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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 564x421, IMG_5752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8493293 No.8493293 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw.

>> No.8493301

I would be projectile vomiting pure stomach acid if I ate this.

>> No.8493310

>pickled jalapenos

>> No.8493315
File: 39 KB, 720x480, kafkaqesque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's no flaws in burnt cake pizza

>> No.8493326

Your mother conceived.

>> No.8493338
File: 21 KB, 220x244, 220px-49-aspetti_di_vita_quotidiana,_vomito,Taccuino_Sanitatis,_Ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude. Was that your gram's recipe for cherry pie and you substituted tomatos and jalepenos?

>> No.8493383
File: 67 KB, 600x450, cheech-saucystache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sauce in your mustache man!

>> No.8493385

I'm not eating it.

>> No.8493397

I'm actually kinda curious how a 'go 'za would taste as a yuro. I'm assuming like lasagna without the pasta. Either way, I think it might be good if a bit overpowering.

>> No.8493432

It looks like a prop from Hellraiser.

>> No.8493452

Raw canned tomatoes with nasty canned halapeños.

Not eatin' that stuff

>> No.8493473

Could really use some anchovies.

>> No.8494714

needs must
needs must

>> No.8494725


It's not what you think. It's not a cheese sauce in there, it's pound or two of mozzarella with 'toppings' near the surface, then tomato sauce over the top. Ever had raclette or baked brie/vacherin? It's like that but blander

>> No.8494727

>I'm actually kinda curious how a 'go 'za would taste
It's a buttery brioche kind of crust. The cheese is rich, because it's full fat, not skim milk cheese, and the sauce is on top, just enough. A good_traditional_ chicago pizza pie should and will have italian sausage crumbled on top of the sauce, which will cook in a high heat oven, releasing the pork fat juices and fennel, oregano, garlic and other herbal flavor down into the cheese and sauce. The strongest cheese is on top, the parm is grated fresh. A Chicago deep dish pizza is pretty much nothing like pizza, and more like a casserole like you said, lasagna minus the pasta sheets, but with the crust, it's like getting your garlic bread in each bite too. It's a lot like mozzarella sticks, oozing cheese, if you've had those.

>> No.8494732
File: 2.42 MB, 3216x2136, DSC_1562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. You don't get these outside of the U.S. and Amerifats argue about them continually. As a Brit it just makes me want to try one to see what the fuss is about.

All we have is actual Italian style pizza or commercial U.S. pan style like Dominos or Pizza Hut.

>> No.8494737

Nice tomatosauce pie.

>> No.8494805

that looks simpler and better

>> No.8495144

>Deep dish

>> No.8495186

It looks like a nigger stole most of the cheese and toppings

>> No.8496340

His mom sucks nigger cock, so shit happens.

>> No.8496678

It's tomato soup in a burnt bread bowl

>> No.8496901


Not deep enough

>> No.8496915

The picture was taken with an iCuck phone so you already know OP has pleb taste

>> No.8496995

Please, no meat touching ma'am

>> No.8497031

Android is for niggers and europoors. This is an indisputable fact. Look up one of those maps that show the locations of android versus iOS users, Android areas are nigger central. Stay broke, Tyrone.

>> No.8497039

>Pays more for an objectively worse product
>B-but Think Different!
>Bought the phone to fit in with every other retard who bought it
>Bragging about it
I swear iphone owners are the biggest retards in existence

>> No.8497042

everything is better pickled.

>> No.8497043

Doesn't change the fact that you're a broke ass nigger, Jamal. Enjoy your shitty little android phone.

>> No.8497045

is this a deep dis pizu?? t. thinkin of making one someday

>> No.8497052

How much did you pay for your refurbed iphoney 5s, jamal? And I tell you how much I paid for my brand new galaxy 7

>> No.8497057

You keep implying these implications but you're just talking out of your ass my cucked friend

>> No.8497065

You stole that shitty Samsung, you shiftless nigger. Maybe steal something of value next time, you crack addled chimp. Good night now dumb jig, don't let that phone explode and burn down the slum you live in! ;)

>> No.8497066

>paying more for "refined software" because too retarded for open source


>> No.8497067

says the broke nigger that has to finance his iturd over 2 years.

>> No.8497073

Insanity: The post.

>> No.8497074

No, you just think about dudes asses and cucking nonstop because you are an aids ridden faggot.

>> No.8497076
File: 34 KB, 292x294, 1472092966008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jalapenos are fine for a 'za, but they don't belong on a 'go 'za.

>> No.8497078

Not an argument

>> No.8497079

t. Some broke nigger

>> No.8497087

Can we get a mod in here to clean up all this racist garbage?

>> No.8497102

no, but you can fuck off to reddit, faggot.

>> No.8497109

What's with your obsession with reddit?

>> No.8497112

what's your obsession with racism?

>> No.8497156


>> No.8497179
File: 207 KB, 1300x955, lazy-pigs-37716451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod here. Behave yourself, bloody teens, I'm having a moment here with the missus.
Now, leave me alone or I fucking bite your nob off.

>> No.8497187

Can we get a mod in here to clean up all this newfag?

>> No.8497873

It's a jpg on my computer screen instead of a physical pizza in front of me.

>> No.8497926

Except cucumbers. And everything else.
Fresh food beats brine shit.

>> No.8497978

choking hazard