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8421198 No.8421198 [Reply] [Original]

who else has now "given up" drinking in 2017?

>> No.8421203

Why would I do that

>> No.8421206

to be more "healthy"
to live "longer"

>> No.8421213

Why would I want that

>> No.8421216

save money

>> No.8421219

Good one.

Also happy 2017

>> No.8421226

>Saving money
But the store I go to has the alcohol right in front of the front door.

>> No.8421229

I quit!

I'm never drinking again.

>> No.8421231

no need i dont drink in the first place

>> No.8421234

I lasted about four hours then I woke up and cracked open a bottle of vodka.
It's nearly empty now and I'm wondering how to get more...

>> No.8421238
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I'm already sober

>> No.8421244

Ive "given up" smoking due to the fact it was thinning my blood

>> No.8421249

But I'd live longer, so I'd be spending more money. I'm going to keep drinking.

>> No.8421255

i quit for a year, most of 2016. longest year of my life

>> No.8421262
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I gave up drinking but decided to smart smoking. Who's with me???

>> No.8421267 [DELETED] 
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My sister and brother-in-law started smoking regularly and they're moving in with me this month

>> No.8421269

I do both. I smoke more than I drink though.

>> No.8421272

>wedding ring

At least you can share your sticky buds with your wife's son

>> No.8421745
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>> No.8421751

Excellent choice

>> No.8421888

I am.
My doctor said I have Steatohepatitis, thanks to alcohol, mostly beer.

>> No.8421898

Fuck new years, on my sixt Pilsner Urquell and about to break out the Bulleit. Also, never stop smoking, I'll never let anyone take away the few joys in life I still have left. Prost.

>> No.8421911

Not a chance. I like being drunk.

>> No.8422115

Last night was my very last night after 6 years of daily drinking I am done for good,..2017 is going to be a healthy happier time for this guy, im finally gonna get my shit together and make some money and enjoy good clean living

>> No.8422127

same here senpai—3 months and counting (but not literally counting because AA is for poor people).

>> No.8422134

Gave up soft drinks after spending all evening on a couch with a horrible toothache. Alcohol never wronged me.

>> No.8422168

1.1 liters in 10.1% alchool. Only 4 dollars a bottle.
Never quitting.

>> No.8422173

I've never drank before but I'd like to start because my life just gets shittier and shittier. What's some cheap dirty shit which will knock me out cold?

>> No.8422186

Any of it. If you're new to wrecking yourself and your life I'd recommend the cheapest wine you can find if you're planning to do it on the cheap. Or cheap whiskey and coke works.

>> No.8422194 [DELETED] 

I disagree with this. If you're going to pursue functional alcoholism, a good trick is to develop a taste for the good stuff. Then, when circumstances require you to cut back some, you can switch to cheap stuff. You'll find it unappealing and only drink a bare minimum. This only lasts until your palate has adjusted to the nasty shit, but that's long enough to make it through most of those "I gotta cut back a bit" times.

>> No.8422215

Don't knock yourself out cold if you've never even been drunk before. It's fun.

>> No.8422229
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thinking about fasting for the rest of the day, getting drunk tonight and then hitting up the chinese buffet in the morningish for brunch

>> No.8422238

When I woke up today I did consider it, but managed to fight off such dark and horrendous ideas.

>> No.8422254

Yeah dude. I've been getting fucked up drunk daily for 9 years and today it's all gonna turn around. Clean living, exercise, lifting, here I come.
The Trump Presidency more than anything has inspired me to start Testosterone Quest because my main dude Donny T is a teetotaler. I have fight for my country.

>> No.8422256

I've given up on giving up

>> No.8422263

Nice work, kohai. I only drank once or twice a week but staying sober on New Years was a good step.


>> No.8422306

what's the source of that gif?

>> No.8422345

I gave up drinking when I was born.

>> No.8422450

I'm more of a weekend alcoholic, I use the holidays as an excuse to drink more obviously but I'm thinking about cutting back even if for the sake of saving money. The weeks become a blur.

>> No.8422462


same here, I can go 5 days without anything remotely alcoholic, but come weekend/vacation/holydays...good shit I('m not a mean drunk though

>> No.8422479

I 'gave up' and am now just drinking.

>> No.8422485

Was gonna go to dinner and a concert with my GF last night, and was saving my heavy drinking for the venue, but she got too tired for the show so I wound up NYE sober.

Drinking my 6th double bourbon with a splash of soda now and watching Krampus.

>> No.8422514

Went on a 5 day bender at the end of December, went through countless beers, a litre of gin, a litre of whiskey, a litre of rum, 3 grams of mephedrone, 2 grams of coke and some mdma.

Had shakes, sweats, heart palpitations and tear inducing anxiety when i woke up on new years eve that probably lasted near a full 24 hours or so, so deciding to go for a dry january at the very least. I know i'll never give all this shit up, life is too mundane to go without it, but gona let my body get over that shit for a bit i think

>> No.8422547


Guess the Meds & and/or drugs did this mostly, don't you ? Don't have any personal experioence how booze and shit like that interacts, I just smoke some bud occassionally, otherwise full time boozehound, and that I can handle somewhat

>> No.8422587


mostly i would imagine, i have had slightly more tolerable but similar experiences from just booze benders that have gone for 4/5 days though. im pretty sure uppers greatly exacerbate whatever horror you go through when its all over

>> No.8422603

I'm drunk and in my underwear on the couch and it's barely 4pm. I have a half liter of vodka left and an unopened 750ml bottle of Hennessy.

>> No.8422606


Made it through and had fun up to it, is what counts ;) I honestly don't get how some people can live in this world sober anymore

>> No.8422627
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That's all the symptoms of delirium tremens.

I was pretty much a drunk for all of my 20's. When I hit about 29 I started getting dts when I would go on a 3 plus day bender. Same symptoms as that dude plus intense vomiting, like throwing up nothing but bile and water. The intense anxiety combined with heart palpitations make you feel like you will die.

>> No.8422661


I just have severe bouts of depression and anxiety after an all Weekend bender, after the years, one knows they'll come though

>> No.8422672

It's a leaf show called Trailer Park Boys.

>> No.8422702

for the love of god, if you are an alcohol maniac TAKE SOME VITAMINS. And drink more water. I have cut down to just guzzling a fifth of vodka or whiskey on saturday nights cause im old, but when i was a successful younger drunkaholic i noticed the huge difference it made when i started sucking down vitamins and water. we need to keep you guys alive long enough to either moderate your drinking or die of liver failure, cause the worst thing i can think of is dying from alcohol withdrawals. or killing yourself b/c of alcholism. or quitting drinking. oh well who cares.

>> No.8422720

I suppose everyone is different, outside of booze all I drink is coffee and water.

>> No.8422739


That's what I'm doing, Magnesium(!), calcium (optional I guess), Multivitamin. I just can't bring myseldf to drink water between drinking funstuff. Doing that the next morning, yeah, if I don't have any booze left. Still good advise though.

>> No.8422743

Not yet. Got a few hours to kill in the airport tomorrow and I'm going to do that drinking. But after THAT I'm done. For a while at least.

>> No.8422747


Yeah I told people I was going to "cut down" on drinking because its "bad for my health" kek. Just opened up a nice ice cold bottle of Russian standard. Fuck I hate this existence.

>> No.8422781

Aman brother!

>> No.8422830

what if i drink because i want to die?

>> No.8422869

I intended to but here I am hungover on day one

>> No.8422872

I'm getting on the wagon for a year, along with cutting fast-food. No booze will be brutal, don't give a Fuck about the no fast-food. Going to start smoking pot again after 10 years as a healthy sub for booze. I'm allowing myself half a dozen cheat days for the booze because I'll get off the wagon completely and hard if I don't.

>> No.8422972

As of 6 months ago.

>> No.8423201

I like this. I'm going to do it too.

I originally read it as a dozen cheat days though. Bummer.

>> No.8423211


I wish it was legal here, I think I could drop it

>> No.8423296

Is that part of your job or something? I'd love to get wasted whilst commuting in airports.

>> No.8423329
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All I see ITT are a bunch of Gen X/Y pussies who think depression is real and need to drink it away. Get a job and get over it, entitled fucks.

>> No.8423330

I've "given up", that's for sure

>> No.8423359

are we talking about pokeymans now?

>> No.8423886

if you want to die, then blow your brains out mate, you really don't want to die from alcoholsim, i will tell you that much old friend.

>> No.8423939

>When I hit about 29 I started getting dts when I would go on a 3 plus day bender. Same symptoms as that dude plus intense vomiting

Exactly where I am right now. Turn 30 in March. I don't want to go through that shit anymore. Haven't had anything to drink for two weeks now

>> No.8424060

I gave up drinking for about a month. Back on it now.

It's fairly awful, but gets me through the day. 30 here.

>> No.8424214

so comfy

>> No.8424381

I haven't permanently given it up, but I won't be drinking for a few weeks at least. The holiday season fucking ravaged me.

>> No.8424391

I'm planning to give it up completely but I need it to socialise otherwise I'm just a anxious and paranoid mute.
Doesn't help that I love the taste of strong liquor.

>> No.8424481

>turning 21 in a few months
>have already sampled many kinds of alcohol
>never really liked anything other than wine and some brown stuff I forget the name of

>> No.8425822

I didn't finish TPB but holy fucking shit that got me
Jim Lahey is a magnificent bastard

>> No.8425855

Yep. I haven't drunk for a few weeks after blacking out at office Xmas party. I walked out into the snow and maybe passed out. Someone called an ambulance and they checked me out and put me in taxi. Got home about 3am managed to convince family I was fine. Up at 7am and made it to work. Could have been way worse. Feel so grateful I'm gonna be dry for a few weeks more at least

>> No.8425866

I've suddenly lost all desire to drink. I have been drinking everyday for the past year and a half. And at least 4 times a week before that. I haven't conciously decided to stop but I am experiencing no cravings. Strange but not unwelcome.

>> No.8426022

Your life is about to get a whole lot shittier if you start drinking, trust me. Even at its worst without alcohol, it is nowhere near the lows drinking will bring upon you.

>> No.8426028

good choice. I had some temptations pop up myself, but so far, so good :) Making some dinner, drinking some coffee, gonna smoke some weed in a bit. Have a doctor's appointment in the morning to get bloodwork tested (annual check up) then work late

>> No.8426054

I was really good this season right up until New Year's Eve. Had people over, went out, then had some drinks yesterday with brunch. Managed to not continue drinking today, despite being off work, and that's a success. Feeling pretty good going into the rest of this new year...feel like something inside me is changing, especially when it comes to booze. Kinda refreshing.

>> No.8426900

Just for January. I needed a vacation.

>> No.8427044
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Lmao this.
Was on the verge of staying clean, but had about 5-6 drinks yesterday, woke up in the middle of the night now and am going to grab some beers out of the garage.

>> No.8427734

Trying to be a bit more sensible with it this year, aiming for at least 2 days off a week and never drinking so much that I can't speak. Quality over quantity or something like that. Aiming for less beer too, more gin / whisky

My diet is good, never eat fast food and mostly cook my own stuff with little salt / fat and I go to the gym regularly so not too worried about drinking every now and then. Life is going pretty good actually, especially when I wander in to the al/ck/ threads and see how bad it could be.

>> No.8427770

im not giving up drinking but i am trying to drink significantly less. so far it seems to be working but its also only been like 2 days

>> No.8427781
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Sober for almost 10 months now

It's bretty gud, bruv

>> No.8427791

Day 4. Doing great.

>> No.8427804

>Trying to be a bit more sensible with it this year, aiming for at least 2 days off a week and never drinking so much that I can't speak.
Aiming high I see.

>> No.8428848

How the fuck are you supposed to stay clean if you keep beers in the garage?

At least make it so you have to go to the store so it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.8428875

Yeah pretty much. I am bad for having at least a beer or a glass of wine every night (usually 4-5 during the week), and when Friday comes I will sit in the house with a bottle of gin and drink until I fall asleep watching films / playing video games etc and then do the same on Saturday

Can't be good for me and writes off the whole weekend.

>> No.8429021

I have made a couple of fitness goals, which I'm going to try to accomplish by cutting back on drinking. I'm still going to drink socially, but I'm going to try to limit myself to a 6 pack if i drink alone.

>> No.8429048

you have to spend money to save momey

>> No.8429151

>current year
>still snorting plant food

You cheap fuck

>> No.8429172


Cocaine and booze make an entirely new toxic compound for your liver to break down. That shit will give you early cirrhosis mate, avoid combining them.

As for the rest of it, you burnt all your serotonin
Get some 5-htp for the comedown you fucking amateur!

>> No.8429186

I'm 37 and have been drinking heavily since I was 22. I'm shooting for my mid-40's before my body shuts down and I die. Might as well keep drinking, though. Praying that mother passes away before I do. What's up 2017, cheers *raises glass*

>> No.8429215


If you think it's shit now, just wait until you've developed a serious habit.

The addiction creeps up slowly then it hits you one day that you HAVE to fucking drink to stay somewhat normal. If you pass that point and don't taper down, you're fucked.

>> No.8429288

Three days sober after nightly blackouts for the last three weeks. I don't keep booze in the house and they don't sell it in grocery stores or gas stations here, so it's easier not to be tempted.

The boredom is really killing me though. I was going to go outdoors type shit, but it's been pissing rain for the last three days. I'm willing to bet that if I fall off the wagon tonight, it will be a beautiful day tomorrow and I'll be to hungover to enjoy it.

>> No.8429390

What's it mean when the night before you drunk a bunch of beer and rum and the next day you are basically trembling?

>> No.8429402

I have been thinking about it.

>> No.8429433


Alcohol withdrawal

>> No.8429434

low-key nerve damage. it's called the whiskey shakes

>> No.8429508

well i tapered down on monday with a few shots and i think the fear is finally gone. stayed drunk or hungover from a week before christmas to new year. suckin down water and vitamins and relaxing and just enjoying the fact that the world isn't going to eat me. this is so nice.take it easy folks.

>> No.8429624

I've given up drinking but have taken to smoking crack recently and feel it was a poor tradeoff

>> No.8429784
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I've tried that but I always end up going to the store to get some ipa for the pine flavor with a bunch of food. At least I drink a lot less when I have some weed/hash to smoke every night, I can drink a few beers at the end of the night and sleep for 8 hours and wake up without a hangover.