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8460925 No.8460925 [Reply] [Original]

I absolutely love sardines. I found those Latvian "sprats" at a Russian international market and they are AWESOME.

Does anyone share my weird taste for sardines or other canned fish? Recommend me some, especially you European folk.

>> No.8460958


I share your love, absolutely. My friends think it's completely disgusting.

My favorite is smoked oysters.

Monitoring this thread for suggestions.

>> No.8460970
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Yes! Smoked oysters are awesome too! I had tea and canned fish, including oysters, this past weekend. I went HAM at this Russian market. I discovered this vegetable spread called ajvar too. Fucking delicious. That's that red stuff on the bread.

>> No.8460974
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They had these at the deli. Really salty!

>> No.8461032

joking aside, nothing wrong with riga sprots, you can ask the russians about canned goby fish(бычoк). germans have not bad canned fish as well - bismarkhering, with a pickle

you there, march right back into that place where you got ajvar(as soon as you've finished the can) and ask for ajika. its similar, but better. depends on the brand, ofc, and generally all I post in hot sauce threads

>> No.8461089

Try to find matiz gallego brand sardines. They're better than any other canned sardine I've tried.

>> No.8461095

Pro tip: put ajvar on your next burger.

That stuff is good with grilled meats.

>> No.8461096

Try Eva a Croatian brand canned fish.
If you like Serbian traditional food as ajvar try making urnebes at home. It's also popular spread in Balkan.
Also i like to make sardine spread by mashing fish with mayo, mustard, salt and pepper. Sometimes diced onions too if husband is away

>> No.8461128

I love canned mackerel, sardines and salmon, oysters too!

My mom used to make this seafood salad that was just lettuce, tomatoes, some shredded cheese, canned smoked oysters and salmon. I used to go nuts for that stuff.

>> No.8461141
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Here's the brand.

>> No.8461153

I've heard that sustromming is absolutely vile.

>> No.8461200
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it is. if you ever get some, seriously, don't even think of opening it indoors. if you've no other choice, open it under water. take a bowl, or fill up your sink. and prepare yourself.
only ever tried it once, taste was meh imho, then again the smell is so pungent I just couldn't concentrate on the taste at all.
if you want more scandinavian fishy strangeness, look for lutefisk, its white fish (like cod) but aged in a way it becomes like jelly.

have seen this in stores, but never tried that one.
you're swiss, right? then they might have picrelated. it's hot, not as vinegar-y as other brand of ajika I've had, but never as good as homemade, no matter what the label claims.

>> No.8461203

Well shit, I've had sardines in olive oil sitting in the cupboard and I've never tried it before. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Do you just eat it with crackers and hot sauce?

>> No.8461219

WAIT! there's a better way.(although butter, white bread is perfectly good and tasty, too)
take some baguette slices (or ciabatta, whatever), put aioli on it, then a moderately thin slice of tomato, then two sprots, then put some cheese on top. repeat for more than one tiny sandwich, then put them in the oven until the cheese's molten. serve at room temperature.

>> No.8461327

Nah man I'm in the States, Southeastern US. I didn't find the ajvar vinegary, it was on the sweet side actually. Really good on French bread. I want to try it on a burger now.

>> No.8461334

This sounds delicious. I can eat them straight out the tin with a little pepper. They are the best with crusty bread though.

>> No.8461352

>I didn't find the ajvar vinegary
nono, the ajvar wouldn't be, I meant the ajika - if ajvar is more like a general paprika-based ragout, the ajika is your salsa ragou, I guess? just that *some* of the brands in stores put way too much vinegar in.
true. white bread isn't good for a lot of things in my books, certainly not as breakfast goes, but for canned fish it's perfect. it soaks up the oil or sauce... in my student days 2 cans of fish and half a ciabatta were a full meal.

>> No.8461372

getting into canned mackerel lately. prefer the firm meatier texture to the relative mushiness of sardines and tuna

>> No.8461398

I agree 100%

>> No.8461401
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Try kippers man, they're fucking awesome. Basically just a smoked hering split down lengthwise.
Danes fucking love hering, think the brits got em' too tho.

>> No.8461414

What's a European canned food section like? Must be neat having stuff from a bunch of countries.

>> No.8461442
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picrelated red hot chili peppers ~1500g
couple tomatoes
Garlic - 60g
walnuts - 1glass (a glass in russian recipes is about 150ml)
bundle of fresh koriander
1 tablespoon salt, top it off (the big crystals, not the finely ground one)
a bit of basil

you'll need gloves.

clean out the peppers and halv them lengthwise, put them in a bowl of water and let sit for an hour.
chop the tomatoes and fry them in a pan for a while, let them cool down.
put the rest of the stuff in a mixer/food processer or a mincer if you want slightly bigger chunks, add tomatoes, add the peppers (drain the water first)

although you technically can boil it all up, add some vinegar, can them while still hot and preserve them to stay fresh for a year or so, I think fresh stuff is way better. also, I hate vinegar.

anyways, this ajika stays fresh for about three months if refrigerated, if you don't add the tomatoes even longer

>> No.8461519

This looks comfy.

>> No.8461534

I just happened to buy a bunch of walnuts. I might have to make this.

>> No.8461559

I love smoked sardines in olive oil. For some reason that mixed with quinoa is orgasmically delicious to me.

>> No.8461569

The store is really neat. I'll take some pics for /ck/ next time I go.

Is there a European sausage or snack that anyone could recommend? Any candy?

>> No.8461576
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every time I'm in one of those threads I always am fascinated how -apart from minor changes- there are so many tomato/chili/paprica-based sauces that are nearly the same but taste so different.
this recipe, a lot of people do it without the walnuts. put in some paprica, less chili and more tomatos, you've got ajvar. make it even more tomato and watery, you've basicaly got lecho. or add beans and meat its a chili.
salsa is way too similar to this, too.

back to topic: smoked capelins, anyone?

>> No.8461577

King Oscar sardines and kippers are my go to light breakfast/lunch. A little dijon mustard and some saltines and it's golden.

>> No.8461605

fuck yes... biggest problem is I don't know where to start.
allroight, since we started talking fish, ask what kind of dired fish they have; russkies eat heavily salted dried fish and wash it down with beer (and when I say eat it, you can get by with one fish for a sixpack of beer, it's salty AF)
sweets: try hematogenas at least once, try "birds milk" pralines
try russian chocolate in general: it tastes different; "Krasny Oktyabr" brand is quite good.
try "iris" toffees, the bane of all dentalcrowns (ask if they're fresh, they should be tough, not soft)

>> No.8461633
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YES kippered herring is the shit. I love this brand in particular

>> No.8461641
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southeastern US man, have you had rainbow smelt? those small delicious bastards that smell of fresh cucumbers?

>> No.8461695

I posted a pic of some smoked capelin I bought recently.

Also, the ajvar I bought at the store is just peppers and eggplant, no tomato.

>> No.8461705

Thanks for all your recommendations tonight my friend. I got some of those dried fish at the market, and the owner told me the same thing about washing it down with beer.

>> No.8461783

I am unfamiliar with that fishy

>> No.8462161


>> No.8462168

I really don't like Beach Cliff that much. The hot sauce is the only decent variety, the rest just taste spoiled.

>> No.8462728
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>> No.8462733

don't think I ever tried them.

>> No.8462736


>> No.8463721

You all need to get your hands on some Portuguese canned fish. They are absolutely cray cray for it over there. Mediterranean sardines are the best quality IMHO.

>> No.8465072


>> No.8465545

Are smoked oysters supposed to be gritty as fuck or did I get a bad batch?

>> No.8465554

>kipper SNACKS

The fucking ones from Bar Harbor are a meal and a half

>> No.8465838

Bismarkhering is the GOAT, unless you hate vinegar.

>> No.8467206

Gritty, yeah.

>> No.8468839
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get at me niggas

>> No.8469841

These good?

>> No.8469864

Yeah, Portuguese is great, Mediterranean sardines are great too but people don't even realize that med sardines are good, but imo best I've had (and rare to get my hands on) are Moroccan, hot damn they're good.

>> No.8469871
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>> No.8469896

Did this today after reading this thread a few days ago. It was really good, although I put the tomatoes on top

>> No.8470558

fuck yeah. Beach Cliff is the shit too. I like smoked oysters also.

>> No.8471502

Where'd you get Moroccan sardines?

>> No.8471782
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I could eat these all day.