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8407035 No.8407035 [Reply] [Original]

Any thought on Atkins diet?

>> No.8407038


>> No.8407041

meme diet

>> No.8407044
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lost heaps of weight
feel better than when on carbs
body feels better

memefood or not, shit works

>> No.8407236

Paleo here - These diets do work. No debating it.

>> No.8407238
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>you lose weight fast
>high protien makes it easier to build muscle faster
>you gain it back the second you stop it
>you could lose the same weight doing other small adjustments
>you have no energy

Like all diets depends how you use them and follow them

>> No.8407317

On Atkins/Keto I've lost 3/5 of the weight I've wanted to lose so far even while cheating once every 2-3 days. Whenever I don't cheat, I lose about 1.5 lbs a day. This is an easier diet to stick to than others because you still get to eat a lot of tasty stuff. Typical meals for me:

>Eggs over easy + bacon, sausage or avocado + coffee with cream

Lunch and Dinner:
Usually spinach or some other low-carb veggie + a protein, sometimes not. This is where I get to be the most creative with my meals.
>Broccoli cheddar bacon soup
>Med-rare steak over rocket salad
>Roasted brussels sprouts with kielbasa
>Bunless hamburger with extra tomatoes, extra lettuce, extra pickles
>Carbonara with shirataki noodles in place of the pasta

>Atkins bars
>Quest bars
>roasted edamame
>dark, unsweetened chocolate
>roasted seaweed
>cheese plates + charcuterie

Cutting out bread, pasta, rice, etc isn't difficult at all when there are other savory things you can eat on this diet. The only real challenge is staying away from sweets, since there's nothing you're allowed to eat that can fill that void unless you're super creative. Carbs provide plenty of energy, but have no nutritional value. Ultimately what this diet feels like is just cutting out the fluff in your meals. I feel more energetic now than ever since I'm no longer experiencing repeated insulin spikes and sugar crashes from continuous carb intake.

Most people's issue with carbs is that once they start, they can't stop--myself included. I can rip through an 800-cal bag of potato chips and still want more, even if I'm physically full. Getting most of your calories from fat and protein instead of carbs is a different experience. After ingesting a certain amount of fat, you're mentally satiated and stop eating, even if you can fit more food in your belly.

>> No.8407334

>roasted endgame

1.5 lbs a day? What? This is either water weight or you were very overweight at the beginning. anyway, congratulations. A lot of people have no idea how much refined carbohydrates affect your hunger cycle with all the hormones used for digestion.

>> No.8407347


it's the only diet that is any different from any other diet. has done wonders for me.

>> No.8407351

a diet of fatty proteins and non-starchy veggies is basically perfection. fruit and breads aren't necessary.

if you grasp that even raw grains are basically as much of a drug as cocaine, and you work out, you can have SMALL portions of grain. like, half a cup of oats.

>> No.8407376

Atkins only works because people are fucking stupid and don't understand they're fat because they drink soda, eat chips and fries.

Nobody is fucking fat because they eat 3000 calories of rye bread, oats or whole-wheat spaghetti everyday.

>> No.8407498

Definitely a more effective diet than the conventional habits O used to follow.

No mid day fog. Improved mental clarity. Manage to stay lean finally. Longer lasting training sesions. Deeper sleep.

And I still get a meal a week to enjoy fried chicken, burgers, burritos, etc. No complaints here. Consistency is key.

>> No.8407502

You're joking, right?
If your TDEE is below 3K and you eat over that consistently you'll gain weight no matter what you're consuming.

>> No.8407528

Quality reading comprehension

[People who have become fat as a result of eating 3000 calories of complex carbohydrates do not exist]
[Eating 3000 calories of complex carbohydrates won't make you fat]

Cutting all carbohydrates from your diet is fucking stupid, because saying 'no carbs' is a just a digestible way to get across to the lowest common denominator that they need to cut coca cola, doritos and McDonald's from their diet.

This is literally how every single meme diet works.

>> No.8407534

It's an effective diet both psychologically and physically for a few reasons. There's no reason you can't lose weight effectively on a cut with carbs, but without carbs it's pretty good.

That being said some people go full retard and just eat bacon and cheese all day.

>> No.8407554

Atkins diet will make you look as good as Dr Atkins.

>> No.8407854

this 2bh f4m

>> No.8408299

Give me more lunch and dinner ideas

>> No.8408326

Atkins died a slow and horrible death so it's clearly a shit-tier diet

>> No.8408335

People not eating enough fruit is literally the leading cause of death, worldwide

>> No.8408540

Amazing diet for a middle class American. I ate a fuckton of bacon everyday and lost 90 pounds over a summer.

My body got real fucked up when i added carbs back in. Didn't gain all of it back but i would be really lightheaded and sick for a while.

Overall I would recommend it to any fat fuck who needs to lose weight now for health reasons but strongly suggest otherwise if not. You can lose weight in a much more sustainable way with a typical cut.

>> No.8408709

Even here the culprit is the fat not the carbs, apart from soda of course. Non-fried potatoes have very few calories. You could eat thrice the amount of potatoes and be below a single serving of fries calorie wise.

Very high or low carb diets are doomed to fail for different reasons. All people need to do is have smaller portions of their favorite foods with additional serving of vegetables to feel full. Cut out snacks or at least replace them with fruits.

What really helps is preparing vegetables well so you enjoy them and don'tnt feel like you're punishing yourself by eating healthy.

I can guarantee you that less than 1% of people keep a healthy weight long term using Atkins simply because it doesn't teach you healthy eating, just tricks to lose weight quick whole being a glutton.

>> No.8408835

I like to roast some meat in the oven with a shitload of veggies underneath, like a seasoned chicken breast on top of chopped eggplant + broccoli. Most of the time I'll just take something that's usually served with bread/pasta/rice and just have it on top of a bed of fresh spinach, like meatballs, sloppy joe, ribs, etc. Unfortunately, these are the meals I get tired of the fastest. It's definitely the easiest way of eating when you're having a meal with someone else who isn't on the same diet.

Noodle dishes made with shirataki noodles (google these) are great. Shirataki noodles are awesome in Asian dishes like pad thai, pho, ramen, etc. and you can have as much of them as you want. They're expensive and take a LOT of work if you're trying to make italian-style pasta dishes, but it can be done. I often make carbonara with them, since that was a favorite of mine before I started this diet. I usually allow myself one "noodle" dish a week.

Savory crepes are also good if you plan your macros accordingly. 1 large crepe is about 12g carbs, depending on the brand you buy. You can fill a crepe with anything if you're creative. I like a savory crepe filled with prosciutto+spinach, or salmon+spinach+cream cheese.

Some tortillas are low-carb as well (around 12g carbs for a large tortilla), so wraps are popular in the keto/atkins community. Fill them with anything you would normally put into a sandwich. I'm not a fan of tortillas though, so I don't eat these.

Hard taco shells are only 7g carbs each, so if I've been really, really good, sometimes I'll treat myself to 2-3 greasy tacos for dinner.

Most cream-based soups are okay, but tomato and bean-based soups are not. Instead of putting noodles/rice in my soups, I bulk them up with coconut flour (6g carbs per 2 tbsp) or pureed veggies.

>> No.8409171

More that the same calories in protein and vegetables are extremely filling compared to the high calorie carbs that you digest fast. It's really easy to eat 1k calories of carbs in one sitting and not even be full, it's much harder to eat that in protein.

>> No.8409768


>Most people's issue with carbs is that once they start, they can't stop--myself included. I can rip through an 800-cal bag of potato chips and still want more

Is that what you consider "carbs"? Potato chips are more fat by calorie than carbohydrate

>> No.8409777


>t's really easy to eat 1k calories of carbs in one sitting and not even be full

Eat 1k calories worth of boiled lentils and tell me how hungry you still feel.

>> No.8409801

First go eat 1k calories of bread and cake

>> No.8409809


Why? So we can pretend carbs = junky processed foods?

>> No.8409821

That's because they're mostly fibre

>> No.8409825
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>tfw lost almost 30 kgs just by following a weird ass mix between paleo and atkins
>tfw gained them back real quick when I moved to the big city

>> No.8409831


Which is a type of carbohydrate. Outside of processed foods, most carb-rich foods are full of fiber and satiating. Even potatoes have one of the highest satiety ratings if you don't lather them in butter, cheese, and bacon bits.

>> No.8409839

>Bread = junky processed foods

>> No.8409840
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A friend of mine is down over 50 pounds in 8 months after dropping carbs.

Less than 20g carbs a day, 1,800 calories a day or less, and hits 10k steps a day at work which is about 5 miles. He's down 50 pounds and going. That's it.

The carb-free meme 100% works.

>> No.8409869


The calorie-deficit meme works. If your friend did the same by ate 1,800 calories of mostly carbs, he'd lose weight too.

>> No.8409879


>> No.8409885


I've heard that before but idk man - I did 1,600 calories a day + rigorous mountain biking and didn't lose much, if anything. I dropped the carbs and went down 2 belt notches in 2 weeks.

It worked for me.

>> No.8409915


>thermodynamics isn't a thing


Did you actually count calories?

>> No.8410524

>, 1,800 calories a day or less

that's why s/he's losing weight

>> No.8410527

>>Did you actually count calories?

He probably didn't, given that what he described is outright impossible. Anyone would lose weight on 1600 cals + biking. The only logical explanation is that his/her calorie counting was inaccurate.

>> No.8410528

highly doubt that