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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8426361 No.8426361 [Reply] [Original]

Help how to bake potatoe I'm hungry and no food left but gathering up this I know i have enough I can make bake potatoes but how???

>> No.8426372

Cover them in butter, wrap in bacon an put in the oven at 450 for 25 minutes

>> No.8426375

Should I cook the pig first?

>> No.8426387

It would be easier to wrap the potatoes if you didnt

>> No.8426393
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You bake it

That's literally it

>> No.8426407

THanks they are all wrapped I will put them when done preheating

I remember father use to poke holes in the tin should I as well or is it not necessary?

>> No.8426411
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Ooo also did I wrap them ok?

>> No.8426417

I never do but it wouldnt hurt i guess. Please post results op

>> No.8426421

Yeah did you put the baon on them?

>> No.8426433

Pour some Dr. P in there for extra flavor.

>> No.8426436
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When It is done cooking? Sure!
Yes I wrapped them in the pig ass my hands got slippery after the butter
Look they are in the oven! I'm so excited!

>> No.8426444
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Haha I want to drink it with the potatoes I always drink Dr Pepper it is my favourite drink ever my sister got me the glass this Christmas she knows I like anime and that's the only anime she knows lol but it works well with the Dr Pepper because it fits a can and ice good!

Keep me talking well they cook guys I got nothing better to do

>> No.8426465

Guys something is going wrong they are leaking and makeing a mess and funny noises

>> No.8426470

Its fine the holes will seal themselves

>> No.8426473
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I put them on a old pizza tray is that going to make problems?

>> No.8426480

Just how old are you OP?

>> No.8426481

Looks good to me

>> No.8426482

19 last June
I know no life skills hahaha point and laugh

>> No.8426485

that reflection on the glass

are you a fat little girl

>> No.8426488
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Lightly coat the outside of the potato with cooking oil and roll it in salt and pepper. Poke the potato with a fork. Put the potato on a baking sheet with tinfoil. Place the potato on the baking sheet. Preheat your oven to 350°. Pop the potato in the oven until soft ( about 15 minutes )

>> No.8426490

I am a girl I am not little

>> No.8426494

I'll try that next time
God here comes the fat jokes -_- right

>> No.8426497

We have to be civil to you on this board ma'am

>> No.8426499

Cool ^-^

>> No.8426511

>i am not little


>> No.8426512

>this thread

what the fuck

also stop drinking so much soda

>> No.8426516
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Walked myself into that
? Why other then hur due its bad 4u
Is it done how do I tell?

>> No.8426518

Ehat temp was the oven op?

>> No.8426519

I tryed to cut in half but was to strong I put her back in?

>> No.8426523


>> No.8426525

because you're literally drinking sugar

baked potatoes usually take 1+ hours

>> No.8426527

Potato in a aluminum foil is nothing more than a steamed potato. You fucked up.

>> No.8426528

Awww what happened to 25 minutes:(

>> No.8426530

They might need more butter and yeah put them back in

>> No.8426532

dont give fatties dietary advice, its wasted effort

>> No.8426533

anon was lying

>> No.8426538

How do I get more butter on them I used my hands last time?
Is the bacon going to turn out fine or is that a lie?

>> No.8426543
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Just microwave the potato for like 4-5 minutes total, then throw it on the BBQ to get the skin crispy, done. Congrats you just cheated and made a baked potato quickly. If you have like 4 large potatoes probably 6 minutes then flip then another 6 minutes in the micro.

>> No.8426548

what he said, just throw it in the microwave in the aluminum foil, that way the steam will get trapped and cook the potato really quickly

>> No.8426554

Putting a potato in foil steams it. Not using the foil will give it a crispier skin. Just rub some butter on them and put them on the pizza tray

>> No.8426555

I may be a little dopey but I know no aluminum foil in the microwave

>> No.8426558

So you're saying I should take them out of foil now? Or is it to late?

>> No.8426561

modern microwaves don't have issue with aluminum foil. that's only true of microwaves made before 1997

>> No.8426571

No its not too late they are just not fully cooked.

>> No.8426574
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>> No.8426579

Also they should have been fully cooked, thats strange. Turn your oven up to 500 and bake them another 12-15 min

>> No.8426587
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Took them out of foil and up at 500

>> No.8426595

I think they are done

>> No.8426599

why is there bacon around them? Why didn't you just saute the bacon and make bacon bits? then you could just rolled them in the grease and baked them.

>> No.8426605

Looking good op

>> No.8426609
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>> No.8426614

Congrats OP i honestly thought this would end in lots of fire.

>> No.8426617
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Anon told me to
Find your lack of faith disturbing

>> No.8426626

Thanks guys

>> No.8426630

looks like you won't have to worry about losing any weight eating that mess.

>> No.8426632

It might still did op remember to turn off the stove?

>> No.8426633

That looks good. I would love for you to prepare this dish for me. Do you like cheap vodka and buttsex?