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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.19 MB, 1024x626, BREAKFAST-for-WEB-1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8469361 No.8469361 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Garbage that people insist is good.

>> No.8469379

>anything nationwide chain
>anything sold at walmart
>anything whitemeat chicken
>anything mcchiken tendies meme food
>threads like this
>young grills
>literal garbage
>non-homemade candy/desserts
>unfermented sugar water
>anything "diet"
>threads like this
>cell phone posters
>non-weeb salty snacks
>the metric system
>threads like this
>american adjunct lagers
>european pilsners
>pretty much 99% of everything food and cooking related that comes from the uk, not counting scotland, but their grills even out the statistics
>this thread

>> No.8469389


>> No.8469394 [DELETED] 


- Literally anything from expensive restaurants,
- Any expensive bullshit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""SUPERFOOD"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" that's supposed to be a better version of any cheap and effective alternative like palm oil, because it hurts corporations agenda

>> No.8469396 [DELETED] 
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>other people are only pretending to enjoy the things that I can't afford


>> No.8469402

Fuck you waffle house is based

>> No.8469407

OP is a pretentious faggot. If you don't like Waffle House, you can go drown in semen.

>> No.8469422 [DELETED] 

Man I'd stuff her mouth with my cream if it was to be my last day in freedom.

>> No.8469616

>when flyovers attack

>being a pedo

>> No.8469711


>> No.8469719

Wafflehouse isn't really a flyover thing as it is a south eastern states thing.

>> No.8470683

I will literally go to the ends of the earth to fight you over this.

>> No.8470753

Waffle House is greasy and flavourless.

>> No.8470760

>young grills
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8470794


"Grill" in 4chan retard speak refers to a young female. How did you not know this? Your use of "what did he mean by this" suggests that you're already using 4chan retard speak.

>> No.8470796

You've been rused.

>> No.8470808


I wouldn't order anything from that menu. Looks like hobo food.

>> No.8470825
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>> No.8471703

What is happening here?

>> No.8471749
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Fact: Waffle House cheese eggs are the most perfect eggs on the planet.

>> No.8471809

Last time I went to Wafflehouse it seemed like everything was a lot more expensive than it used to be. It's not great food but always being open and being cheap is nice, if it's not cheap the what's the point.

>> No.8471882

I work at Waffle House, ask me anything.

>> No.8471884

whats "Scattered" for the hashbronws?

>> No.8471894

90% of filipino food

>> No.8471898
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>> No.8471900

Scattered on the grill, as opposed to cooked in a ring (see the middle two and top-right plates).

>> No.8471906

I make far better breakfast than I can get from a shitty chain.

>> No.8472026
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but not eggs

>> No.8472064


>> No.8472101


>> No.8472107

Can I order my hasbrowns to be cooked in mayo?

>> No.8472164
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>> No.8472166

I suppose.

>> No.8472236

>get drunk with my squadmates every drill
>walk across the street from the armory to Waffle House at 1AM
>stay there chowing down on All the Way Hashbrowns, fried eggs and coffee until 3 or 4
>walk back across the street to the armory
>climb into our cots or cars and pass out until twenty minutes until first formation
>stagger to formation and hold breath
>hope you don't smell like alcohol
>succeed and proceed with the rest of the day


>> No.8472370

How is living on welfare?

>> No.8472374

The only place is not flyovervania is NYC.

>> No.8472765

What about California?

>> No.8472774

say to my face and not online fucker dot jpg

waffle house is God's own creation

>> No.8472892

Please wear syrup resistant shirt sleeves, then. The last and only time I walked into one, the menu was sticky as well as the table. Fucking disgusting.

Htf do you eat there without involuntarily retching?

>> No.8473018

if the WH is dirty, do a 360 and moonwalk out of there and hit the next one down the road. That's the beauty of the Haus, you can literally see everything you need to know right out in the open. if Cletus and Jamal and Pedro are running a filthy kitchen and Shandy Lee is a tweaker, go to the next one where Elvis and Cedric and Jose run their shit clean and tight and Shaniqua gonna give you free extras and you get the digits on your bill.

Waffle House is naked and unafraid, it is a pure and holy ideal and only as good as its disciples are good unto themselves and none can hide from their deepest nature

>> No.8473037 [DELETED] 

>this is what Trump supporting rednecks actually believe

>> No.8473047


>> No.8473252

look mom, I'm complaining about the hotsauce again!

>> No.8473290

why don't you have any restaurants up north?

>> No.8473305


>> No.8473335

>Kid's 1 egg breakfast -------- 310-950 Calories

...Am I fucking reading that right?

>> No.8473359

Frozen pizza in general sucks ass.

>> No.8473367
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>"""frozen""" pizza

>> No.8473425

This is why we won, because the truth is on our side. Freedom, here we come

>> No.8473439

Are you gonna cry on the 20th or just sit there with your arms folded and pout while pretending to ok?

>> No.8473440



Nobody "won".

>> No.8473446

>Actually believing Trump is on your side

kek you ain't in the club faggot. You are so fucked you don't even know it.

>> No.8473450

Or, you know, just go to a real fucking restaurant.

>> No.8473452

Why do Trump fags ruin every other thread?

Can we just impeach the guy already so we can get back on topic here?

>> No.8473455

Stay mad cuck

>> No.8473458

Are you going to cry when you realize Cheetoh Boy took your healthcare?

>> No.8473464
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>> No.8473465
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>> No.8473468

Nah, you're right. I'm sure the NYC billionaire has the best interests of you and the rest of the trailer cretins in Pisswater, Okiedokie at heart.

>> No.8473473

Waffle House is the epitome of flyover food.

>> No.8473476

Move the fuck out of the south you white trash fuckup

>> No.8473484 [DELETED] 


Pretty sure all they care about is "not Obama" and "we won so fuck you".

I guarantee any random trump fag would be hard pressed to even half way elucidate why they supposedly hated BO.

As Trump repeatedly said, "I fucking love uneducated people".


>> No.8473486

yep, comes with toast and juice(310kcal) and also sides, so depending on what you order, you can make your kid into a hamplanet pretty easy.
honestly most normal kids can't finish the waffle so it's really pretty good eats as long as you do not ham it up, I have no fear in taking kids there vs fast food it's miles better

>> No.8473488


>have no fear in taking kids there vs fast food it's miles better

Why not just save the time and money and cook at home? I'm not usually an anti-eating out ever type fag, but breakfast places have the most absurd markups of any place possible, and kids don't give a shit if you half ass their scrambled eggs - it's still faster and cheaper than driving to ihop.

>> No.8473492

what did you do when obama was inaugurated? we'll just do that. it was good enough for you.

anything that has pumpkin spice and is not an actual pumpkin pie.

>> No.8473497

because IHOP and waffle house are drunk/hangover comfort food. you're not supposed to cook when you're drunk, and you can cook when hung over but you sure as shit won't want to.

>> No.8473507


I totally understand that - and am quite a bit drunk right now - but I'm pretty sure I mentioned something about taking kids out to eat, or that that was somehow part of the issue involved.

>> No.8473510

>Driving drunk to Scum House

I hope you crash and your kids die but you live.

>> No.8473525

Waffle House is trash you garbage eater I live under lake Vostok come get at me you fuckin turd-muncher shit-luncher

>> No.8473530


because we treat our kids to an out meal after church, you savage

>> No.8473539

Ur fat. I'm sorry but unless you prove otherwise I'm just not going to trust you from now on.

Post belly with timestamp if you want to be relevant in my humble opinion once more.

>> No.8473544


>subjecting children to church
>calling others savages


>> No.8473572

>you're not supposed to cook when you're drunk

Holy shit, WHAT?!?

I'm sorry, everyone. I've been fucking everything up and doing this wrong the whole time please accept my apologies. I now realize the error of my ways it will never happen again I will never ever cook while drinking/drunk again, except for maybe the next time, I promise and swear on my mothers broken heart :(

>> No.8473574

Calm down son.

>> No.8473587

learning how to sit through endless bullshit from a nebulous authority figure is a life skill, friendo

>> No.8473605

If you're a flyover I guess.

>> No.8473608


>church is a life skill


I'm guessing you think getting beaten up by bullies, abused by drunken uncles, attending shotgun weddings, voting republican out of tradition, and otherwise being disappointed in life are things you were just raised to expect and respect, huh? SAD!

>> No.8473612

You admit that you get shit housed and go to Waffle House, then tell OP to fuck off? You just proved that Waffle House is garbage food for garbage people, because you and your squad mates are embarrassing.

>> No.8473616

shut up jake

>> No.8473624
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>Home of the ultimate flyover

>> No.8473634

Nah, some beer is alright.

>> No.8473638


I don't think I've ever seen a more literal misunderstanding of "flyover" in all my years on /ck/.

>> No.8473653

Right? I mean how hard is it to just steer away from the buildings?

>> No.8473671

ITT civil war

on the left, we have coastal babies who literally don't know how to do anything but spend money and lie with their big words

on the right, we have the working stiff who makes the stuff for the coastal babies to eat.

>> No.8473675


>missing the peace that Jesus brings in to your heart like a warm cup of hot chocolate
>current year

why even live, you sad lil folk? learn2joy b4 it's 2la8

>> No.8473679
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>> No.8475134

Trump won. So, I guess his family & friends kinda did too so long as they don't post anything true about him on twitter so as to hurt his feelings/ego...

>> No.8475143
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>Garbage that people insist is good.
Pic very related.

>> No.8475152

What is "City Ham"?

>> No.8475165 [DELETED] 

Hey there kook katz. I'm sensing a lot of hate in this thread. Why don't you guys try to step back and analyze what's important and understand that people have their own comfort foods and things they are dealing with.

As always, have a Kool and Rad day!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8475180

Do you mean all hash browns, or McD's specifically? Because good hash (ideally corned beef hash) is fucking amazing. McD's hash browns go okay in a sandwich but yeah otherwise greasy cardboard.

>> No.8475333

>Go to curry restaurant
>Pick up lamb based dish to go
>Get home and eat it, biting into bones because they just cooked it as is

Curry in a real fucking hurry I see

>> No.8475340

>city ham
the fuck is that?

>> No.8475351
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>> No.8476197

IHOP is awful, not even intoxication will make it better. Everything is bland as fuck and it's not even cheap. Service was shitty too last time I ate there.

>> No.8477032

Update: No. I asked my boss this morning, he and two other employees said it's not allowed and that it'd mess up the grill.
because you touch yourself at night

>> No.8477041

Regular sliced breakfast ham.

"Country" ham is longer, tenderer, and has a bone in the middle.

>> No.8477131

How would mayo wreck the grill?

>> No.8477447

Shut up bigot

>> No.8477450

Waffles House Grill Master here


>> No.8477453

If I bring in my own bacon while drunk can you cook it for me for a small fee please respond.

>> No.8477459

id personally do it probably lol if the store wasn't busy.

But no that probably wouldnt work senpai

>> No.8477461

What if I order bacon but provide my own is that allowed please respond.

>> No.8477467
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I come in with this. What is your response?

>> No.8477469

no scooter, its not a bring your own bacon restaurant

>> No.8477472

tell you to fuck off, because everything is covered in egg

>> No.8477476

You just lost a customer, bucko.

>> No.8477482

it doesn't matter if you are allergic to the restaurant lmao

>> No.8477484

How many people have OD'd in the restaurant?

>> No.8477489

You're being racist. I bet you didn't know I was a person of color. Good to know that Waffle House hires racists.


>> No.8477490

Bigotry does not apply to shitkickers and inbred flyovers. You are not a protected class. It is perfectly acceptable in every society to shit all over you people. You are the butt of everyone's jokes and that's OK.

Bigotry does not apply to you.

>> No.8477492

fuck off retard

>> No.8477494
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>> No.8477497

>white people solve problems by calling oppressed people names
Your ignorance and bigotry just makes me sad for you.

>> No.8477506

Waffle House is fucking GARBAGE. If you are allergic to their shit, count yourself lucky. Only drunk flyovers and small town rednecks frequent those dumps.

>> No.8477511

They also only hire high school dropouts or negroes.

>> No.8477513

>small town rednecks

california or new york?

which is it anon?

>> No.8477515


>> No.8477521

kill yourself, nigger.

>> No.8477524

Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.

>> No.8477571

enjoy my dick in your ass.

>> No.8477588

The entire internet is laughing at you right now. Stay mad, Drumpfkin.

>> No.8477596

stay creampied, gaylord.

>> No.8477605

There are small towns all over the U.S., young boy. Ans there are cities to. Not everything between LA and NYC is flyoverland, there are plenty of big cities. But Pisswater, Okiedokie sure as fuck IS.

>> No.8477612

yall know fema has a rule based on if the waffle house is open how bad a community is hit by a natural disaster

>> No.8477613
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Back to your garbageboard

>> No.8477616

>Gets called out for being a racist flyover cretin
>Vulgar disgusting threat of rape as a comeback

You people are the lowest filth.

>> No.8477618

It wouldn't waffle House employees don't work there because they're smart

>> No.8477694
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>> No.8477703

go back to your memehell.

>> No.8477706

it's not rape since we both know you'd enjoy it.

>> No.8477729


>> No.8477745

>he's totally srs that's so kwinthe amirite

Remember: when people say /pol/ ruins everything, it isn't hyperbole

>> No.8477754

When people say kys you should kys

>> No.8477791

I for one think that the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich, is garbage.