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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 1080x540, spicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8440653 No.8440653 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people eat spicy foods?

It doesn't add any other flavor, it just gives you pain.

Are you cucks or something that enjoy pain and suffering?

Fuck you.

>> No.8440660

Why not anon? O and fuck you too you bland fucker.

>> No.8440661

It's like anal, pain gives way to pleasure.

>> No.8440662

>I substitute flavor for pain

>> No.8440665

Whats this "pain" anyway. Why the fuck are you feeling pain? Are you a fucking 1 year old or are you putting a cup of chili powder on every dish.

>> No.8440668

Anal pleasure is the best. I use high-quality olive oil as lube for my toys to tickle my prostate.

>> No.8440684

>It doesn't add any other flavor, it just gives you pain.
Here is where you're fucking wrong. My favorite peppers are cayenne and habanero, they both have different flavors that also have some heat to it. It is easy for most to handle some spicy heat, it probably just means you're a pussy.

>> No.8440716

>It doesn't add any other flavor,
Man, you're a real pussy, you're jealous that you can't enjoy spicy flavors so you come on here and bitch about how people who can are cucks? That's some real hard projecting you got going on there you bitch.

>> No.8440720

Spicy foods can have loads of flavor. Heat for the sake of heat isn't that great because it can taste like garbage but be spicy. Spicy food done properly though will balance heat with a flavor profile.

>> No.8440726


Since when is capsaicin a flavor?

>> No.8440728

Why would you need the heat in the first place?

Why not just have the flavor?

>> No.8440731

Because sometimes I want to have the sensory experience of eating something spicy. It is pleasurable to me, doesn't mean it is right for everyone, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8440732

it releases endorphins that make you feel good

it also attracts women because it proves you're not a pussy

I mostly do it for the first part

>> No.8440734

Tunisia pls

>> No.8440735

>Because sometimes I want to have the sensory experience of eating something spicy.
Are you gay?

I don't understand.

>> No.8440738

It's one of the 5 flavors of SE Asian cuisine since forever

>> No.8440739

>Gets called a little bitch for projecting
>Starts deflecting

>> No.8440741

why do you equate pleasure with being gay? is it because buttsex is the only way you can get off?

>> No.8440744

I gave you a real answer and it seems you are just shitposting since you made zero effort to actually understand. Have a good thread, I'm out.

>> No.8440745

>you're a bitch because you don't want a cock in your ass


>why do you equate pleasure with being gay? i
Because you people are easily mocked for your homosexual tenancies.

>> No.8440752

oh hey, did the last thread die? Don't forget to take a shot every time someone mentions white people.

>> No.8440760

OP is a little bitch pussy that can't even handle black pepper

>> No.8440776

>he gets cucked by food


>> No.8440780
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Is this a Midwesterner thread?

>> No.8440793
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I'm not the one bringing up homos out of left field in a discussion about spicy food
and yet according to you I must be gay somehow

you are a very strange person who clearly has unresolved latent homosexuality issues

>> No.8440799

>no you're the gay one
Just admit where your true feelings lie.

>> No.8440805

Quality shit post m8
But your shit ain't stinky enough to warrant butt-mad replies from me

>> No.8440813
File: 12 KB, 250x185, 250px-GoreFireBreathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the heat, it's the foods last chance of survival
Consider it the final battle between man and food
We already have it so easy nowadays, you don't have to struggle to be fed, so atleast have some manhood in you and give the food one last chance to fight back, you pathetic weakling
You must be one of those faggots that considers mayonnese slightly spicy

>> No.8440823

>I enjoy having my neg hole pozzed

Why are pain seekers allowed to exist?
They're genetic trash.

>> No.8440829

>It doesn't add any other flavor, it just gives you pain.

white man's lie

>> No.8440834

>It doesn't add any other flavor, it just gives you pain.
When this is true, I don't enjoy it. I deseed my peppers so I can maximize flavor before the burn is too much. Chefs who don't understand the point can do the opposite, burn with no flavor. Silliness. Kiddos today who gorge daily on Takis are really just headed for early gastric issues.

As far as why? There's enjoyment for people to have that endorphin rush, flushing and sweating that later subsides, mouth burn followed by neutralizing beer or a creamy iced coffee or something. Delicious most of the dishes too. Saucy stewed meats on neutral rice or topped with herbs or crunchy toppings.

>> No.8440847

>As far as why? There's enjoyment for people to have that endorphin rush, flushing and sweating that later subsides, mouth burn followed by neutralizing beer or a creamy iced coffee or something. Delicious most of the dishes too. Saucy stewed meats on neutral rice or topped with herbs or crunchy toppings.
It must be a genetic thing.
I get no endorphin rush from spicy foods whatsoever.

Also I'm genetically immune to nicotine addiction.

I used to smoke cigarettes when I smoked weed and used to smoke when not high. I NEVER got an addiction to the stuff. I actually TRIED to get addicted to fit in with other people but it never happened.
I don't crave the stuff to this very day.

In fact many people in my family either tried smoking and gave it up in a few weeks and never did it again or tried it once and never did it again.
Both sides of the family have this genetic trait, so I'm super immune to nicotine addiction.

>> No.8440848
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>> No.8440851

How does enduring pain that we enjoy from food make us cucks you inbred fat hillbilly fucktard

>> No.8440918
File: 9 KB, 250x189, 1481860548673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does enduring pain that we enjoy make us cucks

>> No.8440944

>It must be a genetic thing.
>I get no endorphin rush from spicy foods whatsoever.
>Also I'm genetically immune to nicotine addiction.
Anecdotal evidence isn't going to make your argument any more educated. Having no nerve receptors wouldn't make you immune, it'd make you dead since you'd have no blood pressure. So, don't push your luck with the addiction trials. Having no pain receptors, no creation of Substance P also makes highly unusual, you know the kind of person that breaks all your bones, holds your hand too long on a hot burner, etc. You're not like that. So, I guess you've never upped your scoville consumption or ran a marathon ever if you think you've never had endorphin release or sweating. We already know that trying to fit in with smokers makes you a genius who makes great choices too. Stop trying to act intelligent at the same time. You're not a special snowflake, just likely very ignorant, scientifically speaking.

Light reading for you:

>> No.8440945

>pain that we enjoy
Do you want to be spanked too?

>> No.8440953

>Anecdotal evidence isn't going to make your argument any more educated. Having no nerve receptors wouldn't make you immune, it'd make you dead since you'd have no blood pressure. So, don't push your luck with the addiction trials. Having no pain receptors, no creation of Substance P also makes highly unusual, you know the kind of person that breaks all your bones, holds your hand too long on a hot burner, etc. You're not like that. So, I guess you've never upped your scoville consumption or ran a marathon ever if you think you've never had endorphin release or sweating. We already know that trying to fit in with smokers makes you a genius who makes great choices too. Stop trying to act intelligent at the same time. You're not a special snowflake, just likely very ignorant, scientifically speaking.

Please stop fucking posting.
You're obviously completely clueless on genetic variation between people.

Of course you have no explanation why some people smoke one cigarette in their life and they literally can not stop smoking, while other people can smoke packs for a few weeks and stop while not craving it WHATSOEVER(people like me).

You're probably some shit-eating marxist turd that hilariously attempts to explain everything by environmental factors. lol

Also you don't need genes or SNPs to do genetics so don't pull that fallacy.

>scientific american


>> No.8440964
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>it's finally paying off! I can say that an irritant doesn't hurt me!
>I am a now confirmed tough man

a pleb's investment is well made indeed

>> No.8440983


Credible source there, anon.

>> No.8441078

>I enjoy pain because I'm gay and have a BDSM fetish

How do you live with yourselves?

>> No.8441081

it was on his level

>> No.8441084

What a quality thread.

>> No.8441161

Is good for u

>> No.8441171
File: 28 KB, 550x633, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8441180

>Why do people eat spicy foods?
Because it tastes good.

>It doesn't add any other flavor, it just gives you pain.
Sounds like you added too much chili.

>Are you cucks or something that enjoy pain and suffering?
No, you just have a low tolerance compared to chiliheads.

Oh, and some people actually enjoy the pain. It causes the body to release endorphins, sort of like a "runner's high".

>> No.8441186

Ethiopian jealousy: the post

>> No.8441219

But it does add flavor. Hot pepper flesh has a unique and delicious flavor in addition to adding that awesome spiciness.

On an unrelated note, Chili always tastes much better after ~12 hours chilling in the fridge overnight for some reason. If you can resist, don't eat it fresh and instead wait for the flavors to develop properly.

>> No.8441293

Hello /ck/, I am making chili tonight. I keep seeing people mention that a little cocoa / cinnamon is good in it. Never tried it before. Should I use both? Which one? Do people use cocoa powder or actual bitter chocolate?

>> No.8441298

The Terlingua Red recipe here is personally my favorite chili. http://www.hardtimes.com/food/recipes/