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File: 79 KB, 742x719, irritated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8466771 No.8466771 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't I enjoy alcohol? Or, alternatively, why people like it so much? I'm not talking about the side effects, but the taste. It doesn't matter what kind of beverage it is, I can't even smell it without feeling nauseated. What's wrong with me..?

>> No.8466782

You're a woman, it's a genetic condition, so just accept it.

>> No.8466786

Nothing, dude. You're perfectly fine and liking alcohol isn't some standard for being a normal human being.

Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.8466790

Nothing's wrong with you. It really is an aquired taste. I thought I'd never like beer at one point.

You don't have to like it though, the taste isn't for everyone and a lot of people drink solely to get drunk. being drunk is overrated so if you don't like it just ask for a soda or water or something

>> No.8466807

That's pretty normal. Alcohol is disgusting.

You've got two choices before you: suck it up and force yourself to enjoy it like everyone else, or find booze that actually tastes good.
The latter will mark you as either a sissy bitch if you steer towards cocktails and liqueurs or as a pretentious hipster if you drink craft beers and fine spirits.

>> No.8466830

you are either underaged or a woman

>> No.8466860

Most of the people I know that really like alcohol for the flavor started drinking occasionally when they were 15 or 16. At first we didn't like it, but as we matured we grew to appreciate the nuances and subtlties of good beer, wine or whiskeys. You might be able to grow into it starting as an adult, but I don't think I've met many people that ever have other than with wine.

>> No.8466876

I used to be an alcoholic and my boyfriend can't stand alcohol.

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.8466915


>> No.8466997

You aren't depressed.

>> No.8467023
File: 705 KB, 1080x1080, 1477890858356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is just a meme and as >>8466790 said most people only drink to get drunk, or even worse yet just to prove how "grown up" they are.
Thinking that you are obligated to drink because you are an adult is fucking retarded.

>> No.8467024

It is bad. Literally nobody in human history has tried alcohol for the first time and enjoyed it. You have to train your tongue to be numb to the alcohol and enjoy the taste of everything else.

>> No.8467103

anyone who doesnt drink it just to prove they are edgy enough to not drink it are equally as retarded

>> No.8467115

>sissy bitch
You dissing martinis you chuckle fuck?

>> No.8467923
File: 25 KB, 203x192, 1409196652572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 and male.. I simply can't stand this thing of the devil.

>> No.8467927

This animu looks like jenny

>> No.8467940

Anyone who says they truly and intrinsically enjoy the taste is a complete and utter fucking liar

Now, people will eventually "learn" to say they "like alcohol" based off of a combination of Classical/Operant conditioning; but this has nothing to do with them enjoying the taste

>> No.8467950

This. Original Mikes is top of the line for taste but you absolutely can not get drunk off it, ever.

I drink 2 gallons of beer a day and I fucking despise the taste beyond anything.

>> No.8467962

>I drink 2 gallons of beer a day and I fucking despise the taste beyond anything.

I drink 750ml of whiskey a day....and fucking HATE the taste

>> No.8467963

It's an acquired taste, you just have to get used to it. I used to think shit like light beer was unbearably bitter and never thought I'd like beer but now I like IPAs and all that bullshit. I still can't drink straight spirits though

>> No.8469215


Alcohol itself is pretty bitter and sour, OP. Could be bullshit, but I've read that it's an evolutionary precaution because most things with that taste are either unripe or poisonous. That's why things like mixed drinks (greyhounds, screwdrivers, etc.) are so popular. Try an Arnold Palmer or two, shit's good.

>> No.8469231
File: 30 KB, 489x520, 1457807158249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the taste of alcohol

fight me irl

>> No.8469801

Same. I just don't drink but that means I have to drive my drunk friends home.

>> No.8469821

That sounds like a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.8469825

i only find hard liquor disgusting. the smell and taste is horrible and overpowering. also burns my damn throat. weaker shit like beer is better imo.

>> No.8470511

is rum the only alcohol that tastes good?

>> No.8470518

Alcohol tastes fucking amazing. What the fuck are you people talking about?

>the slight burn dancing on your tongue
>the warmth spreading through your stomach
>the shiver you get after the first sip

10/10 stuff

>> No.8470522

Beer tastes good. I don't know what's wrong with you queers who say "anyone who enjoys alcoholic drinks are faking it"

>> No.8470561

Try drinking some good whisky until you enjoy it desu. As a person new to drinking whisky you should probably start with some Irish stuff like Tullamore.

Or start drinking Ardbeg immediately and you won't worry about how disgusting the alcohol is ;^)

>> No.8471063

you don't hate life enough to strengthen the association of reward with the sensory cues of ethanol (e.g. it's not negatively reinforcing for you like it is for alcoholics)

>> No.8471330

Beer, Wine and other "natural" alcohols are fine. Distilled alcohol 20+% will always taste ostensibly of liquor; some people appreciate the taste of ethanol.

Ethonal is basically poison, so naturally we aren't meant to like it: its taste, its smell, and its effect on us; they're all signs of a poisonous substance. Appreciation of ethonal is a symptom of modern civilisation, urban poverty, work culture and commercialism.

Its sting, its bite, its burn. I say this, and I like whisky, brandy and rum quite a lot. It's not good in any of the ways you want a drink to be good, but it resonates with bad times, good times, and it distances you from your worries.

>> No.8471421

Straight ethanol is not very good. But that's why better tasting alcohols are aged in environments that contribute a myriad of flavors. That's why some taste good, while others taste bad. Aging generally costs money, which is why cheap liquors generally taste worse than the more expensive. This isn't always true because sometimes a brand is successfully hyped to the point where the price gets out of line with it's real value.

>> No.8471766
File: 14 KB, 600x434, alcoholic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I binged for like four days, fell down the stairs, broke my arm, and chipped my front tooth.
My heart feels like its failing and I can't move without the bones shifting in my bicep.
I don't have insurance since I turned 27 and my parents aren't home.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.8471812

Nothing is wrong with you. I don't like it either. If I have options at a restaurant there are usually many beverages I would rather drink (water aside) than wine or beer.

I just don't like it so I don't drink it. Yer fine m8.

>> No.8471827
File: 30 KB, 385x259, girl_drink_drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with being like pic related.

>> No.8471830

Alcohol is shit and weed is underwhelming. I wish I lived when heroin was sold at the drug store.

>> No.8471905

That or opium. Nothing like an opium suppository to get you feeling right as rain.

>> No.8471919
