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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 284 KB, 600x600, free from sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8487427 No.8487427 [Reply] [Original]

>Go on a diet for 2 months
>Eat a piece of cake and drink a coke as a reward
>Tastes like sugary shit

Woah, am I finally free?

>> No.8487437

What kind of cake did you have? Are you in america? Because that might be the problem.

>> No.8487445

I had some chocolate birthday cake from my cousin's party.

It would have tasted amazing 2-3 months ago. Now it just tastes like it's going through my body and making me fat.

>> No.8487453

>am I finally free?
You're like an alcoholic who rewarded himself with a bottle of rum after 2 months sobriety.

>> No.8487477

Maybe you're right, thanks for informing me.

>> No.8487480

i was raised on mountain dew, then stopped drinking soda for about ten years
whenever i've had one recently it is filthy sweet. you definitely lose your taste for sugar after a while.

>> No.8487493

People's minds don't all work the same. Just as you can't trust yourself to enjoy stuff in moderation, other people can't trust themselves to abstain completely, whereby a single falter equals absolute failure.

>> No.8487502

I've never been on a diet before but chocolate cake always tastes shit to me. Perhaps you've just realised that shitty cakes aren't worth the calories?

>> No.8487512

The secret is that cake has always been fucking disgusting.

>> No.8487895

you are not free till you have the appetite of a 7 year old girl and can barely eat a chicken leg and a side of mashed

>> No.8488087


what fucking kind of diet ? yeah, I don't smokle cancer sticks anymore because of ofhealth concersn e-damn-cigarette now, which still isn't the fucking same, but it works...I'm not happy, but it works. Fuck you.

>> No.8488242

You're only free if you keep this discipline.

>> No.8488260

You're basically free, yeah. The last two times I had soda, it made me feel sick. Too bad the damage is done to my teeth, but they aren't falling out so it could be worse. Once I got past the headaches, it was pretty easy.

>> No.8488577

Yep, you're free buddy. In't it great? I realised this when I was about 16 and have had soft drinks probably 6-7 times in the past 6 years. When I do I can't drink an entire bottle because it makes me sick.

>> No.8488608

fucking millenials