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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8453709 No.8453709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>le white people can't cook meme

Fuck off you black shit
Who cares if whites don't season their Turkey with cayenne and paprika and BBQ sauce?

We season our BRAINS with literature.
The greatest seasoning to whites is a classic story by Shakespeare. I don't need to coat my chicken wings in black pepper when I can coat my IQ in the works of literary giants, all of whom are my fellow whites.

A nigger requires his 'Senegaliese 50 spice' to make his fucking disgusting brain experience anything that isn't 'feel the urge to mug someone and steal their Air Jordans'. A white person cannot get anything from spice. We need documentaries, and books and music.

I have a phrase

'The blackest in society are the lightest of brain. The whitest in society explore the darkest depths of human emotion, in their art'.

It sums this up nicely.

>> No.8453718

remember to hide and sage /pol/shit

>> No.8453793

Well said, good sir *tips KKK mask*

>> No.8453801

I'm racist more than anyone against blacks (and jews).....but this thread is retarded. If there is one thing nogs are good at, it's killing people needlessly and making damn good food; us whities can't cook for shit.

Look at our "master" of cookign, gordon ramsay who basically just throws in random ingredients w/ exotic names and calls it a fuckign dish

I'll lynch a nog with no remorse, but not before I get his friend chicken and dumplin recipe

>> No.8453815

>hide and sage
don't you mean report?

>> No.8453820

>being triggered by nigger memes

>> No.8453829
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>white people food

Whites can't cook, look at this fucking shit and tell me they can its fucking grey fish shit jelly lmao.

look at north europe its all rotting fish and fucking bread paste, disgusting shit.

>> No.8453851

I'm surprised you actually took the time to write and then post this.

>> No.8453859

Mods have been niggers lately so I just imply it rather than breaking a rule they'll ban me for

>> No.8453863
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>Ignorant people are being ignorant
>Let's insult them, it'll fix things

Friend, you'll have to learn in a world filled with stupid people.

Even if you invite the twitter warriors that keep twitting about "le white food" to the finest French Restaurant, then to an excellent German breakfast, they're most likely stupid enough that they wouldn't even realize you proved them wrong.

Ignore them. Don't let their stupidity reach you. Be at peace, friend.

>> No.8453870

why don't you faggots just start a general

>> No.8453871
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>> No.8453914

>anything that isn't agreeable to what I see on tv is /pol/shit

This is a bad thread.