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8400503 No.8400503 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me right the fuck now what the point of these assholes are

Fuck Moe's and every other restaurant using these when there was literally NOTHING wrong with the standard multi-faucet drink fountain

Now everytime I want a fucking drink I have to go stand in line behind 8 people and then take a good 90 seconds clicking through the options cuz the calibration is usually shit while having mini anxiety attacks cuz im taking too long

fuck you new autistic soda machine get fucked

>> No.8400538
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1482567967138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go up to scary new pop machine
>what button do i press??
>3 people behind me giving me death stares as i take 90 seconds to figure out the start button
>choose drink category: caffeine free, sugar free, juice, soda
>fhhbgcxssdtyujbvsd pop or juice??!!! pop or juice???!!!
>mommy not behind me to help me
>another screen: 500 flavors to choose from
>60 second panic attack
>quickly weighing the pros and cons of each flavor in my head
>cant decide
>"sir do you need help?"
>>slam the first button i see
>literally punched the machine
>fucking fanta
>fuck whatever
>press button.
>didnt know you have to hold the pour button. thought it was preset.
>get a little squirt then let go.
>didnt fill up my drink
>machine resets
>have to start all over

>> No.8400543

>pour ice
>pick which drink you want
>pick your drink flavor

That simple.

>> No.8400561

>I'd like a cup of water instead

just solved your problem OP

>> No.8400586

its fucking soda you fucking autistic doughnut

>> No.8400632

Boomers think they're neat, millenials like touchscreens.

>> No.8400638

>Tell me right the fuck now what the point of these assholes are
Getting a Cherry Coke with my burger.

>> No.8400670


>> No.8400890

I'll think you'll find it pop actually fatty.

>> No.8400963

Went to Wendy's like 2 weeks ago and my girlfriend was freaking the fuck out about these. She's apparently never seen them before.
>What do I do!
>How does this work?
>Where do you get ice?
It was funny. Especially since there was this really old dude just before use who got his Coke no problem.

>> No.8400971

A machine that is too advanced for a large portion of the world populace. Sounds about right.

>> No.8400975

He's making fun of OP you doughnuts

>> No.8400983

Raspberry & lime Fanta master race

>> No.8400986

>Calling it pop
Faggot fucking northern Midwest faggot.

>> No.8400992

Getting Vanillia Dr.Pepper is neat, but holy fuck the touchscreen is shit.

>> No.8400996

>So many dumb asses that don't know how to use these

My fucking 89 year old grandmother can use them flawlessly with out any help. You faggots don't have any excuse for your utter retardation.

>> No.8401005

>there was literally NOTHING wrong with the standard multi-faucet drink fountain

They never have raspberry sprite.

Checkmate, atheists.

>fuck you new autistic soda machine get fucked

>t-the m-m-machin-ne is t-the aut-t-tistic one I-I swear!

>> No.8401011

Why do millenials have such a problem with the words "then" and "than"?

>> No.8401016

Stop drinking soda you obese, diabetic fucks.

>> No.8401020

>drinking one 16oz soda less than once a month gives you obesity and diabetes I SWWAAAAAARRRRREEEEE

>> No.8401022

I havent seen one of these before so I'm guessing they have not made their way up to my part of Canada yet. The variety seems neat, but the idea of waiting in line just for a pop sounds pretty shitty, desu.

>> No.8401053

>cherry coke

Mah nigga

>> No.8401061

>watch 6 people spend 3 minutes looking through all the options only to end up picking classic coke

every fucking time

>> No.8401063
File: 4 KB, 208x206, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking soda.

>> No.8401080
File: 25 KB, 452x452, 11375236_915026851918913_791708842_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my right as an autistic white American to drink soda

...you little shit.

>> No.8401088

I do hate having to wait in line and then taking forever to get the flavor I want. Not worth the upgrade for some meme flavors. Every restaurant should be required by law to have at least 3 of these running at all times.

>> No.8401112

this, jesus fuck people who drink soda are disgusting

>> No.8401512
File: 42 KB, 1024x435, inlimited-power-dark-side-1024x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them because of their non standard drink options.


>> No.8401533

>Get lime flavored ginger ale (forgot the brand)
>Add vodka
>Enjoy ghetto Moscow Mule

>> No.8401680

Doesn't that machine just add seperate flavored syrup when you choose a flavored variant?
I got Cherry Coke once but it just tasted like coke with cheap cherry flavoring.

>> No.8401685

>Implying the average American doesn't drink a gallon of soda every day.

>> No.8401687

Vanilla root beer is my favorite. I wish they had cream soda as well.

>> No.8401688


Yes it does the mixing within the machine, that's how it offers flavors that don't exist at retail like Orange Coke.

>> No.8401782

>hating on peach sprite

>> No.8401876

I like having different flavors you don't normally find in ordinary fountain machines. I agree that the touch screens could be better though.

>> No.8401878


The screens have to be designed to withstand soda, grease, little kids, and Basketball-Americans. So you lose some responsiveness in making them stronger.

>> No.8401912


Relevant content. Also these things are fantastic. If you don't think Moes special Vanilla Peachtree is the shit then gtfo.

>> No.8401941
File: 14 KB, 236x177, 83c8161ad1433ff607c7b661c0bfe18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see old people in front of me to use freestyle machine
>baka, because this is going to take forever, just like the taco bell kiosks

>> No.8401990

Fuck off east coast jew.

>> No.8402048

Fucking literal idiots

>> No.8402199

You get an empty cup and still have to go to the machine and navigate the menu to the 'water' option.

>> No.8402206

>no bullshit
wow that was hard.
I agree though, fuck these things. People spend 5 minutes trying to concoct "the perfect soda cocktail"

Bitch its fizzy sugar water, you're not making a manhattan

>> No.8402294

I like them because I can get vitamin water

>> No.8402329

Little known fact, Coke records the most popular combinations to make the next new super soda

>> No.8402429

I once tried one in the capital of my country and got excited that it had lemon coke.

> mfw it tasted like coke with the shittiest bootleg skittle sugary overload

Its like americans have never tasted a fruit other than sugar

>> No.8402443

Sugar is a vegetable idiot

>> No.8402489

>all those soda flavors I have never seen or heard about

fucking americans :^(

>> No.8402497

These things list Barq's root beer as caffeine free. The reason their slogan is Barq's Has Bite is both the exceptional amount of carbonation and the fact that it is one of the few root beers with caffeine in it

>> No.8402539

>search up locations on http://www.coca-colafreestyle.com/
>only locations close by are scattered throughout in a Nando's, 7 Eleven, and Wendy's