It's usually baked in a brick oven too.

I'd say it's more thin than new york style pizza.

>> No.8510557

True Pizza? Our Pizza is better than New York style. Frank Pepe's pizza has been rated number 1 in america multiple times.

If you're ever in CT, try it sometime.

>> No.8510576

>Frank Pepe's pizza has been rated number 1 in america multiple times.
By who? Frank and Pepe?

>> No.8510603

You sir, are a moron. I have never eaten either Pizza Hut or Dominos (we don't have them in my country) but how the hell can you say that the pizza they sell at a major unpersonalized pizza chain beats real pizza made in fucking Italy? You do realise that these pizzas are made with ingredients you will never find at any major pizza chain, right? It's called passion.

Fucking lardass american.

>> No.8510658

>you can taste passion and pretension in the food
Fucking retarded Europoors.

>> No.8510660


>> No.8510670

Saying you love pizza and having a pizza chain pizza as a favourite pizza is the equivelant of saying you love women but prefer prostitutes, it might feel the same but come on everybodys been there.

>> No.8510681

>something is worse if it's popular
Fucking hipster trash. pls kys

>> No.8510972

first name frank, last name pepe

I admit I did lol though.



>> No.8512093

It's not worse because it's popular, it's worse because it's shit. End of discussion.

>> No.8512119 [DELETED] 

are you actually trying to convince a flyover that there are differences between foods?

it's like talking to a wall, you might as well try and convince them that Trump isn't going to make them shit money by starting a war with Mexico

>> No.8512185

Can we please ignore that OBVIOUS bait derailer that talks about obesity and instead talk about pizza?

What is good NON MEME pizza!

>> No.8512243

Neither are great, but the sauce at Domino's is so God damn sweet it's like jam. It makes the pizza inedible.

>> No.8512318

Flyover? Wat?

>> No.8513116

>I hate this world i ate this world i fucking HATE THIS WORLD
>i ate this world

>> No.8513120

what did she mean by this

>> No.8513122


>> No.8513483

pizza hut is actually the best. but it depends on the location. some places dont turn the ovens on hot enough and the bottom of the dough isnt crisp enough., when you find one that does it right, its unbeatable

>> No.8513497

>End of discussion.
What a pretentious cunt.

>> No.8513661

You can't argue worth shit nigger.

>> No.8513784

Pizza Hut is great right out of the oven, though. Sometimes the grease just adds to the flavor. Domino's is still the better pizza for carryout or delivery. They also make good sandwiches too.

>> No.8513790

Plus Papa John himself bitched about raising the cost of his pizza by .17 cents just so he couldn't pay for his employee's healthcare. Yet he still gives them away free after every sporting event.

>> No.8514013
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just be thankful you found at least one woman who would let you fuck her kek

>> No.8514049

>going to a pizza shop
>get sandwiches

I hope you get shot on your way home

>> No.8514682

Dominos meatball sandwich is pretty damn tasty.

>> No.8514899
File: 73 KB, 640x644, 1480981514345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing i hate about pizza hut is their sauce i eat their pizza and the next morning i feel like i have a knife in my throat but i love the cheese