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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8448578 No.8448578 [Reply] [Original]

Just made and ate my first ever omelette and it was fucking delicious. After being told my whole life by my parents that I'm allergic to eggs I found out it was some bullshit over reaction they had to a rash I got as a kid. Post your best egg recipes so I can practice cooking those suckers.

>> No.8448598

How the hell did you manage to go 18+ years without eating eggs

>> No.8448601

Poached eggs are probably the hardest to do; over easy over medium over hard are all easy.

Make scrambled in a sauce pan, not a saute pan.

There's different schools of practice on hard boiled eggs so I'm not even going to get into it.

>> No.8448617

Scrambled eggs need to be continuously stirred like a risotto. Add salt near the end, otherwise it denatures the protein/yolk. Add butter after cracking the egg into the pot/pan and heating/stirring it for a bit, not before.

Deviled eggs is some of the most delicious food.

You can make breakfast burritos on Sunday with hard boiled eggs and whichever toppings you like. Freeze them individually and then defrost them in the morning during the week for a healthy and quick breakfast.

>> No.8448639

It's incredible how revitalizing they are too.
I was feeling exhausted and just generally out of it like half an hour ago and after cooking up some eggs I'm energized and I just feel good.
Like peanut allergies would suck, but I feel truly sorry for anyone who has legitimate egg allergies.

>> No.8448640


Pro tip for poaching an egg, my good anons: put some cling film in a mug, crack the egg in it, seal the cling film at the top then boil it for 3 minutes.

>> No.8448644

Enjoy your melted plastics.

>> No.8448651

If you can't make eggs Benedict on command, including fresh English muffins, you aren't shit.

>> No.8448655

Going to try a breakfast burrito using an omelette since the shapes are concentric.
This is my next experiment, then a fritatta.

>> No.8448680

get a high quality 7-8" nonstick pan for cooking eggs and thank me later.

Yes, you can use cast iron or carbon steel if you want.

>> No.8448709

Just wait until you make a burger and put a fried egg on it.

>> No.8448715

>on command
hope you don't mind waiting a day for "fresh english muffins"

>> No.8448716
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>Add salt near the end, otherwise it denatures the protein/yolk

>> No.8448752

>Poached eggs are probably the hardest to do

when will this meme die

literally drop an egg into simmering water for 4 minutes.

>> No.8448799

This is going to come off as a real dumb question but I was thinking this earlier today- would adding sour cream to my egg mixture for scrambled eggs or even an omelette be a bad idea?

>> No.8448804


Not at all. Some people prefer the flavor. In scrambled eggs, just add it in towards the end, so that you don't burn the dairy.

>> No.8448811

No, not at all. Many, many people add milk or creme fraiche to their scrambled eggs, usually at the end because it stops the cooking process and prevents them overcooking themselves before they're served. I'd accomplish the same thing, just with a different flavor.

>> No.8448821

Try using achiote oil for your eggs, too.

>> No.8448824


>Make scrambled in a sauce pan, not a saute pan.



>Scrambled eggs need to be continuously stirred like a risotto.


>Add salt near the end, otherwise it denatures the protein/yolk.


> Add butter after cracking the egg into the pot/pan and heating/stirring it for a bit, not before.


why do SO MANY people love to promote old wives tales they've never personally tested about cooking? it's retarded.

scrambled eggs are just eggs that are moved around/broken up as they cook. it's not fucking rocket surgery

>> No.8448825

(to fry your eggs in.)

>> No.8448845

i'll pass on your shit dry spongey scrambled eggs

>> No.8448860


if you are one of those fucks who swears by 'the ramsay method' and always serves up the same fine granular eggs for any application that are grey with pepper, cold and took half an hour, you can fucking kill yourself

there are millions of different ways to make eggs and the one dependable factor is the judgement of the cook.

>> No.8448920

Lazy Amerifat detected, trying to defend minimum effort.

>> No.8448936


because the difference in effort between 'make a bunch of arbitrary trivial decisions because some tv chef said it once' and 'don't' is so huge

>> No.8448942

No shit it's preference. OP asked for suggestions, anons gave them, your autism flared up.
None of the techniques you quoted are in any way "wives' tales", regardless of whether you would prefer to eat your eggs that way.

>> No.8448970

They don't take more than two hours. Plan ahead, desu.

>> No.8449040


>None of the techniques you quoted are in any way "wives' tales"

yes they are. they are fraudulent advisements on how to make good eggs. salting doesn't harm them. butter in the pan before they go in doesn't harm them. stirring them intermittently doesn't necessarily harm them. using a skillet doesn't harm them.

>> No.8449125

>yes they are. they are fraudulent advisements on how to make good eggs


Stop listening to David Icke. Faggot, there's no conspiracy here.

>> No.8449142

Hey op, your thread made me hungry, so I went and made an omelette. Mild cheddar and smoked turkey kielbasa.

>> No.8449278


you have a deeply uncritical and aerated mind

>> No.8449477

>crack egg low in a saucepan of simmering water (not boiling ffs!) Medium heat.
>fucking stir the water so the white wraps around the yolk
>fish it out after 1 to 2 minutes
You're welcome.

>> No.8449489

This one is very good

>> No.8449502

Also good: bring water in a pan to a rolling boil, turn fire off, gently release the egg into the water, cover the pan and wait 3-6 minutes depending on how well you want it cooked

No vinegar, swirling, or cling wrap necessary

>> No.8449504

Long, green, bell peppers, garlic and jalapeno peppers (both fresh) with a touch of salt and cracked black pepper and ev olive oil makes for a fucking good omelette that really brings out the egg flavour. Fry up some sliced pork loin with lemon juice and salt to go with it, if you want a big meal.

I also sometimes make "green eggs" by dicing a ton of fresh coriander into much, throwing it into some whisked eggs with salt and black pepper and stirring constantly on a REALLY low heat until it scrambles.

Apart from that, grated potato, diced onions, cayenne pepper, a tiny bit of english chedder, s+bp, all fried up with a ton of unwhisked eggs is a fucking awesome breakfast, especially with bacon.

Shit, I want eggs now.

>> No.8449510

Sounds good, I'll try adding in meat the next time I make an omelette. Need to practice my folds, ended up folding both sides for a rectangular omelette instead of the originally planned half fold. Looked pretty though.
Will try making frittatas next, thinking pepper and onion or spinach and feta. Picked up some good tips from replies so far.

>> No.8449517

Not sure about the other two, but not stirring enough will give you big slabs of egg. You don't necessarily have to stir constantly, but you do have to be careful. Same with the pan, too much surface area means most of the egg will be too close to the heat, and you'll end up with a broken omelette instead of scrambled eggs.

But you're right, it's all about judgment. I personally like mine done a little more than Ramsay's, but not by much, and I use course pepper to avoid ending up with grey eggs.

>> No.8449519

Seen some cunt use a sieve to remove the outer layer of the white before poaching. Recommended?

>> No.8449549

You're supposed to stir the water for that shape and yolk protection, mate.

>> No.8449656

>rolling boil
Troll or just stupid?

>> No.8449668


He said turn the stove off, so it's probably no longer a rolling boil by the time you put your eggs in there.

But yeah, it would be retarded to put the eggs into water that was actively boiling at that moment.

>> No.8449671

Think it was implied by "turn fire off" that the water would reduce from a rolling boil to a simmer, not sure.

>> No.8449858

I tried making the /fit/ "fisherman's eggs" with great success, even though I just mushed the ingredients together in a pan. It was the best goop I've made, and really simple as well! Great for a really fucking quick snack.

>> No.8450029

Post recipe then please

>> No.8450127

Don't have it on hand, but google "/fit/ fisherman's eggs" and the first picture that comes up

>> No.8450396

Daily reminder that if you ever add milk, or god forbid water, to any form of eggs you should off yourself immediately.

>> No.8450408

meh, i like to use some sparkling water when making scrambled eggs and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.8450411

I feel for you op. I too had to deal with bullshit allergies as a kid. Citric (witch is what I actually had an allergic reaction to), tomatoes, and chocolate. I broke free of my food prison when I was 12yo.

This man is the culinary god.


>> No.8450450

Sparkling water? As in fucking carbonated?
Literally what?

>> No.8450899

>not using sprite to counterbalance the bitterness of the eggs
stay pleb

>> No.8450913

you heard me right, it adds fluffyness
>bitterness of the eggs
buy better eggs

>> No.8450918

>not mixing some milk and eggs in a jug before scrambling them for the most supreme scrambled egg

>> No.8450927
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>> No.8450958

Am I the only one who thinks scrambled eggs are disgusting? I mean the ones you cook 'classically', low and slow until it becomes gooey

>> No.8450961 [DELETED] 

Reminder that the BEST scrambled eggs are made with milk

>> No.8450990

>literally being such a pussy you can't handle the flavour of straight egg and NEED to water it down
How do you be this retarded? Scrambled eggs made with milk are borderline inedible they're so garbage.
The low, slow and gooey is pretty far from 'classic'. You're right about it being disgusting though.

>> No.8450993

>>>>>borderline inedible
How does it feel to be so wrong about one of the easiest meals to make you ponce

>> No.8451004

I'm not sure, I'm not the one doing the most pleb practice in all of cooking, that literally any professional cook would tell you off for doing.

>> No.8451011 [DELETED] 
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>hurr I cook mah eggs straight liek a real man it's strong flavor u pussy
U wot. Eggs aren't excessively bitter or something. Milk just makes them creamier.
>adding milk to eggs make them inedible
You're a shitty troll

>> No.8451012

And yet they come out consistently tasty every time
Why should I feel the need to abide by "professional" chefs ways of cooking eggs if mine are always great

>> No.8451023

No, what it does it water them down and make them flavourless, nothing more.
Because they taste like shit and you're an idiot for thinking they're even passable.

>> No.8451029 [DELETED] 
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No, it milks them down. Dumbass.

Seriously though who the fuck do you think you are, Chef Ramsey? Get the fuck outta here

>> No.8451066


>The low, slow and gooey is pretty far from 'classic'.

no it's not

that's the classical french method

>> No.8451113


>a couple tbsp of milk with 6 eggs is going to water them down

cmon, man. you can make better bait than that.

>> No.8451306

God damn that's comfy.

>> No.8451314

I've recently perfected my omelette technique.

1/2 tbsp butter in a cold pan on medium-low heat
Beat 2 eggs with with the following:
Seasoned rice vinegar
Red pepper flakes
Pour the egg mixture in the pan as it's still heating up and allow the bottom portion to cook.
When the top is just about to finished begin to roll it over on itself to create an egg roll.
Brown each side and serve.

Come out sweet, savory, slightly salty, fluffy and rich.

>> No.8451534

The temperature is the hardest part.

Especially on non-gas stoves.

>> No.8451576

Just made some scrambled eggs. I was going for an omelette, but I screwed it up so I ended up scrambling it and throwing in some cheese.

I have a question though:
Can I add water AND milk to the eggs before dumping it in or am I only allowed to choose one?
I want to make it fluffier with the water, but "tastier" with the milk.

>> No.8452039


You can add both as long as you don't overall water it down too much.

>> No.8452045
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How do I get scrambled eggs perfectly yellow?
Mine always come out with white bits, I'm using fresh eggs.
Pic related: my eggs

>> No.8452261

Eggs are one of the easiest to cook foods out there;


Get the water simmering in a reasonably sized sauce pan, add nothing to it, crack and drop egg in just above the water, not from a height like a tard. If you do it gently enough the white will wrap around the yoke by itself, removing any need to stir the water like a crack addict. Use slotted spoon to remove from water. Drain. Season


Not even bothering on this one. Let eggs come up to room temp first if you don't want the shell to crack, if you even bother about that sort of thing.


Medium sized non stick frying pan, use 3 eggs per person and a knob of proper butter (Not spread, which is mostly veg oil) Crack eggs into pan, add knob of butter, and then start the cooking on a medium-low heat. Stir gently but constantly, until the eggs get to the desired firmness. DONT add in cream or any of that shit to them to "stop the cooking", you'll end up with a runny paste, definitely not good scrambled eggs. Season with pepper. Why not salt? You should be using slated butter at the start, so they shouldn't need it. They also don't need any oil in at the start, for obvious reasons.

>Fried - 2 methods

Again medium sized non-stick, medium low heat, olive oil, let it come to temp. Use any oil you want but i prefer olive. Crack in eggs. When the whites begin to set at the bottom pour a small bit of water in the pan, cover with a lid (Plate or something will do) And cook for about a minute. This steams the top of the eggs perfectly setting the white while leaving the yolk runny. However, it will whiten the top of the yolk. Season on the plate.

Next method, the smallest frying pan you reasonably can, again medium low heat, oil, up to temp, crack eggs in, leave to cook. The yolk will stay yellow but this method is slower than the one above, you can also burn the bottom of them if they take too long to set at the top, so be careful. Season

That's all i can be bothered to type at the moment.

>> No.8452853

The white spots are eggwhites, just mix the eggs longer

>> No.8452883


>Scrambled eggs need to be continuously stirred like a risotto. Add salt near the end, otherwise it denatures the protein/yolk.

Sounds like you got this from that Gordon Ramsey video.

>> No.8453008

How did you find out that you weren't actually allergic to eggs? Did you try to suicide by omelet?

>> No.8453072

>Goodbye, cruel world!
>This is actually quite delicious.
>They lied to me!

>> No.8453118

lemme add something about boiling, the best method is to put the eggs in, bring the water to a boil, and then take it off the heat, cover, and leave it alone for about 8-10 minutes for hard-boiled (time approximate)

comes out super soft and nice, it's different from just keeping the heat on

>> No.8453162

This is accurate. They come out perfect everytime.

>> No.8453187

I had to take a yellow fever shot for my job, which could have caused side effects if I was allergic to eggs. So before getting the shot I tried a little scrambled eggs that my room mate made to confirm my allergy but nothing fucking happened.

>> No.8453209

I don't think i'm allergic to anything, how did you go so long without eating eggs? Surely you would have bumped into them by now.

>> No.8453260
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what do you guys add to your omelets other than cheese or bacon? I'd like to start making more but i don't know what to add

>> No.8453276


red bell pepper
brussel sprouts
spring onions

berry mix
egg nog
crushed macaroons

>> No.8453286

Try red bells, greens are OK, yellows are shit, oranges are pretty close to shit.
Onions (sautee all this first)
Broccoli (cooked)
Ham, pepperoni maybe
Brain deactivated, out of ideas

>> No.8453287

you can just fry up some small chunks of potato and then cook them into the omelette. Needs some flavouring usually, but it's not bad.

>> No.8453294

That's not ideal, best to keep the taters out if you're going to fry them and opt for other ingredients in the omelet.
However the taste is fine.

>> No.8453323


I guess this is techincally a fritatta rather than an omelet, but I often fry up some potatoes, bacon, bell peppers, maybe some leftover veggies or meat cut into small pieces, etc, first. Once that's cooked I add beaten eggs to the pan and cook until it's just set.

>> No.8453331

>fry up some potatoes
raw or pre cooked?

>> No.8453336

not the OP but it's much better to pre cook them for a bit, if you can be bothered

>> No.8453417

I would advise against mixing with a spatula.

For scrambled, I mix with a fork before adding to the pan to the point where its bubbly then I use a wooden fork when in the pan, stirring constantly until ready.

Pure yellow.

>> No.8453445

Bell peppers
Sweetcorn (for some)

Trick is to treat it like a pizza.

>> No.8453833

I bet shredded hashbrowns might be pretty dank

>> No.8454053

is there anything wrong with that?

>> No.8454421

gonna do omelet tonight. im gonna put paprika and cheese in it. gief seasoning recomendations??

>> No.8454449

Listen carefully because this is very important advice. Lots of people think cooking is all about complicated recipes, big cookbooks and arduous effort. Really it's more of an innate thing.

Learning to cook is much more simple, so pay close attention to what I'm going to say. Are you listening?

Fry an egg and experiment with various seasoning. This will give you an idea of what flavours go well together which is the most important quality in cooking. Fry an egg, cut it in quarter, season each quarter differently. Try one with cayenne and, I dunno, chives? Just experiment with lots of seasoning combinations.

Then fry another egg and repeat the process. Keep frying eggs and experimenting until you get a good idea of what works. You can eat 3-4 eggs in a day, heck you're from /fit/ so probably 6+. If you eat 6 eggs in a day, that's 24 egg quarters, 24 seasoning combinations in a day. You're talkng about 1000 seasoning combinations in just over a month.

At this stage you'll be a spicemaster and what/how you cook wont matter because you'll be better at seasoning than 99% of professional chefs, and this WILL make you a good cook.

>> No.8455013

I like this pasta.

>> No.8455090


>> No.8455098

Is deactivated brain like activated almonds

>> No.8455223

some chopped green onions, parsley and ham

>> No.8456374

You should try the following thing:

you cook and egg by frying it. Then, you spice one part like this and the next part in another way. You can quarter-season eggs like that and try every apice in the world

You will be a spice master in no time!

>> No.8456380

you're a little late m8

>> No.8456478

im overjoyed because of the persistance this shitty meme has. I didnt shitpost it for like a year and its still going.

It has gotten wings. I am proud of it.

>> No.8456981

Do a spinach-gruyere-bacon quiche.

>> No.8458823

How has no one mentioned french toast yet?

>> No.8458851 [DELETED] 

It's more of a combo than strictly egg

>> No.8459033

Thank god I can't do that, otherwise I would be shit.

>> No.8459293
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So for my whole life ive never really liked egg. Though recently ive gotten really into a lot of foods I never liked as a child. I really really want to like egg. Its more the texture than the taste. Anybody got tips on how I can solve my problem or at least try to get over it?

>> No.8459712


>> No.8459873

cook it in different ways

>> No.8459911

There's a weird thing where americans and brits, I think, call two different things scrambled eggs. Americans expect it to be solid and substantial like a broken up omelet whereas brits like them to be more of a hot mush.

But instead of acknowledging this fact like we do with crisps/chips/fries or scones/biscuits/cookies, we just passive aggressively advise eachother on how to "improve" our scrambled eggs.

>> No.8459926

Try fried eggs and broken yolk fried eggs. Same situation and that's what made me like them.

>> No.8459939

Eggs taste and smell like farts, with a rubbery texture. There's nothing good about them.

What sort of animal eats eggs?

>> No.8460218

Crunchy peanut butter.

>> No.8460229

Tamago kake gonna is actually pretty good
Just take some warm rice and crack an egg on it. Stirring is optional but I think most people it it stirred.
Season it with msg soy sauce and some shredded noir. Quick and easy meal.

>> No.8460626

Not correcto, by the way
t. 4 years work in fine dining

>> No.8460855

Been practicing my classic French omelettes all week (a la Pepin youtube style).

First one was a complete scramble but the second one turned out better (more omelette shaped and nice and gooey in the middle). Still not good though, I'll keep going.

>> No.8460883

Adding milk to eggs just makes them more dense
As long as you add the appropriate amount it doesn't make them watery, assuming you're using whole milk and not anything like 2% or skim and also seasoning appropriately
For quiche I usually blend in like 20 or 30 percent sour cream or creme fraiche with the egg and it tastes loads better and gives a nice velvety interior to the quiche instead of the dry and bland taste and texture of when I use egg alone.

>> No.8460894

>20 or 30 percent sour cream or creme fraiche with the egg
sounds great, i need to try that

>> No.8460979

Eggs are my hangover cure.

>feel like shit
>make some scrambled eggs
>feel great

Can't explain that

>> No.8460993

i always mix in some ham or bacon when cooking scrambled eggs for hangover dishes. the extra fat seems to be good for your body and well being on one of those mornings. also, i try to go low temperature so i can use EVOO to fry that all up

>> No.8460998

It's pretty good for scrambled too if you decrease the amount by about 10%
Any more and you will end up with a bit of water separating out and making the eggs soggy
The higher percentage only works because of the higher cooking time in the oven

>> No.8461026

My personal recipe for frittata. IMHO it tastes amazing, but there are some tricks to do it.

For the filling:
>a handful of bacon, diced really small
>olive oil
>half carrot, grated
>half onion, diced
>dried red pepper flakes
>OPTIONAL: a handful of pre-cooked frozen green peas
How to: pan-fry the bacon in low heat until crispy; add the carrot, onion and red pepper flakes, keep on frying and mixing until golden brown; then add the green peas (if you want), mix it a bit and turn the fire off (otherwise the frittata gets chunky). Spread the filling homogeneously over the pan.

For the egg mix:
>half tablespoon of wheat flour
>salt, ground black pepper, oregano
>1/4 cup of milk
>4-5 eggs
How to: mix the seasonings and flour in a bowl. Add the milk SLOWLY, stirring vigorously, until the wheat "dissolves" in the milk (technically a suspension, not a solution, but w/e). Then add the eggs and beat them a lot, like you were a nigger beating his wife.

Then pour down the egg mix over the filling. You'll need to be a bit careful, otherwise the filling will go all to a single side. Turn the fire on, ON THE LOWEST HEAT SETTING YOU CAN GET, cover the pan, and wait until the top is well-cooked, it should take 15min or so. (WARNING: if you use medium or medium-low heat, the bottom will burn down, so you'll need to turn the frittata halfway [kinda troublesome]).

Optional: if you want both sides golden brown, just turn the omelette after done. If you want, cover it with some parmesan and/or mozzarella cheese.

>> No.8461094

Something easier: diced boiled eggs + watercress + soy sauce. Simple and delicious.

>> No.8461533

actually veggies and fruit are the best for hangovers. fat makes it worse

>> No.8461561

>veggies and fruit are the best for hangovers
not gonna argue about that, you'll get most of the vitamins and electrolytes back that you lost while drinking since the body flushes so much of it out simply because you piss so much. same reason why sports drinks like gatorade or whatever are a popular hangover cure
>fat makes it worse
now this, i'm not too sure about that since fatty meals often are good in carbs and amino acids so i wouldn't really call that option bad. it may be heavy on your stomache however since those are hard to digest

>> No.8461595

>fter being told my whole life by my parents that I'm allergic to eggs I found out it was some bullshit over reaction they had to a rash I got as a kid.
Go see an allergist. Get it confirmed.

My favorite egg dish is:
Dutch Baby
Whirred up that eggy creamy delicious batter in the blender while your cast iron gets screaming hot in the oven. Pour it in, let it puff, sprinkle with your fresh lemon and powdered sugar. Pair with your most amazing sausage (homemade preferred), some yummy fresh peaches ore strawberries. French press your best beans.

Or maybe you're in the mood to make a german apple pancake instead. If so, 100% amber maple syrup it is! Thick crisp bacon.

>> No.8461600

>But the all important question: what about eating greasy food after drinking? Turns out whatever comfort we get from that is psychological, at best. Grease, contrary to popular belief, won’t absorb the alcohol (especially if you slept before eating—your body already absorbed it). Not only that, but if you’ve ever woken up with an upset stomach kind of hangover, greasy food’s only gonna make it worse.

>Not that you shouldn’t eat after a night of drinking. Stephanie Brooks, an MS, RD, and nutrition consultant recommends “any kind of food,” but more so foods with nutrients, things that’ll actually provide electrolytes, which are “key to replenish[ing] the body after dehydration” (which is, we should note, the General and Commander in the bodily assault that is the hangover).

>> No.8461644

Bone broth is best for a hangover

>> No.8462204
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Anyone tried making chef johns crispy omelette? How was it?

>> No.8462212


this is not only a great video for omelettes, but also basically the same as american vs french scrambled eggs

>> No.8462522


>Eggs aren't excessively bitter or something



>> No.8462523


if you put them in straight boiling water they're easier to peel though. i start them at a boil then turn off the heat, same method, different calculations

>> No.8462525
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spinach, mushrooms, courgettes are always god tier

>> No.8462545

GMO hens fed on HFCS.

>> No.8462548


oh fuck off.

>> No.8462550


>> No.8462555

Jesus this is disgusting.

When I go to the US I eat the same ingredients that I eat in Brazil, still exercise and everything is the same and I still gain weight.

I'm thinking their food must be really full of poisons because it fucks you up.

>> No.8462564

I learned how to cook the perfect eggs by playing Metal Gear Solid 4

I use Naomi Hunter's trick of putting a lid over the frying pan. Through the act of doing this so many times, I know the correct flame needed and what to listen for so that the bottom of the eggs don't get overcooked. Once the whole egg is solidified, I like to fold it into itself like an omelet.

>> No.8462586

I did this once, ended up vomiting watery eggs.

It didn't smell that bad at all, probably the most delicious vomit I've ever smelled.

>> No.8462634

pic looks good until you realize its a just a regular thin omelette wrapped around a shit load of greens

>> No.8463052
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>> No.8463688

>what sort of animal eats eggs

Have you literally never watched anything about animals in your entire life? Animals have been eating each other's eggs since the dinosaurs, and probably before that.

>> No.8463892

>Using a metal fork on a nonstick pan
He triggered me

>> No.8463899

Can anything be added to eggs to change the texture/composition to something interesting? Starch? transglutaminase? pectin/gelatin?

>> No.8464514

>Pepin doesn't know what kind of utensils to use
He's 110% aware of what he can and cannot use on his pan. Just because the low priced non stick pans you bought at Fred Meyers can't handle metal utensils, doesn't mean the one he has can't. He knows more about cooking that you can ever in your life.

>> No.8464537

made one inspired by this thread. 2 eggs, lotsa spices, half paprika, 3 chopped cutling ham slices and bit of flavourful cheese. it almost burned cos i forgot it in the stove.. was laughing i cant cook even eggs right kek

>> No.8465688
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, IMG_4882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it best to use butter, olive oil or a mixture of the two for an omelette? I know that with butter you want to use medium-high and olive oil you want to use medium-low and cook it for a bit longer.

>> No.8465703

You lucky bastard. I just suddenly became egg intolerant at age 30 at random. I can only eat my favorite food if I'm willing to shit my guts out from now on.

>> No.8465734
File: 113 KB, 720x960, Shakshuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes about 4-6 servings
NOTE I'f you're an Amerifag, coriander = cilantro. Oh,, and in the UK we don't use cups. We know how to operate machinery and weigh things.
1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium red sweet pepper, chopped
I medium green or yellow sweet pepper, chopped
1 can (14 oz.- 400g) diced tomatoes
2 tbsp (30g) tomato paste
1-2 tsp chilli powder or 4 hot chillies, chopped with seeds in
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp paprika
chilli flakes, to taste
1-2 tsp sugar
salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 or 6 eggs
fresh parsley/coriander for garnish
1. Heat olive oil in a 12 inch (30cm) frying pan over medium heat. Add onion and cook for about 5 minutes until the onion begins to soften. Stir in garlic. Cook 1 or 2 minutes

2. Add chopped peppers and continue to cook for 5 - 7 minutes over medium heat until softened

3. Stir in tomato paste and diced tomatoes and add all the spices and sugar. Season with salt and pepper and allow to simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until it starts to reduce. Adjust the seasonings according to your tastes

4. Cook until the mixture is thick, almost like a jam, making sure it does not burn onto the pan bottom.

5. With the back of a spoon, make an indentation for each egg in the mixture and crack the eggs into each one. Cover the pan and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked.

6. Chop fresh parsley or coriander and garnish with it, then serve with crusty bread or pitta.

>> No.8465765

Careful; if the grease from your fedora falls into your eggs, it might run your euphoria.

Pull the cactus out of your ass and take a chill pill or fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.8465780

Fun fact: if you're a poor/lazy fag like me who eats too much stove top Ramen, put an egg in the water before you start it, and let it cook with the Ramen. Usually comes out perfect.

>> No.8465793

What... what is a courgette? A small corgi? Can corgis get smaller?

>> No.8465920
File: 19 KB, 355x236, eggsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8465925


>> No.8465929

what's the key to good scrambled eggs? Mine always seem just a bit bland.

>> No.8465939

milk or cream.

>> No.8466060

It's what Amerifats call a zucchini.

>> No.8466545

Bit of both with a tiny bit of garlic and basil.

>> No.8466560

>if the grease from your fedora falls into your eggs, it might run your euphoria
Don't give up your day job