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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8398127 No.8398127 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I was wondering if there was a corrilation between ethnicity and alcohol. I found that I enjoy as a white male more bitter and hard drinks only with the occasional miles and martinis where as my black friends tend to enjoy sweeter stuff that I can't stand. I'm assuming it might be linked to our tastebuds, but it may also be a regional thing. What do you think?

>> No.8398129


>> No.8398134

It's probably more to do with your gut bacteria that drives your cravings then anything else, but those are affected by region and genetics.

>> No.8398136

I think it's a culture thing. Black/white trash culture likes the sweeter stuff to mask the flavor of poverty booze so they can just get drunk quick. Middle class and higher income people tend to have the money to blow on better end booze where you can actually discern some flavor other than burning

>> No.8398143

It;s called taste. It is mostly cultural. You are such a manly man because you like strong and bitter drinks. /pol/ is cancer.

>> No.8398145

So there is no correlation just what people crave because of what they're feeling?
Yeah I thought the regional thing made a little more sense. It's kind of a downer really.

>> No.8398149

Just a question mate. People are all different. I just want to know why. Not embracing our differences makes us weaker men

>> No.8398150

not sure how you came to that conclusion given my statement. can you elaborate?

being white, I know that ice has the best flavor.

>> No.8398159

Haha got him right in the fragile masculinity

>> No.8398161

Oh I didn't see the regional and genetic differences part. So it can be both region and cultural

>> No.8398203


I have nothing to escape from - my life is pretty good. So I drink mostly because I like the taste, and I like being just a little bit buzzed but still functional.

If I was a poor nigger or white trash and had something to escape from, I'd just want to get drunk FAST, and sweet drinks might make that easier.

Last time I got broken up with, I just did a number of shots of WT 101 and followed each with a bud lite.

>> No.8398221

Sorry to hear that anon. I hope everything worked out for you.

>> No.8398229


Yep, met someone new and we've been living together for almost two years now.

>> No.8398238

Normie pls leave

>> No.8398244

>I have nothing to escape from
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.8398246

Go back to /r9k/ pls. Tendies do sound good though.

>> No.8398250

It's a food and cooking board bro. I'd bet there are more normies on this board than any other.

>> No.8398263

> Normie

I'm not sure how normal I am, exactly. I had never even kissed a girl until I was 25, and the girl in question was a stalker who was suicidal and thought I was going to murder her. Prior to that, I dated about 10 guys because even though I'm not attracted to men, a blowjob is a blowjob and I felt less lonely.

>> No.8398290
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>> No.8398388


>Nigga, educate yourself!


>> No.8398836


I guess when I read that out loud, it sounds kinda bad in a way

>> No.8398887
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For me, it's laphroaig, if I ever become a alcoholic it'll be due this bottle of god's divine spit.

Don't know if my Spanish ancestors have anything to due with it. My dad drinks nothing but piss water beer.

>> No.8399235

It's just culture.

Genetic factors are miniscule.

Poor cunts like to get sloshed on sweet drinks because they're simple and mask the taste of cheap alcohol.

>> No.8399315


American German-Irish

>> No.8399336

Blacks actually have higher E, estrogen often leads to sugar cravings.

>> No.8399346

As an Asianfag, Asians people love the shit out of Hennessy. I can only speak for China and SE Asian countries, but they love it because it's prestigious and luxurious. I don't think even most like the taste.

>tfw Vietnamese
>tfw love the shit out of bourbon and scotch

>> No.8399363

Black here. I love Vodka. Though I don't drink too often. Vodka is just what agrees with me the most in the mouth and in the gut. None of that sugary shit please. I can't handle the sugary drinks. Fucks my stomach up.

>> No.8399367

Don't quite a lot of you get sick if you exceed a certain amount? Like not even a lot?

>> No.8399450

I'm sure there's people like that out there. I know an Asian guy at work who's legit allergic to alcohol.

>> No.8399467
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>> No.8399472


You ever play sports with a black man? They're all muscle bone and sinew. I have a hard time buying they have high estrogen levels. I bounced of black guys on the basketball court like I was a pingpong ball.

>> No.8399481 [DELETED] 

>Prior to that, I dated about 10 guys because even though I'm not attracted to men, a blowjob is a blowjob and I felt less lonely.

Iktf bro. Except it was only one guy and we had a business-like relationship that revolved around him sucking me off. If you dated 10 guys you're probably pretty faggy. I stuck my finger up his butt once but then my fingers smelled like poo literally all day even after washing so I decided I never wanted to do any butt stuff again. Its seriously disgusting. I know you shouldn't post this on a food board and I apologize but if you engage in anal sex often its pretty much guaranteed that you're going to get covered in shit at one point or another. I can't do that. Fuck poopoo.

>> No.8399586

black nigga here

in my experience, it's a culture thing before genetics thing. poor people love sugar, and most black folks are poor. I experience the same phenomena you described on a daily basis, but i was raised by a loco old whore who drank too much and hated sugar. she raised us eating salt in cornbread, kool aid, oat meal, watered the fuck out of any juice or cold drink we had and used to bake fucking atrocious rubbery sugarless cakes. by sugarless, i do not mean artificial sweetener, i mean no sweetener. bitch put salt in her coffee and cornflakes. she forbade us to smoke weed, because it was illegal, yet encouraged us to drink as minors which was also illegal as hell, and i actually went to jail for it twice. by the time i decided to smoke weed, i was too old, it makes me sick to this day. on the other hand, my peers were all dumping sugar on red sauce, beans and rice, oatmeal, cereal, toast, in perfectly natuarly sweet orange juice or milk and blowing whole checks on weed, or likewise sleeping with the weed man, stealing hubcaps or scrapping metal., or some of them, working several jobs. none of them drank until they began going to clubs, and none of them drink for enjoyment, they only drink socially. they only drink what is palatable or expensive, like steel reserve blackberry or hennessey. not a one of them really likes henny, but it looks good on instagram.

tldr i was raised without the excessively sugary diet of the poor and did not smoke weed everyday

most black people were raised on the accessable excessivley sugary diet of the poor and do not drink so when they choose alcohol, they choose what looks palatable, whatever looks like it tastes like candy

>> No.8400199
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Polish-American metro Detroiter here and for what it's worth, I like ales while my dad drank Canadian Club and the occasional Pabst in the summer while my mom didn't rink alcohol at all.

>> No.8400214

I don't like alcohol but if I have to, I tend to order pale ales.

I'm black and I have weird tastes like Diet Mountain Dew being one of my favorite beverages.

>> No.8400288

>not drinking the piss that is Laphroaig Selected

Good on you, lad!

>> No.8400313

>recently started drinking
>6 shots of rum in an evening
>barely tipsy
>uncle claims this is a genetic trait shared by my aunt
Apparently it's hard for me to get hungover and I can drive within a few hours of drinking with little/no effect on my coordination but it's so hard to get drunk. What a pain.

>> No.8400329

I'm white middle class and I don't really enjoy alcohol at all. Beers all taste like shit to me, either too bitter, too hopsy, or, in the case of light beers like bud lite too much like weird water. In the case of hard liquor i can do shots of whiskey or jager without any problems, but usually end up being forced to do vodka because that's what people bring to parties. I fucking hate tequila, but that might just be because I've only really ever had access to shit tequila. Rum is alright.

Personally, I like apple cider more than any other alcoholic drink. I usually like to bring a sixpack of Reds to a party and then drink five of them. Also, I tend to prefer to smoke marijuana more than I enjoy drinking. While I do enjoy the flavor of some strains of marijuana, it's mostly just about being more responsible high than drunk, which is important to me in the case of an emergency. Maybe that adds to my distaste for most alcohol, usually going for a Whiskey and coke or rum and coke if apple cider isn't available, which it almost never is.

>> No.8400331

Reds isn't cider

>> No.8400338

What is it then, an ale?

>> No.8400349

I would call it a flavored malt beverage but I guess it could be considered a macro fruit ale. Red's and other gas station ciders really don't do hard cider justice.

There are a ton of great ciders out there that it sounds like you would enjoy. B. Nektar makes some really nice ones. Doc's Draft too.

You might also enjoy something like a dunkel, marzen, or a light porter. They aren't bitter or hoppy at all.

>> No.8400525

I'm black (31yo) and my drink of choice is cabernet sauvignon. I tried dryer stuff and I just can't stand the insta-overpowering taste of the alcoholiness. I like the smoothness of cabernet and being able to enjoy the drink as it glides me into a good, smooth buzz. And it doesn't make my head pound the next day.

>> No.8400528

Greetings, blackman. Welcome to the world wide web. Its a great place with lots to discover but be careful out there.

>> No.8400568

whitemale 31 (middle of europe)

Beer,chilled white wine with mineral water, gin-tonic

>> No.8400577
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It's Rum for me.

Guess my ethnicity, pic related.

>> No.8400578


>> No.8400579


>> No.8400701


>> No.8400706 [DELETED] 


>> No.8401196


>> No.8401292

Blacks like gin. After all, what is gin backwards?

>> No.8401401

Bakistani here, don't have any culture of drinking but prefer cider over mainstream beer, but really hoppy craft beer above all. Not fond of vodka or gin but love me some whisky and rum. Not sure it has anything to do with race, really.

>> No.8401409

roach here i only like beer

>> No.8401431


gay gipsy here only drink metaxa

>> No.8401433

I've literally never seen a black guy drinking an IPA so thats sort of cool

Actually I've never seen a black guy. I live in Alaska. Disregard.

>> No.8401434
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>> No.8401439


That's some preschool tier Scooby Doo level reasoning there, chief. Try not to eat so much paint next time.

>> No.8401444
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>white 'Murican
>Primarily Franco-Germanic/Norwegian ancestry
>Wine and whiskey, in that order

>> No.8401748


>> No.8401861

Is that a new York sour m8? What red and what blend

>> No.8401945

Ukrainian and all the men in my family like hard liquor such as vodka and cognac. I prefer sweeter drinks and white wine.

I just don't like bitterness, and if I drank for enjoyment I'd always drink sweet stuff

>> No.8403882

I'm irish/german and my drink of choice is bourbon

>> No.8403890

I is black, and I like malt liquor and grape drink

>> No.8403905

theres a more significant relationship between income level and alcohol choice, race has little to do with it.

>> No.8403919

It's not about race. It's about the people you are raised with. People influence your actions.

White people are raised around other white people. White people tend to be more homophobic about their drinks. White guys are peer pressured into buying "manlier" drinks because that's just what the status quo dictates.

Black people (and non white people in general) don't peer pressure each other about beer like white people do. Non white people grow up around other non white people who like sugary drinks. Therefore they grow up thinking it's okay to give yourself diabetes.

White people are so oblivious to cultures other than their own.

>> No.8403921

>Not about race
Good goyim

>> No.8403935

Can we all agree that high content alcoholic drinks don't really taste good, and anyone who drinks them straight is enjoying more the idea of drinking it and getting drunk than the taste?

>> No.8403964

like my gf who is white

>> No.8403984


Feck off

>> No.8404007

Although I agree it's not about race, I think you're wrong about other cultures not pressuring about drinking. I worked with Koreans in Korea for several years and there was an extremely macho element to taking shots when out on the town. Fortunately, I was a good deal larger in weight and height, so I had no problemo drinking them under the table. An american that couldn't keep up, or god forbid, didn't drink, was severely ridiculed, less effective in their work with them, and lost great face.

>> No.8404011

Cabernet Sauvignon is probably the easiest standard varietal. Cab Sav/Merlot/Pinot Noir/Shiraz all cater to unassuming, unadventerous, unremarkable palates.

>> No.8404017

>White guys are peer pressured into buying "manlier" drinks because that's just what the status quo dictates.

Are you serious? This isn't a race thing. It's about the maturity of your palette. Children don't like bitter. Grown-ups do.

>> No.8404024
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Black male, 23. I like red wine, rye, rum, brandy and strong beer. I like to drink in small quantities, but often. Maybe a glass or two a night, or every other night.

I just binge-watch documentaries and sitcoms after work and enjoy a glass.

>> No.8404301

I have a mature pallete, but I don't ever drink to get drunk. If I drink I'll have something that tastes good, but only because I "have" to get a drink. I'm not a career alcoholic who has to get the most drunk per dollar, nor am I trying to impress anybody. Alcohol makes me feel sick, so the few times I have to drink, I'll order something frilly and gay with fucking unicorns on the glass because unicorns are awesome.

Fuck you wannabe "adults" who think that you're too grown up to enjoy actual flavor.

>> No.8404422

>everything is subjective and nothing is superior to something else. dont you dare believe your taste is better than mine.
Okay SJW

>> No.8404427


>> No.8404436
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White/Ashkenazi here. Mostly Eastern European at that.

Vodka and beer for me. I don't drink that often. I don't like mixed drinks for the most part.

>> No.8404439

I'm black. Drink (and brew) craft beers of all sorts, preferring stouts and IIPA's. Also love white and red wine, though I'm not very educated about them. My love, though, is bourbon and other dark whiskey's, but especially bourbon.. and jameson.

>> No.8404443

Nope. First time I tried woodford I was in heaven.

>> No.8404444

Hahahah nancy boy


>> No.8404445

you're cancer, you whiny cunt. fuck off to >>>/r/eddit, faggot.

>> No.8404650

Reminder that there is no such thing as a manly cocktail or mixed drink.

>> No.8404654

As a Dominican, rums are popular in my country. Whiskey sometimes and tequila but most people in my family that do drink liquor go for Jack Daniels or Rum

I myself love rum and vodka

>> No.8404692

OP, don't be fucking ridiculous. There are so many "white male" people that it's ludicrous to assume some commonality between them all.

>> No.8404888

westernized chink here

hate beer, love liquor

grew to love gin and tonic especially

>> No.8405380
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When will people stop using black/white/asian to describe their ethnicity? OP is a faggot
Just as filiponos look nothing like mongols, ilyrians and the irish, african americans and ethiopians, also look very different
Ethnically I'm a slav, I like gin and tonic and buttered rum. Also just rum alone is fine, but I generally stick to beer 9/10 times when drinking
Im 26, and recently ive noticed that i enjoy alcoholic effects less than I used to
So I drink a lot less and I havent been really drunk in over a year now.

>> No.8405383

depends where you are. in places where there's a correlation between social/economic class and ethnicity, you'll see people of certain ethnicities drinking sweet + strong cheap alcohol. where i'm from that correlation doesn't exist- you just get poor housing scheme dwellers drinking buckfast.

>> No.8405395

What kind of martinis are you drinking that they're not hard?

>> No.8406024

I don't give a fuck if you're gay or not but if you've dated 10 guys and gotten blowjobs from them you might have been attracted to something there. Good that you're happy now, good luck, son.

>> No.8406033

>When will people stop using black/white/asian to describe their ethnicity? OP is a faggot
When the very last white (this includes fair skinned asians) person has been outbred by subhuman shitskin niggers and stinking muslim subhuman hairy unibrow rats and everyone on earth has acquired the skin tone of a mudded turd, you dumb libshit son of a $5 whore.

>> No.8406054

yeah I can see this. I'm a middle class white boy who doesn't like to get drunk quick so I buy craft beer

>> No.8406061

Hi, Drumpff!

>> No.8406062

Not sure of the science of *why* people prefer different things, but I recall in heavily researched studies on Coke vs Pepsi 30 years ago, black Americans preferred Pepsi by a much wider margin than whites. (For non-oldfags, the research led to a huge "Pepsi challenge" ad campaign where side by side comparisons were set up at stores around the country, and recorded for commercials, and eventually Coke's "New Coke" (sweeter formulation) debacle). Whether it's something genetic, or cultural, or something else, the preference for sweeter beverages by blacks at that time seemed like accepted scientific fact, by the conglomerates who spent studying such things.

>> No.8406132

Donald Trump never said anything like that you retarded cunt.

>> No.8406760

kys poltard

>> No.8406780

I'm black and while I do like the taste of sweeter alcoholic drank, they give me headaches and hangovers.

I generally stick to vodka, or brandy, maybe one day I'll branch out to a little more though.

>> No.8406783

I'd hedge a bet on black people historically coming from much more impoverished and famine struck regions of the world, so they're more predisposed towards sugar than non-blacks.
I say this based on recent studies that show even the perception of being "lower class" causes people to seek out higher calorie foods and sugars, which is thought to be a result of our ape-brain going into survival mode and trying to cram itself full of food

>> No.8406787

What do you want us to do?
Find out our exact ethnic lineage and refer to ourself as "30% Polish 40% Akanishi 30% Finnish"? You retarded faggot?
I have pale skin. I refer to myself as white because I am not an autist.
My friend has dark skin. I refer to him as black because I am not an autist.

>> No.8406793

>I'll order something frilly and gay with fucking unicorns on the glass because unicorns are awesome
I'm an alcoholic that has a problem with frequenting a ton of different clubs alone. I've never seen a glass like except at a gay bar I delivered pizzas to when I was in college. Ergo, you like cock.

>> No.8406867

I'm sorry you were born nigger anon mabey if you kill your self you'll be born white?

>> No.8406873

I'm sorry faggot but I got bad news for you

>> No.8406921

Is there any photos of her naked
Name please

>> No.8406938

Regional in my experience. Blacks in the U.S seem to gravitate towards things that will give them diabetus. Blacks in the Caribbean tend to drink hard liquor neat, I only ever see young people drinking cocktails here.

>> No.8406956

could very well be a genetic thing, your genetics dictate your taste buds, what your brain would find tasteful etc

most probably partially cultural too

>> No.8407619

Well I'm sorry but it really does matter. Its not my fault you are too mixed to have a valuable heritage.
Both indians and mongolians are "asians" but regarding this exact topic, their tastes when it comes to food, and even genetic predispositions for taste are different. For example: some asians are very lactose intolerant, others are not. Some cant process indian spices without pissing out of their ass, others can. A scandinavian and an italian will also have different tastes in regards to everything from alcohol to desserts.
Some white ethnicities can drink hard liquor while other ethnicities have a high percentage of people allergic to alcohol/prone to alcohol poisoning.

Skin colour is just one of many traits that depends on ethnicity, and skin colour has little to do with food and drink, while other differences matter a lot more. French people for example, are very short on average. Yugoslavs are 2nd tallest in the world, this difference in bodymass affects alcohol tolerance, so a frenchman is less likely to regularly indulge in hard liquor while a serb is more likely to treat wine/beer as a juice.

>> No.8407731

I'm Chinese ethnically, and I pretty much only drink beer, bourbon and scotch