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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8476237 No.8476237 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I wanna make sushi. Has anyone around here made sushi before with any pointers, tips or otherwise delicious sauce/filling suggestions?

Also, I live in the Midwest so I'm more or less limited to ordering flash frozen fish for my sushi. How much does this affect the flavor?

>> No.8476251

I work at a sushi resturant. What exactly do you need help with?

>> No.8476252

making sushi

>> No.8476258

First buy a sushi mat and a rice cooker do you have either?

>> No.8476268 [DELETED] 


Don't waste time replying to this idiot

Also, the best sushi chefs in the world are literally only a tiny step above burger flippers at McDonalds.....why in the fuck Sushi Chefs are respected is beyond me; it's the most simple job in the world

>> No.8476275

Fuck off poor troll, i would like a thread about sushi.

>> No.8476276

Not that guy but yes, I have a rice cooker and I can get a roller pretty easily. I guess my main concern is that whatever I make won't taste very good, especially since I'm the kind of guy who really likes making fillings and sauces. Plain old tuna or red snapper are okay but I really want to mix it up and have some tasty as fuck rolls. The sauces are my main concern, sushi always seems to have these fancy sauces drizzled on top and I just never know what's actually in them.

Also, are there any fish that are absolutely verboten for sushi use?

>> No.8476295

Not the same guy but genuinely curious about the same. Why would a sushi maker be so revered? What exactly is his contribution other than visual presentation? The only factors for taste are how the rice is cooked and the quality of the protein both of which depend on different people. The only thing I can think of is proper ratios but this seems like something you would learn in a few days.

>> No.8476297

Most of the sauces in the us are mayo based. What is the flavor you are looking for?

>> No.8476308

Nix the idea. Just make a sushi bowl instead.

Same trimmings and fixings that you'd find in a roll, for example, but just sprinkled and tossed onto a bowl of rice. Internet search pictures of "chirashi don"

>> No.8476316


Literally all you need is good sushi small round grain rice to make vinegared sushu rice. Sushi nori aka seaweed. Then you get the most fresh fish you can find and learn to cut sashimi. Which is mostly based on the sharpness of the knife.
Then assemble how you like and eat.

>> No.8476319

Its not only visual but every single ingredient of the roll takes a lot time and care in order for it to be perfect. If you are used to pubix sushi you would not understand.

>> No.8476321 [DELETED] 


Literally the only thing "difficult" about making sushi (and takes about 1 week to perfect) is making the sushi rice; everything else is just combining simple ingredients w/o having to cook them

Sushi is a faggoty jap meme

>> No.8476324 [DELETED] 

>every single ingredient of the roll takes a lot time and care in order for it to be perfect.

This is the personification of autism, kys

>> No.8476326
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You've already won Pleb of the Year and 2017 just started

>> No.8476331

Honestly? I'm not sure. From what I gather a lot of sushi sauces use wasabi, but I really don't care much for the kick in the sinus, I prefer eel sauces and ponzu. But really I'm less wondering about the exact composition of the sauces and more the underlying principles behind pairing sauce flavors with filling flavors. There's a lot of fish out there, and I've been to sushi places that fuck up the flavor combos and I don't want that to happen to me if I can manage it.

>> No.8476333

This is also how a resurant can make a lot of money.

>> No.8476340 [DELETED] 

Found the CP loving weebo

>> No.8476365
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>> No.8476373

my suggestion is dont fuck with the rice

go to any supermarket that sells sushi or any sushi restaurant and ask to buy a container of pre made rice and get a rolling mat

then put some rice some avocado some cucumber and some imitation crab

and then dip it in soy sauce and ur in heaven

>> No.8476435
File: 78 KB, 450x378, 15151209_10157843214745650_1960338419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't wanna fuck it up, a Zojirushi rice cooker makes things very easy. Get correct quality round rice, rinse it two or three thorough times. Adding a piece of kombu to the rice is traditional but unnecessary unless you're cooking for very delicate palates.

for 2 cups of rice, make your rice dressing with :
- 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar
- 3 tablespoon of caster sugar
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- 2 tablespoons of mirin

Mix it well before adding it half of it at a time to the cooked rice and gently mix it with a wooden spoon using slicing (vertical) movements to prevent crushing the rice. If you can have a friend to fan it while you mix the rice it's nice, otherwise do it outside to have the wind take care of that.

Once the rice is evenly shiny, let the rice cool down and cover it with a wet towel to prevent it from drying. If rolling norimaki, adjust the amount of rice to the amount of filling. A small norimaki with a single filling requires a thin layer of rice very gently spread on about half of the nori seaweed.

Depending on your dexterity you may fuck up the first few rolls but this part's not rocket science, you'll manage easily.

Remember that the rice is the important part. Crushing it systematically results in a poor experience.

pic related: 'put that together when I got the rice cooker, first time I ever got satisfied with how my sushi turned out.

Good luck anon. Practice makes perfect.

>> No.8476443

im telling you guys DO NOT FUCK WITH MAKING RICE YOURSELF theres no point. it will only make it so that way you never make your own sushi.

go to the sushi restaurant. say im making sushi i need to buy some rice. you get a big container for a few dollars. its so good this way

and you dont have to do shit you can have sushi whenever you want

>> No.8476448

C'mon man, this is a board about cooking get your shit together.

If you get take-away buy the finished product.

>> No.8476453

except for the fact that i make 100 rolls for 10$

when 100 rolls would cost me 300$+ at the same restaurant i get the rice at

>> No.8476466

>Also, I live in the Midwest so I'm more or less limited to ordering flash frozen fish for my sushi.
Do you live in the US? Have you eaten sushi at a restaurant? Congratulations, you've eaten sushi made with flash frozen fish, and if you like sushi made in a restaurant you'll like whatever you make for yourself.

>> No.8476470

The only way to pay 10$ for 50+ nori sheets, the cooked rice and filling is to go garbage dive.

The restaurant is probably selling you old rice too but eh, if it works for you I'm happy about it.

>> No.8476474

i was exaggerating to make a point

the fish and the nori sheets costs a lot but its still astronomically cheaper this way

>> No.8476487
File: 1.24 MB, 2288x1520, cucumber roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, by all means, enjoy yourself and try to make some cool sushi restaurant things at home. But, since you aren't some huge buyer at 4am spending $3000 at a time at the port for giant pristine frozen fish, stick to what you can actually make at home, k? Do the fusion stuff. Will you be happy with just tasting nori, and slicing rolls? Buy your mat, and try your hand at the rolling and other techniques.

Hibachi stuff is fun. Grill some filet mignon around asparagus spears or green onions. Brush with teriyaki. Serve with "yummi sauce" if you want. Makoto in the fridge dressing section sells yummi sauce, and sometimes it's close to the bbq sauces or asian area. I've even seen it in the kosher section.

Makoto and Fresh sells the ginger-carrot dressing for your salad.

Steam-in-bag edamame with some coarse sea salt is a nice app. Tamago is easy.

Get a lovely sharp knife and cut open some cucumbers to use as a wrapper, fill with lovely veggies and serve in some seasoned rice vinegar. Steam some crab, shrimp, it's "safe" for sushi, and there is a lot you can do with it, as well as some of the tempura things.

>> No.8476674

What can you do to ensure the raw fish is as free from contaminates as you can make it? I don't want to get fucking worms or sick from eating raw fish wrong.

>> No.8476682

make sure it is frozen
if you make sushi it has to be completely frozen when you buy it

>> No.8476687

That's why you legally can't buy unfrozen fish from distributors if you say you're using it for sushi. The flash freezing process kills off 99.9% of all bacteria in the fish because the near instantaneous freezing process happens so quick nasty bacteria don't have time to react.

Aside from that, normal safe food handling tips apply. Keep the fish frozen until you're ready to use it, use good judgement on each individual piece and work in a clean area.

Also, it should go without saying but never make sushi from fish that you caught/someone you know caught on a fishing trip.

>> No.8476698

Ok, then when preparing it you let it thaw on a separate plate? Before placing it in the rolls?

>> No.8476717

Basically, yeah. The safest way to thaw it is to put it on a plate, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it slowly thaw in the fridge.

>> No.8476728

>I live in the Midwest
You don't have access to fish that is worth making out of

People on /ck/ love to talk about how the fish is frozen so it shouldn't make a difference but theres the issue of the supply chain.

Those boats are selling to their biggest market, Japan, first. They pick over the best.
Then its going to major city restaurants in Asia and tier 1 cities globally like NYC and Paris. They pick over the best. Then its going to other major city high end restaurants. They pick over the best. Then its going to nearby Asian consumer markets and mid tier restaurants globally. Then coastal city consumer markets

Then finally you in the midwest. You don't even have the chance of getting the stuff the decent restaurants ultimately passed over like in a city like NYC

>> No.8476746

>You don't even have the chance of getting the stuff the decent restaurants ultimately passed over like in a city like NYC

actually it is possible because thats not how the world works... you just need to find a fish market with a red pilled owner who orders top quality direct to source

private businesses can do whatever they want they dont have to get the bottom of the barrel if they dont want that

>> No.8476826

>Things people who don't live in globally major cities say

They sell the best to restaurants because its in their interest to. If any little market can get the top stuff for a similar then why the hell would people go to high end restaurants.The restaurants are making up the bulk of the market. If the smaller markets are willing to grossly over pay they'll sell the stuff that is very good but not the best, but why the hell would a midwest grocer do that when their consumer base won't know the difference like a major city or coastal city would?

>> No.8476844

it wouldnt be a midwest "grocer" he might have to travel to his nearest city and find a good place

you can get restaurant tier sushi in any semi decent sized city

people pay lots of money cuz theyre in NYC people arent paying for some super prime fish thats not why its so expensive

maybe in japan alone you can get that type of differentiation

>> No.8476864

>all these coastal cunts bagging on my dude
Fellow midwest fag here, I've made sushi at home using the flash frozen fish I found it to be just below what I can get if I drive into the city and it's quite fussy, not really worth the effort if you ask me. Also
>mentioning that you don't live in NY or LA on /ck/
you've got a lot to learn me boyo.

>> No.8476873

or you just use imitation crab and make california rolls all the time

every grocery store on earth carries it

>> No.8476886

>imitation crab and california rolls
OP said he wanted to make sushi not crap rolled in vinegar rice

>> No.8476898

not the kind with the artificial ingredients

you can buy imitation crab which has 1 ingredient just some fish that nobody really eats otherwise

>> No.8476958
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here we go this is what i use for my sushi

>> No.8477969

They are respected because of
>Muh Fugu maymay
>Needs super precision Japanese eyes folded 1 gorrillion times or else you will murder the universe if you even so much as sniff this piece of fish without proper preparation

In reality 90% of Fugu is farmed and non-toxic as it requires a specifc organism in its diet to become toxic, and all that you have to do to clean the fish is cut off the fat and remove the organs without puncturing them. Even then a small amount of the toxin present gives you a buzz, although the high most people report is obviously psychosomatic.

That is pretty much the only reason, that and it looks fancy and they give good presentation.

If McDonalds plated my food the way they show it in their adds, I would probably respect the teenagers working back there more too.

>> No.8477985

made it once, don't think there was anything hard about it.

>> No.8477990

sushimat can be useful if you make maki but rice cooker is something you absolutely don't need.
i guess it could be useful if you are making a shitton of sushi which prolly isn't the case at home

>> No.8478003

strop trolling ffs

>> No.8478015

A major thing I figured out quick: depending on the consistency of the rice, and what you're putting in the roll, cutting the damn thing is a pain in the ass as your knife gets sticky and toy start ripping the roll apart trying to cut it.

I'm sure that can be mitigated by better knives, but I've also had a lot of success cutting with a serrated knife. I take a bread knife, use long slow strokes, and rinse it in water every roll and a half or so.

>> No.8479298

Keep a bowl on the side filled with water and rice vinegar. Dip the knife in it between rolls, shake it to remove excess water. Rice won't stick to the knife. Voilà motherfucker.

>> No.8479300

>uselessness: the post

>> No.8479335

if you really want to make sushi you should start making sushi rice every day until its absolutely perfect, this will take a couple of years but you can move forward from there and will get a feeling for the superior japanese culture

>> No.8479851

how do you thaw fish for sushi without contaminating it?