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File: 266 KB, 453x340, faygo_at100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8492316 No.8492316 [Reply] [Original]

Send yo mama straight up to the sto'
Tell that bitch bring home Faygo

>> No.8492375

Faygo cream soda is clear, so it's like an actually appealing version of crystal pepsi

>> No.8492419

All cream soda is clear

>> No.8492495

Dr. Pepper isn't

>> No.8492522

Crush cream soda isnt clear

>> No.8492570


no it's not you absolute idiot.

>> No.8493336

Moon mist > mello yellow > dew

>> No.8493497


Some is, most isn't. Back in Newfoundland you can get clear cream soda. The cans of it have brass colored tops so you can tell the difference. It's a lot sweeter. Personally I don't like the clear or pink...

>> No.8493610

what is redpop

>> No.8493710

A&W isn't.

>> No.8494756

Strawberry flavored soda
It's good, and when I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me have it because she said it turns your pee red

>> No.8494764
File: 33 KB, 634x411, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what year is it?

>> No.8494773

britbongistani so can't :(
plus the dumb cunt would get the wrong one

>> No.8494779

>what is redpop
I think it's more like a red colored cream soda flavor, but I haven't had it years.

>> No.8494815
File: 145 KB, 640x640, rocknrye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red colored cream soda flavor
My friend you are thinking of Rock & Rye, it is basically a cherry cream soda

>> No.8494980

>god tier
60/40, Rock n Rye, Grape
>good tier
Red pop, Moon mist, Cream, Root Beer, Twist
>bad tier
Peach, Cola, Cotton Candy, any diet Faygo

>> No.8494984

Thoughts on candy apple? It's one of my favorites.

>> No.8494985

Peach is the best flavor

>> No.8494999

your opinions r shit
actually never had this one, seen it in the store and never been tempted enough

would add black cherry to good tier but forgot about it

>> No.8495000

>Once spilled grape Faygo on my counterttop
>To this day it's still stained purple

I don't know what the fuck is in Faygo but you can use it as industrial grade dye

>> No.8495012

>bleed on my sock a year ago
>it's still stained
Idk what's in blood, but I'd avoid it.

>> No.8495020
File: 362 KB, 1500x1500, reallygoodshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ability to not inject insulin everyday, slayer, has arrived. good shit though.

>> No.8495047
File: 437 KB, 461x1167, 24oz_bot_blue_moon_mist-SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier:
Peach, Moon Mist Blue, Rock n Rye
Good tier:
Red Pop, Moon Mist, Moon Mist Red, Cream, Root Beer, Blue Raspberry, 60/40
Bad tier:
Cola....it's not even that bad, but it just tastes like not quite Coke/Pepsi, so, by that standard it kinda sucks

Also I'm pretty sure the Blue/Red variations of Moon Mist have been discontinued for years, but they still count because I remember them vividly and Blue was god tier, me and my friend would drink it all night and play Capcom vs SNK 2 and Tekken, good times

>> No.8495069

Blue moon mist is still available near me in minnesota

>> No.8496070

Damn, I haven't seen it in years

>> No.8496099

ICP is still relevant Eminem isn't

>> No.8496109

>ever relevant
I don't have a laughing reaction image with enough laughing for this.

>> No.8496311

I like both Eminem and ICP to some extent, but that's a pretty dumb thing to say

>> No.8496331

They were for a bit. Their wrestling shit was actually pretty okay sometimes

>> No.8496512

ICP still puts albums out, tours a lot does the gathering, Eminem hasn't done shit since the mmlp2

>> No.8496527

their peach is good but the top of the bottle smells like valerian or feet or something. other flavours don't do that. neither do other brands of peach. just faygo peach.

fite me irl

>> No.8496564

That's because they have to, do you know how big Eminem is? He doesn't tour because he doesn't need to...he just does select shows when he feels like it, then goes back to his mansion

If ICP ever took a break from the road their whole machine would collapse, they usually LOSE money on the gathering every year

Also, in terms of major albums Eminem is at like 8, ICP just put out their 13th....when you consider ICP has been active since what, 1990? And Eminem came out in like 96 or 97....it's not like they're that far off from how often they do studio albums

>> No.8496579

Ur just counting the joker's cards. They have done tons of EPs, a few solo albums countless group albums and compilation albums they have a lot of material.

>> No.8496667

Once again though, it's really out of necessity...ICP pushes tons of product and is on the road nonstop because being independent, that is the only thing that keeps their machine going and the only way they ARE able to do things like the gathering

If anything, this shows how much less relevant they are than Eminem in the grand scheme of things, I mean when Eminem hasn't done a true nationwide tour like ICP does yearly since like the early 2000s....when Eminem "tours" now it's just making international appearances here and there, hell look at the stats for his touring cycle from the MMLP2

No. of shows 6 in North America
No. of shows 2 In Europe 2 in Africa 4 in Oceania
8 total

Now, ICP does wayyyyyyyyy more shows than that every year in the US alone...and they probably still make a lot less money

>> No.8496715

who here has trouble getting faygo? I don't see it a lot here. a couple gas stations in town sell it but that's it.

>> No.8496719

Where do you live?

>> No.8496737


>> No.8497058

Oh, its very common in Michigan and probably Ohio

>> No.8497130
File: 71 KB, 540x540, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about pineapple desu

>> No.8497169


>> No.8497213

I refuse to buy anything with sucralose in it so I've never had any.