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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8471078 No.8471078 [Reply] [Original]

Society has finally reached its end-game.

>> No.8471090
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yea instead of little cards that kids give to chefs to show them their many allergies, they should just have to become child prostitutes and tell the cook that way. Now everyone is happy!!!!!!

>> No.8471094

Looks like some corn bread topped with crème fraîche is on the menu for Lillian

>> No.8471101

i'm glad society is starting to take food allergies and intolerances seriously

t. allergy and intolerance sufferer

also, cross contamination should never be an issue anyway

>> No.8471106

So uhh.. are these actually life threatening allergies, or just fucktard parents? If they are life threatening, Lillian is going to have a shit life.

>> No.8471107

I'd rather have little card to reference instead of the waiter's chicken scratch.

Ideally they wouldn't eat out, but that's unrealistic.

Hopefully more hypoallergenic food variations are engineered.

>> No.8471108

Is ketchup a food allergy? cause i think i got it

>> No.8471111

I'm willing to bet the kid isn't allergic to over half of those.

>> No.8471125

I'll put $50 on that. Go feed him half the list.

>> No.8471126

Quads confirm she is full of shit

>> No.8471133


Tomato allergy. Fairly common.

>> No.8471138

>Thank You for keeping me safe, You Rock
Well you're welcome, you Hulk

>> No.8471151

Believe it or not but cesarian sections births are responsible for over 90% of food allergies

>> No.8471162

How many food allergies can a person have? Wow!

>> No.8471168

What the hell can Lillian eat? Just meat on a plate?

>> No.8471169

That sounds like a conspiracy theory

>> No.8471171


>> No.8471181

This is fucking true. As gross as it sounds, you NEED the bacteria in your mom's pussy to come in contact with you as you slide out. Same with breastfeeding. Take these away and there's a drastic increase in food intolerance.

>> No.8471185

> was born a c-section
> not allergic to anything

Science btfo

>> No.8471187

You can google to learn more details about it, but the basic thing is that going through birth canal baby is exposed to all the bacterias in mothers body bacterias that build immune system of the baby.
With cesarian section births baby is not exposed to them, and immune system is not as strong.
Simple as that.

>> No.8471194
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Why don't we spray every mom's snatch prior to delivery then? No more allergies lads. We did it reddit.

>> No.8471196

Well then we should just swab the baby with a dirty tampon right?

>> No.8471197

at least it's not shit genes. These kids can have healthy children in the future. Good to know, and I liked to shit on inferior all-intolerant folk, bah...rip

>> No.8471207

you are the lucky one, perhaps your mother was breast feeding you and that helps as this anon said, >>8471181,
or maybe she was feeding you proper foods to build up your immune system or also your family DNA has strong gens.

>> No.8471216

parents gens are also playing role in weak immune system in children but c-section births are adding to it by not supplying those natural elements like bacterias and various other micro organisms.

>> No.8471220

Are banana allergies a thing?
I used to love bananas but I haven't eaten one in years as every time I'd try, I'd puke.
It happens with melons too but I never cared for melons anyway.

>> No.8471221

also maybe you had a dog or cat as a baby, having animals around helps exposing babies to various bacterias thous building stronger immune systems in them.

>> No.8471226

That explains neither allergies developed from not eating dirt as a child nor allergies developed later in life for seemingly no reason.

>> No.8471239

Also many food allergies could be result of genetically modifications in foods and some people especially children with weaker immune systems are much more sensitive to it.
Of course there is no one simple answer to it

>> No.8471240

>for over 90% of food allergies
>That explains neither allergies

>> No.8471247

One time a card came back with a ticket. A server sheepishly placed it in our window with the ticket, giving me a particularly embarassed look. I picked it up, and read "be nice to meat, I'm vegan". I immediately started laughing, and held out the laminated card for my coworker to see. Both of us now laughing in the window, loudly, where the whole restaurant can see. I then called the dishwasher over, looked for the table number on the ticket, and pointed out the table while the dishwasher read the card. We all pointed and laughed at the family who had given us the card. Two tiny early 30s parents, guant and terrified, and their tiny sickly son.

Best day of my life. We kept the card, refusing to give it back to server when he asked for it.

>> No.8471251

I sincerely doubt that caesarians are common enough to account for 90% of allergies

>> No.8471255

male gays who were born via c-section do have lot's of food allergies because as young boys and adults they never "eat" pussy therefore they were not introduced
to any of
those bacterial microorganisms that are so beneficial for proper development of strong immune system.
That's why most gays have food allergies, check the data

>> No.8471264

Peanuts very possibly but not the others. I've never heard of those others being life threatening.

>> No.8471265

I don't know how, within 1 generation, the vast majority of people are allergic to multiple foods. This cannot be explained by sudden widespread genetic mutation. It has to be 1 of 2 things: Purely psychosomatic mass hysteria or overdiagnosis by a corrupt medico system. Perhaps a combination of both.

>> No.8471270

I feel like you have one of those mommy and unbirthing fetishes.

>> No.8471272

google the scientific studies, don't trust what I'm posting, check it for yourself
thats what I've heard one time doctor talking on the radio and it makes sense to me.
but do your own research if you are so skeptical.

BTW, doing oral on girls (eating pussy) is good for your immune system even as an adult,
young boys should be encouraged to do it, abstain from intercourse but engage in oral sex for teenagers.

>> No.8471280

GMO/vaccines, lot of people in there 50's are getting allergies now

>> No.8471282

genetically modified foods with increase of this >>8471151
that will do it very fast

>> No.8471288

swallowing semen has its benefits also, just googled it

>> No.8471295

o yes and this, >>8471280
and soft drinks plus massive dozes of hormones in in animal raised for meat, especially in chicken, add those up and you will destroy generation in a hurry

>> No.8471303


>> No.8471328

nah lillian is probably just autistic...when you see red dye and gluten, it pretty much confirms it.

>> No.8471339

I'm going to sprinkle penis dust all over Disneyland now.

>> No.8471340

that makes no sense when allergies are a genetic issue and the baby is already fully developed when they are being cut out of their mom...does the baby get magical cleansed when it is sliding out its mom's vagina tube or something?

>> No.8471357

>when allergies are a genetic issue
stop posting nonsense

>> No.8471364

I personally would just execute those kids.

>> No.8471378

I hope you never get married and you never have kids,
buy you probably are gay so you will have no kids anyways.


>> No.8471385

Am I on facebook?
because I thought I was on 4chan.

>> No.8471390

let us know were you are and we will do that with you, don't hide now you brave shit

>> No.8471398

>red dye
were they never allowed to play in the dirt, or just growing up in a sterile environment?

>> No.8471400

>red dye
People are so sickeningly faggoty.

>> No.8471426

>that faggot i know that refuses to eat seafood and claims to be "allergic"
>my whore ex gf who refused to eat anything besides chicken, corn, cheese, and bread

I don't know why pickiness makes me rage so hard. I think it would be safe to assume that these faggy kids are refusing to eat eggs and beans and their coddling parents are promoting it by saying theyre allergic. In reality, they should just slap them unless they want to raise tendie eating homos.

>> No.8471429

>penis dust

really makes u think..

>> No.8471436

I have peanut allergies, and had dairy intolerance as a kid. Not all lactose either, mostly just straight milk. I can eat cheese and yogurt and all that stuff just fine, and I can have a bowl of cereal with milk, just can't drink it after.

A lot of allergies are way more prevalent as a kid because your immune system is retarded. Some allergies stay, but stuff like eggs and milk and dairy in general all tend to disappear as you grow. I still can't drink glasses of milk but I have no problem with dairy at all, and I eat eggs every day.

Know what my biggest problem is? Semolina/durum intolerance. I can't eat more than like 150g of pasta made of semolina without breaking out in hives and my lips swelling. Shit SUCKS.

>> No.8471448
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Fuck off you genetic failure.

>> No.8471450
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How the fuck are we pooping out babies with so much allergies? Man, I've gone to a get together this christmas with some of my old folk, they all got some crazy allergies like, lactose intolerance, seafood, and fucking eggs too. I feel like I'm the one sticking out because I've got any of them. What caused this?

>> No.8471454

Egg allergies are very rare, from what I've heard.

>> No.8471479

Time ago people died from those allergies so they didn't pass their shit genes

>> No.8471520

Your kind will be the first to hang on the day of the rope

>> No.8471538

>had dairy intolerance as a kid. Not all lactose either, mostly just straight milk. I can eat cheese and yogurt and all that stuff just fine, and I can have a bowl of cereal with milk, just can't drink it after.
I used to be like that too. It's called being a picky eater.

>> No.8471551

No, I would get hives and rashes and have to go to the ER for epinephrine. I wish it was just me being a picky eater, but allergy tests and being forced to eat new shit (cashews) as a kid and nearly dying because of it made my parents realize it wasn't worth it either. Like I said, I don't have a problem with it now, but it absolutely wasn't just bullshit when I was a kid.

>> No.8471568

>needing an unspecified day of uprising in the future to kill people you view as degenerates
>not simply killing them now
u know how I no ur a cuck

>> No.8471575

Who /noallergies/ here? The only thing i get is a mild numbness in my lips when i eat shellfish. Feels good to not be a weak sack of shit who can die from a nut.

>> No.8471579

Well you're born from a nut, so it makes sense if it can kill you too, right?

>> No.8471580

>Not murdering them all on a specific day
>A day that can be long remembered
>A day that will be a national holiday and called VD day - Victory over Degeneracy

Do you even know how to /Reich/?

>> No.8471597

Reich is just the German name for realm or empire you faggot

>> No.8471666

It really makes you think

>> No.8471676


The current theory is that babies and young children are raised in environments that are too sanitary. Their immune systems don't get the exercise they're supposed to get and as a result, they overreact when exposed to harmless substances.

>> No.8471690

I have a friend with an egg allergy, or rather he kinda grew out of it. And even when he was little he could eat for instance a cake with a bit of egg in the mix.

>> No.8471702

Why not just stop eating at restaurants at that point

>> No.8471714

I was born via cesarean and have a strong constitution. Get maybe 1 cold every 2 years.

I am allergic to garlic, but so is my Mom so that is genetic.

>> No.8471741

You're right. CPS should be called to take the kids away and the parents should be executed instead.

>> No.8471760

Yeah but if the parent is allergic or doesn't "believe" in eating something, that is probably going to be passed down either by force or imitation.

>> No.8471845

None. And no one I grew up with had or has any. That's why I know this is all mass hysteria, which is why I'm intolerant of it. No way everyone suddenly has a shitload of allergies.

>> No.8471849

> my parents don't care about my health

>> No.8471854

>allergic to peanuts but not nuts

>> No.8471878


>> No.8471910

9/10's out of ten a kid's "allergies" are just parents forcing their retarded dietary decisions on their kids.

My mother is a daycare teacher and parents constantly make up allergies for their kids to make absolutely sure they aren't being fed things.

>> No.8471921

>9/10's out of ten a kid's "allergies" are just parents forcing their retarded dietary decisions on their kids.

>> No.8471927

>9/10's out of ten a kid's "allergies"
Nine tenths out of a ten a kid's "allergies"?

>> No.8471939

I say that I'm allergic to milk but it's not true.

That's just that I found creme and meat disgusting but people are too retarded to understand when I asked for no fucking creme.

So, I just say that I'm allergic to milk and don't eat their shit. I always eat at home before going to dinner somewhere else than a restaurant.

So, yeas, when people say that they are allergic to some food, it always make me laugh.

>> No.8471950

Shit like that is why I only give out Halloween candy that has nuts in it. That, and I'm an asshole.

>> No.8471964

It's because their parents are failures who believe in woo-woo science. They probably don't vaccinate them, either.


>> No.8471986

Sounds more like the opposite.

>> No.8472015

Thats because you grew up eating dirt and living in a skip

>> No.8472024

Huh, I think that checks out. I had a dog while growing up and get exposed a lot to outdoors, like going hunting or fishing. Isn't an allergic reaction basically your immune system shitting the bed when you're exposed to a new substance?

>> No.8472045


eating pussy is gayer than sucking dick.

>> No.8472076

>shitting the bed when you're exposed to a new substance?

That was the best fucking analogy you could come up with? That doesn't help the argument against a huge population mass coming under the delusion of multiple allergies.

>> No.8472082

The advice is based on peer-reviewed science. We have a far better understanding of how the immune system works and how allergies are formed than we did 20 years ago. You need to expose children to various proteins and potential allergens early to "train" their immune system correctly. Over-bearing dirt-phobic parents have created sicker children.

>> No.8472175

I hope your windpipe closes and you die, you lesser being.

>> No.8472186
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>> No.8472190
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>> No.8472202

Fuck off, Titus, the empire's fallen.

>> No.8472209

>cross-contamination should never be anissue anyway
Have you ever worked in a kitchen? Avoiding cross-contamination means using more pairs of clean gloves and more cleaning than what's already being done.

>> No.8472216

This is exactly why this recent trend of fake dietary restrictions bothers me; it totally detracts from people with real, life-threatening allergies/digestive problems. I went to school with a kid with celiac disease and a whole bunch of other food-related health issues, and he certainly didn't flaunt it. He was severely underweight, often in physical distress just from eating his lunch, and never got to eat any of the snacks at birthday parties and shit. He was really nice, but you know his health problems must have made his life a lot less enjoyable. To see people wear their "allergies" like an accessory must be so saddening to him, who never gets to enjoy food in the first place without worrying that it might kill him.

>> No.8472221

>sugars ending in -ose
So every sugar in existance including the fucking glucose that powers the mitochondira of every cell in Megan's body?

>> No.8472226

>red dye

who has life threatening allergies to these things??

>> No.8472230

Are allergies really exploding in commonality or is it just a meme?

>> No.8472233

>coffee is a bean
>vanilla is not a bean
what the absolute fuck is in these peoples brains

>> No.8472243

Peanuts are beans

>> No.8472248

I can maybe give the others the benefit of the doubt but fucking hell this is some bullshit

>> No.8472298

>>cross-contamination should never be anissue anyway
>Have you ever worked in a kitchen? Avoiding cross-contamination means using more pairs of clean gloves and more cleaning than what's already being done.
In our kitchen we change gloves constantly and wash our hands in between, and we sanitize the fuck out of every food contact surface constantly. Get a job in a proper kitchen

>> No.8472305

I always find funny people cannot eat peanuts but can eat beans and soy just fine. Or maybe my body is a weirdo.

>> No.8472307

Fuck all you non gluten eating faggots

>> No.8472318

Fake and gay. Forced c-section due to takig forever to dilate- child has no issues.

>> No.8472326

Also, iirc, I was c-sectioned too. I have no allergie to anything.

It's just your shit line, I suppose.

>> No.8472336

it's mostly parents. They put "life threatening" and have the lawier in the easy call list.

>> No.8472337

>proper kitchen
choose one

>> No.8472341

Both if you're handling ready to eat foods with your hands dumbass

>> No.8472379

Real chefs very rarely use gloves.
You clearly have no experience in a proper kitchen.

>> No.8472386

>eating pussy is good


>> No.8472397

Real chefs typically aren't the ones handling the food at service time either, their line cooks and sous chefs etc do all that.
YOU clearly have no experience in a real kitchen

>> No.8472416
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>sugars ending in -ose


>> No.8472442

According to my own experience, a lot and all at once.
They all ended in itchiness and thankfully I outgrew them. Milk, soy and egg yolk allergies all at once were not fun.

>> No.8472450

Wait so celiacs get to eat for free?

>> No.8472474

>TFW not allergic to anything
The weak should fear the strong

>> No.8472488

>here you go ma'am, plain white rice, no salt.

>> No.8472878

My friend's brother has a very severe reaction to red dye #40 iirc (not sure the exact number). He swells up and can't breathe if he accidentally eats something with it.

>> No.8473370

>literally pulling bullshit out of your ass

I was born through a caesarean and have no allergies whatsoever, in fact I've always been perfectly healthy

>> No.8473391

he's probably faking it. what a pussy. my tax money shouldn't support him. MAGA

>> No.8473395

>perfectly healthy
>posting on 4chan

>> No.8473563

A proper kitchen is going to advise anyone with allergies that foods containing allergens are processed on site and while they take all precautions possible, they cannot take any responsibility for allergic reactions.

t. someone who works in a multiple award winning kitchen

>> No.8473579

>I am Celiac
That's a pretty name :3

>> No.8473582

If I add enough drops of blue dye to turn it purple, will the child still get an allergic reaction?

>> No.8473589


>> No.8473628
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I used to have an egg allergy, I'd say up until the time that I was 13 or so. I ate a lot of eggs growing up anyways, and I always had stomach problems and weird symptoms after eating them. Eventually I figured out that cooking them all the way through kind of deactivates the allergens.

I am allergic to unripened (green, hard) bananas. My sister is allergic to ripe (yellow, spotted, soft) bananas.

My throat-closing death allergen is sesame. Fucking bottom buns, man.

>> No.8473630

>actual chefs do not in fact cook

Lel. Maybe if restrict yourself to the strictest french definition of chef and you work in some type of corporate chain deal. Not if you work anywhere with any level of quality.

I learned french in french kitchens where no English was spoken, called myself a chef and was referred to as such by my head chef and management.

Chef de Partie has been a title since Escoffier you know.

>> No.8473643

With all the respect for people with various food allergies but if I was restaurant owner and if accommodating them adds significant inconvenience and cost to my operation
I would tell them that there is an extra (let's say 20%) charge for accommodating them or I would politely refuse the service based on not guaranteeing 100% that there will be no food contamination,
especially in busy time and if your are dealing with multi allergies customer on top of it.

There were already law suits and some restaurants got big fines for something going wrong.
If you are a person with food allergies, especially with complex multi food allergies WTFuck you are doing going to eat at restaurants you dumb ass.
Eat your specialty food at home and save everybody the headache from accommodating your needs.

So I understand and agree with this poster that it could be very frustrating situation, and not only inconvenience but also possible freaking law suit.

>> No.8473678

If you add 20% and they still had a reaction, you would be liable for righteous suing.

Your best bet is to make the line cooks where it and say we take all care and no responsibility and therefore, by dining with you, they assume all risk.

Just the reality of the business friend.

>> No.8473682

>make line cooks wear it...

>> No.8473879

that's not enough, just fucking KILL THEM ALL

>> No.8473891

Could be celiac?

>> No.8473905

whatever, ive worked in a hospital house and gloves werent a requirement.

>> No.8473907

why is c section succh a thing right now? seems like a conspiracy theory to me

>> No.8473925
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i was born via c-section and was not breastfed and i have no food allergies

checkmate atheists

>> No.8473933

Reason is that pussy and hips are not going stretched with c-section births so woman keeps her figure and tight pussy. True.

>> No.8473945

>within 1 generation, the vast majority of people are allergic to multiple foods
where are you getting this from?

>> No.8473950


yeah but you're posting on 4chan. clearly you haven't reached your potential.

>> No.8473951


faggots with allergies need not go out.
I'm allergic to tree nuts. Guess what, I ask about the shit I'm about to eat. Never order desert and if it's "crusted" anything I make sure to ask.
If you really are allergic to anything you already know what it is. Making up shit and picking and choosing afterwards only proves you to be a fraud.
I hope all of these tumblrites die of anaphylactic shock

>> No.8473969

so its a selfish choice? i think women who do that and also get rid of their stretch marks are the worst. i bet theyre the same people with allergy prone children and also feed them formula

>> No.8473971

Genetics plays an inconsistent role in allergies. Its complicated .

>> No.8473972

Dont be so edgy anon. This is fourchan .

>> No.8473985

>This is fourchan
So in that case let's kill you and your parents and your brothers and sisters and your best friends. Fuck you and fuck them all, especially your family.
I hope that's fine with you. You and your parents and rest of your family are just useless shits that are wasting oxygen and food that they eat.

>> No.8474006

>Avoiding cross-contamination means obeying rules that, in some countries, are federal laws.

Oh no...

>> No.8474021

It depends on how he defines "1 generation" but there definitely has been an increase in the % of the population that has allergies now compared to, say, 50 years ago.

>> No.8474034

That's not the only reason. Doctor's will typically recommend c sections if theres even a 10% chance of it not working the normal route. Plus there are women who want specific birthdates, premature births, women who don't want to be stuck in the hospital for a whole week etc.

There's also some study I heard about that claims since these women are having kids that they normally "couldnt" have, its leading to kids who will inherit those small vaginas/premature baby genes that will lead to another c section when they get pregnant.

>> No.8474050

George Carlin is a god damn prophet.
Now all we need is that superbug

>> No.8474081

Fucking asians.

>> No.8474105

Steak and potatoes all day every day. She will be a beast.

>> No.8474116


With the amount of pussy I've eaten I should be able to digest a fucking rock.
I have to admit, I'm addicted to eating sloots.

>> No.8474124

clone that fucker he is super human

>> No.8474140

Learn to greentext properly, newfag.

>> No.8474143

kill yourself

>> No.8474157

dont restaurants have a right to refuse service

>> No.8474175

To late. A car accident already killed my family in 1998 and best friends? What am I. A 13 year old girl?

>> No.8474176


i'm not sure i'm allergic to anything, but something about boxed mac n cheese [all kinds, even the "fancy" Annie's] gives me the shits.

>> No.8474185 [DELETED] 

I doit >the way
I >like

>> No.8474188


>right to refuse service

And get 100 negative reviews on yelp because a muslim snowflake wanted eggs benedict that was egg free, pork free, gluten free.

>> No.8474207

> all poultry, including chocolate

??? This card is full of fuck

>> No.8474211
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clearly they mean the rare heritage Cadbury breed of chicken.

>> No.8474218

what are you homo jealous of pussy

>> No.8474223

if you have a single food allergy, you are pathetic, period.
If I knew I had one, id eat that food until I got over it or died.
Whats worse is people that claim to be allergic to grass and sunlight. Id sooner kill myself than face that.

>> No.8474237

I think restaurants should make every reasonable effort to accommodate specialized diets.

However, they should not be completely responsible for their customers' needs/preferences.

They should at least try, but they shouldn't be expected to know everything.

I mean if a celiac muslim ordered food and wanted it to be gluten-free and halal, sure, let the kitchen staff try. Gluten-free might be easy to do, but not every single chef should be expected to be trained on every single intricacy of every single diet.

Vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, ovo-lacto, kosher, halal, jhatka, gluten-free, allergen-free. Expect them to try, but don't expect them to get it right.

Hell, I know several people with allergies. They don't hold the restaurants against them when they get shit wrong. Some of them also eat at home most of the time, because they can't afford to take chances.

>> No.8474239

It's also not unusual for a person to gain/lose allergies roughly every 7 years. So in some cases, you get over it naturally.

>> No.8474243



>tfw I worked at Smashburger once upon a time and their vegetarian black bean burgers were cooked on the same grill in the same fat as the regular burgers, bacon, chicken, etc.
>this smashburger was a town away from the biggest Hindu population in our area of the country
>fries were also cooked in beef tallow but advertised as vegetarian
>boss told me not to say anything

i still feel bad about it.

>> No.8474244

Restaurants have a menu. If you can't eat what is on the menu, don't go there. That's the issue. You want to go where you know they make nothing you will eat and expect them to cater just to you like a special snow flake. They have a menu for a good reason. It's as simple as if it doesn't suit you, go some where that does. But that is for an adult, not a kid that adults drag around when the kid just wants some chicken and broccoli.

>> No.8474255

>i still feel bad about it.
let me put you at ease anon
those fuckers eat their food and shitted out long time ago
nothing happened to them they didn't die from it
go take a dump and with that dump release all that guilt
don't forget to flash

you are forgiven
you are hero

>> No.8474279

>Jesus shit for our sins
Is that indian philosophy ? Purification by defecation ?

>> No.8474288

it's not indian it's just common sense why to carry some silly insignificant guilt
those people digested that food and turned into shit long time ago probably the same day or next an this faggot is still thinking about it.
find something more precious to think than some Hindus eating bit of animal fat, it probably did much good for them
besides they are liars themselves so nothing bad happened

>> No.8474289


>> No.8474290


Hi, yes your ban is over
or you successfully avoided by changing your IP
Welcome back fucker

>> No.8474292


>> No.8474295

yes test after being banned
we understand that procedure that you are performing right now
be nice and don't fuck up again because next time we will cut off your balls

>> No.8474301

>i, the omnipotent anon, have never seen this thing, so it can't possibly be true

>> No.8474305

it said chicken including eggs; chocolate

semicolons, motherfucker.

>> No.8474318

let me put it bit different way
the guilt in those situations is always on the person in authority who give the orders
you are only soldier
same like in war, killings are on the politicians and generals who told soldiers to go to war and kill
of course if soldier gets into rape eng or some very cruel sadistic killing of civilians or even enemy that's different,
tho sometimes if you are dealing with a very brutal enemy like let's say ISIS being sadistic killing them would be forgiven, me thinks

>> No.8474331

Although it sounds like it could be true, no, and you got rekt.

>get rid of their stretch marks
That's a thing? And how is that selfish?

>> No.8474338

>the guilt in those situations is always on the person in authority who give the orders
That's debatable, maybe legally, where the one performing the crime and the one "ordering" the crime gets both condemned.
Even so, humans have free will (and if we don't, other humans can't influence that, because they're themselves subjugated to fate) so most moral system will still condemn those who performs deceit or barbary ,even if it's under orders.

>> No.8474347 [DELETED] 

>food allergies
>allergic to red dye
this is what happens when you kill hitler.
Anyone who cannot eat legumes, peanut, dairy or corn should be neutered and exiled from society. I am not jocking, you people who cannot eat food are downgrading our race with your weakness.

>> No.8474356

Taco cuck here. Hella vegetarian people order our """""mexican pizza""""" with beans instead of beef. We use the same pizza cutter to cut vegetarian pizzas and meat pizzas regardless. Also, every time we have a deep fried promotional item with meat in it (we just had the chicken taquitos and we're gonna have the chicken chalupa thing soon) it means our oil is technically contaminated for vegetarians who want our potatoes or chalupas.

As far as food allergies go, sometimes we get people who are adamant about not having tomatoes or onions in their food because they have """""""""""allergies"""""""". Guess what? Those tomatoes and onions sometimes get in the other ingredients because it's a minimum wage job and people don't take great pains to make sure things don't get in the other pans. If you were really allergic to something and it was a problem, you wouldn't go to a fast food restaurant and put your health in the hands of a drug addict. Most of the time they're lying about their allergy because they just don't want those ingredients in their food and think we'll take extra care. They don't realize that they're making life harder for people who actually have those allergies.

>> No.8474402

I've travelled in a group that included a coeliac and lactose-intolerant person. They knew they couldn't eat certain things, if they were going to order something, they would double check with the waiter it didn't have the shit they can't eat in it.

If it was one particular component, they would ask for it to be removed. I've never heard of someone walking up to a kitchen and demanding to be designed a meal with a whole load of stringent requirements, but I'm sure those people exist. It's not allergies that make people cunts, they just exist to bitch.

>> No.8475111

I am allergic to peas specifically. Don't have problems with any other beans. Doubt it would be life threatening unless I went full retard and ate a whole can of them or something though.

Minor swelling in my face and throat, but not so much that I'm unable to breathe. Only ever happened a few times when I had soup with peas in it. Never tried eating them on their own.

>> No.8475131

>We use the same pizza cutter to cut vegetarian pizzas and meat pizzas regardless. Also, every time we have a deep fried promotional item with meat in it (we just had the chicken taquitos and we're gonna have the chicken chalupa thing soon) it means our oil is technically contaminated for vegetarians who want our potatoes or chalupas.
There is no fathomable reason that this should bother anyone, yet I know it does because my vegan housemates complained that people used their sponges, when everyone else shares. I get not wanting to share, that's fine, but treating it like a religious practice is stupid. At least religious people, misguided as they are, can posit a legit reason to avoid contact or cross-contamination with certain foods.

>> No.8475142

I had a friend in high school, he never ate meat. His body didn't like some or all of it or whatever, so he was well vegetarian by the time I met him, and he'd get vomity if meat or meat juice got into his food, even a piece of pizza where the pepperoni was on it but removed

>> No.8475155

I'm sorry your life isn't worth living.

>> No.8475215

it's headed that way

>> No.8475253

None here. None in any of my extended family. I always saw it as a genetic weakness as well

>> No.8475270


>allergy = sensitivity to bacterial infection

how have you gotten away with this for the entire fucking thread? you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.8475325

no you don't know what you are talking about
educate yourself on the topic before you get all steamy

>> No.8475345


you don't build immunity to the protein in peanuts by sliding through a tunnel of mumgunk dude

>> No.8475354

and the source of your wisdom is ???

>> No.8475368


the fact that i shouldn't be expected to prove a negative?

you can't just go 'it builds your immune system' and be done with it. there are different kinds of immunities.

>> No.8475369


I'd appreciate if you remove yourself from the genepool

>> No.8475388

>there are different kinds of immunities.
right there you proved yourself that you are confusing things
but whatever I don't care what you are spewing my point was made from very real perception and medical facts and you are twisting things around

>> No.8475391


>my point was made from very real perception and medical facts

that you arent sharing because reasons

>> No.8475417

If this kid legitimately has a life-threatening allergy to all of those things, why would her parents even let her eat anything they didn't prepare themselves? I wouldn't take that risk if it was my kid.

>> No.8475420

Parents are terrified of their kids having food allergies, so they avoid exposing their kids to common allergens, which makes the kids more likely to be allergic to them.

>> No.8475735

I think it meant to say 47

>> No.8475774

Unborn children are inoculated by the inhabitants of the mother's oral microbiome--their first exposure to pathogens isn't at birth.

>> No.8475833

How would genetically modified foods contribute to an increase of allergies in the population? Decreased exposure to micro-organisms and allergens would cause an increase in allergies, yes, but genetically modified plants are changed from regular plants in lots of ways (increasing the plant's resilience to pests, temperature changes or water levels), none of which have anything to do with allergens

>> No.8475857

>when you try to give the chef your food allergy card
>the lid falls off

>> No.8475865

birth canal introduces child to different types of bacterias than what's in the mother's mouth/digestive track

>> No.8475890

>How would genetically modified foods contribute to an increase of allergies in the population?
from what I've heard some scientist are saying that there are types of genetic materials (not all of them) that are introduced to different foods that are having very destructive effect
on some people, it might have to do with particular persons genetics but also theory is that deferent blood types are responding differently to genetically modified foods,
so there is no one simple answer, but blood type might be one of the major factor why some people are more effected by it.

>> No.8475910

Yelp is so overated. I know one restaurant who has a Wall of Yelp, They print out every shitty comment they find and hang it there.

There is now a special muslim corner for people who complained about having no pig free dishes in a restaurant that specialises in them.

You had to pretty much always order a table ahead, yes they received flak for it, but their regulars didn't care for it.

>> No.8475993

Nobody ever said you're guaranteed to have allergies from being born of a c-section you thick shitsticks, just a higher risk of developing.

>> No.8476004

Could you be more specific on where you've heard this theory? I've heard of a study where scientists found minuscule amounts of plant DNA in human blood. This study has received some skeptical peer reviews and I'd wait until more research is done to draw conclusions from it.

>> No.8476031

>My throat-closing death allergen is sesame.

You have to say OPEN SESAME every time bro.

>> No.8476034

>Could you be more specific on where you've heard this theory?
it was on the radio few months ago
so now you would have to google if you really interested in the topic

>> No.8476078

>That right align
>That unnecessary sans serif font for one line

>> No.8476106

What if it's a masculine pussy?

>> No.8476140

Serious* My lips start to tingle when I eat a banana. (My butt hole twitches to for different reasons)

>> No.8476493

>life threatening allergy to grain
>life threatening allergy to dairy
>life threatening allergy to corn
>life threatening allergy to red dye
The villagers should have killed the boy who cried wolf for being a massive faggot.

>> No.8476519

Don't blame him, blame his idiotic parents

>> No.8476534

That's just poor service but eh, apparently karma's a bitch since the best day of your entire life is when you attempted to bully some of your restaurant's clients.

There was nothing better in your life.

>> No.8476546

People with peanut allergies.

>> No.8476587


C-section and premature

>> No.8476596


>> No.8476616

Blame the parents for having a kid with an auto immune disease which causes mass allergy symptoms... You do realise that's probably what these are from.

It's a side affect of auto immune diseases, MS and other awful illnesses to have huge allergy lists.

Good job mocking parents for having an ill kid

>> No.8476655
File: 11 KB, 265x200, f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should never have abandoned eugenics.

>> No.8476677
File: 50 KB, 1015x578, marv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gluten-free and non-GMO are the most fucking annoying health food trends of all time

>> No.8476756

>proper kitchen

I've never had to wear gloves. Subway isn't a proper kitchen, kid.

>> No.8476792


Don't breed so that we won't have to put up with more of you.

>> No.8476851

yes it could be very useful right now to get rid off of useless piece shit like yourself

>> No.8476860

We prefer to eliminate you
You are useless to our society

>> No.8476900

Because it's lifesaving for both mother and child in many cases. Yes, it's a major surgery and can fuck up your abdominal muscles etc, but in many cases it's safer than trying to go with vaginal birth and then risk having one of them die. The fact that we're capable of performing it to reduce mortality rates would mean numbers go up. Although I think lately there's been a counter-movement for natural birth because hippies and muh feminism etc. But, don't forget that birth can fuck you up even if things go mostly ok, tearing, prolapses, and hemorrhaging are things and they can either kill you or make you want to kill yourself.

>so its a selfish choice? i think women who do that and also get rid of their stretch marks are the worst
typically a c-section will be recommended by a doctor/performed as an emergency procedure. Also, sorry bub, not really possible to "get rid" of stretchmarks. Some fade and become less visible, or you can cover them up with tattoos.

>women who don't want to be stuck in the hospital for a whole week etc.
C-sections typically have a longer recovery time than vaginal births tho. Assuming you didn't get a 3rd degree tear and needed a ton of stitches, the c-section incision is fucking painful. Friend couldn't even lie down properly, slept on a recliner for six weeks. But do doctors in the US really schedule c-sections so willy-nilly? I thought it was only performed if deemed medically necessary?

>what are statistics
Although I haven't looked at the study(ies) in questions so I could be a giant fucking hypocrite, who the fuck knows

in summary, if my child was that fucking allergic I'd be deathly terrified of not preparing their food. I feel bad for people with severe allergies, it seems like a giant hassle at best and it sucks to have to be worried about having horrible reactions when exposed at worst. I also feel bad for the restaurant staff in a "that's a fucking pain" sort of way.

>> No.8477242
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>> No.8477245

They've also found that exposure to common allergens and foods in the first 36 months of life drastically reduces them.
The study was done with peanuts but suggests it also applies to others

>> No.8477275

That's a nice card

>> No.8477377

I had a c-section. I can't tell you why it's so common, but I can at least tell you the reason for mine. I had a sore that the doctor said looked like a herpes sore. Dunno if it was, never really had a problem with that. But apparently the mortality rate for infants is really high if they're exposed to the virus, so we decided not to risk it. Also he wasn't "dropping", even at 39 weeks. My doctor also mentioned that a lot of women prefer c-section, that one of his patients has 6 kids and 5 were c-section 'cause she likes it better. So I guess laziness?

>> No.8477779

Reminder that 90% of allergies are made up by yourself or your parents.

>> No.8477792

That makes sense.

>> No.8477823

I wish I wasn't lactose intolerant. I wish I could eat a pizza.

>> No.8477826

roastie >>>/out/

>> No.8477832

>I wish I wasn't lactose intolerant. I wish I could eat a pizza.

hahahah faggot who cant enjoy a good 'go 'za.

>> No.8477863

none here either, because im not a weak faggot piece of shit.

>> No.8477877

Why hasn't natural selection eliminated people with food allergies yet?

>> No.8477884

your tax money should be used to purchase a rope and hang you on it.
society doesn't need idiots like you.

>> No.8477887

Because natural selection is working on eliminating useless oxygen users like yourself first.

>> No.8477891


because we live in a post darwinian society, where every unviable piece of garbage gets to live as a special snowflake that bothers everyone with their special needs. if we were a proper society that cares about getting the best of itself, we would detect them early and process every one of those genetic failures into protein meals for domestic animals.

>> No.8478011
File: 125 KB, 950x634, mafia-fed-pigs-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great idea anon.
you would be fed to pigs.

Italian mobster 'killed rival by feeding him ALIVE to the pigs'

Fed to Pigs.

"I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead.
You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you?
They will go through bone like butter.
You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm.
They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes.
That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute.
Hence the expression, 'as greedy as a pig'.
— Brick Top, Snatch.(film)

Snatch - (movie trailer)

>> No.8478013

sounds 15 and basement sheltered

go back to pol retard

>> No.8478115

>allergic to aspartame

either she's outright lying or she's the world's sickest person

>> No.8478166

sometimes I think that those door knobs actually reside not in the cooled basements but in the attics where is hot and their brains are getting fried at rapid speeds

>> No.8478171

Sorry I didn't express myself better. I am being sarcastic. I would rather one of the waiters bring me a allergy card than have a bitchy mom com and give me a talk about her kids allergies. I am not attracted to kids in any way.

>> No.8478183

>tfw no real allergies or made up allergies to make me a special snowflake

>> No.8478251

If we were a proper society that cared about bettering itself, you'd have been left for wild animals at birth, so don't complain too hard.

>> No.8478282

I'm sure his mother today regrets that she didn't abort him sitting on the toilet and pushing him out from her pussy

>> No.8478353

There are people for whom gluten is lethal.

They fucking loathe all the 'gluten free' nutcases, because chefs no longer treat 'no gluten' as 'not a trace or the guest will land in hospital or die' but instead as 'try to keep gluten low to satisfy the pretentious asshole'.

That 'no gluten' craze has really made the life of these people a hell, because the "gluten-free" produce is no longer safe for them, the phrase meaning now 'just enough gluten to kill you'.

>> No.8478388

I heard it's more of a mixed bag. On one hand there's a bunch of asshole chefs who with God complexes who use the fad as an excuse to be lazy, but on the other hand there's also a lot more actual gluten-free options in grocery stores now.

>> No.8478393

Nah the nurse dropped yo ass on the floor, that's all.

>> No.8478399

No you get it from breast feeding from mom who eats peanuts or by feeding a baby peanut butter. (See parents were afraid that their children may be allergic to peanuts so they avoid eating them and giving them to the child, which creates the allergy, it doesn't prevent it.

>> No.8478426

>I'm lactose intollerent guys cheese makes me die!
And then you show those people most cheese are lactose free thanks to the fermentation.

>> No.8478431

But it's wrong, no matter how you turns it out.
A C-section only impact the mother, by giving her a wound to heal. The baby's body won't make a difference, there's no magic vagina portals to infuse his body with superior Karma and anti aids nanotech

>> No.8478698

Gut flora.

>> No.8478732

If you can literally die from half the food being made in a restaurant even from cross contamination you should probably just not eat out and consider a movie night instead. Its not that they should die obviously, but rather its way too much extra work that slows down productivity for the whole restaurant for one person.

>> No.8478823


>It's a "My parents treat me like bubble boy and tell me I'm allergic to things I'm not really allergic too" episode.

>> No.8478848

Eliminate us? With what? The rest of us need to only show up with Peanut Butter sandwiches and cold milk and most of you faggots start choking.

Eat a nutter butter and die off, k thx bai

>> No.8478851

No shit, it's a member of the nightshade family.

>> No.8479908

i was a c section, i have no allergies

>> No.8480152

I believe that means you have an allergy to Ragweed Pollen, as do I, and am triggered by melons and bananas.

>> No.8480169

Just like the Amish have little to no allergies. It's believed because children are "gifted" with livestock that they need to care for daily, the exposure inoculating them.

>> No.8480201

it's not really the lactose but milk protein. I can't digest the two main proteins found in milk. but I still eat dairy anyway, cause I'm not a bitch.

>> No.8480343

go bakc to redit your fucking cuck . you are a cuck yes you are you little big cuck

>> No.8480364


go back to /r/atheism and take your fedora with you

>> No.8480387

good message anon

>> No.8480392

Wtf do you want them to do? Eat it anyway and die? You're all fucking idiots

>> No.8480413


I was born in a natural birth, was breastfed. I was fed a lot of different things when I was a child, and pretty much ate anything.

Randomly last year I developed a food allergy to something, relating to seafood (but it's not every seafood, something specific which I still don't know).

Still overcoming the anxiety to eat because I'm afraid of having a reaction. Since my reactions only have the same couple of symptoms, which are swelling of the throat and difficulty swallowing.

I mean, technically speaking I did everything right. I was exposed to everything in childhood, ate tons of sushi every week and now this shit.

Having a food allergy is truly suffering, It's truly disheartening to hear people shitting on it, especially some here that work in the food industry.

>> No.8480415

>You're all fucking idiots
all of the posters here ?????????????

>> No.8480420


For almost all of the people on this board, yes, that is what we want them to do.

>> No.8480421

I assume the ones shitting on the children with severe allergies that can kill them in minutes.

>> No.8480428


/ck/ really is full of edgy fucks then

>> No.8480436


>implying /ck/ is the only board like this

welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay

>> No.8480438


trying too hard to fit in

>> No.8480444

My 5 siblings and I were cut out and one has a mold allergy and the only other was allergic to artificial strawberry flavoured sweetener. No one else has allergies and the strawberry allergy went away

>> No.8480445

>especially some here that work in the food industry.
I feel your stress over this sudden allergy anon
buy I think common reaction from food industry workers here was not arrogance towards allergy sufferers
but rather to some of them who are causing unnecessary hassle in restaurants especially at busy times,
and of course there are pure idiots here as well who themselves deserve to develop food allergies just to shut them up.

>> No.8480454

Just penicillin--my first and only exposure was given as a general antibiotic for when I bit through my tongue. That was a fun day.

>> No.8480466


shut up you kale eating faggot.

>> No.8480468

Yea I know it must also be annoying to deal with in the kitchen. I understand most of the time it's going to be up to me to make sure nothing happens. Still getting used to it.

>> No.8480469


Top left and bottom right pig are fresh candidates for some /ck/ reaction images.

>> No.8480488



>> No.8480492

>The only thing i get is a mild numbness in my lips when i eat shellfish.

I would stop eating shellfish if I were you, that sounds like a legit allergy.

You could have a really bad reaction one day.

>> No.8480522
File: 216 KB, 1573x1197, look closer lenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who /noallergies/
>has a shellfish allergy

who /trulynoallergies/ here?

>> No.8480536

>can't have sugar, milk, butter, coffee, vanilla, crab, or eggs

Jesus Christ someone put this bitch out of her misery. Life isn't worth that much suffering.

>> No.8480541

I'm allergic to Olive trees for some reason but no foods feels good

>> No.8480575

Tomatoes make my throat itch and sometimes give pimple-type-bump on my arm. Never actually considered that I might be allergic. Come to think of it, avocado also makes my throat itch like a whore.

>> No.8480596

Not good signs for either. You should probably avoid them.

The symptoms might be mild but they could worsen each time, and become really severe at some point.

Is this a lifelong thing? or something new?

>> No.8480618

>especially some here that work in the food industry
Suck my dick, subhuman swine. If you have food allergies, stay your ass home. If you come in telling my servers you've got onion and garlic allergies, boy I swear to god. I will fucking leap through that window and fucking attack.

>> No.8480623


You shouldn't be near knifes then, edgelord.

>> No.8480626

Pls fuk???
Throat type???!!

>> No.8480634
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pls fuk???
>Throat type???!!

>> No.8480641
File: 32 KB, 197x188, 1406395215935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allergic to nothing and it feels pretty good to not be forced to eat sand for all of eternity.

>> No.8480644

Whát the fuk
only wanted throat type
Pls send

>> No.8480650

I hear eating the placenta will give you the vitality to make certain your offspring won't develop these genetic weaknesses when you breast feed them during infancy.

>> No.8480654

Literally eat shit from my bttcrack,peanuts,nuts,fish,FUCKING EVERYTHING
But how do people like nearly die from allergies?
Peanuts are amazing shii8eeettt

>> No.8480658
File: 190 KB, 800x533, 588a39ad14f76473f701015f787cfd31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude wants throat type dude

>> No.8480663

>"I'm sorry, but the kitchen cannot guarantee the absence of all allergens in the food"

Is it really harder than that?

>> No.8480668


>> No.8480670


>> No.8480684


>> No.8480686
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, 1377671575635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct response. Assuming that having a card with a list of all of the things you cant eat is going to negate any fault of cross contamination for the restaurant is absurd. They would never take that risk.

>> No.8480696

Welllllllll la-di-da!!!! Aren't you a fancy little faggot? :)

>> No.8480697

IFFF spongebob was real, would he have allergies?

>> No.8480701

I wasn't allowed to eat PB&J sandwiches in my lunchroom in elementary school. In third grade, my mom gave me a Reese's candy in my lunch one day, and some bitch teacher took it away from me. I've harbored a resentment against peanut allergy rules ever since.

>> No.8480702
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Spongebob is allergic to tulips idiot.

>> No.8481221


>> No.8481909

Exactly. The womb isn't actually sterile. Bacteria can definitely get in there. How do you think the sperm got in there?

>> No.8483293

this could be a thing, but with medical professionals pandering to trendy diagnoses (such as gluten intolerance-- the fuck? so few people are actually gluten intolerant) it has no legs to stand on

>> No.8483325

If as many people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance in the last 10 years or claim they have it were trully gluten intolerant, western civilization would have either died in it's infancy or the genes for it would have been eliminated from the western gene pool. The entire foundation of western civilization was gluten based food. It's pure bullshit.

>> No.8483541

People pretending to be unable to eat gluten is a good thing for us few that actually can't because the alternatives are nicer and people are more understanding of the issue.

>> No.8483549

As someone who has celiac disease, eating gluten isn't a life threatening thing, but I'd still rather not have stomach pains and diarrhea if it could be avoided...

>> No.8484591

If you have an allergy why not just gradually expose yourself to the allergen in ever increasing quantities

>> No.8484603

My throat gets itchy from certain fruits, but I'll still eat those delicious things anyways.

>> No.8484607

I guarantee neither of those children has ever consumed or had a reaction to any of those ingredients.

>> No.8484632

>I guarantee
most stupid assumption
you can guarantee shit, you don't know their stories
don't act dumb next time