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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8418480 No.8418480 [Reply] [Original]

Will you teach your children to cook?


>> No.8418487

>bringing more people into this world

>> No.8418505

nah cooking is something you learn out of necessity and then improve once you have forged your own personal tastes

>> No.8418508
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>not enjoying a post-coital sandwich
baka desu

>> No.8418651
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>eleven cuts
why are american such fucking plebs?

>> No.8418697
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>Implying you can't have sex with contraceptives and then enjoy a sandwich.

>> No.8418700

Implying you can't have sex with a hung and huge breasted, sex crazy transsexual maid girlfriend who worships the ground you stand on.

>> No.8418702

This. Just stop. There's way too many of us and we don't need your special little snowflake spreading the cancer of homo sapiens to other planets.

>> No.8418703

Of course. By letting them watch me do it and letting them pick out recipes to try.

>> No.8418733

because they're scared of trying offal

best shit i've ever had was tongue, liver, and tripe

>> No.8418757


Offal is removed and sold separately before the animal is broken down into it's primal cuts, idiot.

>> No.8418783


I want humans to reach other planets someday, so nyeah. My fucking cancer-biology is going to be ALL over those planets, and you can't stop me from fulfilling my biological imperative. Suck my nuts.

>> No.8418811

I'm sterile

>> No.8418816

Yes if I ever have children they'll be learning to cook at around 12-14.
So it was never a hobby for you?
I've been cooking for the past 7 years despite not needing to do it out of necessity but because it's enjoyable.

>> No.8418886
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>Overpopulation meme
>Not catching up with the chinese

>> No.8418974

>Will you teach your children to cook?
Of course, my mom taught me so I have to teach them.
By cooking around them. This is a dumb thread, it's like asking "are you going to teach your kids how to speak English?"

>> No.8419410

Jewish subversion hard at work I see

>> No.8419418 [DELETED] 

I doubt I'll be having kids. But if I do I imagine they'll be like me, cooking on their own at age 6 or 7 out of curiosity, by trial and error, and looking at the cookbooks lying around the house, and at some point, purchasing ingredients and tools on their own, based on personal interest.

I seriously don't understand people who think that "learning to cook" is some rite of passage or a great act of mature independence. It's as natural as waking up in the morning. Why it should be an age-based ritual, or something for the parent to schedule and enforce, is beyond me.

But then I remember for most people here in America, reading a book is a kind of punishment to be endured, and seeking out knowledge (or self improvement at all) is something that has to be forced upon you by an authority figure. This is because Americans are obsessed with this fallacious concept of a "true inner self" which should be understood as a sort of supernatural toddler that will throw a raging tantrum if "pressured" to do anything other than shitting its diapers or screaming for more mashed peas. Conceiving of yourself as a rational being with an innate desire for self improvement is literally the definition of insincerity to these people. Self improvement is a matter of the circumstances in which you are born, and god forbid you take any personal responsibility for yourself.

This is white ''''culture'''', it comes as no surprise that they need quotas on the top university admissions to limit our numbers.

>> No.8419420

If I had kids I'd teach them by simply having them help me in the kitchen and by not buying a ton of pre-made shit. That's how my parents taught me.

>> No.8419454
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The argument is the same, someone is just being smarter about it than you are: sustainability. Vegetarianism 16 year longer life span, lesser ecological disaster. Stop undermining your "biological imperative" you worthy, worthy life form. Unless you think you can still run messy, and end up on Pluto, ham sandwich in hand, stare and an even greater void you can't cross.

>> No.8419468

Yes of course.

By having them invovled when I'm cooking. Kids love to help out so they can start by doing basic things like peeling vegetables, making salads, and so on. When I'm making bread then the kids can get their own pieces of dough to knead and bake their own mini-loaves, etc.

>>Why it should be an age-based ritual,

Nobody said it should be. And I don't think anyone is planning formalized cooking lessons for their kids. They can learn by helping out.

>> No.8419491
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My mom taught me. I figured we would teach my kids together.

>> No.8419494

Cooking around people does not necessarily teach them how to do it. It's like saying "I will just write around my kids and they will learn to write".

>> No.8419501
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>Implying i'll ever have the chance to have children

>> No.8419543


By locking them in a kitchen with a bunch of shitty ingredients and a good selection of spices and herbs, just like my mom taught me how to cook.

>> No.8419547 [DELETED] 

>if I just throw random McCormick dust into this pile of 3rd rate meat, it will magically be good

Jesus christ I'm sorry

>> No.8419555

Taught me some skills, and gave me a hunger for fresher, tastier food stuffs.

>> No.8419608


>Hank has his current haircut instead of his old one

>> No.8419615

He had that haircut since he left high school tho.

>> No.8419624

I don't want to be alive; why would I force someone else to be alive?

>> No.8420423

Agreed. If you cook regularly, and treat your children like people to have conversations with and actually interact with, they'll naturally ask you what you're doing in the kitchen/why/whether they can try doing it.

>> No.8420433

fuck you

>> No.8420440

best answer

>> No.8421533

Niggers don't care about that and you're just a drop in the bucket compared to their niglet output.

>> No.8421558

I won't have children, thats Ahmed's job

>> No.8421568

This ain't that cringey video games world, "if you want to play your ps6 you've got to first beat all my NES games and then Gameboy games and then SNES games" etc., just buy the kid a fucking ps6 so he can play with his friends, his friends don't fucking care that he's a noob lamer

>> No.8421638 [DELETED] 

What does that have to do with food? Are you upset that some people weren't raised on spray cheese and slim jims?

>> No.8421691

>lesser ecological disaster.
>LESS ecological disaster
pftahahahahah oh god you're serious

>> No.8421702

Yeah he's right. It's okay though, nobody's judging you for eating meat anon. Let's be nice to one another.

>> No.8421944
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>Life repeats itself.
>The universe expands and contracts, all conscious life relives the same reality for eternity.
>Some are malformed in the uterus, leading to lifelong suffering.
>Some are born and are immediately abused to death.
>Even if the odds of living a happy life are 99%, 1% of the world will remain in perpetual Hell.
>People believe it is better to live than to have never lived at all.
>Parents will selfishly force an unborn life into sentience and risk an eternity of pain.
>The Unborn have no say in the matter.

We're already in Hell. Consciousness was a mistake. I feel so alone in feeling this way. Everywhere I look, people are having children, oblivious to the suffering they might create, and they're praised for having children.

"The only reason to be alive is to have children." No. The only reason you're alive is BECAUSE someone had children. There is no reason to be alive. Don't project the meaninglessness of consciousness onto your child.

I truly believe everyone else is a robot. Unfeeling apertures of blood. There is no possible way someone with consciousness could neglect their ability to empathize with others. There's no way a being with consciousness could believe sentience is a gift.

And by the end of my lifetime, the human race will still be alive. I can do nothing to stop the genocide of souls being abducted from the peaceful void.

It truly seems that murder is the only option. A necessary evil that must be enforced for the good of the unborn. A thankless endeavor that none can appreciate.

>> No.8422046

Of course.
My Grandfather and I cooked together lots when I was young and it's some of my fondest memories of him.

Would let them pick out recipes and go from there.

>> No.8422057

start with all the pretty girls that won't fuck you.

>> No.8422071


He doesn't have that much time

>> No.8423486

Why wouldn't you want to teach them one of the most practical skills there is?

>> No.8423505

Can we have this in english please?

>> No.8423509

>Niggers, spics, monkeys, indians etc breeding dozens of kids into poverty
>People with any worth breeding less because of this
>Solves nothing just brings more useless people into the wold

>> No.8423679

>lack ability to empathize with others

Actually, that is probably the most critical deficiency of our time. I can't think of a period in modern history when it was more pronounced, and producing such extremely dangerous repercussions.

>> No.8423709

>having children


>> No.8424290

>all these bluepilled retards that don't want children
The only excuse to not have children is if you're a minority. That's it.