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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8460129 No.8460129 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans have such shit beer?

And why do they drink it?

>> No.8460142

Budweiser is the Coca Cola of beer and it's delicious

>> No.8460180

Imo there's more good adjunct lagers than bad in the US
Bud heavy is a good, inoffensive, an relatively cheap beer that is perfect for drinking after mowing the lawn on a hot summer evening

>> No.8460191


>> No.8461172


>adjunct lager

choose one. "good" is a purely subjective taste, and there are undoubtedly plenty of threads on /ck/ about fast food and garbage frozen dinners, so I can't say that this thread dosen't belong. But fucking come on. It's "good" for people without self respect. it's "good" for people that simply do not know better. It's "good" for people who couldn't call themselves fans of beer with a straight face or sincerity in their voice.

To answer OPs question "And why do they drink it?" Well, in short it's America's beverage. It cannot legally be called "beer" due to the presence of rice being greater in volume than the presence of barley, therefore becoming a different beverage altogether. It simulates the aesthetic qualities of a real beer (effervescence, foamy head, chilled) and for most it's the most pleasing vehicle for alcohol to enter the bloodstream.

>> No.8461193

>it's America's beverage
yet owned by dirty foreigners

>> No.8461205

>being so OBSESSED with america you necro threads from page 10

>> No.8461213


I have 4chanx filter threads that have "beer" in the original post so they show up first.

I just had myself a hearty kekkle for that one

>> No.8461217

no you don't

>> No.8461236
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>> No.8461242

Okay if that's how you feel it's fine
It's beer in the United states, and I stand by what I say about beers of this style
They have a very inoffensive flavor profile. They don't taste particularly good, but they are not supposed to. They are balanced so as to appeal to the taste of the majority of the intended demographic and most adjunct lagers do a good job of that.
Craft beer is huge in the United states nowadays as well, but I'm not gonna spend 10$ for a six pack of beer I just want to relax and sip on after a hard day of work on the house.

>> No.8461243

America has the best beer in the world.

Nobody drinks shitty adjunct lagers anymore.

>> No.8461245

you just made that now, faggot
anyway that's clearly vanilla extension not 4chanx so your credibility is zero

>> No.8461251

You literally just made that filter so you could win an internet argument

>> No.8461270

This. Craft brew or nothing. Unless you're an alcoholic and need a lot of beer for cheap.

>> No.8461285

Just like nazigermany

>> No.8461297


What a weird thing to be incredulous about, but back to the discussion...

In any given state, only 5% of the beer consumed was created in that state, the other 95% consisting of big-name craft and mass produced adjunct lager.

What I don't get is how poorly thought out it is to buy adjunct lager "to get drunk"

A 6 pack of Bud Light at $6.99 contains 3.024 ounces of alcohol, averaging out to $2.31. A 4 pack of Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA at $9.99 contains 4.32 ounces of alcohol, averaging out to $2.31 per ounce of alcohol.

You literally pay 42% more for double the quality and more alcohol for less filler. Adjunct lager is nothing more than a misinformed purchase.

>> No.8461302


>> No.8461305

>Nobody drinks shitty adjunct lagers anymore.

>> No.8461308


Miller > Bud > Coors

>> No.8461314

Big adjunct lager brands tend to go on sale more often, making it the better purchase for people who like shit beer. Tradition is also a major factor. My dad still drinks the occasional bud because it was all he had when he was a young man.

>> No.8461323


You're not getting me this time. Last time someone talked down on my beloved hop juice, I totally sperged out and wrote a novella on why /ck/ fails to live up to my expectations.

>> No.8461423

Good question. Prior to prohibition almost every medium sized city and most bars brewed their own beer. This resulted in very unique styles by region. During prohibition, the larger brewers switched to producing malted baby food and other products and were able to weather it. The smaller breweries shut down. Then we entered WWII where mostly women and men unfit for military conscription remained in the homeland and pisswater made from rice was found to be the best seller (and cheapest to produce) due to their delicate tastes. When the warriors came back, they were happy to be alive and fucking again, so they didn't bitch.

Did that answer your question?

>> No.8461435


>> No.8461445

Shut up faggot

>> No.8461448

shitty lagers aside, the US is leaving the rest of the world in the dust by constantly pushing the envelope with amazing craft beers. no other country comes close.

>> No.8461556


mommy! the cyberbully told me to shut up!

>> No.8461562


>> No.8461599


Derail this thread all you want. You will never escape the IPA echo-chamber that is /ck/

>> No.8461621

t. cuck

>> No.8461645


haha now he called me a cuck fucking lol so original i'm totally rekt right now


>> No.8461652 [DELETED] 
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Hey OP, here's a suggestion. It'll make you look like that shitty bait you posted.


>> No.8461654

Who really gives a shit? Twerp

>> No.8461659 [DELETED] 

Incorrect! Busch Lite is better than all 3

>> No.8461662

>getting this assblasted
lel what a nerd

>> No.8461663


>> No.8462912


Dirty foreigners as in non americans. I am american. I'm pointing out that budweiser is not an american company.

>> No.8463122

I was in the US for 1 year and i can confirm that American beer cannot keep up with German beer at all. I'm right from Munich where the Oktoberfest is at and we have such great beer over here in comparison to the one in the states. Everyone here calls American beer "Pisswasser" - Pisswater.

>> No.8463138
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Don't fall for it

>> No.8463250

This. I'll always enjoy a bud.

>> No.8463274

>Everyone here calls American beer "Pisswasser" - Pisswater.


>> No.8463443


>> No.8463467


>> No.8463470

Why drink beer if it isn't going to get you drunk? is that a european thing?

And if it's getting me drunk, I really don't give a fuck what it tastes like, since after 4 or 5 of them I'm not really paying attention to the flavor of what I'm drinking anymore.

>> No.8463480



>> No.8463552

Yeah I remember being in highschool too.

>> No.8463558

I don't, I was drunk through most of it.

>> No.8463570

It's not even beer
Made from Corn & Rice

>> No.8463578

yeah, you're right. the most popular beverage in america is only consumed by high schoolers.

what the fuck are you thinking?

I can appreciate an expensive craft beer as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean I turn my nose up at a busch lite either. you pretentious fuck

>> No.8463611

yeah I drink coors light when I just want a cold beer to have with the game instead of spending $8 on hipster brew

>> No.8463620


I have trouble calling anything that's brewed with rice beer. Also, isn't Budweiser owned by Belgians now?

>> No.8463672

>busch lite

You had to choose one of the very worst mass produced pisswater beers for your example, didn't you? You couldn't have chosen miller genuine draft or something, which while bad, isn't entirely undrinkable like busch lite.

>> No.8463681

oh what the fuck ever, get over yourself
I'm not one for the "taste is subjective" defense, but holy fuck you've picked a retarded thing to get mad about

>> No.8463976

I visited America last year and I can say they're probably making the best beer in the world now. There's a reason so many places here are doing American style craft beers and trying to get ahold of hops American breweries have access to. Stone just opened up in Germany as well and the hype was massive.

>> No.8463991

Typical douchebag beer snob.

If I like a bud after mowing my grass what's it to you

>> No.8463992

I'm going to go ahead and fall for it. Modern light Oktoberfest is Budweiser tier garbage, and Germany brewing has fallen far behind American craft brewers. The Reinheitsgebot protected German beer quality for centuries but now it's just shackles keeping you from pushing the envelope. When America decides it loves something -and it has decided it loves beer-, it's unstoppable. The financial, human, and cultural resources are too large to compete with.

>> No.8464007

>Why do Americans have such shit beer?
Not all do, the shit ones just advertise the cheapest most generic shit. Every country has shit beers.

>And why do they drink it?
Why do other people from other countries drink shit beers as well?

>> No.8464442


What's it to me? It's everything to me. You see, there is no two ways about it: I am O B S E S S E D with judging people based on their choice of beer. Only the finest for me. There is no "I'm in the mood for something cheap tonight", only "which dope expensive craft beer shall I imbibe tonight"

But if I ever met you in person, I'd say "go ahead, if you feel like having a Bud after mowing the grass, what's it to me?" But in my head I'd be wondering if someone assisted you in getting dressed this morning, or if a work coach accompanies you at your job.

>> No.8464444

Our micro brews are the best in the world

>> No.8464469

>tips fedora

>> No.8464488
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>> No.8464719

>not drinking good beers occasionally with good meals and drinking easy to drink shite like budweiser solely to get out of your face.

>> No.8464724

This is as good a place as any other
If dubs or any other number combination I deem to be cool I'm getting drunk on THE SHITTIEST malt liquor I can find

>> No.8464726

24 is a cool number
it's divisible by a lot of other cool numbers so it must be cool

>> No.8464762


>dirty dish water
>easy to drink

You what now?

>> No.8464781

What's wrong with rice?

>> No.8464890

budweiser goes down easier than tap water.

>> No.8465490

Americans have the best beer in the fucking world. WORLD.

Get your facts straight nigger.

>> No.8466510


No mention of Chimay, Rochefort, Orval, Westmalle.

Never change amerifats

>> No.8466519

Take your monk piss and dufflebag it up your ass

>> No.8466808


monk piss > donkey piss you fucking retard

please tell me again that coors light and bud are god tier beers

christ it's worse than autism

>> No.8466823

t. cuck

>> No.8466850

there is a lot of shit beer but there is also a bunch of really good ones. your just seeing the mass produced stuff when is designed to be drank in quick succession to get drunk fast

>> No.8466902

I'm not the one claiming superiority over some shitty beverage.

>> No.8466912

t. Cuck

>> No.8466917

literally what is wrong with budweiser?
It's refreshing, strong and easily drinkable.
next you'll tell me not to drink bourbon under $70/bottle.

>> No.8466932


what's wrong is calling it beer, that's all

>> No.8466943

It's better than most mexican piss and stella

>> No.8466961


I never said mexican piss and stella were beers

Just getting tired of you amerifats and your "muh coors light" "muh craft beer"

When you've never had a Belgian Trappist Beer

>> No.8466977

Why do you care so much? Does it really bother you that much what some people halfway across the world do in their spare time? Is your life that pathetic?

>> No.8466978

What I don't get is how this macrobrew charges an almost premium price. It's just as expensive here as craft beers.

>> No.8466981

The only thing Americans overrate more than their pizza is their beer.

>> No.8466983

You forgot to capitalize all your nouns, kraut.

>> No.8466984

Safe, bland, homogenized, just like how Americans want their country.

>> No.8466988

>mexican beer pisswater

Negra Modelo and Dos Equis Ambar are Vienna dark lagers derived from the influence of Austrian brewers who established breweries in Mexico during the reign of Maximillian I. Those are a far cry from american mass produced pisswater.

>> No.8467005

The discount liquor store down the road sells your monk piss. It's overpriced and there are much better alternatives in the states.
M8. They're piss. Negra modelo is okay at best.

>> No.8467007


Cause I'd like you guys to taste what's better.

It's like donating to charity: why would I care what some african kids are doing halfway across the world? I still donate regularly cause that's a small gesture I can do.

>> No.8467019

Full-strength Budweisers aren't that bad actually (for a lager).

Not that I'm recommending them necessarily, but beers like this at full strength (Coors, Dos Equis, etc.) don't always deserve to be shit on so hard.

>> No.8467026

I feel bad for you. May you one day get over your eternally ass pained obsession over my southern brothers and get on with your life.

>> No.8467031

You're the one who seems mad.

>> No.8467033

>Why do Americans have such shit beer?
Because we live a consumerist society where quantity is valued higher than quality.

>> No.8467038


No worries you'll get it someday!

>> No.8467039

Because they're mild, unoffensive, and cheap.

People who want to branch out have a lot of options, though.

>> No.8467058

The massive inferiority complex yuropoors have for Americans? Nah, thankfully I never will.

>> No.8467059

You missed the point.

>> No.8467073

can't believe these threads always get 80+ replies

>> No.8467079

>heineken drinkers attempt to shit on budweiser

Lmao every time

>> No.8467108
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>everyone ITT

>> No.8467637

Don't most Euros drink shit like Heieneken and Carlsberg?

>> No.8467650

Corona and Modelo (and Heineken) are definitely better than Budweiser.

>> No.8467669

went crazy with the dos equis ambar 2x1 promotion at oxxo last year. Shit was cheap and good.

>> No.8467688

*tips fedora*

>> No.8467695

Negra Modelo is definitely good stuff.

Also I wonder how the craft beer scene in Mexico is.

>> No.8467708

>I'm a fan of beer
Shouldnt you be in the alcoholics general?

>> No.8467947

America has great craft beer. Bud is bad but there are plenty of decent macros that i'll have when I don't feel like blasting my tongue with a double ipa or if the selection is trash. Pbr, narragansett, yuengling, and probably others in other regions of the country that I'm not familiar of

>> No.8467951

corona is complete garbage. Negra modelo is pretty good but I don't think i've ever had the regular modelo.

>> No.8467968
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My almonds are nuclear

>> No.8468083

Not even close. At least bud isn't skunked.
Fedora for defending budweiser? You're really grasping

>> No.8468103

>When you've never had a Belgian Trappist Beer
The only Trappist brewery in America is in the town next to mine (Spencer, MA). It's in most decent liquor stores and bars, and it's goddamn amazing.

>> No.8468323


>thread about american beer
>"s-stupid americans not talking about yuro beer!" "haha, how stupid of them!"

>> No.8468341

You're forgetting college students. The main purchaser of cheap beer like *shutters* b-beer 30 lite

>> No.8468358

Not all Craft is overly hopped/overly stouty shit though. Brooklyn Lager, Brooklyn Pilsner, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Boston Ale come to mind. I think most breweries make at least one lager and/or lightly hopped Ale.

Corona and Modelo also come in cans, and even in clear bottles they usually still taste better than Bud to me. Not that I even have a problem with Bud.

>> No.8468361

Not even just college students. Every time I go to the bar, the vast majority of beers I see people drinking are American Adjunct Lagers. Followed by Heineken and Corona.

>> No.8468368

Do you go to townie bars in the south frequented by mostly people over 40?

Post college millennials overwhelmingly prefer good beer

>> No.8468371


You're going to the wrong bars.

I go to half a dozen different bars regularly and people almost laugh when someone unironically orders a big name adjunct (they usually came with a lady friend they were trying to impress).

>> No.8468392

I go to all kinds of bars, but almost always with plenty of people 21-35.

And I don't live in a flyover town, I live right outside of NYC. And even in NYC, it's the same thing.

At my favorite local bar at least, they do have 28 beers on tap and it's mostly craft.
Do you live in Hipsterville?

>> No.8468410

NY is pretty far behind when it comes to good beer, they were very late to the game after the West Coast, Midwest and New England had already embraced it, but still I find your observations hard to believe

>> No.8468423

That's not even true, there are plenty of craft breweries in New York, and we live close enough to New England that we get plenty of their shit anyway. Like Smuttynose, Dogfish Head, etc.

And I'm really serious about my observations.

Of course there are plenty of people who order craft beer too, but the vast majority of what I see is American/Mexican/Euro macro lagers.

>> No.8468438

Surely the percent of beer sold that is craft beer is much lower in NY than in New England or the Midwest or the Northwest

>> No.8468444

Perhaps. But the percentage of craft beer purchased in any state tends to be low, correct?

Also, I should point out that the bars in New York at least have embraced craft beer, pretty much every bar I go to that doesn't suck has a pretty good selection.

>> No.8468446

>Why do Americans have such shit beer?

Over the past 30 years US beer has VASTLY IMPROVED. It's expensive as fuck, but it sure is an improvement over what you used to be able to buy at the local market. American beer... sex in a canoe..? Fucking close to water?

Try some Karl Strauss or other good independent breweries.

>> No.8468456

>But the percentage of craft beer purchased in any state tends to be low, correct?
Its less than 50% still but its a significant portion and growing considerably each year, and honestly, even most bars that do suck have good beer, its almost requisite for any bar now

>> No.8468457
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>Negra Modelo

Oh HELL YES. Outstanding beer!

>> No.8468458

Is it significantly more expensive to create craft beers, or do Microbreweries inflate the prices intentionally to put it in a higher price tier than BMC?

>> No.8468459

Craft beer isn't that expensive, so you can't buy 30 packs for $15 like college tier beer, but its still easily affordable

>> No.8468461

only good beer option at shitty mexican restaurants

>> No.8468465

Do you have a chart for every state?

Craft beer six packs tend to be like 11 or 12 dollars after bottle deposit and tax where I live. I don't mind paying for it (I don't even have a good job, but I have a decent amount of spending money), but I can see why someone who's more price conscious wouldn't buy crafts.

>> No.8468476

It is much more expensive to make good beer. The profit margins on adjunct lagers are much higher. Most of the big brewers replace much of the barley with cheap and flavorless corn or rice, plus most macro beers are very low in alcohol usually only 4-5% while craft beer is usually in the 5-10% area which, if they watered their beers down to 4% like Bud Light it would cost proportionately less to produce. Also hops are fairly expensive and they are used at much higher rates in craft beers. Most importantly though is the economy of scales and distribution networks the big guys have, it simply costs less to make something per unit when you make a lot of it

>> No.8468486

The alcohol thing I don't agree with entirely, tons of craft beer is in the 5-6% range. The hops thing I definitely agree with though, hops are expensive and American macros seem to barely use hops, while they're a very important part of craft beers.

Do all of the American macros use rice in their beers?

>> No.8468487

>Do you have a chart for every state?
>Craft beer six packs tend to be like 11 or 12 dollars after bottle deposit and tax where I live.
Shit, thats insanely high relative to what I see. Most base tier craft 6 packs are $7-10 with some higher ABV stuff in the $10-12 range and then top tier stuff in $10-12 4 packs, or inferior 22oz bottles that are mostly overpriced

I saw in the liquor store today they were selling 15 packs of Founders Azacca IPA for like $17 which seems like a pretty good deal

>> No.8468491

Good deals can be found, particularly if you buy variety 12 packs. But pretty much every craft 6 I see is at least 10 dollars before tax.

Yesterday though, I bought a 6 pack of Ballast Point Sculpin and it was like 14 dollars after tax and deposit!

>> No.8468492

Some craft beer is closer to 5, but the average ABV is considerably higher than the 4% typical of the best selling light beers.

Just think if you are making a 4% beer, you would have to increase the amount of ingredients you are putting in by 50% to get even to 6% ABV

>> No.8468498

But all of those light beers have a 5% ABV, fuller flavored counterpart that costs exactly the same. Even Bud Ice at 5.5% is the same price.

>> No.8468502

YEah, Sculpin is insanely priced, I've never understood why it is so much more than other beers. Its a pretty good beer But I'd take something like Two Hearted over it at the same price, let a lone when it only costs $9 per six pack

>> No.8468506
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Why do Europeans have such shit beer?

And why do they drink it?

>> No.8468512

Yeah, I'm just comparing it to the stuff most people who don't drink craft beer buy, which is light beer. Non light macro beer has a pretty small marketshare these days

I'm just pointing out that a significant portion of the cost of making beer, the raw materials, is roughly proportional to the ABV, and then when you consider than craft brewers are using barley and not rice or corn this becomes even more significant

>> No.8468517

Really? Bud Heavy and PBR seem very popular.

>> No.8468530

PBR is popular amongst college kids, but not much else. Also do people actually call regular Bud 'Bud Heavy'? Budwieser was the best selling beer in the country about 30 years ago but it has fallen precipitously first at the hands of light beer, and then with good beer. Still probably the best selling non-light beer, but its just a small fragment of the market

>> No.8468531

>sending for carlsberg

m8 ill fuckin shag ya nan m8 propa slag

>> No.8468538

Yes, I hear people call it that sometimes.

I know Budweiser is less popular than Bud Light, but it's definitely a top seller. I see it everywhere and I've drank a million of them myself.

I really don't get the appeal of Bud Light, it tastes like seltzer. Budweiser is the same price and has an actual beer taste at least.

>> No.8468547

Oh and don't forget that Heineken and Corona are super popular (I know they're brewed outside of the US, but they still count as non-craft, non-light beer).

>> No.8468549

I'm fully with you on not understanding why people ever buy light beer. High Life or PBR or even Bud would always be a better choice than their light counterparts

>> No.8468552

Imports are generally considered their own category, but yeah Corona and Heineken are essentially the exact same thing as Bud (doesn't Corona Light outsell them anyways though)

>> No.8468555

Exactly. Is it because of Bud Light's marketing maybe?

Do people think it will make them less fat (which is not the case, because you'll have to drink more to make up for the lower ABV) maybe?

>> No.8468556
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Why do American craft beers keep dominating European beer contests with European judges?

>> No.8468563

I see Corona wayyyyy more than Corona Light, so I doubt that.

I personally think Corona and Heineken are a little better than Bud though, they probably don't use rice to brew them at least.

>> No.8468564

>Exactly. Is it because of Bud Light's marketing maybe?
Yeah, its almost certainly due to marketing

>> No.8468569

Yeah I don't think it warrants being more expensive than other craft beers.

>> No.8468571

Good craft beer is not all that expensive. Quality brewers like New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, etc sell high ABV beers for just barely over a dollar each.

>> No.8468576

Interestingly, I've drank a bajillion shitty macros when I was broke, but I don't think I've purchased Bud Light a single time.

They're that cheap where you live?

>> No.8468580
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>> No.8468585

>When you've never had a Belgian Trappist Beer
they've been a meme in the us since michael jackson was doing beer journalism back in the 80s i guess

>> No.8468586

Not that guy, but most of the national craft brand 6 packs are about $7-9 up here

>> No.8468607
File: 80 KB, 518x691, nbb-rampant-iipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WA state is literally the beer capital of the world. Second highest number of craft breweries after Cali, within a fraction of the population.

Every grocery store has dozens of craft beers, and a 12 pack of a decent 8%+ ABV imperial IPA is 14-15 dollars.

Rampant is always delicious, intoxicating and cheap.

>> No.8468613

>a 12 pack of a decent 8%+ ABV imperial IPA is 14-15 dollars.
is that supposed to be cheap?

>> No.8468615

Too bad most of the best american beer is in the Midwest and New England though, I guess it is the plight of the early adopter

>> No.8468617

What the fuck adult cannot afford that?

>> No.8468626

>WA state is literally the beer capital of the world.
No, it's Michigan. You even posted a Michigan beer in your pic.

>> No.8468632

Far more craft beer available in WA, though. Much more variety.

>> No.8468659

The upper midwest probably has the best variety readily available in the country when you factor in quality. Probably Wisconsin moreso than Michigan but Michigan too. Such a great combo of top tier local breweries and good distribution of east and west coast breweries. Washington/Oregon was really the place to be for good beer back in the 90s, and its still pretty good, but its not so much of a leader anymore

>> No.8468669

Washington has over twice as many craft breweries per capita than michagan.

Even our shittiest gas stations have dozens of craft beers in the fridge.

That's not to say that other states don't make absolutely fantastic stuff.

>> No.8468678

>Even our shittiest gas stations have dozens of craft beers in the fridge.
Yeahs true of pretty much the entire north

>> No.8469311

>He has to pay more than a $1/beer

>> No.8469329


Yeah. Maybe not "cheap", but definitely on the lower end for anything worth buying.

Do you even beer?

>> No.8469507

because it gets you fucked up

>> No.8470242

I'd rather pay $1.25 for something with 7.5%ABV and actual taste than a little under a dollar for something that is 96% water and barely perceptible besides the carbonate tastewise

>> No.8470310

I think you mean
>hipster faggots dont drink cheap beer anymore

>> No.8470315

Agreed t.cuck faggot

>> No.8470370

Theres a shelf of unrifridgerated custom brews or whatever in my liquor store that range from 9$ - 25$ a six pack and theres constantly tight flannel shirt wearing, scrappy bearded, thick glasses and scarves, skinny jeans, ugh im getting sick just writing this shit... Just staring at the shelves for unknown amounts of time. Like overpaying for a fruity beer is going to change their lives.

>> No.8470425

Your liquor store is frequented by 2007 hipsters?

>> No.8470907

The fuck beers are they selling in $25 six packs?

>> No.8471245

I live in Seattle and we have fantastic local breweries.

>> No.8471252

There are good cheap beers. Budweiser isn't one of them. Budweiser, where I live, is more expensive on the basis on name and brand recognition than a handful of local breweries selling their shittier variety of beers. Most all of which I would take over Budweiser - except maybe occasionally a chelada/bud light - those are both real bad, but I have a soft spot for them, along with a couple Mexican beers.

>> No.8471284

Cause muh exclusivity. Normally bought by the fags the anon you're replying to

>> No.8471464

No, I mean specifically, what the fuck beer is sold in $25 6 packs? I can't recall ever seeing one above about $16

>> No.8471932

Because it's dirt cheap, and no one here drinks it for the flavor.

>> No.8472036

Have you ever tasted it? It's worth the hype imo

>> No.8472063

Dude when you are sitting on the couch with bros watching the playoff game, do you really think they give a rats ass about the flavor of the beer?

No. They care about cheap beer that can get them a little bit buzzed just in time for that glorious pick 6 to end the game. Let's hear the hate.

>> No.8472668

>Dude when you are sitting on the couch with bros watching the playoff game, do you really think they give a rats ass about the flavor of the beer?
Yeah I do, because I am not fucking 15

>> No.8472675

What are some beers that are really tasty, but sessionable?

>> No.8472692

I don't think that anyone considers stuff like Bud, Miller, Natty, or Coors good. They're cheap and abundant. I'm sure there's some equivalent garbage beers overseas.

>> No.8472700

Yeah, the beer most europeans drink is also fucking terrible. Good beer is much tougher to find in Europe and much more expensive when you manage to find it

>> No.8472707

Ireland seems to have a pretty good craft scene. I drank McGargle's and it was delicious

>> No.8472710

Spotted Cow, Miller High Life, Coors Banquet...

>> No.8472712

Is it also [current year]?

>> No.8472715

Miller High Life is okay and Coors Banquet kind of sucks

I meant more along the lines of craft stuff

>> No.8472720

Ireland has it better than most of Europe for sure, but craft breweries have a pretty small penetration. Probably at America ca.2000 level. Now Guinness is trying to get out ahead of the curve and taps all the taps at all the bars with a variety of ok beer which might become a far stronger adversary than the craft brewers ever had to face from macros in America

>> No.8472728

I drank a beer called "Cute Hoor" that turned out to be owned by Heineken if I'm not mistaken. It was good, though. McGargle's is definitely a micorbrewery, though.

And craft is still by far in the minority in the USA.

>> No.8472733

>says he's not 15
>uses the argument of 15 yo

>> No.8472736

It wasn't an argument. He made an absurd claim that no adult would ever make, I pointed this out

>> No.8472744


>> No.8472748

craft is very regional, so no can really give you advice unless you state your region (hence the last two suggestions)

>> No.8472754

no, he made a rational claim that some people [including adults] don't always drink beer for the "flavor" oooh ooh "taste" mmm mm "muh maltyness". Shit man, I bet you take bubble baths.

>> No.8472755

New York

>> No.8472764

>And craft is still by far in the minority in the USA.
Sure its a minority at about a quarter of sales, but its much higher than in Europe. Most bars and restaurants in America will offer many more craft taps than they do macro taps, and any grocery or liquor store or even gas station will have plenty of great beer for a good price which just isn't the case in the rest of the world

Ireland isn't bad though, im just really worried that Guinness won't make the same mistakes the American macros did )only selling terrible beer) which would stifle the advancement of good beer there. Its been 1.5 years since I've been to Ireland but it seemed near 75% of all taps in bars were Guinness brands. I had a couple McGargles beers, they were fine, nothing interesting though. I like Galway Bay much better, thats the only brewery I tried there that really lived up to American craft flavor

>> No.8472777

No, thats really not what he said. He said people don't give a fuck about taste when they watch sports which is just insane and wrong. I don't know any man under the age of 40 who would prefer to drink a Bud Light rather than a good beer while watching football, thats just not a sentiment people who grew up with access to good beer ever have

>> No.8472781


I thought the McGargle's Pale Ale in particular was really nice. And I get what you're saying, but hopefully the micros flourish.

What other noteworthy beers does Guinness make?

Also, I was surprised that Guinness Draught is far more popular than Extra Stout, Draught isn't the OG Guinness, and it's flat and less flavorful than Extra Stout.

>> No.8472783

My condolences...

>> No.8472793

Guinness owns Smithwicks, Harp Lager, Kilkenny Red, and they were really pushing something called hophouse 13 when I was there and a couple variants of the stout

>> No.8472795

We actually do have many craft breweries, plus we get New England's shit too.

>> No.8472800

I never thought of Smithwick's, Harp, and Kilkenny as craft, I thought they were just old school Irish beers.

And I didn't even like Harp, I'm not sure if it was just an issue with the tap though.

>> No.8472809

No, I don't consider any of them craft, just that Guinness is doing a good job at getting many of its beers on taps throughout Ireland, and European bars in general have much fewer taps than American ones do so its harder for craft brewers to get in many bars

>> No.8472845

>grew up with access to good beer

That's a good point. The adventerous fuckers over 40 were lucky to get an un-skunked import. So of course they've held onto the notion that flavorless mass produced crap is best.

>> No.8472888
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belgium beer superior been

>> No.8472897

Definitely the best beer in Europe/Africa/Asia, by a huge margin

>> No.8472915

But most people in the US under 40 also drink macros

>> No.8472922

How is the craft beer scene in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America?

>> No.8472925

>But most people in the US under 40 also drink macros
any stat on this?
Unless you mean on occasion, but if you think most 21-40 year old Americans primarily drink macros, that seems pretty unlikely, especially amongst males. It seems rare that a 20 or 30 something male chooses to buy a light beer

>> No.8472927

what do you consider a good beer then?

>> No.8472940


t. cuck

>> No.8472946

Yes, I legitimately think the under 40 crowd predominately chooses macros. Most beer I see this age group purchase is American Macros, followed by Euro and Mex macros.

>> No.8472947

I live in Queretaro (safest city in Mexico), and they have a really good brewery called Hercules. It's sold dirt cheap all over the city, and they have a bar with crazy discounts on thursday. In Queretaro, there is what is called "Juebebes" or "Drink-thursday" in english, all bars have really good discounts.

>> No.8472953

haha, I Speak spanish and find "Juebebes" funny

>> No.8472957

Oh and how are the other choices? And does any of this stuff make it to the US?

>> No.8472958

Where do you live? I am in the midwest and that has not been my experience at all

>> No.8472973

New York. Bars tend to have pretty good selection of craft these days, but most people I see still buy macros.

>> No.8472978

yeah, New York does have a pretty shit drinking culture, but that still surprises me

>> No.8472992

craft beers are garbage.
Monks in belgium make my beer

>> No.8472998

I doubt it's that much different from the rest of the country. I bet if I went to some city in the Midwest, it would be the same thing.

>> No.8473027
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>when you are sitting on the couch with bros watching the playoff game

>> No.8473032


Sierra Nevada PA, Racer 5, Stone IPA, Ale Smith IPA.

>> No.8473053

just buy cheap vodka then ya dingus

>> No.8473062

Are the latter 3 widely available? I've had Sierra Nevada before and liked it, but I drank it out of a bottle and it would have probably been better out of a glass.

>> No.8473074

I'm not a big craft beer drinker, but alcohol related turism is big in mexico (see tequila train), and highly urbanized cities like Queretaro, Monterrey, Guadalajara and of course CDMX have a bretty gud craft beer scene so I'm told.
That being said, in rural Mexico craft beer is near nonexistant. Artesanal alcohol in the country is usually tequila and the fermented blood of drug war casualties.

>> No.8473075

No that guy but I have seen each of those at grocery stores in the midwest

>> No.8473081

it's supposed to be funny :^) I've only heard it in Queretaro.

>> No.8473096

Are there any old-school IPAs in existence?

>> No.8473101

You mean like West Coast Style? Or way way back English style?

>> No.8473118

OG English style, the ones that inspired Americans to start making them

>> No.8473123

>grocery stores
Since when do they sell booze in grocery stores

>> No.8473128


>OG English style
>the ones that inspired Americans to start making them

You're still not being clear.

AIPAs have nothing to do with the myth of them actually being over-hopped to last the voyage to India. "Old school" IPAs in America mean the classic IPAs from 20-30 years ago, many of which are still around; real old school means skunk water.

>> No.8473134


Leave your village some time; liquor laws vary by state, and sometimes even by county.

>> No.8473140

have you -never- been to a grocery store before? where tf do you live?

>> No.8473143

Interesting, so true IPAs never really existed in England?

>> No.8473148

Plenty of American breweries make old english style ones, its not exactly the same as people back then didn't understand sanitation so all beer was sour to an extent, and all of the english breweries that made it died out or pivoted to milder, cheaper to produce styles in the 1800s. I think the last extant traditional IPA was actually made in America by Ballantine but that formula was lost sometime in the 1970s or 80s

>> No.8473153

um, always

>> No.8473175


>> No.8473179

Sports are for niggers

>> No.8473193

I think he was talking about watching them, not playing them

>> No.8473203

I meant watching

>> No.8473209

Unless we are talking NBA, the vast majority of spectators are white

>> No.8473264
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>true IPA's were not made in England

I'd laugh really hard if there weren't people who actually believe this. Just where do you think the "I" comes from in IPA? Do you think Indian shitskins were brewing it? Do you think the US had some relationship with India in the 1800's? Do you think the English East India Company didn't exist?

For god's sakes, open a fucking world history book once in a while.

>> No.8473269

I've never seen that before. 17th century Puritans have trolled me once again.

>> No.8473356

A British beer that's probably pretty close to the mark and readily available as an export is Fuller's Bengal Lancer. It's probably a bit less dry than it should be, but still.

American IPAs more came out of American Pale Ales such as Sierra Nevada which is pretty much the progenitor as a way to further showcase the US style hops available.

I don't think that's what he was saying at all.

>> No.8474110

shit op, decent content

>> No.8474115


ITT negrons get shitbaited hard

>> No.8474189





>> No.8474196

Honestly the thread has moved beyond that, you'll just encourage a return to shitposting.

>> No.8474222
File: 6 KB, 257x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good german beer makes me jizz diamonds

>> No.8474274


just gotta keep reminding them how inferior they are.

>> No.8474280
File: 24 KB, 590x350, measure-grass-407138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on fellow patriot! By the way, have you measured your grass today? Gotta make sure it's within regulations!

>> No.8474281

>if it's anti-American it's "obsession"
>if it's anti-Europe it's "banter"


>> No.8474284


nah it's just shitposting from bombed out hovels that got their humanitarian airdrop of smart phones.

the batteries will run out soon and they'll be back to killing each other and sucking off muslim cock for sustenance.

>> No.8474309

But budweiser is Czech beer, wtf???????

>> No.8474317

You're thinking of Budweiser Budvar.
Completely different company.
Budweiser is the American piss water manufacturer, Budweiser Budvar is the Czech stuff.

>> No.8474326

Oh, I see. I am really curious how does american beer taste. Is there a distinct difference between US and EU lagers?

>> No.8475366


Fags. You know damn well why Budweiser is so popular and that's because you don't have to think about it, You can just drink it. And it gets you drunk. You don't have to "appreciate" anything about it. It's not going to challenge you with its hop profile or its darkness, because that's meme shit. It is what it is - drinkable beer. You can chug liters of this shit like it was Coca Cola, and you can't be doing that with your double-chocolate roast coffee milk stouts.

>> No.8475407

>Just turn your brain off bro
>Its not supposed to taste good

>> No.8475425

A man who graduated from his condescending, juvenile beer snobbery and recognized the value in classic American pilsners.

>> No.8475443

What you're referring to as "American beer" is actually called an American Adjunct Lager. It tastes like beer flavored water and is shit.

>> No.8475446

Why don't I just do shots of Tequila then if "Getting Drunk" is the end game?

Tequila actually tastes good.

>> No.8475447

>Not knowing that budweiser is the perfectly brewed beer
Stay cucked and enjoy your Angery Orchard or Mike's Hard Lemonade

>> No.8475474

What's wrong with Belgians?

>> No.8475502

What bubble do you live in? The largest segment of American beer drinkers, young males, drink macro products that corner around 80% of sales.

>> No.8475519

ah yes, sitting and watching the sportgame, getting smarter the more i watch

>> No.8475546

>tastes like literal dirt
>tastes good

Of all the hard alcohols I might pretend to enjoy I would say tequila is about as far down the list as possible.