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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 528 KB, 832x1024, 2181068315_04a1eff216_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8404942 No.8404942 [Reply] [Original]

tfw relatives bring over their bratty demon-spawn children for Christmas. Little brats running around your house, getting into shit, and worst of all, digging there hands into the pie and desserts you worked hard making. Mind you, they do this before they even eat. They always can get away with terrorizing everyone else during Christmas. Cant say no to them or they'll cry literately all night and the family will start yelling, saying I "Ruined Christmas". what do?

>> No.8404946

>Had to deal with this shit too.
>Baby gate the stairway and sit upstairs and shitpost on 4chan while drinking cheep wine and working on one of my guns.

>> No.8404948

punish them and punish their parents

set some fuckniig boundaries you fuckign cuck

>> No.8404959
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>When the parents start yelling at their little shit spawn when it cries, or gets into shit.
>Because it understands English when it's NOT EVEN ONE.

>> No.8404979

not much you can do at this point but consider the lesson learned

>don't invite them next year

>> No.8404984

Tell his parents to raise a kid properly.
If I did that shit, I would've got beaten by not just my dad, but my aunts uncles, and grandparents.

>> No.8404999
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>Bro buys a parrot.
>It screams constantly and hates my guts.
>He decides He can't take care of it because it wakes up his demon spawn and now I have to own a fucking screaming bird that wakes up at 8am.
>He then brings the demon spawn to the house for Christmas and now I have two screaming fucking things in MY house all fucking day.
>All. Fucking. Day.
>And he wants to Facetime with relatives I can't HEAR over all of this bullshit.

>> No.8405012

>have christmas at your house one year
>leave a firearm out in a easy to get to location (clear the thing and put the ammo under lock and key of course)
>little timmy walks out of your room chewing on a browning hi power
>yelling insues
>never christmas at your house again
It's that simple.

>> No.8405019

>Entire family are gun owners.
>Someone makes a shoot his eye out jokes and they all chuckle.

>> No.8405024

let me try it again
>>have christmas at your house one year
>>leave a dragon dildo out in a easy to get to location (clear the thing and put the cum lube under lock and key of course)
>>little timmy walks out of your room chewing on a spiked cock
>>yelling insues
>>never christmas at your house again

>> No.8405036

>Entire fami-
I think I need to order something....

>> No.8405088

You have no fucking idea man, I had Christmas this year in South Australia rather than back in Melbourne and all my extended family live in SA and there are like 5 of them and they all have like 3 kids each, one of them wasn't there this year but it wouldn't have made a difference at all, anyway some of the kids were running around stuffing their filthy hands in to the bowls of chips, popcorn and picking up the nice cheeses and shit while the others were running around and screaming or playing with their toys, these toys were the loudest fucking things ever, I swear to god I wanted to break this one truck toy that made noise that one of them was pushing around non stop

>> No.8405093

Were none of you ever kids?

>> No.8405094

>Have Christmas in your house one year.
>Leave a dingo out in a easy to get to location.
>Dingo eats baby.
>Yelling ensues.
>Never christmas at your house again.

>> No.8405099

Yeah I was but when I was a kid I was told to shut the fuck up if I was being too loud.

>> No.8405108

Yes, and I got beat when I was a little shit.
With a wooden paddle.

>> No.8405115


Modern day parents seem to be complete pussies

My wife's son is 7 months old and is playing quietly with his 3 Christmas presents while his little (older) shit cunt cousins are here destroying the house and screaming at the top of their lungs while throwing whatever is in their hand on the ground where they are standing and walking out of the room

>> No.8405118

>Brother, sister in law, and their kids are at family celebration
>The kids receive a plate full of mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and green beans
>They mix it all into a disgusting shit-brown slop
>Start slurping it off their plates like some Chinks eating soup
I seriously almost vomited.

>> No.8405123

My extended family's kids were fucking nightmares this Christmas, they were all running around screaming, playing with the noisiest toys they could possibly play with and fondling all the snack food.

Not a good experience when you're smashed and it's 40 degree's celcius

>> No.8405127

Exactly the same here m8 but it was only about 30C

>> No.8405128

OP here,
The thing was, the parents to all these kids that were running around were the type to "be offended by everything" type of people.

Never again will we offer up to have christmas here unless it's adults only. God i fucking hate kids.

>> No.8405133

Fuck that man, how many kids were there cause there were like 10 of them at my Christmas lunch, I couldn't find anywhere quiet at all to drink my beer in peace

>> No.8405135
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I fucking gagged, thank god I saw none of that shit, the kids didn't even eat their food at my Christmas lunch, they were too busy being little shits

>> No.8405158

About 5 of them

I just locked myself in the study where the computer was and closed all the doors

Only had to trip over there toys every time I needed a beer

>> No.8405161

At least there was somewhere you could lock yourself in, I had Christmas in another state at my relatives house

>> No.8405164

How's SA?

>> No.8405195

>My wife's son

>> No.8405218


>> No.8405225
File: 929 KB, 264x320, [screams externally].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit family for Christmas.
>Bro has two hell minions with him.
>One is too young to walk, the other is fucking rampaging in the kitchen.
>Have to baby proof everything because he knows how to get into shit.
>He and the sister in law just half yell at him to "quit it"
>If he isn't destroying the house he is screaming like a banshee when the gifts are being opened.
>For a half hour straight, the most high pitched wailing in the world.
>Brother asks me if I can loan him 900 bucks because "Babies are expensive"
>He works for a fucking union and makes over $20 an hour.
>Hear "HEY, PUT THAT DOWN!" followed by a crash.
>My laptop is wrecked to shit.
>Good thousand bucks, gone.
>Have to post on a phone because of that little fuck and the sow he came out of.
>He starts fucking screaming again.

>> No.8405227
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>sister calls her fat obese dog
>a "guard dog"
>dog is so stupid and ill trained that it eats chocolate on the table
>dog passes out for like 2 hours

>> No.8405235

>tfw have extremely well GSD
>sister in law brings tiny pomeranian mix thing
>says it's incredibly well trained
>constantly barks and whines
>tries to get it to do shake
>dog just stares
>roll over
>dog barks randomly and she pretends it accomplished something
>at this point even my GSD, who's been sitting like the good boy he is and watching this whole thing has a look of pity on his face

Her dog also pissed, shat, and vomited around my house, husband told her she can't bring it back, not because we particularly care about our carpets, just the volume of mess we had to reclean after his sister half-assed it. Actually kinda impressive considering how tiny the damned thing was.

>> No.8405236
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>dog is so stupid and ill trained that it eats chocolate on the table
it was just looking for a way out

>> No.8405237

Poms are annoying as fuck yapper dogs, the only training it probably had was learning to not swallow its own tongue.

>> No.8405240

Fucking bull, make the kid's parents pay for your shit. If they can't control their shit child, then they should at least compensate you.

>> No.8405242

>spending christmas only with your gf
>then going to visit your parents
>only they and your adult bro there
>no kids
>no stupid faggot dog
>no guns
>no dragon dildos

>> No.8405254

>No dragon dildos.
What is your family like Amish or some shit?

>> No.8405259

lol no, we are just more of a Shrek guys

>> No.8405261

I was born at the ripe old age of 23.

But no, even as a kid I was taught not to act this way. Everyone in my family was.
I see the kids in my family now and wonder how their parents let them get away with being little assholes. Did everyone just give up?

>> No.8405272

So you are like onions?

>> No.8405277

>>no guns
fucking gay.

>> No.8405292

Just call the cops if someone breaks in.

>> No.8405428

Fucking boiling man, state is like on big fucking desert

>> No.8405438

Yeah so I've seen. Been comfy here in WA so far but we did have a 42.3C day the week before Christmas

Don't light any fires anon

>> No.8405444

Fuck mate, WA sounds alright, I actually live in Melbourne and it's fucking shit in summer, constantly hot with occasional storms, weirdest weather I swear man.

As for lighting fires, the fire isn't the issue but making sure the trees don't catch any embers or you don't get any burning bits on the grass is important.

I used to live in the bushiest area in Melbourne and I used my charcoal hibachi all the time in summer

>> No.8405462

>My wife's son

>> No.8405467

>waaah waaaah waaaahhh
>why are my more successful family members children having more fun than me!
>It is not fair!

>> No.8405473

That's not the point you fucking spaz, it's that kids are fucking annoying brats and should be disciplined better.

Their supposed fun at the expense of literally everyone elses sanity is extremely unfair

I'm guessing you were one of those brats.

>> No.8405474

You are an annoying, clearly autistic, brat now shut the fuck up, kid.

>> No.8405478

You can easily get away with using a grill or charcoal BBQ outside in risky conditions/seasons.
As long as there isn't much visible smoke no-one cares. And I live in a semi-rural area where we regularly have bush fires.

>> No.8405482

Your opinion is garbage
Your kids are garbage
You are garbage

>> No.8405484

t. autistic virgin manchild

>> No.8405485

t.autistic parent with shitty kids

>> No.8405487

Isn't it illegal to breed with autistic people?
Sex with retards is practically rape desu.

>> No.8405488

In the past, really only a couple generations ago, children were expected to behave and if they didn't, they were harshly punished and embarrassed. Now, if their own parents so much as yell at the precious little snowflakes, CPS steps in. If the child is soemewhat older, say early to mid-teens, the child will hire a lawyer and sue.

Consequently, children come to family gatherings and run over the adults like minibulldozers. It's best to avoid family gatherings until the children are grown so you don't have to resist the urge to strangle one of the monsters.

>> No.8405489

I am neither autistic nor a parent, junior.

>> No.8405493

Then why in gods name are you defending kids being complete pieces of shit running around and screaming like banshees and generally fucking shit up.

I know, you must have downs syndrome then.

>> No.8405494

Grow up.

>> No.8405495

Punishment, discipline, yelling and strangling are ineffective parenting techniques.
Just negotiate with them and offer rewards [incentives].

>> No.8405496

I am defending childrens right to have fun and pointing out that you are clearly autistic if it upsets you so easily.

I bet you listen to metal.

>> No.8405497

fun isn't a human right nor is destroying food

>> No.8405498

Why can't you just chill out and enjoy yourself like the rest of the family?

>> No.8405499

Running around screaming and fucking shit up is unfair and makes things unpleasant for literally everyone and if you can't make sure your child isn't ruining things for everyone else you should not be at that event.

Children can have fun without being fucking annoying, it happened in the past so why can't it happen now

>> No.8405501

Answer my question.

>> No.8405502

Enjoy myself like the kids?
I'd literally be kicked out of the gathering if I acted like what the OP described.

>> No.8405503

No, like the adults obviously.

>> No.8405504

So the children should act with as much decorum as the adults?
Your position is inconsistent.

>> No.8405506

Just because you got beat a lot doesn't mean you were raised right

>> No.8405507

Because like the rest of my family I was drunk and was definitely not in the mood for hearing 10 children scream at the top of their lungs and run around fucking shit up

Do you not understand that people don't like annoying things?

>> No.8405509

No. Are you genuinely retarded or are you attempting to troll here?

The rest of the family enjoyed having fun with the kids though.

>> No.8405513

They did not you fucking spaz, read my post, particularly the part where it said no one was in the mood to listen to 10 kids being shitheads, everyone was complaining and telling the parents to get their kids under control.

>> No.8405514

>my wife's son
I hope you had a swell christmas, you poor bastard.

>> No.8405519

Oh, the horror!

Children being children!

>> No.8405525

Wrong, children can be children and have fun without breaking things, screaming and being little shits.

I don't see why you can't grasp that concept

>> No.8405545


I know right? Fuck children.

>> No.8405558

Some kids can be on good behaviour provided their parents know how to discipline them...its all the parents fault, the kids don't know any better unless they are thoroughly taught respect and authority.

>> No.8405559

>they were all running around screaming, playing with the noisiest toys they could possibly play with and fondling all the snack food.

They were having fun. No mention of anything being broken. Your family must really worry about you.

>> No.8405566

dont invite them back next christmas

>> No.8405569

for the future tell your relatives you won't tolerate shitty behavior even if it is from a kid. if they can't teach their kids manners or whatever then their children aren't welcome at your house

>> No.8405576

It's my mom's house.

>> No.8405581

tell your mom not to invite them, or just dont go. no reason to force yourself to go be miserable just because its christmas

>> No.8405583

ah, then all you can do is tell your moms if they show up with their kids you're leaving

>> No.8405587

I live there and my mom doesn't see a problem with them. She says they are cute and fun.

>> No.8405591

just cause you live there doesn't mean you can't leave and go see a movie or something if only to get away from them for a few hours

>> No.8405596

Don't think mom would be happy if I wasn't at Christmas Dinner.

>> No.8405597

There's no ban on backyard grills or charcoal bbq's here m8

>> No.8405629

just leave then, nothing is forcing you to stay. or just say your sick is stay in your room

>> No.8405636


>> No.8405639

So there is nothing wrong with the children at all and you are an autistic manchild who still lives with his mom.


>> No.8405651

I can understand where both of you are coming from, but why are you so agressive and insulting about this?

>> No.8405661

I don't like autistic, whiny, manchildren

>> No.8405667

There's whining, and then there's getting overly mad about someone else's whining.

Aren't you being just as autistic?

>> No.8405669


>> No.8405670

>instead negotiate with them like they're your equal

Wow man, that sure doesn't undermine your authority at all.

>> No.8405673

t. virgin who will never have children

>> No.8405679

This. Also just hide while some nigger beats your loved ones head in

>> No.8405746

What causes children to act like this? Even as a kid, growing up in a house with lax discipline and punishments, i and my siblings never behaved like what OP describes.

>> No.8405760

It's pretty clear the children were acting fine and OP is overreacting.

>> No.8405776

No, grabbing handfuls of desserts before anyone else has had a chance to eat them is pretty unacceptable, id say OP is in the right

>> No.8405777

Tell the husband to get his wife's son's father to discipline him.

>> No.8405782
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>doesn't add valium to the apple pie

>> No.8405792

Didn't happen

Just OP making up lies to support his strange point of view.

Easy to tell this from OP's moms reaction.

>> No.8405816


>> No.8405819

>flyover football mom that takes her baby with her to her job

>> No.8405830

>i dont have kids
and you never will
watching those little kids play from 3 tables away at the restaurant will have to do because nobody wants to fuck landwales and even if you got a man drunk enough to impregnate you its one bad turn and your fat fold would crush your utherus

>> No.8405832

t. virgin

>> No.8405836


>> No.8405839

>no one in the family can cook for shit
>took over all responsibility
>can cook and drink however I want
>can skip these shitty family walks
>don't have to talk to people I don't want to talk to all day
>dinner actually tastes alright
>can fuck off by just saying I am tired from cooking
Best choice ever

>> No.8405845

>too fat to be a mom
could you possibly be a bigger disgrace?
keep stuffing twinkies were love should be

>> No.8405857

The projection is palpable.

>> No.8405863

im not a man i dont get pregnant
hey i guess you are a man too now

>> No.8405868

Yea and my parents beat the shit out of me if I got out of line

>> No.8405876

I have been a man since my 14th birthday.

>> No.8405892

Good on you, you have more chances as a man than a woman anyways. I recommend you become a trucker since thats not much of a strech, maybe spending 90% of your time alone will do you some good or at least it will make everyone else some good

>> No.8405898

>you have more chances as a man than a woman anyways
You really are a virgin.

>> No.8405904

I meant it as you personally
Like all you need is to smoke and wear a cap and nobody will be able to tell the difference between you and a man who spent most of the previous 30 years alone in a truck

>> No.8405909

Lay off the booze, virgin. You are talking nonsense.

>> No.8405915

It would take some convincing to prove you are a woman tho
I mean it takes a 3 man team to remove enough fat to be able to tell you don't have a dick
Keep telling people you are a man instead

>> No.8405924
File: 60 KB, 600x399, wooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this triggered for bring outed as a virgin

>> No.8405928

And I guess every time I see a child destroying a toy isle at the store that never happened as well?

>> No.8405942

More than likely.

>> No.8405945

Do children even exist?

>> No.8405947

There are better chances of you eating a baby than making one
How much does one weight? I bet you had bigger meals

>> No.8405949

Not an argument.

>> No.8405952

Children do exist. Simply look in the mirror.

You were made when your mother and father had sexual intercourse.

>> No.8405955

I would really like to see how your kids turn out.

>> No.8405956

Bullshit, I came to the house carried by a stork.

>> No.8405958

It is tho
Have you seen how fat western women are?
No wonder child birth keep decreasing, western women are getting so far they are causing an economic collapse
I mean the whole west is breaking down faster than a cafe chair after having fat western women sitting on them all morning

>> No.8405961

Calm down, Muhammed.

>> No.8405964

its funny because muslim women for all opressed they are still get to have kids of their own while you chose to eat yourself to death instead

>> No.8405967

>Of their own.
You mean raped then stoned to death?

>> No.8405973

the amount of effort required to stone you to death renders it pointless. We would need 20 people to surround you and throw stones that would bounce from your faat for hours until you drop dead, you dont have to worry about that

>> No.8405979

It's not fat, it's body armor.

>> No.8405986

It's armor designed to protect them from the thing women fear the most
Personal responsibility

>> No.8406116

Tfw my gun toting Republican family have the best kids to have over apparently and no special snowflakes to deal with.
My roommates sister is a full on Tumblrina
After one dinner I got banned from their house for making her cry

>> No.8406121

>tfw grandma stopped having holiday gatherings when my fag uncle beat her after his wife's son broke half her antiques and a stained glass window grandpa made her right before he died, and his wife convinced him she did it in some plot to blame it on the kid and split them up

At least while he was in jail his wife sold everything he owned and vanished.

>> No.8406128

You are better off.

>> No.8406365

>At least while he was in jail his wife sold everything he owned and vanished.

Wtf what kind of autistic fag is happy when this happens to a man? Fuck off back to tumblr sjw retard.

>> No.8406368

I am happy.

He beat up his own mother and deserves to be destitute.

>> No.8406643

Uh no. He was obviously the victim here, he was forced into doing the things he did and shouldn't be punished for them. His ""wife"" is the one that deserves too starve in the streets

>> No.8406657

No, retard.

>> No.8406666

Yes shitfaggot.

>> No.8406673


Only a pathetic, beta, alt-right manchild could think like that.

>> No.8406690


Why do neckbeards always think some random woman will rush to fuck them if they try to defend them on the internet?

>> No.8406700

Gotta give it to whoevers trolling thus thread, he's one dedicated shitposter.

>> No.8406701

Pipe down, beta cuck.

>> No.8406724

>t. Never yet had, or ever will have for that matter, sex with a live woman.

>> No.8407227

>t. Gay cuck virgin pushing his shortcomings on everone else

>> No.8407246


Nothing wrong with mixing up the food. I love mixing turkery, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce together. It's fucking delicious.

>> No.8407299

>go to relatives' house for Christmas dinner
>all the kids are cute and well-behaved
>after they go to bed adults drink and watch funny videos
>everything was fine

>> No.8407308
File: 169 KB, 580x453, aint mad girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I AM UNDLE D!!!!!!!


that's how you handle kids, nigga. your faggot family don't like? fuck them fags, throw a real chrisssmasss party.

>> No.8407332
File: 59 KB, 655x527, peep glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8407416

He means Uncle Badtouch.

>> No.8407426

Act like a HUNG DICK MAN and tell cousin Caleb and his wife Madison Grace to remove their belated abortion from my bachelor pad NOW KEK because my shit is not child proof by any means it's full of liquor and condoms and fried food, it's designed to cater to little hookers NOT CHILDREN.

>> No.8407696 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 878x768, 1474900040319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are these children having fun! It not fair.

pic is OP

>> No.8407703

if the kid gets into shit constantly and raises hell means it wasn't raised right.

>> No.8407710

found the coddled prick.

kids can be respectful and not a fucking pain in the ass, most kids are like this. you defending these little assholes only show how much of a prick you must have been.

>> No.8407720

They were not a pain in the ass. OP's own mother said they were cute and fun.

OP is clearly just an autistic manchild, much like yourself.

>> No.8407724

Can't believe there are as many Scrooge McDuck's on here that tried to ruin their own familys Christmas just because children were playing games.

I always thought /ck/ was a little more mature than this.

>> No.8408039

I think we need to remember education doesn't come only from the parents. Kids spend big time in schools too. They interact with other children. They learn from other children.

>> No.8408050

It's simple you have to kill one of them I suggest the bird so you can eat it

>> No.8408063

Fuck me I had to call of work on Christmas Eve morning because I threw up 4 times and I had the flu
Had to get bitches out by chef
Then bitches at all day by father for not helping set up for the fucking Christmas party
Then have to watch 10 kids between the ages of 4-12
Mfw when one of the dad's came in as Santa they all screamed in unison
Then came the that's not really Santa what are you talking about yes that is Santa f****** God damn
I couldn't even drink or smoke I was so sick I had to do that shit sober

>> No.8408068

Oh trust me, I have fucking considered shooting the goddamn thing.

>> No.8408137

Yes and we would get the don't embarrass us speech before we got out of the car... we didn't.

>> No.8408155

Yes, I'm sure you never ran about or raised your voice as a child.

Classic autism.

>> No.8408156

Get a new family, sounds like the current one doesn't understand the concept of teaching boundaries to their children, or even raising children.

>> No.8408180

Not him.
I did, but every time I did I got 1 lash from dad's belt, so you are right in one sense, but wrong because you wen't full hyperbole to be right.

>> No.8408190

>tfw my sister's kids stop being hellspawn in my house out of shear fear of me
God it feels nice knowing they're too afraid to fuck with things.

>> No.8408192

I did, at appropriate places like playgrounds or in the backyard... just not in restaurants or as a guest in other's homes...

>> No.8408198

A family members home on Christmas Day is a highly appropriate place for children to have fun and frolic. The homeowner even said so.

I am so sorry that you had an awful father.

>> No.8408199 [DELETED] 

Don't blame me because you were raised like a shit and don't blame me for how your shit kids behave, that's all you... .

>> No.8408203

I don't think the homeowner gave consent to have his fridge raided, computer/consoles destroyed, and effects scattered by a hyperactive ADD kid who needs a good belt or a tranq dart to the neck.

>> No.8408210
File: 11 KB, 267x400, d0PYh7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to the same post twice within a few minutes

How pathetic.

>> No.8408213

Yes but there is a clear difference between playing with toys and rummaging in private rooms and sticking one's hand into the pies... I have zero problem with the way I was raised. People always complimented our behavior.

>> No.8408215

None of those things happened though so pipe down, kid.

>> No.8408220

Yeah, comprehending a conversation...

>> No.8408234

Don't blame me because you were raised like a shit and don't blame me for how your shit kids behave, that's all you... .

>> No.8408237
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x1233, bigstock-Diet-Beautiful-Young-Woman-Ea-43219744-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang your head in shame and leave this place.

>> No.8408244

And what do you bring? Kek.

>> No.8408252

>being a namefag
>asking others what they bring to a mongolian basketweaving discussion forum
Step back and read what you post for once.

>> No.8408253


Op's own mother, the owner of the household, had no problem with the children's behaviour. Neither did anyone else in the family.

It is clear the only person in this situation with behavioural problems is OP. Most likely autism. The same as you.

>> No.8408257

Feels good, Hun?

>> No.8408259
File: 213 KB, 600x350, multiple-women-laughing-with-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gets triggered by children having fun

>> No.8408267

Why not just shit in the corners... Fun, cute.

so the guy that now has to buy a new laptop is an autistic too because he doesn't appreciate the joy of youth like you do?

>> No.8408270

Not triggered at all. Maybe if you ever get to have children, you'll see.

>> No.8408278

>Why not just shit in the corners

That is neither cute, nor fun.

Is this standard thought process for Autistics?

>> No.8408283

Ever try it?

>> No.8408286


>> No.8408344

My grandma is 92 and still lives at home and the only time distant cousins seem to care about her is on Christmas. They all come over and bring their little 2-5 year old kids who IMMEDIATELY, as in, as soon as they walk into the door, run behind grandma's chair and start fucking with electrical wires (for the phones, TV, etc.) and none of their parents say anything. KEK your kid is gonna fucking die. Then we spend the next week trying to hook the phones and TV and answering machine back up because these obnoxious kids fucked with it and the parents just sat there staring at their phones.

>> No.8408369


>ruined the pie and deserts

You should be thanking them, fatty

>> No.8408392

Good one.

>> No.8408423

Non autistic babies understand yelling and being mad.