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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8475229 No.8475229 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is officially gone.
What are you drinking.
How is it going.

>> No.8475241

I'm super. Lost my job and been drinking for 2 months straight while I sit at home. 12 beers a night on average.

>> No.8475308

Sounds pretty kush. I've been unemployed for so long now that I'm afraid it's going to hurt my prospects of getting another job again. Does that happen? I honestly don't know.

>> No.8475377

Depends on your line of work I guess. The higher demanding jobs that are harder to get into might frown upon something like that. You could just say you saved up some money and traveld the world for a bit. Sounds a bit nicer.

Anyway, how do you survive without money income? I'm just being the cheapest beers and living of my savings. Should last me about 2 months.

>> No.8475381

gave up ~15 beers a night now to get loaded
went and bought some hard liquor too an hour or so ago when they opened up
wish i was dead tbqh

>> No.8475396

I've been unemployed for two months. I pawned a bunch of my shit so I can stay drunk. My family and friends have pretty much given up on me. I'm going to get evicted at the end of the month. I was going to go to the emergency room for a detox last night, but I decided to go home and drink more.
How are you?

>> No.8475415

I feel you on the death wish. I went through an insane amount of booze over a three day period. I guess I was hoping it would kill me, but here I am.

>> No.8475419

What are you gonna do when you get evicted?

>> No.8475431


Cheap german beer, later a bottle of 'Alter Friese' Doppelkorn and Jim Beam, I have no shame

>> No.8475433

what the fuck is wrong with you guys. not even heroin addicts are this far gone

>> No.8475449

yeah the worst part is im on a wait list to go to rehab but i just dont know
half my face has some scars and i get the urge to just cut an open wound so i can look like otto skorzeny

>> No.8475454

Loneliness breeds lies for sympathy/attention.

>> No.8475455

Yeah, they are. Also if alcohol were to be reinvented today it would be classed a harddrug. Alcohol causes mental and physical addiction which is the definition of a harddrug.

>> No.8475465

Shit. Havent drank since friday night but that was a shot and a coors. Baby mommas family is talking shit because we asked them to borrow money for our bills since she just quit her job and i start work this week. Feel like I'm gonna lose the car i just got because i feel like cant make the payments. Wish i would have waited for taxs and bought a honda off the street. Gonna try to drink after i work out.

>> No.8475468

t. A proud African American man

>> No.8475469

We're addicts bro just like heroin addicts, different drug different side affects, yeah?

>> No.8475471

Smarted smoking some weed to curb my drinking
Went from a fifth a day to about 2-3 beers
Going on about 6 days now. Feel pretty gucci.

>> No.8475472

You're black, right?

>> No.8475497
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Nope. Thank god.

>> No.8475504

Was drinking 10+ 7-8% beers a night for close to two years now. Last couple weeks I've been feeling kind of nauseated in the evening before I start drinking. Beer hasn't really been appetizing, but I've still be knocking back 3-4 out of habit. I've been feeling really gassy/bloated as well. I think maybe I am just going to try to stop now. This ride isn't fun anymore.

>> No.8475539

I know a 24 every weekend is pussy shit compared to real alcoholism but I haven't bought a case since Xmas and I'm pretty happy with myself since I've drank every weekend since high school.
I've had about six drinks with work or out at dinner so I haven't completely cut it out by any means but still a small victory.

>> No.8475550

Been sober since new years. Currently sitting here waiting for gf to get out of class. Its going to be like another 3 hours. Its so tempting to walk to the liquor store down the street. At least she left this stupid vape cigarette with me although I find it to be completely purposeless.

>> No.8475561
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>> No.8475571

You and your gf have a kid so you both need to grow the fuck up and stop being dead beat pieces of shit

>> No.8475576

>borrowing money
>can't make bills
>drinx tonight
Worse , a white nigger.

>> No.8475578

Will smoking reefer cause me to quit drinking?

My doctor is worried about my liver

>> No.8475584


Never felt better. No withdrawal after tapering down correctly.

>> No.8475593


You should be worried about your liver.


Drink weak beer if you need to.

>> No.8475598


You sound like me

I mean this with all my heart..

I hate my life.

>> No.8475600


I like being intoxicated, though. I figure being stoned is probably a little healthier.

Never smoked, though.

>> No.8475618

>Will smoking reefer cause me to quit drinking?

>> No.8475627


Shit, dude.

>> No.8475652

>>8475471 (Here)

I started doing it about a week ago and it's very dramatically cut down my consumption.

>> No.8475658

My end game is to throw out all my stuff, clean up the place really well and write a note explaining that I can't function in society. Then I'll probably head to the beach and chug a handle of vodka and hope it stops my heart. I know it isn't the perfect plan, and makes me sound selfish as fuck, but hey, every man's got to decide for himself, right?

>> No.8475681

It could always be worse though...right?

>> No.8475726

What if it doesn't kill you. It probably won't btw. There's better way to kill yourself. This will probably just really fuck you up.

>> No.8475760

I'm a neet right now, that's the answer. It's pretty sad. I only drink beer and wine sometimes though.

>> No.8475772

Op here, I've never lied in an alck thread and would be willing to bet that most people don't in here.

>> No.8475780

Just keep at it dude.
I'm 27 and virgin on top of drinking every day for almost 9 years, so there is really no reasonable or practical way I would ever find myself in a relationship now. Count your blessings.

>> No.8475785


Yeah, why would you ? We are at least self-aware of how fucked up we are

>> No.8475786

I think there's a high chance of success. I started starving myself again in a really serious way (yeah, I know, eating disorders lol) a week before I lost my job to the point where I was fainting. I've lost a ton of weight and can't really walk up a flight of stairs without my heart chugging like a freight train. I think my heart would probably give out if I tanked a handle in a couple hours. It's also freezing outside so there's a good chance I would freeze to death if I just took off my coat before I pass out.

>> No.8475834

I think a lot of people in these threads have compound issues and need serious psychiatric care. Myself included. It may be hard to understand, but most addicts lie straight to your face about how bad it's gotten for them because they can't believe how bad they've let it get and they can no longer control it. But then you get a room full of addicts together and hear the truth about their lives. It can be really shocking and sad to witness. A lot of calloused individuals think "just kill yourself", and the truth is: we're trying.

>> No.8475848

Please don't kill yourself dude, that's all I can say.

>> No.8475868

>Generally, drinking 80 grams of ethanol daily for 10 to 20 years is required to develop cirrhosis which corresponds to approximately one liter of wine, eight standard sized beers, or one half pint of hard liquor each day

so it's pretty hard to fuck your liver before you're in your 30s at the earliest.

>> No.8475881

but i drink like twice that in about 5 years

>> No.8475884

> not drinking a hundred proof litre of whiskey
> being able to talk or get out of bed

There's no standard, friendo.

>> No.8475885


So are some of you physically dependent ? Like, get the shakes and stuff after not drinking for a day or two ?I'm more of a bench drinker and go on a bender for three days straight, but never had any withdrawal simptoms or the like, I just enjoy getting fucked up, for over 15 years now

>> No.8475888

how many drinks per day every day is too many and for how long

why can nobody answer this

>> No.8475894

>why can nobody answer this

Because a simple answer doesn't exist. It depends on your genetics, your diet, other health factors like how much exercise you get, and so on.

>> No.8475896

but there's not even good guidelines

>> No.8475898

Until it negatively effects your life.

>> No.8475900

This is the real answer.

>> No.8475901


Sure there are. One I hear often repeated is more than 14 "standard drinks" a week is excessive for a Man. (there's a number for women too, but I didn't bother to memorize that stat).

...with a "standard drink" being either a 12oz beer of around 5-6%, one glass of wine, or one shot of 80 proof liquor.

>> No.8475905

but for how long is that bad

also it's not even consistent, for several years the UK said less than 21 drinks

>> No.8475907

If you're asking, it's already too many. I don't mean that in a snarky way, I mean that you're probably already going down the road and you need to turn back.

>> No.8475909

no shit i am turning back, but i'm wondering if there's any permanent damage from 3-4 beers per day for a few years

>> No.8475911

lol. that's nothing. that aint gonna do shit to your liver

>> No.8475912

ok good because my side hurt a bit today and someone mentioned fatty liver in an unrelated context and i got paranoid

>> No.8475916

You're probably fine. If you're very worried, let your liver recover for an entire month without alcohol, and then see a doctor about it.

>> No.8475917

Im about to go the liquor store. I was going to buy skol because I hate myself but Im feeling classy today, what should I buy?

>> No.8475921

Old Crow, motherfucker

>> No.8475922

The medical guidelines are very moderate at least in the USA. The thing is you just have to accept the fact that there is no formula or answer.
If your drinking starts to worry you for some reason stop before you become addicted. You can't hedge your bets.

>> No.8475923

addiction isn't scary
liver damage is scary

>> No.8475930

You just haven't felt addicted to something yet, and I hope you never do.

>> No.8475932

>implying we aren't all internet / shitposting addicts

>> No.8475933

Liver damage hasn't got shit on serious withdrawal symptoms. I failed liver will only kill you, withdrawal will make you wish it has.

>> No.8475934

left my job a year ago to try to get something better. couldn't. now getting rejected from minimum wage jobs. time to drink

>> No.8475944


Not true. There are many variables involved. I have scarring on my liver due to medication I was on and only drinking beer.

>> No.8475945

What medication?

>> No.8475950


The liver recovers with time. Even cirrhosis is reversible.

>> No.8475955

>Even cirrhosis is reversible.


the shit you read here

>> No.8475957


>> No.8475959

Is xanax Hepatotoxic or something?

>> No.8475962

also did you take recreational doses or medicinal?

>> No.8475963


In its early stages it is reversible. Medical fact. Not saying you should let things get that far and if fibrosis is evident, for fucks sake stop drinking

>> No.8475967


Causes elevated liver enzymes in some people

>> No.8475969


>> No.8475991
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>was worried about random placebo abdominal soreness
>it's on the left side
>i just realized now that the liver is on the right side
yeah that was stupid

>> No.8476009

Probably your the portal vein to your pancreas swelling due to strain.

>> No.8476507
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What's your point? Bills are hundreds of dollars, 6 pack is $6 at my 711. A lot cheaper, gotta cope somehow

>> No.8476510

I like to sip a shot or two of whiskey every night. Is that too much?

>> No.8476513 [DELETED] 
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>>not knowing my kid has diapers, food and his essentials. Its like you people have never met someone who is struggling in life. Sorry daddy didnt give me a welfare.
Yeah we're dead beats alright

>> No.8476517

Bought a bottle of Belvedere and a bottle of Absolut Wild Tea today. I think I'm done buying liquor for a while unless I see something that really interests me.

>> No.8476529

why do people drink alcohol it tastes like someone dumped a little bit of rubbing alcohol into some water

it tastes like liquid poison , give me any other drink besides one with alcohol in it lmao u people are strange

>> No.8476533
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>>not knowing my kid has diapers, food and his essentials.
Its like you people have never met someone who is struggling in life, its a stage of life not the rest of my life, my situation will get better just need help with bills. Sorry daddy didnt give me a welfare.
Yeah we're dead beats alright

>> No.8476544

alcohlic as fuck

>> No.8476554

>20 yes no
>21 yes no
>22 yes no
>23 yes no
>24 yes
>25 yes no
Is this actually an OCD test?

Where is your beach located? It's a pretty shitty suicide method, takes an absurd long time and if you're found you'll wake up horribly wounded. And alcohol protect the heart against fibrillation (that kills you when freezing to death).
Go to the ER, you'll find a better way out later.

I was drinking a litre of vodka a day. My pancreas fucked up before the liver.

Yep, had shakes when waking up after passing out, had trouble pouring the first drink.

>any permanent damage
Ask a gastroenterologist to check you, we can't tell (nor can you). Some people people drink 10 times more than others before liver/pancreas damage.
Psychologically, you'll always be a former drinker, and can fall of the wagon.

The pancreas is on this side. Or it could be a fart.

>> No.8476606

ethanol is highly pleasurable drug

I dirnk all the time and I admit all (no exceptions except for very low alocohl cocktails where you canb't taste the alcogol) alcohol drinks taste awful

like absolute shit

beer =piss, bitter piss, stouty piss, bitter bitter piss
, piss bitter

wine = rotted grapes, ruined grapes, grapes with ruin, grapes less fun, waste of life

spirit = condenced hell, distilled displeasure

cider = appleas without laughter, squeezed depression, pressed hatred

it's all awful, utter bad

>> No.8476628

wow im very satisfied that you actually admit that

atleast youre honest you drink piss when you drink beer etc

>> No.8476697

I mean yeah, I am like addicted to the internet, but I can tell you nothing has been so bad for me in my entire life as drying out and needing to find something to drink during the day, regardless of what I'm doing and where I am.

>> No.8476707

Fuck no. Get your brain checked dude, fuckin paranoid.
I wouldn't increase your amount of shots if I were you though, since you drink every day. Just trying to warn you, but right now nothing is wrong with you.

>> No.8476726

Don't let that make you feel better about your crappy tastes. I enjoy all kinds of beer, rum, whiskey, vodka, and cider.

Wine tastes like vinegar to me so I don't drink it. That's the key here, don't drink it if you don't like it.

>> No.8476730

>classes start Wednesday
>still drinking

This has got to stop. I'm nearly 30.

>> No.8476745

Go out to drink with your classmates sometimes and stop drinking by yourself

>> No.8476750


>late bloomer
>undergrad at 29

Come on...

>> No.8476761


I don't drink alone anymore but now I spend way too much money and binge every weekend, my hangovers have turned into withdrawals every single time and my liver is actually aching. I feel so depressed that I really want to die. I hope when I feel better I will not want a drink, I can't do this shit anymore, drinking has become painful and takes a toll on my physical body as well as my mental well being, I can't do anything for 3-4 days but stare into the ceiling while I'm sweating like a pig and feeling exhausted all the time, I don't want to end my life like this.

Pray for me, anons. I need the strength to quit forever.

>> No.8476767

I sort of envy you because you want to quit. That's something at least. Go see a doctor and tell them you want to quit and they'll help you out.

>> No.8476768

i am drinking too much to go through withdrawal
can't stop watching intervention tho
can't help but feel like im the one being interventioned

>> No.8476779

>I enjoy all kinds of beer, rum, whiskey, vodka, and cider.

if you could take those things and just remove the alcohol it would probably be a better drink lol

>> No.8476788

I think that's an ulcer. I took a week off when that started happening to me last year. The time off reset it until a couple of nights ago when it started cropping back up. I only managed to take one night off and it's still kind of bothering me. I need to take at least another night off... but I probably won't.

>> No.8476793
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>still stuck up on the girl i used to love who's now a sorority whore getting fucked by multiple men a day
>new girl cheats on me
>move away from everything
>struggle to find a job, just got one but making nothing
>out of money
>living off water and one box of cereal for two more weeks
>friends come over to have an intervention for me acting "suicidally" but bring booze
>boozed up for the 4th night in a row and more and more miserable every day
were w3 put here to suffer anons? every night i long for alcohol more just to escape the crushing sadness.

>> No.8476799

Why are you still here.

>> No.8476814


>> No.8476817


>> No.8476822

same anon
life is miserable

>> No.8476836


Same anon here. Why is it so hard? People want me to be sober but i just want to drink all day every day. Just kill me.

>> No.8476840

It's going ok, anon.

Been drinking about a pint a night. Haven't been neglecting any of my familial duties. Starting night shift for the next 3 months during the week. Won't drink a drop mon-fri which I'm happy about. I'll try not to fly off the handle on the weekends,

>> No.8476862

because normies dont 7nderstand the crushing lonliness

>> No.8476865

How old are you and how long have you been drinking?
You have all my well wishes by the way obviously.

>> No.8476874

How much do you people drink that you wake up and can't function because of withdrawl?
I drank a liter a day for awhile and would get the shakes and some sweats but I could take a hot shower and a redbull and get through the day

>> No.8476878

I'm 27 and honestly my lonliness has disappeared now. All that remains is the desire to have a handful or more of drinks everyday. I would really like it if I just didn't want to do it anymore, if I could possibly be content day by day without it.

>> No.8476885

normies all unanimously drink a lot of alcohol man to cope

ur not really making a fair evaluation

neets cant even afford alcohol

>> No.8476890

Sounds like you just have a good constitution for it. Everyone's different obviously. For me the absolute worst part of hangovers is the psychological terror, the physical stuff doesn't really bother me.

>> No.8476940


Are you me?

>still live the girl that broke me multiple times
>out of cash
>literally have 2 euros and 17 cents
>eat homemade pizzas with tomato paste and cheap cheese
>can't even buy a pack of smokes
>have no family to lean on and don't have any friends to talk to about my problems

My mind is just racing all day, hoping that she would just call me and I could have a regular conversation like we used to have every single day. The only times I've been closer to quitting is when I had her, then she stabs me in the back and wonders why the fuck am I drinking again. I'm a fucking alcoholic, emotional breakdown pretty much guarantees I will go for the bottle.

>> No.8476961

I was hospitalized last August-Semptember for 5 weeks because Alcohol was killing my organs, every doctor thought I would die. Kidneys and liver completely shut down. I was on dialysis for 4 hours every other day. I went through the DT's in the hospital, I remember some of them and they were horrifying. The day I was finally getting released they told me I have 2 years left to live even if I never drank again and got a liver transplant. What's the point in even trying? My medical bills are more than my house, car, and all other assets could ever amount to. My gastro doc wants me to travel across state and meet with transplant surgeons but I'm probably not going to do that it would just put me another 300k in the hole. I've given up liquor and only drink beer now. I was up to a fifth of vodka and around 6 beers a day when shit came crashing down for me. I'm only 31. Don't drink kiddos.

>> No.8476967


Its not nothing You retard. Its not /alck/ tier bullshit, but it Can still damage your health, esp if your liver wasnt doing good to begin with.

>> No.8476969


I'm 22 and have been drinking constantly since I was 15. I used to drink 4-6 liters of 7-8% beer when I was a teenager and now I just drink a 1.4 liters of whiskey or vodka, then I drink beers in the morning to feel good again but the next day I wake up and can't even look at a drink, can't smoke. The only good part is that I never get headaches or vomit but I get pretty much every other symptom of withdrawals, I can't sleep, feel tired all the time and can't function, livers are aching, some times when I lay in bed totally exhausted and feeling like I'm about to pass out I see horrifying images in the darkness of my eyelids that freak me out and I can't sleep again. The thing is I feel like this for 3 to 4 days and want to basically die, I'm a zombie but then I finally feel good again and I just want to start drinking again and it turns into this terrible cycle every single week. I have woken up in E.R., I have woken up in strange places, robbed, bleeding in the hallway of my apartment building. I just want to get rid of this problem in my life because I feel like a piece of shit and I just want to be happy again.

>> No.8476970

why are you still drinking beer bro fuck that shit too

dont believe doctors when they say shit like ur gonna die in 2 seconds

just do what you would naturally think to do

stop fucking doing the shit that killed you in the first place

>> No.8476975
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Yeah I don't understand this ethier. I've had all the symptoms of delirium tremens, and I had it in a bad way a few years ago. But I can take days off without withdrawal, I'm down to 2 times a week cause my body won't take any more.

>> No.8476978

-56 cents here
also have a ticket i owe and rent
i dread her calls because i always answer and always let her use me

>> No.8476980

My uncle drank himself to death; it's an awful death to witness let alone bear. There is nothing romantic or great about late-stage alcoholism or dying from that life choice.

The /ck/ fags think they are Kerouac in Big Sur or something.

>> No.8476991

I treated myself today

Instead of the usual vodk and cranberry I got a big bottle of Chimay and a bottle of buffalo traec

>> No.8477009

al/ck/ I need your help.

Do i have the disease?

To condense my story I have always loved drinking and have a tough time stopping after a certain point. Have a gf now that likes to drink and is cool with it. Last 4th of july drank for like 4 days contentiously, and on the last day smoked some pot which i rarely do because of anxiety issues. I was drinking super heavy for those 4 days, and was nursing beers after work for weeks before that with some weekend binging. However, after that night on july 5th I had a huge panic attack while high and convinced myself I was an alcoholic/had to stop entirely.

I went to meetings for 4 months. Was helpful but felt I didn't fit in.

Now i'm back to drinking and have been for about a month and the half. I drink most nights, usually a six pack, sometimes none, sometimes more.

The big thing is, if I REALLY tie one on and black out, my hangovers are unreal especially if it's been a weekend binge. Crippling anxiety, paranoid, can barely think, almost feels like psychosis. Always goes away, but it usually scares me out of drinking for a few days.

Am I an alcy, or am I just abusing because I have underlying anxiety and mental disorders?

Thanks and sorry for being a fag.

>> No.8477029

I'm halfway through a fifth of Evan Williams, and currently wishing I could stop. My lovelife is what fucked me. I dated one guy, and it fucked me up for my entire life. I can't hold a LTR because I always find other people worthless compared to him, even though he is now a she. My best friend died of an excruciating cancer, and alcohol was there for me when he passed. I've been getting drunk or high every day for the past two years. No one knows that I'm severely depressed, and cover it with being drunk. I don't go to work drunk but as soon as I'm home, I'm drinking or smoking when available. I can go 2 days without drinking, but then I get the shakes.

>> No.8477034

>just do what you would naturally think to do

I do. Unfortunately that's drink.

>> No.8477038

no offense but you probably have other problems. I'm not trying to be a dick but gay people are so fucked up half the time.

beyond that i'm the same way though.

>> No.8477042

Failed outta college, my mom let me move back in but just to remind me of what a piece of shit I am she took my bed away. I found some matress padding and a few quilts and they comprise my "bed" now. Also i made a pillow by rolling a sheet together and putting a pillow sheet on it.

If you got a bed, appreciate that shit. If you got a family, appreciate that shit cuz someday, someone is going to come and try to take those basic human comforts from you

>> No.8477048

I know, I've probably got more psychological problems than just depression, but I hide it under alcohol.

>> No.8477060

Not judging.

I'm the same way. I self medicate. I'm afraid to take benzos because i'm terrified i'll abuse them.

Can't smoke pot because it gives me huge existential terror. Don't have an interest in opiates because I'm afraid I'll like them too much. So i'm stuck here with alcohol.

I'm almost positive I got depersonalization from getting high in highschool, and I've always had anxiety.

Good luck to you anon.

Do most gays see the whole trans thing as okay? I can sort of understand being gay, but the whole trans thing just screams I'm broken af

>> No.8477072

Having to watch a 6 year relationship crumble because your boyfriend wants to be a girlfriend is enough to drive me insane. I can never love anyone like I loved HIM. I don't, and will never understand trans individuals. I support her now, but when we broke up, I said some vile shit to her. I don't love her, but I still see him when I see pictures. It tears my soul apart.

My highschool years were fueled by cocaine and rampant sex, and when I settled down, I was fucked over by someone changing genders to something I could never truly be with.

>> No.8477076


Meetings aren't for everyone. I went to one once and I just found that everyone there is trying to excuse their problem and find someone else to blame, I'm not like that, I realize I have a problem and the only person who is responsible for it is myself. Sure there are events triggered by other people that influence me negatively and I start drinking but I'm the one to blame, I'm weak.

Back to your question. If you feel that drinking is a problem then yes you are an alcoholic, it doesn't matter what, when or how much you drink, if it is creating problems in your life then it's a problem, you might not be physically addicted but still mental addiction is just as strong and can and eventually will lead to bigger problems. I'd suggest cutting back while you still can, don't destroy your life. I've ruined so many good things because of alcohol I wish I could get back, just go back in time and fix all these mistakes but it's gone forever. You don't have to experience that, you still have time.

>> No.8477094

You sound like a worse version of me and that's the exact reason I smoke pot. It overwhelms me with rationality and I have absolutely zero desire to drink. I can drink and then smoke but I can't smoke and then drink.

And yes, there is something wrong with you although it's not as severe as these other fucks here

>> No.8477105

for me i don't like the rationality I guess.

I remember one time I got stoned and just kept thinking about our motivations for doing things. It was all just selfish shit. I saw that the only reason people do things if for some biological impulse to survive and that love, and all of our other special sentiments were lies.

thats why I drink I guess. Pot makes me hyper aware. I'm already wired 24/7. I drink tp push me back down. I feel more normal drinking.

>> No.8477119

Yeah well once your life is literally being destroyed from it, you'll probably end up preferring the discomfort from weed

>> No.8477145

what u mean, still have job, gf, pay my bills etc. I'm not a fully blown alcy

don't get all high and mighty, herbal jew is problematic too

>> No.8477182

i was drinking 30 5.9 pct beers a day at the worst
not drinking is so much better

>> No.8477184

i just say i decided to spend time with family

>> No.8477186

why didn't you switch to liquor at that point?

>> No.8477187

not op but we're in the same place bro
not going to be fun on the first

>> No.8477192

>hoping it would kill me
it never does, man
just don't do it any more
trust me

>> No.8477196

i went to rehab with all heroin addicts (but for three out of about fifteen)
it's exactly the fucking same, to an alarming degree

>> No.8477199


>> No.8477217

>quit drinking 6 months ago
>was between 6-10 drinks a night, most nights

My red flag moment was when I started blacking out on the bus, twice in one week.

>> No.8477337
File: 2 KB, 125x100, 1475952702114s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not true at all. In regards to meetings. I went to AA for like 3 months weekly and everyone there owns the mistakes they've made. It's a very welcoming scene, I just have issues in the higher power stuff. And I am not going to stop smoking weed even if I quit drinking and that's a big no-no.

>> No.8477344

>tfw going through bad feels times again
>but am trying to stop weeknight drinking

Fuck I want a beer.

>> No.8477403

But I'm 27 and have never had a gf... I know they don't know that though.
But also I've been unemployed for 9 months so I think that's pretty long.

>> No.8477414

i have a niece and brand new nephew, they live about 70 miles away so it checks out

>> No.8477420

it's better
doesn't feel like it will be when you're at the store but nights are so much calmer

>> No.8477421

I went to AA 3 times a week for 6 weeks and then I just had enough. In my experience all the people there were super real and down to earth, but I just didn't want to keep going anymore. Maybe I'm just super self centered or individualistic or anything you want to call it, but nothing clicked with me to make me want to stay abstinent.
I think if you found any help at all in the meetings it could be good to start going again. Also if you're ok smoking weed, none of those people know that, you don't have to tell them and you can keep smoking. I don't smoke it because I react horribly to it even after being high like 100 times.

>> No.8477423
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, 1483779856430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just recently got my own vehicle
>which means I cant get drunk at work and drive home drunk

just kill me already

>> No.8477429

We don't need any kind of drinking olympics around here son. I haven't seen those kinds of comments in a long time, and I don't intend to let it start again. That's not what these threads should be about at all.

>> No.8477430

vodka and coke zero.


just went and crushed chest and shoulders at the gym, still sore asf from deadlifting yesterday

>> No.8477435

In my locale the people at NA would actually just stand around after the meetings reminiscing about the times when they were on the drugs. It sounded weird. I've had multiple reports of it. At AA nothing of the sort happened.

>> No.8477445

we went to na and aa meetings, and it was exactly the same.
now that i'm thinking about it, you're right
drugs guys talked about it like it was jesus
and alcohol guys just said they're never going back
therefore: alcohol is worse

>> No.8477587

its usually the younger kids and their dick waving contests

>> No.8477598

When I drink (not claiming to be al/CK/) I binge eat. Anyone else experience this? I just made, ate, puked up, and threw away a bunch of food.

>> No.8477604

if you drink for long enough, you wont get the drunchies anymore

>> No.8477624

Drink more - always the answer.

>> No.8477636

Drank a whole bottle of whiskey, think this is it for me.

>> No.8477643

Sipping on Turkey 101 and Coke Z rn.

>> No.8477647
File: 608 KB, 718x535, 1481843279082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just took two shots to destress from today

a cut back of like 12 drinks.

its a start, at least

>> No.8477672

lol who counts there drinks?

I drink usually a half of a fifth of whiskey a night

>> No.8477686

i count two bc i cut down like half a fifth

this is the first night in a long time I havent had like 14 beers/drinks

>> No.8477712

I'll pay anoyone fe you to shoot me in the head, $500 buck eet go

>> No.8477716

name and location

>> No.8477718
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>wasted all my money on nice beer
>switch to pic related to increase bang:buck ratio
>actually starting to like it
>drink 6+ a day on average
Is this what a slippery slope feels like?

>> No.8477723

Chris, Ny

>> No.8477743

youre fuckin dead kid

>> No.8477748
File: 665 KB, 1210x1613, 20170113_174751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing off my Chivas.

Headed to the alcky emporium later this week for a new selection. Thinking of trying to find a good single malt.

>> No.8477755

Drinking Guinness and taking shots of gentlemen jack.
Contemplating on if I should go to the store before it closes to buy my breakfast beer or walking in at 7:00 when it opens and being judged.

>> No.8477763

>being judged
By whom, the other people at the liquor store at 7 AM? Nice digits btw

>> No.8477769

By your wife and the other store patrons.
And if you think those digits are nice, check these out

>> No.8477775

Fuck, I thought I had that one.
Maybe next time.

>> No.8477829
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>finally decide to give up buying nice hard booze nobody wants to drink with you
>start enjoying the bottom shelf life

>> No.8477909

25 ounces of Budweiser in a can. Tastes like rice.

>> No.8477917

Finally pushed myself over the edge on Saturday night and drank far, far too much. Sunday was a total write off and couldn't eat or drink anything. Think it was my body telling me enough is enough. It seems drinking between half and a full bottle of gin every night takes its toll.

Didn't drink anything on Sunday for the first time in a very long time, genuinely can't remember the last time I had a day off. Had a couple of glasses of wine last night, but have slept like shit for the past couple of nights. Might be time to start going to the gym and finding something to do in the evenings.

>> No.8477929

i dont read posts that have proper punctuation and capitalization sorry man

>> No.8477935

It is different for everyone, and depends on many things.

For me personally, I consider drinking between 2 and 4 beers a night or a bottle of wine at a push to be fine if you get some exercise and take at least a couple of days off. My diet is good, I get a decent amount of exercise, and being a fairly young guy are probably in my favour.

For context I went through periods of drinking a bottle a day, which is obviously too much

>> No.8477940


just curious how much and for how long did you have to drink to get to that point

>> No.8477957

>For me the absolute worst part of hangovers is the psychological terror

man, that hits home. I don't even drink that often, but if I drink heavily I'm super anxious the next day. Didn't used to happen to me.

if I drink heavily 2+ days in a row I feel like I'm on the edge of a panic attack when hungover.

>> No.8477960
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>> No.8478259

Ive lost everything. Not even the booze works anymore. I have about two 5ths of alcohol left. I sit on the toilet thinking i have to go but nothing comes out.

I hate this but i cant stop.

>> No.8478308


Chill yo. These threads are a place for addicts to get together.

Not an addict? There are plenty of alcohol threads.

>> No.8478437

Anyone wake up with really bad cramp if you combine too much caffeine with alcohol?

This morning I woke up to cramp in my left calf and right foot at the same time. Many times I've had pain in my left calf lasting for days after waking up to cramp.

>> No.8478543

Does it get any smoother than Belvedere?

>> No.8478798

Why aren't you guys capable of stopping? Just lay in bed and look at the ceiling if you have to. It's not difficult.

>> No.8478811

>It's not difficult

I think if that were the case there wouldn't be so many addicts. Some people can quit no problem and blame it on addiction because its easy. But some people are actually addicted and for those people it's very hard to stop. Kind of hard to explain to someone who has not been addicted himself. It's quite a horrible experience.

Everyday I wake up thinking feeling like absolute shit: "tonight I won't drink". Then I just postpone drinking all night. I wait till the store is almost closed, and 5 minutes before closing time I walk in there and get my booze.

>> No.8478832

> I wait till the store is almost closed, and 5 minutes before closing time I walk in there and get my booze.
I guess we all know that feel. Imagine the same temptation in a country where booze is sold 24/7.

>> No.8478843

There's no motivation to stop. Nothing to look forward to and no hope.

>> No.8478898

It never really made sense to me. Why wait till it's almost closed? It's weird because you see other people also getting booze at that time.

>> No.8478900

A lot of people don't actually want to stop untill it's too late. When people are told their liver is failing and if they keep drinking they'll be dead in 2 years they'll be more motivated to stop. But again, too late in most cases.

>> No.8478911

It is a combination of urgency psychology and scarcity psychology.

>> No.8478913

It's not on purpose. You want to stay sober that night, but then it's suddenly your last chance you can buy some drink, you think "well TONIGHT I'll have a drink, I'll stop tomorrow" or some other excuse and then you rush.

>> No.8478920

One time I litteraly walked back in forth for 15 minutes in my house. Putting on my shoes and thinking nah nevermind I'll just stay inside. Take my shoes off. Put my shoes back on. Put my jacket on. Take my jacket off. After like 15 fucking minutes of this retardation I want and got booze anyway.

>> No.8478947
File: 50 KB, 730x759, alcky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made you some OC guys

>> No.8479028

>I'm 27 and honestly my lonliness has disappeared now

27 in a couple weeks and feel the same. Probably because I spent so much of my formative years alone, it doesn't bother me anymore. It's just a fact of life.

I've still been drinking quite a bit over the last 3 years, make of that what you will.

>> No.8479036

Should be holding the bottle pouring the glass really.

>> No.8479265

How did I not think of this

>> No.8479500

haha woo i feel like shit

>> No.8479627
File: 35 KB, 390x376, header01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term sobriety is free and the greatest gift you can give yourself.
After over 10 years of drinking, sobriety have improved my life in so many ways.

>> No.8479630
File: 86 KB, 634x634, emily_blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of you have a handle on actual alcoholics.
Pic related, people with real problems.

>> No.8479632


How long till you regain motivation? Ive been seriously tryin to quit for 2 years now and I make it a few months, slowly start regaining my motivation and will to do shit , then i drink like 3 days and am back to square one with ZERO motivation for weeks on end.

>> No.8479650
File: 2.69 MB, 4128x2322, 20170117_170937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to here for to make whiskey post....so much bullshit is found. Faces are sad. Now make whiskey post for happiness. May anons be generous with OC.

This is my first bottle of Clyde May's and I went back to the store today while it was still on sale to get another because I am enjoying it so much. Almost don't even know how to describe the taste. It's my first bourbon whiskey (I'm still new to whiskey and have been trying different scotches up till now) and I'm in love. What is everyone else drinking?

>> No.8479653

He trollan.

Alcohol gives you motivation. Use it while it's on. Recharge when it wears off. Win

>> No.8479664

You're just in denial.

>> No.8479667

Is Jim beam considered trash?

>> No.8479784

I've had some massive calf cramps rarely when I wake up starting a few months ago, bad enough that I can't stand let alone walk. Has made me late to work a few times. Maybe you're onto something, I usually drink caffeine with my booze.

>> No.8479814

Why is she facing the crowd and photographer? She could just turn around and hide her activities with her own body.
Yeah, she has problems for sure. Stupidity is one of them.

Also, I did that, but I prefer to hide in a bin storage/trash can area.

>> No.8479818

I think it's probably mid to low mid tier. I used to drink this shit called Canadian Mist before I swore off liquor, you could be doing much worse I'm sure

>> No.8479846

It is from The Girl on the Train (2016)
That water bottle is the same she used in the movie.

>> No.8479942

Is that movie any good? Looks interesting.

>> No.8479997

>any good?
58.541 votes

>> No.8479999


>> No.8480008

Double-shot of Bacardi Gold chased with ocean spray cranberry juice i'm a 7/10 on the Richter scale

>> No.8480015

The movie was "meh" quality, but having a realistic alcoholic protagonist was interesting.

>> No.8480115
File: 28 KB, 300x464, IJ_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here read pic related? It's full of hyper-realistic portrayals of addiction, alcoholism included, and it's really spooked me and made me second guess my habits.

>> No.8480118

What are some good movies about alcoholism?

>> No.8480199

My friend is reading it and it's taking him forever but he's a bit of a psued who buys books to display them. Talk to /lit/ about it because that's one of their meme books. Supposed to be good though.

>> No.8480209
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, 1460623005667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is coca cola without caffeine good enough for cuba libre?

>> No.8480214

I've read it and can confirm it's excellent. You can't have any real discussion about it on /lit/ though because it is such a meme.

>> No.8480219

>Talk to /lit/
really bad advice

>> No.8480760

which coca cola are you using? caffeine free diet? If it's diet, it's unfortunately going to taste like ass in a cocktail. I can drink diet coke by itself no problem, but it's not good mixed :(

>> No.8480844

Just pawned off my cable box for a 6pack. God help me

>> No.8480854

First time poster here. I just want to know how far this road goes.
Basically, mom died, three weeks later dad died, younger brother went to live with my grandparents. Four days ago, they were in a car crash with a train. Three deaths. So I remember going out to the convenience store and getting something that I think was supposed to be whiskey.
Wake up shirtless in my apartment, can't take three steps without kicking a glass bottle. My hands are shaky, and I'm really feeling another drink right about now, even though I've got work in two hours and a date to make as soon as I get off.
How far does this ride go before I crash?

>> No.8480882

When did these deaths occur? Was this recent, and that's when you started drinking heavily? How long have you been drinking?

>> No.8480893

As someone who only drinks when I'm off work, go to work. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

>> No.8480902

So mom died around two months ago. Cried, spoke at her funeral, carried the casket. Dad died three weeks after that, same song and dance. Grandparents/brother died four days ago, and I don't really remember anything between then and now. I've had the occasional beer for the last three years, but nothing like this. Never even had a bad hangover, before.

>> No.8480907

Meant to link you.

>> No.8480927

I love you anon. Just know someone out here in the darkness cares about you.

>> No.8480937

Okay, just wanted to get some context or perspective for your drinking. To answer your initial question, it can go pretty far before "crashing", but it can also "crash" very quickly. Or it could just burn out and never really pick up or go anywhere.

For most, it's a slowly developing ride that gets worse and worse over time. For a lot of people, it could take years to even get "bad", but warning signs are always there. If anything, it might be working in your favor that it has not been going on for too long and that you're already at a pretty bad level this quick. That sounds counter-intuitive, but you're already recognizing that you're having a problem. So you might be able to take action sooner and straighten up because it's so horribly in your face already. When it takes a while to develop, you don't notice how bad it is until it's too late and you're hooked and the alcohol is so ingrained in your life that quitting is incredibly difficult.

Please continue to be aware, and take steps now to stop. You said you've had shaky hands, but that's likely just an intense hangover from your huge binge. Well, don't let it get to the point where shaky hands is just a daily occurrence in the morning and you HAVE to drink to make it stop. You do not want on that ride. I've done it. Whatever grief and pain you're feeling now over familial deaths will be magnified and compounded by an addiction that is truly one of the hardest to beat. It can get so much worse than you ever thought imaginable. Don't be like some of us who had to end up in the hospital over that shit.

>> No.8480958


That is an absolutely unreal set of circumstance to have that many family members and relatives die within that short of time. I honestly have trouble believing that but if that actually happened I'm really sorry man, and I hope you can try to sort your life out as best as humanely possible in that situation.

>> No.8480969

I don't know what you believe in but I'll say a prayer for you and your senpai anon

>> No.8481036

I appreciate it. Thank you.

It's been insane. Most of the time it feels insane, like somehow if I just stop thinking about it it'll go away, and I'll be able to call home and ask if my parents want to go camping soon. I should've done that more often, in retrospect.

Honestly, I just want to stop feeling. I think. It was going well, you know? I had it all together, all of my emotions were in tidy little boxes, and then this happened, and I don't know. I don't even like the taste of alcohol. The only enjoyable thing about it is how it makes it so hard to care about things, or to feel like they matter. Which, now that I've typed that out, sounds maladaptive at best.

>> No.8481060


>like somehow if I just stop thinking about it it'll go away, and I'll be able to call home and ask if my parents want to go camping soon.

Fuck ... those feels.. I'm so sorry.. I never do shit with my parents though I often think I will regret that later on, I never make the effort to change. My problems seem miniscule compared to that I really dont know what to say, except God bless you , and may you find peace.

>> No.8481071

Tried, but it's so over verbose that it's almost akin to reading archaic pseudo English. When it takes a footnote glossary and complimentary literature to fully understand, then its missed the point of conveyance.

Read about three chapters when going sober, haven't picked it up since I picked the habit back up.

Heard good things, but just didn't pan out in my experience...

>> No.8481126

I want to get drunk so fucking badly it's killing me, but I can't until the 1st when I move outta here.

I miss you alcohol, even if you ruined my life.

>> No.8481192
File: 13 KB, 400x356, biphasicResponse_chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is the reason for your misery.
When you drink you only feel better for a short while, but it is not worth it, do not start.

>> No.8481195

I'm aware of that, anon.

>> No.8481242

Stay vigilant guys. Life gets awesome again when you stop the addiction.

>> No.8481268

>Iam alpham

good message but jesus

>> No.8481280

guinness extra stout. delicious creamy goodness turning a shitty day into a glorious one

>> No.8481558

You post like a faggot.

>> No.8481565

>I love you anon
No, you don't. It's really easy to post affirmative shit on 4chan, but in real life you wouldn't do shit for this man. You just want to feel like you're a good person and it's shallow as fuck. Love isn't that cheap.

>> No.8481635

Takes one to know one queerboy

>> No.8481643

That's what I'm talking about. Your posts reek of faggotry. Do your parents a favor and jump off of a tall building, worthless faggot.

>> No.8481887

I'm not even that guy though, I just wanted to respond to the triggered projecting homo

>> No.8481890

All you could get out of it was enough money for a six pack?

>> No.8481995

Guy doesn't sound like a typical drunk/alcoholic. Sounds more like a college kid who grew up.

>> No.8482808

Holy shit guys I just cracked a 6 pack of Coors, and I know it's shit beer, but this one is tasting pretty weird. Is that because I usually have it on draft if I ever have it? Is it supposed to taste like this in cans?

>> No.8482848

It really sucks that it takes so much to get drunk.

I watch my little girlfriend drink a beer and a half and she's wasted immediately. Meanwhile, I have to sneak beers and shots in the kitchen just to get close to "having a good time" instead of just being surly that I'm the only sober person in the room.

She worries about me and, like a true addict, her concern just infuriates me and makes my bad behaviors worse. When she calls me out for being an alcoholic, I tell her she's being dramatic and that she hates to see people have fun. Whenever she's at work and I have the house to myself, I drink as much as I possibly can before she gets home and then stuff my face with fatty food to get sober before she shows up.

Life is a shitshow, friends.
I get joy from only a few things in this world: Eating, sleeping, masturbating and drinking liquor. And those are the things that people tell me I do too much. Well, why the fuck wouldn't I? Literally nothing else brings me any pleasure or joy.

>> No.8482859

>that high voice
>manlet shoulders
>trendy haircut


>> No.8482974

If your girlfriend doesn't bring you pleasure and joy maybe it's time to look for a new one.

>> No.8482978

Has 2 million subscribers.

>> No.8483226

what is this supposed to make me think or feel? i can't figure it out

>> No.8483232

I'm not naive, childish or simplistic enough to be brought joy by something as retarded and basic as a romantic relationship.

>> No.8483240

my favorite book

leaving las vegas

wanna touch pee-pees?

>> No.8483330

Is there anything like Kahlua but not as dark a roast? I like light coffee

>> No.8483434

combine with vodka and milk

>> No.8483477
File: 42 KB, 640x786, 1483730269754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best drink I can get with 10 maple bucks

>> No.8483652

That's the problem, I'm making white Russians and Cubans but Kahlua tastes too bitter

>> No.8483824

Grabbed some cheap Ketel 1 in Amsterdam and some Glenfiddich 15 in UK.

Do you guys stump up for better vodkas or just go for something reasonably priced but not cheap as fuck.

Have yet to open scotch but wasn't pricey so not too concerned.

>> No.8483865

edgy mate, real edgy. do both of you a favor and just break up with her

>> No.8483910
File: 138 KB, 600x339, 1-rekorderlig-cider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some ciders are pretty good tho

>> No.8483920


>> No.8483975

I've been drinking Gordon's for about four days straight now. I pass out about 3 times every 24 hours and wake up in a horrific panic which prompts me to immediately chug about half a liter and then I just lay there watching television until I pass out again. I have no appetite but I couldn't eat if I wanted to cause my esophagus is burned from all the vomiting I did this morning.

>> No.8484106

hey,ex pot head but had to quit to get ready for internship, what's a good liquor that's strong, cheap, and doesn't taste unbearable

>> No.8484143

But you are naive, childish, and simplistic enough to only get pleasure from eating, sleeping, masturbating, and drinking liquor.

Look man, I used to be a horrible blazing alcoholic and there was a time where those were the only things I did, but trust me, your arrogant viewpoint is wrong.

>> No.8484147

Water. Like a normal person.

Fix your fucking life.

>> No.8484178

>posting an advert

Kill yourself

>> No.8484236

Night 2 with no booze. So far so good. This is the longest I've gone in awhile.

>> No.8484255

Trees Lounge is the best I've ever seen.
Most movies about alcoholism deal with the worst of the worst, or people who've fallen from great heights into the gutter. But for most people alcoholism just keeps your life dull and frustrating and sad and small and lonely. No great catastrophes or tragedies, just a gradual loss of everything that makes life worth living. And this movie captures that perfectly.

>> No.8484272

same. anxiety is through the roof

>> No.8484299

Finding a new hobby helps.

>> No.8484312

Today I am drinking homebrew sugar wine made with added yeast nutrient + cream of tartar for potassium, fermented in PET bottles with pinholed balloon airlocks. It's about 1 month old now and has matured to a good taste. It's at least the equal of the cheapest dry white grape wine. Sugar wine has a bad reputation but if you make it right it does not have to taste bad, and it has exceptionally low cost.

I am also fermenting another batch with low-sodium salt substitute (2/3 potassium chloride + 1/3 sodium chloride blend), because I checked the major supermarkets and cream of tartar has dramatically increased in price. Even though it's still cheap when measured per serving, it goes against the spirit of poverty booze, so I am trying a cheaper alternative. I only need 200ppm potassium so hopefully it won't taste salty when it's done.

>> No.8484343

Ugh, same here. No booze on weekdays for me. Last week I cheated two days out of 4. One day I had two beers, and the last night I had a few glasses of rum because I was being kept up late.

So this week I gave myself a mulligan on MLK day, drank 5 beers when I should of drank only three, and it sucked because they did nothing. I've got tonight and one more to go until Friday night.

I'm just bored. I just like drinking.

>> No.8484382

How are you nigga? I'm the same.
>slam a 375 of vodka 2 blocks from home
>have a beer at supper to cover smell
>once kids are in bed drink 6 more beers
>same shit for years

>> No.8484532

Cut it out, guy...

>> No.8484669

>tfw didn't drink any weeknight last week or the week before
>made it through monday night
>drank lightly last night
>hit the whiskey tonight


>> No.8484732

Sticking to drinking only on Saturday with my friends. Gives me a lot to look forward to not getting drunk every other day. My liver and my waistline will both thank me for this one.

>> No.8484744

>Went from a bottle a day to basically nothing
>Been 4 days since a drink
I've been losing focus super hard and losing focus, like it feels like my eyes are behind my head rather than perceiving whats in front of them.

Is this just some detox side effect?

>> No.8484781

probably. youll be back soon.

4 days is about my max. then I have that weekend first drink, whether alone or with friends, and it's all back from there.

>> No.8484807

Svedka's decent.

>> No.8484816

Being drunk supposedly causes your blood sugar levels to drop.

Hence you need food.

>> No.8484822
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1440, tmp_31775-FB_IMG_1484799955172-1155275083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I found out this will hold 6 cans, so that's my new years resolution 3 beers a night. On #2 gonna see if I can get 5 in tonight for the hell of it.

>> No.8484861

Are you trying to drink more? I dont get it

>> No.8484871

Drink less, or at least be able to say I didn't drink much. 3 beers can be between 12-18 bullshit cans.

>> No.8484873

Haven't drank since New Years. Had a shitty day at work and really wanted to pick up a pint of whiskey when i got off but i resisted. Feels good bros, you can do it

>> No.8484892

wait, so youre call a "beer" as being that whole jug?

how much were you drinking before

>> No.8484912

15-20 a day, given they're busch heavy sp it's nothing crazy. It's more for me, so I don't feel like shitbag telling the homies I drank a case on a Wednesday.

>> No.8484922



>> No.8484938

shit bruh good on you for making an effort.

I still listen to Rust In Peace occasionally

>> No.8484944
File: 28 KB, 480x591, tmp_22545-Easy_dave__07ccb589ec647514beb7e28b331db158-1778231016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listened to it yesterday haha.

>> No.8484967

I'm a drink bulliet bourbon.
I'm trying to forget my many mistakes.

>> No.8485238

>Kahlua tastes too bitter
That's weird, did the recipe change? It's been a long time since I had it but I remember it being very very sweet. Now I've always loved bitter coffee so maybe the taste just didn't fully register with me.

>> No.8485246

yes nothing like a bulleit to the head to forget everything

>> No.8485264

hi friends

I'm closet gay and I can only admit it when drunk as fuck. I'm married but I crave dick when the liquor flows. I wait until she's asleep, get wasted, and then jerk off until my dick is raw to thoughts of my equally straight friends.

That's all friends, thanks

>> No.8485268

how old are you

>> No.8485269


>> No.8485277

did you know you were gay when you got married

>> No.8485282

yeah, but she makes way more money than I do

>> No.8485285

does she know?

>> No.8485288
File: 94 KB, 803x868, Pence jumpstart for the queer tart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't get drunk
>this cures the gay

>> No.8485297

ran out of spirits, had to drink beer
feels like I've eaten a whole bag of yeast. snorted a quart of orange juice and been injected with grappa

why do people drink beer by choice?

>> No.8485306

i have to jack it to mlp porn bc my fetish is too niche to have enough material but for some reason, the mlp fags are all over it
and they make higher quality art

>> No.8485308
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1447727704996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485310


believe me, i know

>> No.8485315

un-fuck yourself man
have some self respect

>> No.8485318
File: 63 KB, 155x328, Screenshot 2017-01-19 at 2.54.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one would guess with who i am and whre im at. im doing fine. It's far past the point of respecting myself w.r.t this

>> No.8485321

what's your fetish man, just spit it out

I'f find you a non furry source

>> No.8485327

im in these threads too often to give it up breh

its a shameful part of my life

at least i can afford it tho

>> No.8485403


>> No.8485409

I'm sure that, if we get 4chan on the case, we can find non-furry/mlp porn of anything.

>> No.8485792

You're anonymous you stupid fuck.

>> No.8486607

alberta premium guy here
think these withdrawals are going to kill me

>> No.8487228

Almost done with day 9. Would actually fancy a drink now but then again I want to see how long I can keep it up.
Next time I'd get some sleeping pills for the first week.