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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8498734 No.8498734 [Reply] [Original]

It is possible that I'm gonna flank college. I've always been interested in cooking, I love it, and if I really drop out, I'd like to open up a butcher shop. There really is no competition in a city where I live, you can't even get any proper steaks or other beef products around here. Just overpriced ones in supermarkets.

It wouldn't be anything huge, just a nice little shop with a reasonable ammount of quality products.

If I'd go down this route, what steps should I take? As I said I'm fond of cooking, but I guess I don't have enough knowledge or skills to actually open up a business right away. Not even money for it.

Did anyone opened a business here from the scratch? I don't feel like this is a too naive and unrealistic goal, it could actually work out. What steps should I take to achieve this?

>> No.8498739
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>waste mommy and daddy's money trying to decide if you want to flunk out of school for fun or just barely graduate
>should I open a small retail business instead? I mean hey why not?

Would have been nice to have been born rich

>> No.8498744

If you always liked cooking then why not have your mommy and daddy send you to culinary school instead of college?

>> No.8498750

I'm not OP but it's more often poor people in America at least that are encouraged to go to college without knowing exactly what they want to do because they should "have a better life than their parents". At least now he's considering a real way to create value in his community unlike most young "educated" people these days.

>> No.8498751

Change your major, you fucking dip. Or finish general coursework and transfer somewhere with a culinary program.

>> No.8498752

Why do you assume that mommy and daddy are paying me for college? I'm not from US, college education is free here and I make money for myself from sidejobs. Sure they send me some cash from time to time, but nothing big.

I come from a middle class family, if I really wanted to open up the store, I'd probably went oversea to make me some money. What's your beef? Stop projecting faggots.

>> No.8498755

We have no culinary majors over here.

>> No.8498758

Not on topic, but what are you studying and why are you considering dropping out - failing grades, disinterest, or what? Is it your first year?

>> No.8498768

African American History

>> No.8498772

>flank college
>F L A N K

It's fucking inevitable, OP.

>> No.8498786

>I don't feel like this is a too naive and unrealistic goal
who are you going to get your "quality meats" from? Usually the reason a butcher shop like what you're describing isn't in your area is because there isn't an affordable source of quality meat for a cheap price in your area. Even if the meat is good quality, it's probably so expensive after acquiring and working it that you'll price yourself right out of business.

Call some farms, make some appointments, and get some numbers. It's less feasible than you'd think.

>> No.8498794
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I really didn't know what to do after I ended high school, in the matter of fact, I never really knew what to do with my life so I just went studying some more, just to give me some time before having to live the work life of an adult. I picked up something I was always interested in, even though I knew that unless you are really good at it you won't get nowhere and nobody cares about you. It's the second year of film and journalism, I know. I really love film and writing. It's an interesting major to study but that's about it. Please don't sperg about it, cucks.

>> No.8498801

>Did anyone opened a business here from the scratch?
my mom makes pasties (Pasty: Michigan regional dish that is essentially a cornish meat pie, old miner lunch that probably inspired the Hotpocket™ later) in batches of a dozen at a time and freezing them. $1 to make in ingredients per, she shared a few with neighbors and co-workers, they wanted to buy them they liked them so much and she charges them $4 apiece, and makes about 50 a week. Does her business thru phone calls and facebook and arranges pickups at her work(hospital) before shifts.

Her dream is to open a bakery to sell coffee and pasties to people, but she's currently only doing $200 a week in business average so far. Upscaling would be a hassle too, with more overhead and health dept getting involved.

>> No.8498809

There are farms to get these products. Even specialized for beef meat and not even that far from the city I'd like to open this up. Just about 2 hours drive away at maximum.

>> No.8498839

call them up and get quotes, figure out what it would cost to get a cow's worth of meat, how much meat that would provide you, and how much you would have to charge to turn a profit.

>> No.8498845

>college education is free
>he fell for the "free" meme

>> No.8498849

>ignorant burger thinks only of expense in isolation and sees not return of investment
Not only is it free, it is of negative societal cost. It's a virtual money printing press.

>> No.8498885

Go on Shark Tank, that's the best way to start a business

>> No.8499032

injoi dat bancrupcy

>> No.8499053

This is an excellent point. At least over here, where an education doesn't fuck your ass financially.

>> No.8499374


>> No.8499873


>> No.8500664

>It is possible that I'm gonna flank college.

came here to laugh at this
