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8491144 No.8491144 [Reply] [Original]

What do you know about British meat pies, are they any good? Something about this picture really appeals to me, like it's food out of a medieval fantasy. I think I want to take a crack at it.

>> No.8491150

Best kind of pie is a british meat pie. I highly recommend it.

>> No.8491152

>half is 3 pounds
>whole is 5.95
top fucking lel

>> No.8491155

what's funny?

>> No.8491163

They're okay, but not as good as hot meat pies.

The GOAT is steak and kidney pudding, which is like a pie, but is steamed instead of baked and is encased in suet pastry rather than shortcrust or puff pastry.

>> No.8491187

$11 for a fucking meat pie you could buy frozen for $7 and make for $4.

>> No.8491204

Honestly rather buy one than fuck around with making the pastry, preparing the filling, and cooking it.

>> No.8491207

>not as good as hot meat pies.
These are served cold? fuck that then

>> No.8491210

Sausagemeat pie is GOAT, espcially with HP sauce

>> No.8491216

Australian meat pies are atrocious yet they praise them for some reason.

>> No.8491219

Post-ironic plebs will praise overpriced gristly service station pies and mechanically separated meat sausages sold at chain hardware stores, if you fell for the meme rather than going to a good bakery then I am genuinely sorry you missed out.

>> No.8491226

>not as good as hot meat pies.
This, I do love some steaming hot chicken and mushroom pie, but those look just all right. Would totally have them as a snack when hiking.

>> No.8491229
File: 64 KB, 800x600, Chicken-Pie_13944[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pie.

>> No.8491234

A perfect semen hiding vessel, delish!

>> No.8491269

Dude what are you rambling about? A whole pie there is only 6 USD.

>> No.8491939



>> No.8492159

Yeah those are pretty expensive. They are the sort bought by yuppies.

>> No.8492167

i'm a pie lover but those are way overpriced

they're trying to be gourmet, when a pie is meant to be anything but

steak and ale, meat and potato or chicken or gtfo

>> No.8492173

6 pounds is $7. Where's the $11 coming from?

I'd gladly pay $7 for that, looks like a decent amount of food.

>> No.8492176

>Good Boy Points
>worth anything

>> No.8492202
File: 52 KB, 650x511, Macaroni_pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pie coming through

>> No.8492221

Hot pies filled with stew or some sort of gravy on the meat are indeed delicious, but they're a different thing. I enjoy them with a softer pastry, save for the crusty top.

>> No.8492359

Pork pies are the absolute best. Used to get them from the butcher who made them himself as a treat.

>> No.8492364

They all look so dry and bland.

they might not be, but meat pies look very unappealing to eat.

>> No.8492367

There are many, many different types of meat pie from the UK, to be either both hot & cold, with everything from puff pastry to hot water pastry. So it's a bit hard to give an answer that covers everything.

Pork pies are delicious, though.

>> No.8492371

>They all look so dry and bland.

It's a good job you don't eat them with your eyes.

"It looks bland" is the dumbest fucking thing anyone can say. You can't see seasoning, famalam.

>> No.8492372
File: 23 KB, 369x398, IMG_8878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongs don't know shit about meat pies.

>> No.8492376

I just finished watching Sweeney Todd. No way in hell I'm having a meat pie today

>> No.8492382

>Literally a pie that was brought over to Australia from Britain, by British immigrants.

It's a British pie my Antipodean cousin. Dropping it in pea soup and drowning it in ketchup doesn't change that.

>> No.8492417

I don't know why amerifats rag on britbong meatpies so much. They're essentially pot pies without the "pot," and all amerifats love those.

>> No.8492427

They're really not, though.

>> No.8492432

I love meat pies

>> No.8492434

Not all of us do, just the type of people that don't like potpies in the first place. I love pot pies and I have always wanted to try meatpies, my ex boyfriend on the other hand thought that potpies were gross so disliked the idea of meat pies. but the moron loved empanads which were almost the same thing.

>> No.8492581
File: 152 KB, 400x310, strayan_pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local grocery store in Norway is selling these. I think they're pretty good. Any Aussies can tell me how these scale in their opinion?

>> No.8492590


ok britbottle, we get that you're terribly defensive about your even more terrible food.

now back to fucking your sister, corntooth.

>> No.8492600

5 GBP is 6 bucks USD. Where the fuck is your 11 bucks coming from?

>> No.8492616

>$11 for a fucking meat pie you could buy frozen for $7 and make for $4.
Probably because it's game meat, I'd assume.

>> No.8492792
File: 92 KB, 500x500, IMG_7171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vili's pies rate pretty good m80.

>> No.8492835

LMAO 420 !!!!1!!

>> No.8493023


>> No.8493031

Like a toddler screaming for attention.

Very sad.

>> No.8493086

Vili's are pretty good, one of the better pies available frozen at supermarkets. I think the gravy of their ordinary pie is a bit too reduced and seasoned, but some of their other offerings are really good.

>> No.8494201


>> No.8494301

Why? Like any thread that isn't about fast food it's just full of yanks spouting boring stereotypes on things they know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.8494305

I got charged £17 for one of those at a restaurant place in London last week.

It was nice.

>> No.8494316



>> No.8494324


Probably the best chain store pie that Australia has to offer. In my city (Adelaide), that is where Vili's is based and their fairly popular here.

The only thing better than Vili's here is the independent bakery pies.

>> No.8494325

>Mediterranean people hating on pork pies
Every time I try to get my friends to try them.

>muh dryness
>not muh pie
>where's the gallon of olive oil
>ew it's disgusting

Just eat the goddamn pie, you mongrels. You're making the rest of us look bad.

>> No.8494833

very good. i love them

>> No.8494909

Pate chaud > everything

>> No.8495182

you can get that kind of pie in every store in england

>> No.8495216

They are slicing pies, you usually eat just a small slice as part of a cold platter with some chutney and cheese and salad items.

>> No.8495246

Love me a cold pork pie

>> No.8495660
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 91729011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we do. You got it from us, same place you got the mushy peas.

It's about one of the only truly excellent things we do well.

>> No.8496206

Wild boar and guinea fowl are difficult to source, and these don't exactly look cheaply made. Scotch pies are divine, especially a good steak and ale.

>> No.8496714

really it depends how big the pies are

>> No.8496903

>What do you know about British meat pies
Reasonable amount, Brit who moved up North

>are they any good?
Without a doubt, people give us shit for heavy pastries, pasties and pies but they're fucking great. The veg based ones are solid too. Butter pie is legit

For all the shit us and the Scots say about each other, we can both learn a lot about each others unhealthy, drunk food

>> No.8497690

Few of us around it seems. I'm not strictly from Adelaide, but I am here currently and have lived here for a while.

What's your pick of the bakeries?

>> No.8497705

How do you make the pastry? What's the recipe?

I fuck up every single time I try to make a good meat pie.

>> No.8497815


Brighton Bakery for pies, doughnuts and good stuff when down that way.

Red door bakery upscale fancy bakery, but they make good pies.

Bakery on O'connell, 24/7 bakery and make some nice pies along with pastries.

Boulangerie 113 mostly pastries here, they do the best crossaints in adelaide (imo)

Jenny's bakery, these guys mostly do meme bakery items like cronuts, and also breakfast

Cherry Darlings, a vegan bakery that does a lot of fake meat pies, pasties, etc

>> No.8497826

But where's the gravy? Can't have a good meat pie without gravy in it...

> NZ steak and cheese pie masterrace

>> No.8497835

Mates live right across from O'Connell bakery, give the Aussie lamb a crack next time you are nearby.

>> No.8497880


peppersteak my man.

>> No.8498024

>visit the US
>they call trolleys "shopping carts" and think I want fruit when I'm after a pie
pecan pies are pretty good though

>> No.8498256

Worthless after Brexit

>> No.8498262

*British prisoners

>> No.8498283

Meat pies are the predominant pie in Australia.
Fruit pies just seem weird to me.
My favourite type of meat pie is the Pepper Steak. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.8498292

Imagine shit, wrapped in shit with a drizzle of liquid shit.

They're a bit like that.

>> No.8498296


nah lad they are delicious, you can heat them if you wish but they are lovely cold

>> No.8498299

>mushy peas

oh you mean the thing literally nobody eats here? take your mushy peas back to hell with you, same with the alleged "pie floater" a dish I've never even seen on a menu or know of anyone who's eaten one

>> No.8498322
File: 238 KB, 453x287, Raspberry_Princess'_Meat_Pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since i saw meat pies on adventure time i wanted one.

I was thinking about making one myself but i have no idea what type of meat to put in it.

>> No.8498336

you haven't had a good one
the store ones are all fucking horrible
but ones from bakeries are amazing

>> No.8498365

this is top secret, do not steal

olive oil
2 large onions
1 bay leaf
gelatin leaves or powder
500g mince
500g chuck

cube the chuck into a 2cm dice brown and brown (make sure to season) then remove and set aside, brown the onion, brown the mince (SEASON DAMMIT), add the browned chuck back, add bay leaf, add enough water to cover
simmer until its basically a regular thick stew.
fish out the bay leaf, check for final seasoning and add enough gelatin powder/leaves to set the mixture halfway what you would expect from a normal jelly

>> No.8498373

Here Anon, have some real maccheroni pie.

>> No.8498380
File: 29 KB, 478x318, 4c21b35741eb389f5c617add2a3235b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, really

>> No.8498387

been hitting the piss in north adelaide,
very tempted to hit up the bakery

>> No.8498443
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170123_234344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it

>> No.8498490

>fu ice coffee

>> No.8498601

We're countries separated by a common language. They say to-may-to, we say to-mah-to. They say shooting range, we say nursery.

>> No.8498610


what the actual fuck. there are no cranberries found in the UK. they are ONLY from North America and ONLY from VERY SPECIFIC regions.

fucking fakers

>> No.8498970

Your parents didn't give you much attention growing up, huh?