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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8409908 No.8409908 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't millennial/gen z women know how to cook?

>> No.8409916

Probably the same reason you don't know how to cook.

>> No.8409920

Moms got jobs and didnt teach them
Smaller families so no younger siblings to cook for
More premade foods available

>> No.8409921

Wew lad your projection is showing. My restaurant just won Restaurant of the Year in the local newspaper for the third non-consecutive year. Sounds like you're just assblasted you can't get a girlfriend.

>> No.8409923

Non-disgusting prepackaged, microwavable food is cheap and prevalent, so when parents arent around they're no longer concerned about their children feeding themselves and hence do not bother to teach them to cook.

>> No.8409924

Pretty easy to answer.

Third wave feminism coupled with more pro-women rights has encouraged a role-reversal on societal behavior. Fortunately it will be a short term reversal which is evident in the outcome of this most recent presidential election. The fact that Trump was elected shows that people are sick and tired of PC culture and wish a return to more traditional values. You will still have resistance from the upcoming fourth wave feminists, but unlike this third wave which were basically SJW Nazis, the fourth wave--being disillusioned by the third--will also advocate a return to traditional values while trying to enforce the idea that it was their decision to begin with. We'll likely see an emergence of 50s-70s style housewife ideals become more predominantly accepted in the coming decade.

>> No.8409928

It's sexist and rape if you want a woman to cook.

>> No.8409934


>> No.8409941

What is fourth-wave feminism?

>> No.8409942

Moved into a flat a few years ago. Their money was a little tight, but not tight enough to stop spending $150 on weed every week right, despite them growing a few dozen in the shed.

No word of lie, I saw them 'cook' hotdogs in water, seasoned with ketchup less often than rice with salt sprinkled on top.
When their paycheques came in, they'd buy a bunch of pre-made cheese toasted sandwiches you just bang in the toaster, but that was literally their primary foodgroup - salted rice. And they wonder why they were so lethargic and tired all the time.

The christmas before I left, I made some salmon with potato soup and leek for a starter. They went ape shit over it.
Then, a wellington with all the normal trim, which they also went ape shit over. For dessert I had just a shitty old pavlova with berries and cream and a sprinkle of lemon juice.

I'm no culinary master, I just read the recipe from the innernets and do my best to not fuck up a chuck of filet steak that cost 1/4 of my food budget, but jesus fuck christ SALT ON PLAIN RICE. FUCK.

>> No.8409946
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>> No.8409951

I honestly just think it's laziness.

No normal person wants to spend an hour prepping and cooking a meal, let alone trying to remember a notepad to jot down ingredients before hitting the supermarket.

>> No.8409952

Not everyone is as privileged as you, anon.

>> No.8409961

Meaning what?
A 21 year old with $440 in bills every week on barely-above minimum wage can budget and save, why can't a shared income couple? I spend less a week on food than they do, since I'm not buying $6 single serves and fast food every other night.

>> No.8409962


>can't get a girlfriend

Jokes on you. I met my fiance when we were both working BoH during undergrad, and we now have non food industry jobs but can probably cook circles around you while making a combined 10X whatever scraps your flyover hole in the wall is tossing out.

>> No.8409964

I own the restaurant and bring home $248K after taxes and overhead, plus Christmas and summer bonuses for my employees. Gentrification has been good to me.

>> No.8409971

this is amusing

>> No.8409973

You're blind to your privilege, which isn't necessarily your fault. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Are you white, by chance?

>> No.8409975
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>i own the restaurant and bring home $248K after taxes and overhead


>> No.8409976


Obviously fourth-wave feminism will be the most recent evolution of women trying to have their cake and eat it too, however the main difference between third and fourth will be the complete reliance on technology and hyper connectivity to social mediums. While still a contrived and self-delusional movement there stems a benefit to everyone from this newer dependence on electronics: they will be directly plugged in to a non-filtered source of people who won't put up with their bullshit. It's projected that they'll acclimate to this new environment by adapting pseudo-ethical behaviors in order to garner more attention / followers. This is why you're beginning to see more women speak out on and against third wave feminists because they purport ideologies which are becoming associated with unpopular outlooks. Wanting to be in the limelight, they'll follow the crowd mentality and attempt to act more traditional in their values--but when all is said and done, it is still just an act.

>> No.8409977

What do you hope to gain by insulting someone's cooking ability over the Internet?

>> No.8409980


>he thinks /ck/ is meant for posting pictures of fast food

>> No.8409982

What a dumbass.

>> No.8409983


>can't even answer a simple question

>> No.8409985

Quit complaining you saucy faggot, it can get you pussy.

>> No.8409988

Laugh all you want, you're still a faggot.

>> No.8409998

Because learning how to cook is a new and scary experience.

>> No.8410001

Fellow restaurant owner here. We just had our first six digit pure profit year this year. Feels good man.

>> No.8410008
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That is one HELL of an imagination.

>> No.8410009

>tfw your area rent prices skyrocket but you're still locked in to $5K a month for the next 7 years because this place used to be a shit hole
>tfw people actually pay $16 for an "artisan" grilled cheese
>tfw your weekly $350 tasting menu is constantly fully booked weeks in advance
Thanks, gentrification.

>> No.8410010


Guy who's worked pretty much every BoH station here, but's never owned a restaurant, here. I've done management at a couple places and worked the "books", and was also the guy who called BS on the anon you replied to who claimed to make $2.5k/year. Just wanted to chime in again and say that that anon, who you replied to, is completely full of shit.

>> No.8410012


Founds the woman, guys.
Ask her directly why she doesn't cook.

>> No.8410014


>> No.8410021

Oh, I didn't notice you were baiting.

>> No.8410023

Gentrification is a fucking wonder. My wife and I own a coffee shop and a deli in a place that's in about the third or fourth year of a gentrification boom. We pulled in almost 200K this year. Of profit! Fucking white millennials with daddy's credit card are paying for my kid's college.

>> No.8410024

Women in general are profoundly untalented.

>> No.8410025

Should I be more subtle next time? I'm trying to learn how to trigger /pol/ crossposters.

>> No.8410030

No, just the privilege thing I've come to immediately drop conversation when it appears.

I only /g/ and /ck/, so I didn't expect that here.

>> No.8410037

We have known that for centuries.

>> No.8410040

Do you get that a lot on /g/?

>> No.8410046

> an hour prepping and cooking a meal
Nigger, I can make a respectable meal from inception to plating in under 30 minutes, and half that time is spent watching TV

If cooking quickly is what you're looking for, 1000s of recipes will suit your needs

>> No.8410065

Hardly, it ceased being a thing a year or so ago, nobody bites.

>> No.8410070

Point taken, but you know what I mean.
Not many people would so much as stir if you showed them a delish meal in under 30 minutes including prep, baking aside.

>> No.8410180

Same reason millennial/gen z men can't cook.

>> No.8410185

Haven't yet met a girl my age who was completely unable to cook. Half my dudebros, on the other hand, don't cook, out of laziness or sheer incompetence.

>> No.8410595

>being a BOH cuck
>working 12 hour days
>being yelled at
>getting burned

>> No.8410625

whew boy I cringed

>> No.8410631

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8410635
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I would genuinely go to a restaurant owned by a /ck/ patron, but I wouldn't suggest any owners posting their place. Chances are it would end up swarmed with false reviews filled with stale memes.

>> No.8410638

I don't really think you're in any position to cast judgement on millenials when you own a fucking coffee shop. You're just a millenial who was born in the wrong year.

>> No.8410639

>Women in general are profoundly untalented.
Virgin or just been with a cold fish?

My girlfriend can suck the stripes off a zebra from 50 paces and her ass can swallow my cock like a Moray eel gobbling a Vienna sausage.

This isn't to say I'm not well-endowed, I am, I only use this hyperbole to denote her sexual talents.

>> No.8410642

So thirsty he comes off like Ronnie.

>> No.8410671

BoH women are always disgusting. You fucked up

>> No.8410784

Tell us more about this future. What other things do you predict?

>> No.8410788

Sex acts aren't talent, cuck.

>> No.8410887

I'll take 'Things That Never Happened' for 500, Alex.

>> No.8410897

> have gf
> gf cooks better than my last-gen parents and every restaurant I go to
Dunno what you're talking about OP.

>> No.8410899

You're not wrong.
When I started cooking for myself there was nothing I dreaded more than messing up, there's just something so much more tangible about wasting food than pretty much anything else. I could easily blow £3 on shitty tcg packs that never get used with no qualms, but if I've used that £3 on ingredients and they went waste from my ineptitude then it's damn depressing.
On the bright side, I'm a pretty competent cook now.

>> No.8410908

>have gf
top kek

>> No.8410915

>only in 4chan where you can make 248k and STILL have people laugh at you

>> No.8410922

The breakdown of the family unit, and by extension the community around it, is the root cause to almost all modern societal issues.

>> No.8410928

I started a tech company about a decade ago and just came off of a fresh $300,000 year. My net worth is in the multimillions and people on /biz/ still laugh at me for not being worth more. One of the best things about 4chan is that everyone is a fucking faggot because no one cares about how successful or unsuccessful you are.

>> No.8410939

I can respect your accomplishments in life and still laugh at you because those accomplishments are yours, the laughter is mine.

>> No.8410945

Pls no bully. ;_;7

>> No.8410950

>Moms got jobs and didnt teach them
I think this is the main cause in western countries anyway. What with increase of pre-cooked meals, fast food, convenient appliances the baby boomers and the generations after were the first to not really need to know how to cook. Not only was there no necessity to do it, but they were surrounded by companies wanting to sell their non-cooking solutions, and societal pressure to get a job.

Now though we have a newer generation of people who considers cooking a pleasurable experience or a hobby, rather than a chore. So I don't think it's uncommon that youths of today in the western world are better at cooking than their parents.

>> No.8410951


vile idiot

>> No.8410982

If a girl or boy had neither home ec class nor a parent who was home long enough to teach them how to cook, then they wouldn't know how to cook

I did highschool class in Ontario, 1990s, and we did have home ec, there was even a blurb at the beginning explaining why we have this as a class - the was a woman decades ago whose baby died because she was never taught about some things, I forgot if it was cooking meat throughly or not,

Sadly, home e ec only took up 1/3 of the year, and as we only had 45 minutes, almost every class was cooking with the microwave - which actually taught me how to cook fast and healthy meals - but it would have been nice if we had some alternative. Class should have been 45 min x 2 periods long, and it should have been full year as we also did sewing - but only gym bags as opposed to basic shirts and dresses. The other 1/3 of the year was Design and Technology, then Civics?

Frankly I think Home Economics should be a mandatory class for ALL highschoolers regardless of gender. Cooking is a lifeskill. Sewing is also useful now that the market is flooded with crappy clothes. As a woman, I'm glad I know how to sew since all pre-made clothes I buy have NO POCKETS. Ontario needs to bring back Grade 13. Harris killing Grade 13 meant that more colleges had to offer Level Grade 12 prerequisite courses (at great expenses to students and uses up space) and campus had to start carding at parties because 19 is the drinking age for Canadians - previously Grade 13 meant that people arrive at college old enough to drink.

>> No.8411006

My father was a pig and he knew how to cook. Tons of men decades ago knew how to cook (how else will they cook their catches on totally-not-gay-all-male hunting trips?)

That many of today's gen z, both girls AND boys, don't know how to cook any more, isn't a 'feminism problem'.

There has been sadly, no role reversal problem, if girls weren't taught how to cook because we were expected to be men, it would have been awesome if we have been taught home mechanics / how to fix a car but we have not been. Our fathers and mothers went to work and then entertained themselves and ignored us. In my particular case, my mother was a housewife but she was not a stay-at-home-mom - she only had children because she was expected to. Both me and my brother learned how to cook from school and from books and the internet.

We can't expect parents to do all the teaching because they might not have the time, or the inclination or the know-how, we need mandatory home economics classes in highschool, double perioded, throughout the year: cooking, sewing (at least how to alter storebrought clothes, add pockets and mend), balancing the budget, AND how to take care of a baby. Post grad - working parents might not have time to take parenting classes - plus, making highschoolers learn how demanding it is to take care of a baby will make them extra careful not to get pregnant or get someone pregnant.

>> No.8411024

> we need mandatory home economics classes in highschool
Well that certainly exists in many countries, and in some states in the US to my knowledge.

>> No.8411025

>wasting food

That rarely happened to me when I was learning how to cook (and I am still learning how to cook new things)...I have a policy of "eat all that I have killed: flat cakes, tough meat, overseasoned dishes. I only trash something if it's way burnt or has enough salt to kill my liver. Eating my failures ensure that I never make the same mistake twice.

>> No.8411182

and people make fun of flyover states...

>> No.8411218

>Been dating a woman last three months
>Can cook
>Can butcher
>Can paint
>Can sew/make alterations
>Learning to shoot

Maybe you should start dating better women? Hint: Stop dating white, American girls who went to college for a lib arts degree.

>> No.8411222

/pol/ guy here it was painfully obvious. Leftypol has been shitting up our board the past few months with commie propaganda so if you want to see how to trigger us take a look there

>> No.8411245

>a return to traditional values

Not likely, Trump is still big on entitlements to women. Especially single mothers. It might have delayed the effects but we're still on our way to the government being the replacement for the father figure in the home.

>> No.8411296

It's part of the Jewish conspiracy to destroy traditional family structures and eradicate the White race

>> No.8411302

>local newspaper
>lives in Bum Fuck, Ohio

Nobody cares

>> No.8411306

Muh vagina

>> No.8411342

Being raised in a school for whores hardly qualifies one as "talented" in the classical sense.

>> No.8411353

>Sex acts aren't talent
You just hit level 86 PermaVirgin and gained +8 Awkwardness, the Neckbeard of Naïveté, and the Sword of Sour Grapes.

>> No.8411355


That's a really long way of going about saying that your mother was a whore

>> No.8411362

>all previous generations were better than mine and/or the one succeeding my generation

WOW what a compelling and original topic.

>> No.8411391

This post just made me realize that Scooby-Doo was a metaphor for the stodgy establishment of the 60's trying to scare the youth into adopting mainstream culture and not seek independent growth. And they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling kids.

>> No.8411423

I used to live in flat next to a 21yr old woman who had 2 takeout deliveries every single day. For at least a year.
Didnt do any work, didn't go to college. Complete airhead.
Her mom was a big company director, so i guess she just had the money and no imagination.

>> No.8411887

Nice strawman, you fucking snail.

>> No.8411970

Fug. My beer store 10 an hour job, government, and <2000 dollar federal loans once a semester pay for my geology degree. I wish I had parents to pay. My mother makes over 100k a year and she still can't support me. Fugggg.

>> No.8411977

Sounds like you're learning independence and self-reliance.

>> No.8411980

This is the truth. I smoke a cigar while smoking meats in my grill while the guys I know only know how to microwave and mooch my good beer and cigars. Smoking meat isn't hard at all. I don't get it. Having a vagina has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8411995

They don't have "homec" short for home economics, classes like they used to. Back when I was in middle-school (1990's) the girls had to take homec classes were they were taught about cooking, washing, and other feminine tasks such as learning to sew and balancing a groceries checkbook. Guys could also take the class if they were faggots or just wanted to screw around in the cooking portions of the class and we just took "shop" (woodworking, drafting and such other real men classes). By the time I went to highschool those classes were no longer required and thus you get cunts.

>> No.8412007

Because white beta numales will do anything for pussy.

They literally don't have to learn how to cook.

>> No.8412026

This is actually true. The other factor, and this coming from a dad of four girls and employer of a dozen ladies under 25 in a restaurant - hate to say it, but young women are being taught to be unskilled whores. We (actually, NOT me, I've been trying my damndest to fight it...) SOCIETY favors girls/women who act like complete slut trash beginning late teenage years. No respect whatsoever for developing hobbies, interests, craft, or trade...and certainly not for gaining any sort of social skills that respect simple concepts like "I'm the boss, and I told you not to do that, that's why" or "yeah, I'm sorry, love, but you don't automatically get removed from the schedule and get paid leave on the basis of "but that's my period week."
On the other hand, trying to run a respectable family establishment, I have those same employees actually debating whether there's anything wrong with exposing areolae or brushing up against a man to get a better tip. My answer is: NO. Be a server, be friendly,don't present yourself as a sex object. EVERY one of my young female employees think I'm a conservative of the highest order because I don't want to turn my restaurant into a strip club or a Hooters chain.

>> No.8412047

And you're a fucking moron. If millenials suddenly decide they want women with British accents in blackface wearing pirate garb and green socks, guess what the fuck I'm giving them???
There is no overarching plan to business. What works, you do. Simple as that. If I could make a million bucks a year selling Nazi helmets with an added "Slavery was the right idea" logo, I'd do it. If people don't want that, then that's fine, that's where we are as a society. If they do, fuck it, I'm gonna make a dime.
You do realize that nearly every Trump rally had dozens of primarily black vendors selling Trump campaign paraphernalia, right? The economy matters to people more than your social justice bullshit.

>> No.8412590

You're being silly. There needs to be both. Gay rights to not be completely socially ostracized and beaten or even murdered were important. There have been a lot of social movements that were important. Economy and making money are also important. You need both.

>> No.8412767

They do, it's lazy gen X bitches who think takeout is cooking.

>> No.8413914

Oh wow, you're presumably a 'normie' due to your casual referral to sexual acts idolized by this community, but you are also proficient in 'nerd' culture by using terms commonly associated with tabletop RPGs, which themselves are associated with losers, which you presumably are not!

Well done!

>> No.8413951

Absolutely nothing in your post has anything to do with cooking.

>> No.8413956


Did you miss the part where he was replying to someone stating that Women were untalented in general, and not just cooking-related?

>> No.8413967

Being a receptacle for cock is talent?

>> No.8413972


Personally I'd call it a skill rather than talent, but that's just me being pedantic.

But yeah, there's a big fucking difference between a woman who just lies there vs. one who gets into the act at hand.

>> No.8414094

>implying she will be coherent enough to have a discussion with us, let alone offer viable arguments
life is too short to bother with that

>> No.8414130

There's no need to so cooking would require a different reason, and we all know that if there's one thing women lack it's agency.

>> No.8414135

>If a girl or boy had neither home ec class nor a parent who was home long enough to teach them how to cook, then they wouldn't know how to cook

People can teach themselves. I did. I'm sure a lot of other people here did.

Don't blame peoples' personal failures on external factors.

>> No.8414260

God damn you're a faggot

>> No.8414317

Cooking, at it's basic, is literally following simple instructions. No excuse

>> No.8414336

gen z is a little young, I am gen z

>> No.8414353
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I never took home ec and I can cook well enough to get the panties wet. I learned to cook because I was a poor student and had to work in the university mess hall to pay for my housing. With beer budget and champagne tastes I did very well making food at home

>> No.8414505

What does he have to lose?

>> No.8414535

anybody can cook the basics + from recipe at 12.
Sure you will let some egg shell here and there but that's it.

>> No.8414544

His self respect.

>> No.8414548

You have to be 18 to post here bud

>> No.8414587

What kind of place cost 5 grand a month to rent?

>> No.8414759


Heh am I suppose to be impressed by you beta cucks? I am a 100% white Trump supporting nationalist (of good germanic stock none of that Irish or Italian garbage). My restaurant nets me a million dollar on a slow year. It has earned not one but TWO Micheline stars. Gordon Ramsay himself praised my cooking and even called me his mate (the highest honor a british person can bestow upon you). Ramsay is pretty woke btw we talked about how marxists are trying to ruin European cuisine with plebian fast food.

You are angry at me because you ain't me

>> No.8414769

No one cares

>> No.8414777
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>Micheline stars

>> No.8414964

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8415049
File: 17 KB, 220x267, 220px-Louise_Elisabeth_Vigée-Lebrun_-_Marie-Antoinette_dit_«_à_la_Rose_»_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oui, monsieur, ze plebes, zey nes pas know za clarity uf us hayer classes. I shall send an invite to you, especiale, for our ball, zhuly 14.

>> No.8415051


Does my success make (((you))) jew boys afraid?