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8415058 No.8415058 [Reply] [Original]

At what point do you just stop eating fish? I mean it's good but it's not THAT good.

>> No.8415069

Just eat swordfish, it's better in every way.

>> No.8415084
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I buy fish from my local Chinese grocery store. Haven't gotten sick yet.

>> No.8415116

Not all of us live in China bud

>> No.8415118

Those prices are suspiciously cheap. There must be something wrong with it. Like it's not from a sustainable fishery, perhaps.

>> No.8415136

>40 bucks a lb for a bottom feeder I used to go out and catch myself.
Did hipsters discover this fish or some shit?
This isn't okay

>> No.8415137

If by "hipsters" you mean the conventional 4chan definition which is "everyone on earth who is not living under a rock", yes. Yes, they did.

>> No.8415139
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>> No.8415144

This. Overfishing (among other things) happened. In the 70s fish was cheaper than chicken, now look at this shit.

>> No.8415151

asian supermarkets arent that uncommon unless you live in hickville

>> No.8415168

I don't trust this fish

>> No.8415172

why is the writing in mexican but the prices in eurodollars?

>> No.8415175

I like to walk in them because I feel like a giant.

>> No.8415178

I caught a black sea bass the other day in the Gulf of Mexico...it doesn't taste very good imo, or I fucked up cooking it.

>> No.8415185
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that is a mystery. gosh...where would you find a country that's located in europe but where people speak the same language as mexico? idk about you but I'm stumped.

>> No.8415188


>> No.8415190

no it's portugal you dumbass

>> No.8415192

>american education

>> No.8415200


Chinks are basically rice jews. Motherfuckers don't pay full price for shit.

>> No.8415211

I have had them argue prices with me when the ad is literally right in front of them.
>"No no, it chepah dere!"
>Have to call it in so someone can go check the price.
>The confirm it is correct.
>They give up.
>Ring next item.
>"No that wrong!"

>> No.8415220

so they are buddhas chosen people?

>> No.8415224

You idiot, they speak Portuguese over there, not Mexican.

>> No.8415230

you're thinking of Brazil, which isn't even close to europe

>> No.8415247

><1 AU
>not close

>> No.8415266
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ok I guess south america is kinda close

>> No.8415286

Trying to explain American pricing to most Asians is futile as fuck. The stupid part is they expect the rest of the world to conform to their customs over there.

>> No.8415319
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for real though I have no idea what the world looks like

>> No.8415325

They have their own network of seafood supply. Most inland seafood purveyors go through more steps and assume greater liabilies. The Chinese network through each other and potentially have product that isnt what they always say it is. A lot of seafood companies now have to have extensive data provided along all transactions to abide by codes that inform and protect the end consumer.

>> No.8415363

>he thinks Mexicans speak Catalanese

American education

>> No.8415364


A lot of people will lose their jobs if we just stopped eating fish. However, a lot of people will lose their Earth if we continue eating fish.

>> No.8415375

>protect the end consumer

What, is this a Tolkien fantasy you live in? Just exactly what part of Congress, the USDA and FDA are protecting the hallowed consumer? You've got it backwards, buckaroo.

>> No.8415398


Aqua culture
With the right fish, you can grow crops to feed cows to use cow poop to feed fish creating a near wasteless cycle (other than electricity usage, and some water/land degredation)

>> No.8415403

They speak Brazillian over there.
You can't fool me.

>> No.8415417
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>> No.8415479

Really? Cuz I work in food distribution. I also sell to Asian restaraunts and know I cant touch the prices they source things themselves. Instead it shows up on a dingy straight truck that shuttles it out of major metropolitan areas At weird hours. The goods arent taxed so certainly black market

>> No.8415523

Who cares? I'll be dead before the fish are all gone. In any case, we'll never ever convince the Asians to stop stripping the ocean bare, so we may as well just eat as much of the good stuff as we can before it goes extinct/becomes illegal in our countries/gets too expensive.

>> No.8415536


>american english

Sure looks like China to me.

>> No.8415555
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top puf

>> No.8415562

>Family pack discounted frozen farm raised salmon is still several dollars more per pound than strip steaks

Just fuck me up senpai

Getting reasonably priced seafood that isn't 90% sewage is completely fucking impossible, even tilapia hardly competes with chickens and pork products.

>> No.8415582
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They have a pretty fast turnover rate for how small the store is. They also have a number of tanks with live fish and crustaceans that are changed almost every day.

Fish don't need room to graze, right?

>> No.8415584

I agree with this.

>> No.8415603

Buddhism originated in India m8

It's ironic because Confucius called merchants "the parasites of society"

It's ok anon that's what aquaculture is for

>> No.8415630


>> No.8415637

anybody ever go to that outdoor fish market in china town in new york?

haha, it smell so bad!

>> No.8415642

It's chinese, you shouldn't trust any of it.

>> No.8415804
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as someone who recognizes the requirement for DHA from fish but has no liking for any aspect of it of any kind I have found Sardines to meet my needs for what fish provide bio-nutritionally and that is as far as my concern extends.

I keep a stack of these in my cabinet

>> No.8416444

You sure showed them, Caitlin. Epic!

>> No.8416495

Yeah dude fuck the ecosystem! It's just another planet who cares lol

>> No.8416705

>tfw tuna and king fish are $3.50 US per lb here fresh off the boat

>> No.8416712


The funny thing is tilapia is mud water invasive pest that tastes like shite

>> No.8416761
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>> No.8416785
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>mfw live in city on the coast
>mfw halibut is $15/lb cheaper than op
>mfw seafood at great prices, but home will eventually be wiped out in rising ocean levels

>> No.8417285

Eating fish is degenerate, just leave those things in the ocean where they belong. If it doesn't live on land then it isn't meant for human consumption.

>> No.8417497

Fuck off Valvatorez.

>> No.8417583

fucking idiot.

...or bait

>> No.8417587

Haha thanks! we're friends you and I!

>> No.8417626

Bought a 8oz salmon filet the other day for under $2.


>> No.8417635

I like your attitude friend.

>> No.8417691

got 2 tilapia filets for like $3.50 and made delicious fish tacos with them. Its good.