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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 560x400, dt_boxed_zingerstackermeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8430154 No.8430154 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you had KFC?
Was it any good?

>> No.8430170
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Had some about a week ago when I took your mom on a date, it was ok but she kinda smelled like a shit house door on a tuna boat and I swear there was some dried semen on her panties, but banged anyways. Overall I give her a 5/10

>> No.8430175


I had kfc about 4 weeks ago. it wasn't that great because they gotten the other order wrong... and I ended up with a bacon lover burger when I wanted a zinger.

Additionally there coating on original recipe sucks dick.

>> No.8430176
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It was peng innit

>> No.8430180

Like two weeks ago
The delivery took literally an hour and a half, and the chicken was cold and stale

>> No.8430182

I wonder what the chicken connoisseur's rating for kfc would be, like 0.1 probably

>> No.8430188

I last had it in August 2016, $5 fillup was a decent deal and tasty enough would buy again if I need fast food and kfc was on the way

>> No.8430207

When the abomination known as the Double Down came out.

>> No.8430215

my dad buys kfc a few times a week but only ever gets it for himself and my grandpa, I want it but he never brings me any

earlier today my mom bought a rotisserie chicken we were going to use to make dinner with, he got home from work and at the entire fucking chicken, there wasn't a shred of meat left on it. My mom was not happy
>what happened to all the chicken?
>I called you and you said I could have it


>> No.8430250

I was literally planning to have some tonight.

Last time I had it was about 6 weeks ago. It was okay. I feel like fried chicken tonight but when I do get it from KFC it almost always gives me a stomach ache. Considering I ate thai takeout leftovers that had been in my fridge for 8 nights and it will probably already make me sick I'll probably end up vomiting for days if I have KFC too.

>> No.8430253

Your dad sounds like a fat, fucking piece of shit.

>> No.8430310

November last year.
Zinger stacker combo.

chips were good. not too salty.
stacker fillets were hardly zinger, too much chilli jam not enough supercharged sauce.

4/10 still dissapointed. every six months you do this kfc, up your game.

>> No.8430333
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Best zinger burger I've ever had, fresh good sized fillet, soft fresh bun and a perfect amount of lettuce and mayo

For me it's no longer the McChicken

>> No.8430348
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>Zinger stacker combo
Muh dik

>> No.8430389


I ate 2 buckets of original recipe, 2 orders of pop corn chicken, 1 order of tendies, a chicken sandwich and fries from there all in one sitting and I had a medium double pepperoni and cheese pizza from dominoes with peanut butter.

>> No.8430393


You sick fat fuckingan child retard. How much do you weight fuck face?

>> No.8430399


I'm 298lbs..5'7. I have been bullied all my life. It's not my fault my parents are a bit overweight too and are mean to me. It's a combination of not only genetics bit societal/social factors I can't control myself.

>> No.8430404

It is your fault. Just stop fuckin eating so much and exercise.

>> No.8430407


I tried to do the Atkins diet and it didn't work.

>> No.8430409


So society makes you put peanut butter on double pepperoni pizza huh?

>> No.8430413


Yes because they produce it

>> No.8430414
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>No longer the McChicken
you need to leave this board now

>> No.8430419
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Mcchicken fucking sucks.
2017, year of the KFC.

>> No.8430421

>I can't control myself.
lazy fat fuck

>> No.8430422


Fast "food" in the typical sense is neither food nor cooking. It is so far from cooking and food. It is a heavily processed industrial capitalist creation to maximize profits for powerful people who control the industry many of whom do not even eat the products the company they own creates and have their own personal chefs with the best ingredients. You need to go back to /r9k/.

>> No.8430424
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>> No.8430427

You need to get the fuck off my board.

>> No.8430436

2 weeks ago I had a zinger box with 2 wings. Fries were awesome and fresh. Zinger was overbreaded crunchy garbage. Wings were really fuckin good. I don't like the hot sauce they give you though.

>> No.8430438

No, p-please let me stay, for I still have a significant amount of love and energy invested in the McChicken. It-it just isn't the most important thing in my life right now. I'm s-sorry.

Zinger is my new lover.

>> No.8430440
File: 871 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170104-161935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they'd bring that back desu, the sub with the pepper mayo was goat

I know you can still get the pepper mayo but still.

Fucking sucked in to all the non WA/QLDers who only get hot and spicy as a promo. All year round here bby

Also, it's hot today

>> No.8430442

I agree about the hot and spicy but the trade-off is you have to be in QLD/WA to get it.

>> No.8430445
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Posting a gif is not an argument. Debate me, you piece of shit but you'll lose :)


Confirmed for r9k autist with childs palate.

Pic related, probably your weight

>> No.8430446

kill yourself

>> No.8430447
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>> No.8430455
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lol @ autists being THIS butt hurt

>> No.8430456
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What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now, lad.

>> No.8430467


I am much more sophisticated than you, pleb cretin I bet your favourite pizza topping is "pepperoni" which is not even a real thing; it's a made up American "food" item that has industrial textile chemicals in it. How does it feel to be so inferior and living on your minimum wage salary while I pull big bucks at an oil drilling firm as a corporate big shot and can dine out at 5 * restaurants on a nightly basis paying hundreds of dollars for meals you could not even imagine in your dreams because of that small pea sized brain of yours? Do you even have the ability to dream? Ha. I spent $2300 on a bottle of red wine for my friends and I last night, what did you do? Probably watched cartoons and jerked off to them, loser. In fact I spend upwards of $1000/week on my own groceries because I buy only the best quality, most expensive meats, fish, vegetables, spices such as saffron , and caviar. I am very fancy and sophisticated and well above and beyond all the losers here who eat fast food. Pleb manchild tastebuds for pleb Americans who never grew up. So glad I pull major bucks in the oil industry.

>> No.8430478
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>ywn cook for Rosemary

>> No.8430479

I've been to Sydney and Melbourne, both really nice cities, but it's so chilled out over here in the west that I don't really mind. Hardly any allahu akbars m8 and the train system is rated number 1 in the cunt.

It's worth it being isolated from everyone else tbqh
Especially when kfc is involved

>> No.8430481

>lol @
kill yourself

>> No.8430498


Mad @ moi :^) ?

>> No.8430506

I remember the first time I saw this, I'm glad.

>> No.8430509


Thanks it's my OC copy pasta I hope it becomes a thing here

>> No.8430513
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I believe with all my heart I will one day.

>> No.8430514


>> No.8430516

You made me laugh my ass off....thanks

>> No.8430518

>Hardly any allahu akbars
Have you not seen places like Mirrabooka shops?

I hadn't been there in a few years since my relatives were living around there but i recently stopped there on the way back from Swan.
It's a game of spot the white desu.

>> No.8430532

Inspired to the last, me hardies.

>> No.8430535

Your very talented

>> No.8430537


>> No.8430539

A month ago, I tried their new spicy chicken thing.
so much sauce, just a soup with some chicken in it, next time i'll ask for it on the side or something.

>> No.8430541


Welcome to 4chan newfag

>> No.8430585

Thank you for the 4chan welcome.

>> No.8430589

Like a wet sack to the face...lol

>> No.8430590

kill yourself

>> No.8430592

Im on it...give me a minute

>> No.8430593


>> No.8430599

Ok ...i apologize

>> No.8430676

Like 12 months ago. Spicy Big Crunch combo with a poutine instead of fries. It was delicious. Started my weight loss thing so I haven't been back.

>> No.8430680
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10 minutes ago

it was alright, made me forget how shitty my life is for a little while

>> No.8430692

Fuckin hell this makes me wanna try a zinger stacker box. 5900kj thoughs.

>> No.8430740
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There were 3 KFCs in my area. One closed permanently, the other two have some of the lowest ratings I've ever seen on Google Maps. In the handful of visits I've made to the 2 remaining locations, they've gotten some aspect of my order wrong 3 separate times. The chicken is always lukewarm for some reason, the skin is usually falling off, and there's almost always a puddle of excess grease at the bottom of the box. I really want to like KFC but the ones near me just suck.

>> No.8430780

Brit here, i haven't had KFC since they changed their fries to thin and crispy.

>> No.8430916

I live in Yokine and shop at mirrabooka every week. I'm not shitting you but it has been named the most multicultural shopping centre in Australia based on the number of different races that go there. It doesn't bother me to be among a bunch of tall black Africans, mostly women with massive titties or with chinks, Indians etc. It's a nice place to shop. Nobody bothers you and you know they aren't planning to bomb Sydney or Melbourne from their nearby house.

>> No.8430974

A couple of months ago. KFC is bretty good in the UK. From what I can tell there is a lot more focus on sandwiches here than the US. I worked there for a few months last year and invented my own special sandwiches to eat at the end of my shift. Terrible place to work though just like any fast food place.

>> No.8432114

Last had it a few years ago (in the UK). Way too salty, barely edible. It used to be delicious about 15 years ago.

>> No.8432782

he doesn't even need to exercise. by just not eating as much i dropped 20 pounds in 2 months.

>> No.8432795

I've only had KFC a few times in my life....all it tasted like was chewing on Canola Oil.....

Have had fried chicken at countless other places that I loved....NOT KFC though

>> No.8432796

Bought that $10 bucket for two, ate it all myself, I live a horrible existence but at least I'm alive when others are not.

The chicken was good, well, kfc good. The wedges were trash though. Incredibly skimpy on the potato, mostly nuggets so overfried they were just skin.

>> No.8432808

I had both the Famous Bowl and the Double Down in 2011.

>> No.8432820

I ate a double down a few months ago while I was drunk. It was good--not McChicken good but it was decent.

>> No.8432838
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> in high school, like 15 years ago
> it was terrible

>> No.8432850

in japan last week

didnt have that spice blend on the chicken tenders, but the fried chicken had some. it was good. im not crazy about fast food anymore though so i would do local fried chicken in some of the stalls near some of the popular temples. its better.

>> No.8432877

Yesterday morning I finished two wings left from my new year dinner.
They were ok, a bit soggy but spicy.

>> No.8432930

October 2

I remember, because the Plinkett review of The Force Awakens just came out

>> No.8432948

its been years, KFC is garbage

>> No.8433018

kfc in australia is probably the best fast food we have

everything else pales by comparison

>> No.8434679

the biscuits are so fucking small now.