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8432657 No.8432657 [Reply] [Original]

>if you can't afford a tip, why do you even bother eating out?

said other way, if you can't afford a tip, you CANNOT AFFORD to eat out.

make yourself some spaghetti-o's and save your dough.

>> No.8432724

Spaghetti-os are great

>> No.8432730

Beacuse you salty waitstaff cuck, I don't tip, and if I want to eat out, I will.

>> No.8432738


>save your dough

I do, by not tipping

>> No.8432749

I tip if they earn it; and some people just don't earn it (but most do: all it takes is not being a complete failure at serving). And having been a server, I don't feel bad about this at all.

>> No.8432761
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>eating out
i'll eat you out if you quit acting like a bitch

>> No.8432781

If you can't afford to not get tip, get another job you high school drop out

>> No.8432880

Wow you're so badass for not tipping. You're just like Mr. Pink, because you're a faggot.

>> No.8432903

Why don't i eat you out, then you can tip me

>> No.8432904
File: 150 KB, 1004x769, tipped wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a friendly reminder that if you dont tip servers will still make the minimum wage regardless and they are actually just greedy entitled faggots

>> No.8432907

>employer is too cheap to pay you a decent wage
>get mad at customer when they dont want to pay additional money on top of the cost of a meal

why are americans so stupid? i genuinely do not understand

>> No.8432915

>if your not tipping at least 80%, then your not really tipping at all

Reminder: 10% is a minimal tip for a minimal service. 15% for good service, and 20% only for the highest levels of service.
Never tip more than 20% unless you've been a complete pain in the ass and they still put up with you. Alternatively, you could just not act like a nigger, then tip normally.
Also don't leave less than 10%. If it was bad service, then leave no tip at all.

>> No.8433079

This. Servers are the most annoying, greediest, whiniest, entitled faggots around. They love to scream and cry about how they make like $3/hr or whatever, but obviously that's bullshit. Plus every time I've ever suggested one get a minimum wage job since being a server is so awfully they scoffed and flat out said they'd make less money.

Fuck servers.

>> No.8433177

but I can afford it because I have enough money to pay the cost of the food and not your wages you queer
shoulda gone to tradeschool or something

>> No.8433474

>guaranteed replies
also sage

>> No.8433486

I live in Japan so I have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.8433487

how about demanding a proper wage from your jew boss?

>> No.8433490
File: 31 KB, 406x419, 1478148719175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tip for the first time
>waitress calls me sexist

>> No.8433498

>if you rely on tips why do you work?

>> No.8433540

maybe you're just a shitty server and I didn't like you ever think of that

>> No.8433564
File: 37 KB, 400x257, 1482186114011-ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only tip because I have 3 kids, and I know what a hassle it is to deal with that for a waiter/ busboy. When it's just me and the missus, we order wine, entrées, and dessert, and the only tip the waiter gets is the tip of my fucking fedora as I leave their establishment to go home and sex up my fat wife.

>> No.8433567

>tfw i always realize i tipped an extra 15% because the server was cute and flirted with me
Fuck you, penis

>> No.8433581

The reason waitresses work for tips is because no one will give them the whole thing.

>> No.8433623

>American will defends the tipping """"culture"""""to the bone because their jewish overlord told them to
Literally North Korea tier brainwashing and delusion

>> No.8433629

if people all stopped tipping, employers are legally required to pay a working wage.

>> No.8433643

not before they serve your food in a literal spittoon first

>> No.8433669

you do know tips are expected after the meal? if they served food in a spittoon, then they wouldn't deserve a tip.

>> No.8434718

I'd give her my tip if you know what I mean

>> No.8435056

>if you can't afford a tip, why do you even bother eating out?

The sole purpose of going out to eat is to feed myself not others.

Fuck the attitude if shit waitstaff fuck faces.

>> No.8435165

Fired instantly.

>> No.8435172

I can afford a tip, I just don't.

>> No.8435216

Friendly Tip: very few places that have tipped employees do not abide by this and force you to claim enough tips to keep them from having to pay you more regardless of whether or not you actually made them. Refusal gets you fired or relegated to menial tasks, and reporting it only gets them a fine and gets you fired.

Source: Have worked quite a few tipped jobs and this has always been standard practice. My last manager fucking hated waitstaff and delivery staff and went out of her way to be unfair to us. She even once tried forcing us to share tips with non-tipped staff but dropped that when everyone flat out refused and threatened to stop coming in if she did.

>> No.8435221

Food is generally cheaper in America than it is in countries that don't do tipping so it often tends to even itself out.

>> No.8435257

>some people just don't earn it (but most do: all it takes is not being a complete failure at serving)

you have to practically TRY to fuck up so badly that I won't leave any money

most waitstaff collect enough tips to earn well above the minimum wage
if you're missing out on that much tip money, it's probably because you're a garbage server and your boss is being generous to do anything other than fire you
source: I spent 3 years as a line cook and I can count on one hand the amount of times any server of ours took home less money than I did on a given shift

>> No.8435258


Yet another thing that America does completely backwards in comparison of the rest of the world and then defends itself like a Stacy on her period. Tipping either isn't practiced or isn't mandatory in the rest of the world. Can you honestly defend calling it "gratuity" if it is mandatory and every single waiter has been taught to expect a hefty tip no matter what?

Face it, it's just a practice enforced by restaurant owners to pocket more cash but they're not the only ones to blame, waiters shouldn't get paid $300 a week.

>> No.8435265

>but they're not the only ones to blame

Agreed. Due to tax law, it saves money for all involved, including the customer.

>> No.8435289

I refuse to tip at my favorite local sushi joint, because I'm friends with a former waitress there and she say they're payed an "extra $2/h as tips" instead of actually getting tips. So even if I tip $100 or $1, the waitresses don't see any of that.

>> No.8435312

Tipping ensures better service and actually a higher wage for waitstaff.

Sure they have a chance of being screwed but on the average they make much more than minimum wage. Also few report their actual earnings so its essentially tax free.

Also people don't get that if waitstaff was paid higher in lieu of tipping, prices of the menu would rise to compensate.

>> No.8435336
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>Tipping ensures better service
Not really. It absolutely incentivizes it, but doesn't ensure it. I use to manage a Target Starbucks that was the only one for about 30 miles, so we didn't really have much competition, but even still we'd have people come in from the nearest metro regularly, and several times a week we'd be told we provided the best service they've ever had at a Starbucks, and our drinks tasted the best. I always made it a point that every team member needed to be able to make a proper flat white. We also weren't allowed to take tips as per Target policy.